UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /10 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[04:34] <tiagoscd> hi :)
[04:35] <tiagoscd> i like to start helping the bug resolution in Ubuntu
[04:35] <tiagoscd> i found the follow bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/ubiquity/+bug/750134 (i think that is good to start)
[04:35] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 750134 in ubiquity ""Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" icons differ widely in size" [Medium,Triaged]
[04:36] <tiagoscd> can anyone help me to understand how it works?
[05:18] <s9iper1> bdmurray: can i also comment on bug control application ?
[05:19] <s9iper1> hggdh:
[05:20] <hggdh> s9iper1: any member of Bug control can comment on an application for bug control
[05:20] * hggdh is not actually here
[05:20] <s9iper1> hmm
[05:20] <s9iper1> ok
[05:45] <tiagoscd> I fixed the bug #750134 and like to add it to changelog
[05:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 750134 in ubiquity ""Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" icons differ widely in size" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/750134
[05:45] <tiagoscd> how I can make it?
[05:47] <tiagoscd> bdmurray, could you help me?
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
[13:49] <trijntje> netiquette question: should I post a 'thank you' message on lp when a bug I filed gets fixed, or will that just annoy people because of the extra noise?
[14:33] <tiagoscd> I fixed the bug #750134 and already built it (debuild -S). Now I need to know how to test the app and after how to submit it to LP
[14:33] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 750134 in ubiquity ""Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" icons differ widely in size" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/750134
[14:33] <tiagoscd> Can anyone help me?
[14:51] <JohnNapster> in my Overview screen it says ubuntu 12.04 LTS and not Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (ubuntu --> Ubuntu) can someone fix ths?
[14:51] <JohnNapster> Overview window...
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=== Guest61850 is now known as pvivek
[18:18] <JohnNapster> hggdh: hello
[18:18] <JohnNapster> did you manage to file that bug report?
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
[19:26] <njin> sfarnedi, hello
[19:26] <sfarnedi> hello
[19:27] <sfarnedi> hello
[19:27] <njin> hggdh, hello can we disturb you '
[19:27] <njin> Hello sandra
[19:28] <njin> hggdh: ping
[19:29] <sfarnedi> a me sembra on-line
[19:29] <sfarnedi> il suo pseudonimo è nella stanza
[19:30] <njin> yes his nick is online, but he where is ?
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursula
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
[21:26] <bkerensa> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/922023 <- marked invalid I was unable to find any instances of the bug in the man page that the reporter described and I even went so far as to pull a copy of the source package from upstream just to see if it possibly existed there but no luck
[21:26] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 922023 in bash "Typo in bash manual ("from ~/.bashrc and ~/.bashrc")" [Undecided,Incomplete]
[21:33] <bkerensa> bdmurray: Can you set this bug back to git in Ubuntu... I some how broke it :P and its not letting me set it back
[21:33] <bkerensa> https://bugs.launchpad.net/git/+bug/879427
[21:33] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 879427 in git "typo in git-gui, located lib/sshkey.tcl:11" [Undecided,In progress]
=== Guest50078 is now known as jalcine
=== Guest50078 is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as Guest26986
=== Guest26986 is now known as jalcine
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti