UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /09 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
[05:05] <smp4488> im trying to install the omap3 sgx drivers on 12.04, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/875606/
[05:05] <smp4488> obsoleted or only available from another source?
[09:48] * micahg hugs janimo`, maybe we'll get chromium and ghc on armhf on the ssame day
[09:49] <janimo`> would be nice. But until I see them both successfully built I am not celebrating :)
[09:49] * janimo` hugs micahg back
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
[10:57] <brendand> i guess it's not normal that to get the 'correct' resolution on a pandaboard with a hdmi -> dvi cable you need to boot it with the cable connected to the panda's dvi socket and then switch over to hdmi to get the actual picture
[10:58] <brendand> if i boot with it connected to the panda's hdmi socket then i get a 'squashed' image
[11:09] <brendand> and why is it just shutting off after a few minutes?
[11:24] <ogra_> brendand, how do you power the board ?
[11:25] <ogra_> should at least be a 3A (better 4A) 5V supply
[11:25] <brendand> ogra_, 5v straight to the wall
[11:25] <brendand> ogra_, has always been working fine
[11:26] <brendand> maybe it's too much? should i switch back to usb power from my laptop?
[11:26] <ogra_> that doesnt mean much if power consumption changed due to driver changes :)
[11:26] <xranby> brendand: do your monitor support "p" resolutions?
[11:26] <brendand> xranby, meaning?
[11:26] <xranby> brendand: it might be that your monitor only support interlaced resolutions
[11:26] <ogra_> how many amps does your PSU have ?
[11:27] <brendand> ogra_, well, it's still a USB cable, but it goes into a wall socket
[11:27] <xranby> brendand: which of these resolutions do your monitor support? 720p, 1080i, or 1080p
[11:29] <brendand> xranby, none of those?
[11:29] <brendand> according to xrandr on my laptop
[11:29] <brendand> but that's probably not true
[11:29] <ogra_> then the squashed image might be normal, depending on what exactly the EDID of the monitor supplies to the driver
[11:30] <brendand> that's just the vga outputs
[11:30] <ogra_> and if the driver can support that
[11:30] <brendand> ogra_, oh, the squashed image is secondary - i can get over that
[11:30] <brendand> ogra_, it's the power off that's bothering me
[11:30] <ogra_> well, you should find out how many amps your PSu actually offers to the board
[11:30] <brendand> happens a minute or so after login
[11:31] <ogra_> below 3A you will get probs if you have any USB devices attached
[11:31] <ogra_> usually a non Y USb cable doesnt provide enough
[11:31] <brendand> ogra_, i don't have an ammeter unfortunately
[11:32] <ogra_> (i think its 500-750mA per USB line ...
[11:32] <ogra_> )
[11:33] <brendand> ogra_, the wall plug is definitely 5v
[11:33] <ogra_> sure, else you wouldnt be able to plug USB directly into it
[11:33] <ogra_> but whats important is the power
[11:34] <ogra_> if you power the panda through plain USB i wouldnt even bother to try running any desktop image on it
[11:34] <ogra_> and even headless will get issues once the kernel powered up all devices
[11:39] <brendand> ogra_, so here's the full deal. i have a usb cable with one end USB and one end 5v connector
[11:39] <brendand> ogra_, i also have a wall adapter from a kindle
[11:39] <brendand> ogra_, which is 5v
[11:40] <ogra_> the voltage is ireelevant
[11:40] <brendand> ogra_, so i have two options, one is to plug the usb cable into my laptop, the other to plug it into the wall adapter
[11:40] <brendand> ogra_, if i plug it into the laptop it stays on
[11:40] <brendand> ogra_, if i plug it into the wall adapter it powers off
[11:41] <brendand> so i have got my workarounds now, but things have definitely changed
[11:41] <ogra_> right, both will not provide enough power, one just stays a bit more stable
[11:41] <ogra_> seriously, get a proper PSU
[11:42] <ogra_> powering through USB will have unpredictable sideefects and you wont be able if the issues you see have to do with SW or power
[11:42] <ogra_> a single USB cable *cant* provide enough power for a panda
[11:43] <ogra_> s/abel/able to tell/
[11:46] <brendand> ogra_, you're probably going to smack me down for this, but it is possible the cable itself is not a USB cable but just has a USB connector on one end?
[11:48] <ogra_> unlikely
[11:48] <brendand> although you've made it quite clear that the optimal setup is to have a proper 5v PSU, with no hint of usb-ness about it
[11:49] <ogra_> you can run the board headless with an Y-USB cable, that will just provide enough power to run a headless system without any attached USB devices
[11:50] <ogra_> if you run a desktop and use a USB kbd and mouse as well as the builtin USB NIC, you *need* more than 2A
[11:51] <brendand> ogra_, ok, so this is the cusp of the problem. you'll be shocked to know i don't have much electrical training
[11:51] <brendand> so the wall plug is actually only 0.35 Amps
[11:51] <ogra_> you dont need any electric training
[11:52] <ogra_> just make sure your HW fulfills the needed specs
[11:52] <brendand> ok, i'll rephrase it. i haven't a f*ing clue
[11:53] <ogra_> let me give you a clue then: buy a >2A 5V power supply
[11:53] <ogra_> (and note they are expensive, unlikely you get one for less than $15-20)
[11:54] <ogra_> even your way to power from the laptop wont gain you a stable platform
[11:54] <ogra_> (even though it doesnt shut off immediately)
[11:54] <brendand> no, but for now it's working (mostly) until i get a proper PSU
[11:55] <brendand> which i will
[11:55] <ogra_> ringht, just dont ask about bugs until you have stable HW
[11:55] <ogra_> since the low power makes it totally unpredictable if there is actually a SW bug
[11:56] <brendand> i wasn't aware of the required ampage, so now i know what might cause any strangeness
[11:56] <ogra_> right :)
[12:03] <sledges> zyga, I ran the built from sources kernel on imx53 finally
[12:04] <zyga> sledges, and?
[12:04] <sledges> s/ran/successfully ran/ :)
[12:04] <sledges> you need to use identical toolchain
[12:04] <sledges> to that of the working binary
[12:06] <sledges> there's also a patch to work with gcc4.6.2 (failed in my research so far, but there are still things to try), 1 moment...
[12:06] <sledges> https://build.pub.meego.com/package/view_file?file=000-kcflag-mno-unaligned-access.patch&package=kernel-adaptation-n900&project=CE%3AAdaptation%3AN900&rev=9cdc38022e14fe78051a2e799587a375
[12:15] <xranby> hmm why are this patch not part of the ti omap4 kernel tree? http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/patches/viewpatch.php?id=7178/1
[12:17] <zyga> sledges, does sata work for you?
[12:17] <sledges> yes
[12:17] <zyga> sledges, I suspect my board is simply broken
[12:18] <zyga> not soldered right or something
[12:18] <sledges> I had sata working fine with that kernel - did you try that kernel?: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/release/ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+mx5.img.gz
[12:19] <sledges> break in uboot and override bootargs with rootfs-on-sata
[12:21] <sledges> i tried other ~5 kernels from different sources (linaro, ltib, 2.6.35/38), none of them worked (or halting after decompress or not enumerating SATA)
[12:21] <sledges> so don't give up :) and give it a last shot, zyga
[12:22] <zyga> sledges, I cannot try right now, that device is production
[12:22] <zyga> sledges, I'd need a new IMX from linaro
[12:22] <zyga> this one is personal
[12:23] <sledges> production? IMX from linaro - you mean HW? I thought Linaro provide only SW BSPs
[12:23] <zyga> sledges, I mean I'm using this imx to do stuff 24/7 and I cannot tinker with it
[12:24] <zyga> sledges, linaro as my host/employer so that I can use it for my linaro-work
[12:24] <sledges> zyga, understood ;)
[12:24] <sledges> well, good luck and keep in touch!
[12:24] <zyga> sledges, I need panda es, origen, and imx53 from the last gen lineup
[12:24] <sledges> wow, smoking! :)
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[12:32] <xranby> jamespage: ping i will try if that patch improves the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/845158 situation
[12:32] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 845158 in openjdk-6 "Frequent java task hang on ARM server" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[12:32] <xranby> jamespage: this patch applies cleanly http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/patches/viewpatch.php?id=7178/1 on the ti omap4 kernel tree
[12:33] <xranby> i am compiling my own kernel using it
[12:40] <marvin24> any idea if /sys/class/power/battery/current_now is allowed to return a negative value (to show the battery is discharging)?
[12:41] <marvin24> upower seems to apply abs() to it, but other power daemons seem to assume only positive currents
[12:41] <marvin24> I failed to find any documentation about the required values (beside that the field is signed int)
[15:46] <danboid> I've installed 11.10 on my pandaboard but what I think is gdm isn't letting me log into anything but Unity even though XFCE, fluxbox are listed and supposedly chosen
[15:46] <danboid> I'm choosing 'Other' on the login screen
[15:47] <danboid> then I pick say XFCE, login - Unity!
[15:47] <danboid> Have I go to replace gdm with kdm or another display manager?
[15:48] <ogra_> gdm wasnt used in a while in ubuntu
[15:48] <ogra_> so that might be a gdm specific bug
[15:49] <danboid> ogra_, I'm just using the default display manager in 11.10 - I was just presuming it was gdm
[15:49] <ogra_> no, thats lightdm
[15:49] <danboid> ogra_, So this looks like a lightdm bug then
[15:49] <ogra_> and it should just give you the right login (it surely does here)
[15:50] <ogra_> is your ~/.dmrc not writable or some such ?
[15:51] <danboid> Its writable
[15:51] <danboid> I've tried logging into Unity 2D, XFCD
[15:51] <danboid> XFCE and fluxbox with no luck
[15:52] <danboid> I'm new to lightdm so
[15:52] <ogra_> its not different from gdm in behavior
[15:52] <ogra_> just smaller :)
[15:53] <ogra_> it checks the available sessions, updtaes dmrc and runs the session from there
[15:53] <danboid> Maybe I can fix it by editing .dmrc?
[15:54] <danboid> or how do I force it to update .dmrc? It doesn't list all the desktop/wms in there at,
[15:54] <danboid> atm
[15:54] <ogra_> do both (flux and xfce) have sessions in /usr/share/xsessions ?
[15:54] <ogra_> iirc thats what gdm and lightdem check for nowadays
[15:55] <danboid> Yeah - I've got 6 files in there now
[15:55] <danboid> inc ones for XFCE and Flux
[15:55] <ogra_> check if they have proper Exec lines
[15:56] <ogra_> and if tehse executables actually exist
[15:57] <ogra_> you can edit dmrc if you want
[15:57] <ogra_> Session= needs the name of the .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions you want to use i think
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=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
[18:09] <shadeslayer> hey guys, just wondering, how do you test build your ARM packages?
[18:12] <ogra_> like we test build our x86 packages
[18:16] <shadeslayer> ogra_: pbuilder? But how do you specify you want a ARM pbuilder?
[18:17] <shadeslayer> I can make x86 and x86_64 pbuilders, and I was trying out qemubuilder last night, but that just refused to work
[18:17] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: ping
[18:17] <GrueMaster> shadeslayer: We build our packages natively on arm platforms.
[18:17] <jamespage> xranby_ac100, hey!
[18:17] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: hi
[18:17] <shadeslayer> GrueMaster: right, but what if I don't have one of those? :)
[18:17] <micahg> janimo`: \o/ chromium on armhf
[18:17] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: i might have found a fix for the server stalls under heavy load
[18:18] <ogra_> shadeslayer, i dont use pbuilder but there are knobs and switches iirc to make it run with qemu-arm-static
[18:18] <GrueMaster> shadeslayer: Not sure what to tell you, other than maybe buy one? They are fairly cheap.
[18:18] <jamespage> xranby_ac100, great! I saw you note earlier - how did that work out?
[18:19] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: from the limited testing i have done so fair... looks promising.. but i need to run more tests to be sure.. i am using a patched kernel for my ac100 here
[18:19] <shadeslayer> ogra_: there's a qemu-system-arm
[18:19] <ogra_> shadeslayer, you want qe,u-user-static
[18:19] <shadeslayer> oh
[18:19] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: is there some quick way you can cross compile a kernel using xdeb??
[18:19] <shadeslayer> ogra_: what's wrong with the former?
[18:19] <ogra_> that runs a full vm
[18:20] <xranby_ac100> jamespage: i was really hoping to check if you had had any chance to run any tests
[18:20] <ogra_> anywayx, i only know there is an implementation in pbuilder that uses it, i have no idea at all how that works or how you use it
[18:20] <shadeslayer> oh cool
[18:20] <shadeslayer> I'll look into it
[18:21] <shadeslayer> thanks ogra_
[18:21] <ogra_> welcome :)
[18:22] <GrueMaster> xranby_ac100: What tests are you running that are causing stalls? I'd like to run them here, as I am working on workload testing on arm server.
[18:23] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: my test are to run the jogamp jogl unittests
[18:23] <ogra_> cp 1TB file from mmcblk0p1 to mmcblk1p1 :)
[18:23] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: let me give you a link to how to build and run them
[18:24] <shadeslayer> would probably have been easier if my Transformer had a proper SBK version ... *grumble*
[18:25] <GrueMaster> That would be great.
[18:26] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: http://www.trimslice.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1804&sid=f05c252a82821fdd7d3924941c1bfb78#p1804
[18:26] <xranby_ac100> when gluegen and jogl are build then run sh scripts/make.jogl.all.linux-armv7.sh junit.run
[18:26] <xranby_ac100> to start the unittests
[18:27] <xranby_ac100> when i test on my pandaboard running oneiric i can trigger a stall within 10min
[18:28] <xranby_ac100> a stall means that the process gets stuck in some kernel lock and ps ax also stall when trying to list processes
[18:28] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: my panda dmesg looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/875835/
[18:29] <xranby_ac100> what i hope are that this patch http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/patches/viewpatch.php?id=7178/1
[18:29] <xranby_ac100> might fix it.. both the ti omap kernel trees and the ac100 kernel tree are missing this patch
[18:29] <xranby_ac100> its merged into linus git tree upstream
[18:30] <GrueMaster> Interesting. Do we have a bug against the kernel for this? it should be possible to get it in for precise kernel.
[18:31] <GrueMaster> (if it isn't there already).
[18:32] <jamespage> xranby_ac100, I can run some tests that load up things quite well - yes
[18:34] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: we have an old bug not yet pinned to the kernel https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/845158
[18:34] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 845158 in openjdk-6 "Frequent java task hang on ARM server" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[18:35] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: i have been looking high and low for a better testcase
[18:35] * prpplague grumbles about how buggy his ubuntu desktop has been since it has been updated
[18:38] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: this issue poped up adain frequently when i was testing the opengl-es bindings with the jogamp community
[18:38] <xranby_ac100> the best test i have are to run the jogamp unittests on a panda
[18:39] <xranby_ac100> you can also pick one test and run it 100 times in a row
[18:39] <GrueMaster> xranby_ac100: Looking at our 3.2 kernel git tree, I am not seeing this patch applied. Oddly, the link says it is in 3.2-rc3 (unless it is the x86 version of the patch only).
[18:39] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: when i checked today its not applied in any ofthe panda 3.1 and 3.2 tree
[18:39] <xranby_ac100> s
[18:40] <GrueMaster> I'm always looking for new and interesting tests I can automate. I'll see if I can get this test scripted and automated. I'll also file a kernel bug for this patch.
[18:42] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: it are found upstream here http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=history;f=arch/arm/mm/fault.c;h=bb7eac381a8e60f619591e7c80c4ad30cc972d62;hb=HEAD
[18:43] <GrueMaster> Excellent, thanks. I'll update my local ubuntu kernel git tree and double check, then if it isn't there, I'll file a bug and add this link.
[18:56] <GrueMaster> There. bug 951043 filed.
[18:56] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 951043 in linux-ti-omap4 "Port OOM changes into do_page_fault for arm" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/951043
[18:57] <GrueMaster> I didn't add the ac100 or mx5 kernels.
[19:51] <xranby_ac100> GrueMaster: thanks a lot, poke me if you for some reason fail to build jogamp
[19:54] <GrueMaster> Will do.
[20:30] <pbuckley> syntax error: unknown user 'puppet' in statoverride file
[20:30] <pbuckley> i always forget what causes this
[20:31] <pbuckley> (dpkg)
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[20:33] <infinity> pbuckley: Pretty much exactly as it sounds. Someone's done a dpkg-statoverride to make something owned by "puppet", but the user doesn't exist.
[20:34] <pbuckley> probably from the puppetlabs package for puppet.. and apt-get purge didnt clean it
[20:34] <pbuckley> how do i fix it?
[20:35] <pbuckley> Can't exec "/tmp/lightdm.config.24521": Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.14/IPC/Open3.pm line 186.
[20:35] <pbuckley> also been seeing this
[20:36] <pbuckley> maybe its time i start over from a fresh flash
[20:36] <infinity> Simplest method would just be to create a puppet user before trying to remove those packages that seem grumpy, and then delete it. Otherwise, you can fix the actual statoverride in question.
[20:36] <pbuckley> ah good idea
[20:38] <pbuckley> that seemed to fix the override
[20:38] <pbuckley> so im assuming that exec issue comes from /tmp being mount noexec
[20:38] <pbuckley> which i did because it was complaining about mount -o remount,exec
[20:39] <pbuckley> (and at the time /tmp wasn't a seperate mount)
[20:39] <infinity> We don't support noexec tmp by default.
[20:40] <pbuckley> hrmm.. seemed to want it that way at one point
[20:40] <infinity> (dpkg, as you note above, unpacks various scripts and runs them from tmp)
[20:40] <pbuckley> ill set it back
[20:40] <infinity> There are ways to change that, and have dpkg use other directories, I believe.
[20:40] <infinity> Well, I suppose you could just run apt/dpkg with a different TMPDIR set.
[20:41] <pbuckley> Updating software catalog...this may take a moment.
[20:41] <pbuckley> WARNING:softwarecenter.db.update:The file: '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/kde-telepathy-send-file:kde4__ktp-send-file.desktop' could not be read correctly. The application associated with this file will not be included in the software catalog. Please consider raising a bug report for this issue with the maintainer of that application
[20:41] <pbuckley> all sorts of new errors this morning
[20:41] <pbuckley> heh
[20:41] <pbuckley> yeh removing the /tmp mount fixed the issue
[20:41] <pbuckley> now its just a directory
[20:42] <infinity> The software center thing is a bug, not your problem. ;)
[20:42] <pbuckley> \o/
[20:43] <pbuckley> i like those
[21:17] <electroglue> can someone tell me if ubuntu-omap4-extras is available for pangolin?
[21:20] <GrueMaster> electroglue: I don't think TI has pushed them up yet.
[21:22] <infinity> Most of the bits are in their experimental PPA, but it requires the kernel from the oneiric PPA to work, if I recall.
[21:22] <infinity> electroglue: ^
[21:26] <janimo`> micahg and ghc too \o/
[21:27] <infinity> janimo`: You've had a fruitful week. ;)
[21:28] <janimo`> infinity, yes, in hindsight it could have been a fruitful single day had I paid more attention and panda had not locked up
[21:28] <infinity> janimo`: Meh, hindsight is like that.
[21:29] <infinity> janimo`: Did you end up going the "mangle ghc" route, or "make llvm have sane defaults" route?
[21:29] <janimo`> infinity, the sed-patch route. Without the clean rule :D
[21:29] <infinity> You sick man.
[21:29] <janimo`> since it is temporary :)
[21:30] <janimo`> well. If I had touched m4 code I'd just be sicker now, so it was the right choice
[21:30] <infinity> m4 isn't that painful
[21:31] <GrueMaster> Neither is pulling nostril hairs with vise grips, but why try.
[21:31] <infinity> ... I've done that.
[21:31] * GrueMaster is the lease bit surprised.
[21:31] <GrueMaster> *least
[21:32] <infinity> And s/is/isn't/ ?
[21:32] <infinity> I think Friday afternoon has taken hold of your fingers. ;)
[21:33] <GrueMaster> Exactly. I hear my neighbor mowing his lawn, and see blue sky outside my basement window. Thoughts lie elsewhere.
[21:33] <infinity> Swimming in an pool filled with beer?
[21:42] <electroglue> infinity: so using an oneric kernel really means that the packages aren't available for pangolin correct? I'm looking for hardfp and omap4 extras to be available with the kernel provided by pangolin
[21:42] <infinity> electroglue: Yeah, as far as I know, that's "soon, but not yet".
[21:43] <pbuckley> i feel your pain GrueMaster, it is beautiful outside.. blue skys.. i see the ocean outside my window
[21:43] <pbuckley> really hard to focus on work
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[22:47] <pbuckley> stupid question.. what generates /var/run/motd?
[22:54] <GrueMaster> Probably motd?
[22:54] <GrueMaster> (just a wild guess).
[22:54] <infinity> pbuckley: See /etc/update-motd.d/*
[22:55] <infinity> pbuckley: Mashed together by pam_motd
[22:55] <pbuckley> awesome thank you