UbuntuIRC / 2012 /03 /02 /#ubuntu-accessibility.txt
Initial commit
[10:24] <fregl> joanie: I don't think that Qt sets role password text. I'm also quite sure that lightdm doesn't use Qt in the ubuntu world. there is a Qt frontend for it, but that is independent. Qt has a state for line edits, the bridge currently ingnores it I presume
[10:25] <joanie> ok thanks
[10:25] <joanie> this problem is starting to seem more complex too
[10:25] <joanie> as it looks like it has the right role
[10:26] <joanie> I'm looking into it now
[10:31] <joanie> The problem is that Orca doesn't think it's actually in the password text because we don't have an event for that.
[10:40] <joanie> The good news is that I suspect that fixing the splash screen/unity greeter bug will solve this too. /me tries
[10:51] * fregl writes a patch for qt password fields.
[11:12] <joanie> :)
[11:26] <joanie> So AlanBell and TheMuso: The two unity-greeter + Orca bugs mentioned to me seem to be a side effect of the splash screen issue. I have commented on both bug 944161 and 944159 to this effect.
[11:26] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 944161 in unity-greeter "orca does not read user names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944161
[11:26] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 944159 in unity-greeter "orca reads the password out loud" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944159
[11:27] <joanie> Having said that, the real issue is that Orca's splash screen appears, goes away, and nothing in the greeter reclaims focus
[11:27] <joanie> So you can make the symptoms go away by solving the splash screen
[11:27] <joanie> but whether or not this will impact some other AT, I couldn't tell you
[11:27] <joanie> I am wondering why the unity-greeter is not reclaiming focus
[12:23] <joanie> does anyone happen to know if I can launch ubiquity in an installed ubuntu so that I can debug something?
[12:25] * joanie googles
[12:29] <joanie> win! thanks google! (needed ubiquity-frontend-gtk)
[18:26] <DomasoFan> hi all. anyone discovered the following: i tried the ubuntu 12.04 daily build recently and wasn't able to go to the start menu. it found the search field but wasn't able to read the menu. it just said panel. also the usermenu and the menu bar which you can reach with f10 is not read out. this tested on unity 2d.
[19:58] <DomasoFan> so i am back. something threw me out it seems.
[20:22] <AlanBell> hi DomasoFan
[20:22] <AlanBell> yes, there are problems with the menu at the moment
[20:23] <AlanBell> and the dash and also the unity-greeter
[20:23] <AlanBell> I am mostly testing in unity 3d, but it is probably the same issues in 2d
[20:26] <DomasoFan> might be. i also tested unity 3d which also does the same but it doesn't even say panel or finds the search field there.
[20:30] <AlanBell> I think I will grab todays ISO and try again at doing a screencast
[20:32] <DomasoFan> thanks for rechecking. i also might recheck and see if it still does that. but 2 days ago including updates it did. tested on vmware. today might test on virtualbox which shouldn't do any differences.
[20:34] <AlanBell> tedg has done some fixes to the menu, but they kind of had bad side effects (no longer reads them as checkboxes, but no longer reads them at all)
[20:39] <DomasoFan> ah
[20:42] <DomasoFan> but you all did a great job making unity 2d quite accessible under ubuntu 11.10. never had a that accessible Ubuntu version here to play with.
[20:44] <AlanBell> pleased to hear that
[20:44] <AlanBell> it could be so much better
[20:49] <AlanBell> oh wow, I managed to start 3 orcas
[20:51] <DomasoFan> wow. never got that done. *lol*
[20:51] <DomasoFan> here the new cd from today doesn't even boot it seems.
[20:54] <DomasoFan> hmm. interesting. the vm unmounted the cd itself or it doesn't got saved. ok let's try again.
[20:57] <DomasoFan> no. seems to fail here with todays cd.
[20:57] <DomasoFan> might install using the beta from yesterday and might update. should have the same efect i guess.
[20:57] <AlanBell> well I booted to ubiquity in virtualbox, I am just filing some bugs then I will go a bit further
[20:59] <DomasoFan> you where able to boot from todays live cd? using virtualbox 4.1.8 here too.
[20:59] <AlanBell> Bug #945133
[20:59] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 945133 in ubiquity "ubiquity can launch multiple orca instances" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/945133
[21:00] <AlanBell> yes, I used zsync to get it to todays version
[21:01] <AlanBell> um, then again maybe I am not booting off the right iso
[21:03] <DomasoFan> is the dvd also accessible? cause the beta1 seems just to be available as a dvd.
[21:05] <AlanBell> it should be, does it boot to the ubiquity drums?
[21:06] <AlanBell> I can grab a DVD and test it
[21:08] <DomasoFan> so. now downloading yesterdays daily cd. fortunately its still around. let's see if that works.
[21:09] <DomasoFan> so now i have another question. is there also other ubuntu flavours which are accessible or is only the normal ubuntu accessible?
[21:12] <AlanBell> oh wow, ubiquity suddenly got a lot better
[21:12] <Pendulum> Parts of Kubuntu are, but you have to install extra things and most things are not accessible
[21:12] <AlanBell> DomasoFan: I only really test the normal ubuntu install
[21:13] <Pendulum> I don't know about any of the others.
[21:13] <Pendulum> Part of it is that Gnome has the best accessibility out there at the moment, as far as I can tell
[21:14] <Carcino> DomasoFan: : Hello
[21:14] <DomasoFan> ah there is a finish person. good evening
[21:16] <Carcino> Yep, there he is.
[21:16] <DomasoFan> ah i also heard people successfully using orca with lxde and xfce somehow. lxde works, klaus knopper uses it for his knoppix adriane system.
[21:16] <Carcino> Yeah, though as far as I know it doesn't work out of the box in most cases.
[21:17] <DomasoFan> no it seems not. you have to fiddle around with things i heard.
[21:18] <Carcino> Somewhat, yes. I should find me a blank cd where to burn the Ubuntu 12.04 beta image. I've screwed up orca in my 11.10 installation so can't update without a cd.
[21:19] <DomasoFan> i try yesterdays daily cd on virtualbox. cause the cd of today seems not to boot. the beta 1 is just a dvd i have seen.
[21:20] <Carcino> Ah, that works too, assuming my drive would behave for once.
[21:20] <Carcino> Have you enabled pae in the cpu settings? Ubuntu won't boot without it.
[21:21] <DomasoFan> today the vm crashed in a very interesting way. the installer fell oever and it detected that and decided to relogin and i had to start ubiquity manually. then it seemed to know what i have selected and entered it for me. quite interesting.
[21:21] <DomasoFan> this was with ubuntu 11.10
[21:21] <DomasoFan> hmm. is this off by default when you select ubuntu as the OS?
[21:23] <Carcino> Strangely, yes.
[21:26] <DomasoFan> weird. thanks for telling me. funnily ubuntu 11.10 booted. the weird was only that the vdi file was bigger than a vmdk file with the same data inside.
[21:36] <AlanBell> DomasoFan: it seems that when you open the dash (pressing super) it is an empty screen so nothing to navigate to until you type something in the search field
[21:36] <AlanBell> I can't switch to the different lenses
[21:36] <AlanBell> if I type "ter" then I can navigate down to the terminal button
[21:38] <AlanBell> now installing the virtualbox drivers to get to unity 3d
[21:40] <DomasoFan> here installing the OS now. it works with yesterdays cd now.
[21:41] <DomasoFan> now back to your brevieous message. when you don't enter things than just scrolling down you might get just the name panel spoken. in ubuntu 11.10 you where able to select those buttons with the different categories and also a more apps button.
[21:42] <AlanBell> yes, but it is just empty in precise unity2d. I think it shows recent applications and files and as you have not used any there is nothing to show
[21:42] <AlanBell> they got rid of the 8 buttons on the first page of the dash
[21:46] <AlanBell> and yes, the menus are broken
[21:48] <DomasoFan> ah thats why the dash is empty. thought it was broken too cause orca just said panel.
[21:56] <DomasoFan> wonder how a ubuntu phone would like in the next year or so when the first ones are released. the whole ubuntu on a phone actually would work pretty fine i guess.
[21:56] <DomasoFan> well hardware wise
[22:03] <DomasoFan> can someone tell me how to see all installed apps in the dash? is there no keyword which i can enter to show all programs? i also entered more or all but that seems not to work. *grin*
[22:17] <AlanBell> DomasoFan: not sure you can unless there is a way to get to the apps lens
[22:17] <AlanBell> which normally you would do by going down to the bottom then left and right through the available lenses
[22:18] <AlanBell> looks like super+A should be a shortcut to get to the apps lens
[22:18] <DomasoFan> yeah that works when you know what you are looking for when you enter stuff. but when you just want to see whats installed you are quite out right now. let's hope they implement something useful.
[22:20] <AlanBell> it looks like if you press "a" then go down you get an applications category
[22:20] <AlanBell> oh, that isn't all of them, just ones containing a
[22:20] <DomasoFan> hehe. so you need go through the alphhabet.
[22:21] <AlanBell> well not sure how many applications don't contain a vowel somewhere!
[22:22] <DomasoFan> maybe removing the all apps button was not that a good idea it seems.
[23:00] <AlanBell> well it is there, just can't navigate to it
[23:00] <AlanBell> I will file a bug
[23:04] <AlanBell> bug #945220
[23:04] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 945220 in unity-2d "lens switching is not keyboard navigable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/945220
[23:04] <DomasoFan> thanks. so i am off after updating. *grin*. we have tomorrow a torball match to play and i guess they would be happy when i would be awaken while this happens. so thanks to talk to you. good night.