UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /09 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <hggdh> JohnNapster_: I am not sure, but I think it related to something called PAM (not entering in much technical detail)
[00:00] <hggdh> I will try to reproduce, and then we will know better
[00:01] <hggdh> sudo-related?
[01:15] <JohnNapster_> hggdh: still here?
[01:15] <JohnNapster_> i was watching Top Gear on the telly
[01:16] <JohnNapster_> anyway... i don't know whether this issue is sudo related
[01:19] <JohnNapster_> when you will install Ubuntu 11.10 in your machine... create an account and set a password for it... once installed, go to User Accounts...
[01:20] <JohnNapster_> and in there, change the password of your account to None
[01:22] <JohnNapster_> restart your machine and now observe that you will not be able to login to that account of yours
[01:22] <hggdh> JohnNapster_: I will try that -- but tomorrow, today I am due a double pure malt
[01:22] <JohnNapster_> okay
[01:22] <hggdh> and thank you for the steps to reproduce
[01:23] * hggdh loves top gear
[01:23] <JohnNapster_> if you will be able to reproduce the bug, please file a bug report
[01:23] * JohnNapster_ too :)
[01:23] <hggdh> will do. I do not like the effect this has
[01:23] <JohnNapster_> it's a nasty bug
[01:23] <hggdh> but I was watching american idol, SO required me to tonight ;-)
[01:24] <JohnNapster_> oh that :P
[01:24] <hggdh> it is, even if I think admin account should never be without a password, this break bad
[01:24] <JohnNapster_> you see?
[01:24] <JohnNapster_> it's a regression bug
[01:25] <JohnNapster_> you'll notice it in 11.04 as well
[01:25] <hggdh> not yet, tomorrow, I was behind on some due tasks. I do apologise for the delay, but I will get there
[01:25] <JohnNapster_> ihope this gets fixed before 12.04 final
[01:25] <hggdh> yes, I thought it looked like a regression. I do not remember hearing about this before
[01:25] <hggdh> me too
[01:26] <JohnNapster_> anyway, i'm off to bed (2.26 a.m. here)
[01:26] <hggdh> heh. Cheers, sir
[01:26] <JohnNapster_> that's because no one ever changed his password to blank :P
[01:26] <hggdh> oh, not a lot of people do that
[01:26] <hggdh> s/not//
[01:27] <JohnNapster_> maybe not on admin group accounts ;)
[01:27] <hggdh> this is commonish
[01:27] <JohnNapster_> it is?
[01:27] <JohnNapster_> why wasn't it ever reported?
[01:27] <hggdh> even on admin accounts -- most folks that install Ubuntu install it on the personal box
[01:27] <hggdh> so only one account, ergo admion
[01:27] <hggdh> admin, even
[01:27] <JohnNapster_> hmm
[01:28] <hggdh> but I am mostly a console guy, so I do not pay too much attention to the graphic piece
[01:29] <JohnNapster_> can you try making the password be blank and also make the Automatic Login be True and then another time be False (still having the blank password)
[01:29] <JohnNapster_> please play a bit with this
[01:29] <hggdh> you mena a null password
[01:29] <hggdh> I will
[01:29] <JohnNapster_> yup
[01:30] <hggdh> dammit, the wisky is already working
[01:30] <hggdh> cannot tupe for me life
[01:30] <hggdh> ah rats
[01:30] <JohnNapster_> you're irish i presume?
[01:31] <JohnNapster_> i nice lad :)
[01:31] <hggdh> no, not at all. Just the wisky (or wiskey)
[01:31] <hggdh> heh
[01:31] <JohnNapster_> now that whiskey is running in your vains, you're half irish :D
[01:32] <hggdh> most certainly. Although, to be honest, Ireland sounds like a nice place
[01:32] <hggdh> but the language, oh the language...
[01:33] <JohnNapster_> well, it's quite nice
[01:33] <JohnNapster_> i hear it on the tell
[01:33] <JohnNapster_> telly
[01:33] <hggdh> heh
[01:33] <JohnNapster_> i find it amusing :)
[01:34] <hggdh> got to see the bloody show again, beatuful JLo is talking
[01:34] <JohnNapster_> the american idol?
[01:35] <JohnNapster_> anyway, please test that nasty bug tommorow
[01:35] <JohnNapster_> i really am going now :)
[01:35] <JohnNapster_> bye, talk to you later
[01:36] * JohnNapster_ thinks JLo is so fuc*ing hot :P
[05:38] <pangolin> Hey folks, I'm not sure if I am in the right place but here goes. I keep getting assigned to some Lubuntu bugs and I have no idea why that would be, how do I figure out why this is happening?
[08:45] <mitya57> can anybody please triage & raise importance of bug 885730?
[08:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 885730 in gnome-settings-daemon "keyboard layout indicator reacts incorrectly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/885730
[08:45] <mitya57> as someone said, "I survived Unity migration, but not this "tiny" bug" :)
[09:13] <brendand> mitya57, can you work me through the steps to reproduce? i can't seem to here
[09:14] <mitya57> brednand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/885730/comments/4
[09:14] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 885730 in gnome-settings-daemon "keyboard layout indicator reacts incorrectly" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[09:14] <brendand> mitya57, i have two keyboard layouts, en (uk) and en (us)
[09:14] <brendand> mitya57, yeah i saw that - but they don't reproduce the bug
[09:14] <mitya57> this should still work for you...
[09:14] <mitya57> strange...
[09:14] <brendand> right now it's on EN
[09:15] <mitya57> which is the default one for you (i.e. actually used for new windows?)
[09:15] <brendand> EN
[09:15] <brendand> i mean UK
[09:16] <mitya57> so can you change the layout of your chat window to US, and open
[09:16] <mitya57> a gedit window, and see if the indicator changes?
[09:16] <mitya57> (it should change to uk if it's used for new windows as you said)
[09:17] <brendand> that's not the bug i'm reading though
[09:17] <brendand> if that's the bug then you guys are way overcomplicating the description
[09:17] <mitya57> I agree
[09:18] <mitya57> but from the description: "mappings which is used is often not the same as indicator shows"
[09:18] <mitya57> but still, did you manage to reproduce it?
[09:18] <brendand> but the mapping used is always what the indicator shows for me
[09:19] <brendand> and i had 'use the same mapping for new windows'
[09:19] <mitya57> happy to hear that you're not affected by this :)
[09:20] <mitya57> anyway, seb128 said that charles will look at it.
[09:21] <seb128> brendand, mitya57: that bug is confusing
[09:21] <seb128> do you guys use a by win layout?
[09:21] <brendand> seb128, it's deeply confusing
[09:21] <brendand> seb128, i can't reproduce it because i have no idea what they're saying
[09:22] <seb128> well I understand what they say
[09:22] <mitya57> my settings are:
[09:22] <brendand> seb128, i'm not affected, just a traiger trying to reproduce
[09:22] <mitya57> [x] per-window layouts
[09:22] <seb128> they say "in some cases the label indicating the current layout is not reflecting the right layout"
[09:22] <mitya57> [x] use default layout for new windows
[09:22] <seb128> mitya57, ok, I guess that's the issue
[09:22] <mitya57> seb128: that's true for me
[09:22] <seb128> default is "same layout for all"
[09:23] <seb128> which is what I use
[09:23] <seb128> the "per-win layout" concept by itself is confusing :p
[09:24] <mitya57> I had to enable it to workaround another bug that was in maverick long time ago...
[09:24] <brendand> seb128, for me the per-window aspect is broken in itself
[09:24] <brendand> seb128, if i follow the steps in comment 4 then when i open the terminal it is still set to 'other'
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[12:26] <TLE> Hallo. I just got the following during a update of precise: http://paste.ubuntu.com/875964/ but I don't have kde-telepathy installed. What should I report that against?
[13:35] <JohnNapster> hggdh: hello, are you here?
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[13:41] <hggdh> JohnNapster: yes, I am, sort of
[13:43] <JohnNapster> did you manage to file that bug report?
[13:46] <hggdh> no, not yet. But I will get it done today
[13:46] <JohnNapster> great
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[19:47] <matthew-parlette> hey all, I'm looking at bug 951033, which seems to be the same as bug 870150, which says there is a fix committed in Ayatana Design, but I can't really find a link to this fix in that project. So my question is, should I just confirm the bug (I've experienced this too), or make it a duplicate?
[19:47] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 951033 in unity "deleted files displayed in unity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/951033
[19:47] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 870150 in unity "Dash - files deleted by dragging and dropping the file from the Dash to the Trash are not removed from the Dash" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/870150
[19:52] <bkerensa> matthew-parlette: If it is a duplicate (the bug described is the same then go ahead and mark in duplicate)
[19:55] <matthew-parlette> I was thinking that they are two methods of getting to the same error, so I wasn't sure. But thinking through it, it would make sense to make it a duplicate
[19:55] <matthew-parlette> Thanks for taking a look at it
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[20:48] <zzecool> Whoever have an AirPlay device check this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/951120
[20:48] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 951120 in pulseaudio "AirPlay - AirTunes (Airport Express) support stopped working on precise" [Undecided,New]
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[22:00] <hjd> Good evening all. :) I think bug 659344 can be marked Triaged since it a) is easily reproducible b) logs are attached c) also reported in Debian.
[22:00] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 659344 in billard-gl "[Maverick] Billard-gl crashes when attempt to configure video" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/659344
[22:13] <bdmurray> hjd: is the [Maverick] bit in the title necessary or accurate?
[22:18] <hjd> bdmurray: hm, that can probably be trimmed out. I was able to reproduce it in Precise, and since the package has the same version number I would expect all releases to be affected...
[22:19] <bdmurray> hjd: and do you have a thought on the importance?
[22:26] <hjd> bdmurray: I am not sure. It crashes, which is pretty severe, but it only seem to happen in this specific instance so I'm torn between Medium and Low...
[22:29] <bdmurray> I'm going to set it to Medium
[22:31] <hjd> thank you :)
[22:34] <bkerensa> bdmurray: Do you think it would be a good time to submit a control app or should I perhaps wait longer?
[22:34] <bdmurray> bkerensa: I haven't been following your work closely
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[22:38] * bdmurray does some stalking
[22:41] <bdmurray> hggdh: when you are going to fix your greasemonkey gmane follower?
[22:56] <bkerensa> bdmurray: ok well I submitted anyways :) thanks for your consideration and that of the rest of the team
[23:02] <hggdh> bdmurray: I did not even know it was broken...
[23:03] <hggdh> bdmurray: adding in the TODO
[23:04] <bdmurray> hggdh: heh I'll look at it again my javascript is getting a bit better
[23:05] <hggdh> bdmurray: no matter how bad it is, it will still be better than the GM script, it was my very first JS ever
[23:05] <hggdh> :-)
[23:05] <bkerensa> I will buy a beer for whomever fixes the Chrome Greasemonkey :) with Chrome having a majority share of the browser market and Adobe EOL'ing Flash for everything except Chrome it seems the way to go
[23:05] <bkerensa> :D
[23:13] <bdmurray> hggdh: mark it off your list ;-)
[23:14] * hggdh rubbers it off
[23:14] <hggdh> bdmurray: that easy?
[23:14] <bdmurray> hggdh: yeah just a modification to replace on a string
[23:15] <hggdh> cool
[23:15] <bdmurray> beats me why I didn't fix it earlier