UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /09 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[06:27] <alkisg> stgraber: you didn't include nbd-disconnect in the packaging
[15:19] <cog_> Welcome to #edubuntu.
[15:19] <cog_> Hi. May I get assistance in installing Mathematica on a 11.10 Edubuntu computer freshly installed?
[15:22] <highvoltage> cog_: can't gaurantee that we'll have all the answers, but ask away!
[15:25] <cog_> How do I get my DVD mounted? I have tried mount /dev/cdrom ;-;
[15:27] <highvoltage> it should automount when you insert it
[15:27] <highvoltage> check under the /media directory
[15:28] <highvoltage> it usually uses the media name so it might be under /media/cdrom or something like /media/methematica
[15:28] <cog_> No meth, no CD, I get nothing in /media ;-;
[15:29] <highvoltage> you could try this perhaps:
[15:29] <highvoltage> mkdir /mnt/cdrom
[15:29] <highvoltage> mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom
[15:29] <highvoltage> (it will warn that the media is read-only, but that's ok)
[15:30] <cog_> "no media found" or something like that ;-;
[15:39] <highvoltage> you could type "cat /proc/partitions"
[15:39] <highvoltage> perhaps your cd device is called something else
[15:39] <highvoltage> (or not dected)
[15:41] <highvoltage> *detected
[15:42] <cog_> you must specify the fily system type ;-;
[15:42] <cog_> *e
[15:43] <highvoltage> I think it's usually iso9660
[15:44] <cog_> My computer keeps spinning the DVD somehow...
[15:44] <highvoltage> but if it doesn't detect that automatically then there might be something wrong with the disc or it's using a filesystem that your system doesn't understand
[15:47] <cog_> Oh ._.
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
[16:55] <alkisg> stgraber: do you want to reuse the squashfs image of the edubuntu live CD to netboot thin/fat clients? Should I try to propose a quick solution for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/950945 ?
[16:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 950945 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "package ltsp-client-core (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/ltsp/ltsp-common-functions', which is also in package ltsp-server 5.3.2-0ubuntu3" [Low,Confirmed]
[16:59] <stgraber> alkisg: as we dropped the check from the preinst, we might as well fix this one, yes
[16:59] <alkisg> stgraber: one quick way would be to have the same file installed twice, with a different name
[16:59] <alkisg> common-client-functions, common-server-functions
[16:59] <alkisg> (done from the packaging)
[17:00] <alkisg> And have all the client files source the first one, and the server files source the second one
[17:00] <stgraber> alkisg: is the file absolutely identical at the moment? (same md5)
[17:00] <alkisg> stgraber: it's a single file
[17:00] <alkisg> The packaging copies the same file to the ltsp-server and ltsp-client-core package, with the same name
[17:00] <stgraber> ok, so I guess the dpkg magic allowing for identical files to be shipped by two packages is limited to multiarch :(
[17:00] <alkisg> Ah, didn't know about that
[17:01] <alkisg> Another way would be to have an ltsp-common package, but I don't think it makes sense to have that for 1 file
[17:01] <alkisg> We may just adjust the packaging to install it with a different name
[17:03] <stgraber> might be worth checking with vagrant but having two common files sounds like the easiest though requires upstream changes or ugly postinst hack (having ltsp-common-functions.<package-name> with a symlink called ltsp-common-functions)
[17:05] <alkisg> OK, let's wait a few hours, vagrantc will probably show up, so that we reach a common decision
[17:06] <alkisg> I haven't checked the edubuntu dvd since 11.10, but it would be nice to be able to boot fat clients _and_ lower the DVD contents at the same time ;)
[17:07] <alkisg> And it would be fast too, as most of the squashfs image that's needed to netboot the clients would be cached by booting the live dvd itself
[17:12] <alkisg> stgraber:
[17:12] <alkisg> root@alkis:/# dpkg-query -W ltsp-client-core
[17:12] <alkisg> ltsp-client-core 5.3.4+bzr2134-0ubuntu1~ppa2
[17:12] <alkisg> root@alkis:/# dpkg -S /usr/share/ltsp/nbd-disconnect
[17:12] <alkisg> dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern /usr/share/ltsp/nbd-disconnect.
[17:13] <stgraber> doh, wrong path, I think it's in usr/bin ...
[17:13] <alkisg> Oh
[17:13] <stgraber> can you confirm it's in usr/bin? if it's, then I'll just change the path and upload to Ubuntu
[17:13] <alkisg> Indeed
[17:14] <alkisg> /usr/sbin/nbd-disconnect
[17:14] <stgraber> right, fixed in the packaging
[17:14] <stgraber> anything else before I upload 5.3.5? I guess we can fix the ltsp-client-core one for 5.3.6 as it'll likely need some thinking?
[17:14] <alkisg> Could you include the last ltsp-update-kernels commit too? Is it easy for you?
[17:15] <alkisg> I'm using that frequently, I'd like to test it as well
[17:15] <alkisg> (I have chroots that are not available when I run ltsp-update-kernels, and I won't want the kernels deleted)
[17:15] <alkisg> *don't
[17:21] <cog_> I want Superkey functionality like when I used Ubuntu 12.04 :)
[17:23] <stgraber> alkisg: commit 2135?
[17:53] <alkisg> yes
[18:03] <cog_> How do you get that?
[18:30] <alkisg> I guess we can fix the ltsp-client-core one for 5.3.6 as it'll likely need some thinking? ==> you mean ltsp-common-functions? Yeah sure, let's leave something for 5.3.6 :)
[18:33] <stgraber> yeah
[23:33] <cog_> Thank you alkisg :)
[23:34] <cog_> Anyways, I want to mount a DVD in wine, any leads?