UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /08 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
Initial commit
[01:26] <infinitux> hi.
[01:26] * infinitux is thinking about contributing some 3d rendering to the ubuntu project
=== philipballew is now known as hello_my_name_is
=== hello_my_name_is is now known as philipballew
=== chaoticuk_ is now known as chaoticuk
[13:57] <ScG^Dedicated> hello o/
[14:00] <ScG^Dedicated> I am looking for a high resolution logo from Ask Ubuntu, since I could not find it I am now looking to recreate to logo with the help of the ubuntu brand guidelines though I don't think the Ubuntu font is freely available. Anyone that could help me with this? :)
[14:24] <tsimpson> ScG^Dedicated: in what sense is it not freely available?
[14:24] <ScG^Dedicated> well is the font available to everyone?
[14:25] <ScG^Dedicated> or anyone rather
[14:25] <tsimpson> well, it's open source, so yeah
[14:26] <tsimpson> I think there are some restrictions about commercial use etc (though I haven't read through the entire license)
[14:27] <ScG^Dedicated> well do you happen to know if it's legal or illegal to create a high res version of the Ask Ubuntu logo while not being an employee? :)
[14:28] <tsimpson> the trademark policy allows for community use of the Ubuntu logo
[14:28] <tsimpson> short answer is "yes, you can create a (new) work based on the (original) ubuntu logo"
[14:28] <tsimpson> long answer is similar, except it contains "I am not a lawyer" several times :)
[14:29] <ScG^Dedicated> haha
[14:30] <ScG^Dedicated> but the logo is to be used for a gif which will be used for a bug report
[14:30] <ScG^Dedicated> does that count as community use then?
[14:30] <ScG^Dedicated> I am sorry but I am really bad with such policies :)
[14:31] <tsimpson> as long as you don't use the logo commercially, and especially if you're using it inside the Ubuntu community, you should be fine using both the logo and fonts in whatever way you like
[14:33] <iainfarrell> If you're after logo usage guidelines you should look at the usage guide on design.canonical.com
[14:34] <iainfarrell> http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/
[14:35] <ScG^Dedicated> thank you :)
[14:35] <tsimpson> google was failing me trying to find that link