UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /28 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:17] <darthanubis> yofel,thanks, but mostly?
=== golangolier is now known as magn3ts
[02:04] <jimerickson> got the daily build running on the Pandaboard ES. quite an improvement over 11.10. thank you ubuntu!
[04:06] <oconnore> what does this mean on launchpad? "X must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers."
[04:37] <KM0201> is anyone elses networking applet randomly disappearing... (but i'm still on myw ireless network)
[04:40] <preecher> KM0201, mine doesnt disappear but i do show a no connection alot while its connected
[04:40] <KM0201> preecher, hmm weird... mine just randomly disappears, then reappears, but i never lose a connection (LXDE)
[04:41] <preecher> im on unity an gnome shell-like you i dont lose connection, just that funky empty signal thing
[04:41] <KM0201> if i click the space where my networking applet would be... it shows my available wireless networks, etc... at first i thought it was a theme issue(and it was just blending w/ my panel) but now that i've watched it a while, it's disappearing and reappearing
[04:42] <preecher> if i hover over the network applet it doesnt list my available networks and "enable wireless" is greyed out but im still connected
[04:50] <KM0201> now this is weird, i set up some custom sounds for xchat, and as soon as i restartred, they are gone
[05:17] <KM0201> hmm, still can't figure that one out.
[05:58] <hdpb> just upgraded to Precise, but my wife can no longer log in. accepts her password, but kicks back to login screen. Suggestions?
[05:59] <snadge> check which session you're trying to log in with
[05:59] <snadge> try choosing another one
[06:01] <hdpb> Can you explain? Been on U for a few releases but still learning. Learn by doing so jumping in works best with some patient help...
[06:01] <snadge> next to the login name theres a widget you can click on
[06:02] <snadge> to select alternative sessions.. stuff like recovery console.. Ubuntu.. Ubuntu 2d
[06:02] <snadge> depending what you have installed
[06:08] <KM0201> i love Lubuntu's new login screen... my family will be so happy they can now click their username, as opposed to typing it.
[06:13] <hdpb> snadge: originally it was Ubuntu. Restarted and tried 2d with same result
[06:16] <hdpb> My son's also works, but he hadn't change anything under oneiric
[06:19] <snadge> i think thats happened to me once before.. i but i forget how i fixed it.. probably did something extreme like nuke all of my settings
[06:21] <snadge> you could try creating a new login, and logging in with that to see if its settings or missing package related
[06:22] <hdpb> That's what I was thinking, but being fairly new to testing wanted another opinion. Fortunately, backed everything up...
[06:55] <xiambax> Where can I find more details on how ubuntu for android is actually implimented?
[06:55] <xiambax> I want to buy a phone that I can run it on as i need and upgrade but i want to buy a phone i can run it on
[06:59] <urfr332gO> xiambax, you might look here. http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android
[07:00] <xiambax> Most likely going to get the HTC One X
[07:01] <xiambax> The international version. The LTE one isnt quad core which im not overly stoked on
[07:14] <Trewas> quite weird why they push the multi-core angle with ubuntu for android so much, it hardly actually depends on the processor having >1 cores so that's just marketing...
[07:16] <Trewas> "... canonical is THE leader in ARM linux support...", now they are just joking :)
[07:26] <cas> Hi, my resolf.conf get being reset even I don't have DHCP. Is there a new way to configure DNS servers staticly? (I use 12.04)
[07:37] <popey> Trewas: who is then?
[07:38] <popey> Trewas: I think the 'multi-core' angle implies next-gen phones, not current ones
[08:04] <glosoli> Anyone here uses Ubuntu One Indicator ?
[08:15] <bullgard4> Red Red offers a "Netdump" crash dump facility. what is the nearest Ubuntu program to it?
[08:21] <thevinci> trying to change my login screen background on 12.04
[08:21] <thevinci> lightdm manager or whatever isn't doing the trick
[08:21] <thevinci> is this just something I have to wait for the final release for?
[08:24] <pmjdebruijn> "isn't doing the trick" what trick?
[08:24] <pmjdebruijn> oh
[08:24] <pmjdebruijn> background
[08:24] <thevinci> yeah
[08:24] <thevinci> I installed it just fine
[08:25] <thevinci> and when I go through the gui and click apply, and it says it applied
[08:25] <pmjdebruijn> thevinci: doesn't the background change along with the first user?
[08:25] <pmjdebruijn> at least it did for me
[08:25] <thevinci> but then i log out to check and it's still the default
[08:25] <thevinci> nope
[08:26] <thevinci> i know its supposed to
[08:26] <pmjdebruijn> hmm odd
[08:26] <thevinci> i've watched and read a buncha stuff on it
[08:26] <pmjdebruijn> and you're fully up to date
[08:26] <pmjdebruijn> ?
[08:26] <thevinci> up to date as far as 30 minutes ago
[08:26] <pmjdebruijn> please do note, once you change lightdm preferences I'm not sure the auto background change keeps working
[08:26] <thevinci> even tried fully restarting
[08:27] <thevinci> eh, the post i read and video i watched on OMG ubuntu made it seem like it still worked like that
[08:27] <thevinci> granted, that was a post for Oneric
[08:28] <thevinci> its not a huuge deal, but it would be reeaally nice to be able to change that one little thing lol
[08:28] <pmjdebruijn> Oneiric didn't have that AFAIK
[08:29] <thevinci> is this something you've succesfully done?
[08:29] <thevinci> lemme link the site, hang on
[08:30] <thevinci> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/simple-lightdm-manager-lets-easily-tweak-ubuntu-11-10-login-screen/
[08:34] <pmjdebruijn> In ever used the "manager"
[08:34] <pmjdebruijn> just changing the background for my primary user, automatically changed the background for lightdm on precise
[08:34] <thevinci> is there another way?
[08:34] <pmjdebruijn> no clue
[08:34] <thevinci> hmm, well i changed my BG in the Dash>Appearance
[08:34] <pmjdebruijn> using a configuration tool like that "manager" might break that mechanism
[08:35] <pmjdebruijn> but I'm just guessing
[08:35] <thevinci> and it didn't change my login bg
[08:36] <thevinci> I've been on precise for a little over a week, never had my login bg change, first time i've tried lightdm manager is tonight
[08:36] <thevinci> and changing my default bg is one of the first things i did haha
[08:38] <Trewas> popey: (re: arm linux) well I have not seen any evidence of canonical doing any linux&arm stuff, and lots of smartphone companies do (android, meego etc)
[08:41] <popey> Trewas: we do a fair amount, otherwise HP wouldn't have chosen us for their new ARM server line
[08:45] <thevinci> when i try to use gksudo to edit my unity-greeter.conf, i get this error repeated 4 times "Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap","
[08:45] <thevinci> and the .conf file is empty
[08:54] <thevinci> any one know the directory location for unity-greeter?
[08:54] <thevinci> it's not under /etc/lightdm/
[08:57] <pyrosrock_> hey guys have a mouse issue with 12.04 how can i navigate without the mouse?
[08:59] <Chipaca> thevinci: dpkg -L unity-greeter
[08:59] <thevinci> thank you!
[09:00] <thevinci> well apparently, there is no unity-greeter.conf anymore?
[09:00] <thevinci> can any one confirm this for me?
[09:01] <Chipaca> thevinci: as of when? i've got it, and i updated yesterday evening
[09:01] <thevinci> wth!?
[09:01] <thevinci> I've done every update since i installed alpha2
[09:02] <thevinci> and just today decided i wanted a different log in back ground, and nothing i'm trying is working
[09:03] <thevinci> could i just copy another unity-greeter.conf from some one and put it in the proper directory?
[09:03] <thevinci> would that work?
[09:04] <god-zotac> you'd also need any images/backgrounds or other files needed by their unity-greeter.conf
[09:06] <thevinci> or just replace them with my own and input the proper directions to them
[09:06] <thevinci> I may have found the reason for the problem though...
[09:06] <thevinci> anyone mind checking this link? See if i'm in the right direction?
[09:06] <thevinci> http://askubuntu.com/questions/74196/how-to-restore-lightdm-settings
[09:07] <thevinci> the third answer down sounds like my problem
[09:18] <pyrosrock_> hey trying to report a bug in 12.04 but dont know the package details can anyone help?
[10:07] <glosoli> Anyone knows if Integrated Local Menu will be available in Precise ?
[10:07] <pmjdebruijn> "integrated local menu"?
[10:08] <pmjdebruijn> just old-school application menu's as opposed to global menu?
[10:09] <glosoli> pmjdebruijn: well something like that, like Mozilla Firefox has that button, there was a rumor about it to change global menu in Ubuntu, don't you red Omg Ubuntu Blog ?
[10:09] <jokerdino> glosoli: not everyone read every article, it might help if you could share the link to the article
[10:09] <glosoli> jokerdino: wait :)
[10:10] <jokerdino> but, i do know what you are talking about.
[10:10] <glosoli> jokerdino: here you go: http://goo.gl/s0kF0
[10:10] <jokerdino> and i think it is highly unlikely that it will land in precise.
[10:11] <jokerdino> because feature freeze has already kicked in
[10:11] <glosoli> jokerdino: ah, yes. have you heard anything about dodge window coming back ?
[10:12] <pmjdebruijn> oh great
[10:12] <pmjdebruijn> localized screenshots
[10:12] <pmjdebruijn> I have no clue what they mean
[10:12] <jokerdino> glosoli: nothing more.
[10:13] <snadge> not to sound like a chipped record.. but who looks after fglrx
[10:13] <pmjdebruijn> :s
[10:13] <snadge> theres a catalyst pre 12.2 available for winders
[10:13] <glosoli> snadge: 12.2 available now ??
[10:13] <snadge> no mention of a linux version.. i would've thought someone on the ubuntu team would get access to the juarez
[10:13] <snadge> or at least be liasing with someone from amd
[10:14] <snadge> theres a couple of annoying bugs that need further attention
[10:14] <glosoli> snadge: ah, seen that for Windows some days ago, tryed to edit link to 12.1 to see if 12.2 available, that always worked, so it seems there is still no 12.2 for Linux, hate them taking windows as priority
[10:14] <snadge> yeah they're being a bit douchey about it.. perhaps we can take that as a good sign
[10:15] <snadge> ie.. they're testing it with ubuntu 12.04 (precise is a supported build target even on the current release 12.1)
[10:15] <snadge> with 12.1.. if i play a video with totem.. X just exits
[10:15] <snadge> and theres the window title not updating bug
[10:15] <snadge> which could be a problem with compiz.. nobody is sure 100%
[10:16] <popey> glosoli: we dont know yet
[10:16] <snadge> all we know is that radeon driver doesnt trigger the problem
[10:16] <popey> (referring to LIM)
[10:16] <glosoli> snadge: I know a workaround
[10:16] <snadge> oh?
[10:16] <glosoli> popey: so this is just a conception
[10:16] <popey> glosoli: feel free to try it out https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/lim
[10:16] <snadge> perhaps you should tack that onto the bug report
[10:17] <glosoli> snadge: for example if you use VLC you can set output to GLX and it just works fine
[10:17] <popey> glosoli: no, it exists
[10:17] <snadge> oh right.. for the video crashing.. so its a problem with xv then.. got it
[10:17] <glosoli> snadge: there is a bug in launchpad which was already reported, using GLX, works just fine, I don't seem to have any performance reduction
[10:18] <glosoli> popey: It won't crash my current configs ?
[10:18] <snadge> right but not everyone uses vlc
[10:18] <snadge> its good to know though, that the problem is more than likely with xv
[10:18] <glosoli> snadge: there is ability to set in gstreamer I think, or smth,
[10:18] <snadge> yeah but theres still also the window titles not updating problem.. thats really annoying
[10:18] <glosoli> snadge: gstreamer-properties
[10:18] <popey> glosoli: it's a ppa, there's always the potential for that
[10:19] <snadge> hence why im just using radeon for now
[10:19] <glosoli> popey: but as long as you used it, it was quite fine ?
[10:19] <popey> yeah
[10:19] <glosoli> popey: will I need to remove global menu ? or it will replace it automatically ?
[10:22] <popey> glosoli: just try it, and if you dont like it, purge the ppa ☺
[10:22] <glosoli> popey: if I purge ppa it will revert to the old configurations automatically ?
[10:22] <glosoli> coz I see it wants to update compiz, unity and etc
[10:22] <popey> yes
[10:23] <glosoli> popey: ok downloading, but this thing is going to change global menu someday ?
[10:24] <yofel> darthanubis: it'll refuse to upgrade if you have skype installed, and kmail doesn't like the upgrade. Otherwise fine
[10:25] <glosoli> brb rebooting to see if lim works
[10:28] <jokerdino> thanks for the ppa link popey
[10:29] <glosoli> popey: do I need to isntall any package from that ppa or just upgrade ? coz with upgrade nothing happened
[10:30] <popey> yes ☺
[10:30] <popey> dconf-editor -> com -> canonical -> indicator -> appmenu -> menu-mode , change it to 'locally-integrated'
[10:31] <popey> and toggle it back to switch off
[10:32] <glosoli> popey: pretty good, but it looks weird with not maximized window, when you press on the white space in indicator-applet
[10:32] <popey> screenshot?
[10:33] <glosoli> wait
[10:35] <jokerdino> filed a bug report for video lens shortcut (bug #942476)
[10:35] <glosoli> popey: stopped working at all, don't know how to screenshoot because now it isn't working for me
[10:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 942476 in unity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut for Video lens is not available in the shortcut overlay" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/942476
[10:35] <jokerdino> requires design input, apparently
[10:36] <popey> glosoli: i use shutter for screenshots
[10:36] <popey> much better than the gnome-screenshot tool
[10:36] <glosoli> popey: I mean that local integrated menu stopped working,
[10:36] <glosoli> popey: do you have unity-team/ppa enabled ?
[10:37] <popey> not on this computer
[10:37] <jokerdino> unity-team/ppa and staging going together?
[10:37] <popey> no
[10:37] <glosoli> popey: that ppa even crashed expo plugin it doesn't work properly
[10:37] <popey> they're separate ppas
[10:37] <popey> nice ☺
[10:38] <jokerdino> what i mean is he has both of them enabled together? :S
[10:38] <jokerdino> gd luck glosoli
[10:38] <popey> you can purge it if it's horrific
[10:38] <glosoli> jokerdino: nah, purging ppa ;D
[10:38] <jokerdino> popey: can i eventually blog about the supposed lim ppa?
[10:39] <glosoli> popeu: sudo ppa-purge unity-team/lim ?
[10:39] <jokerdino> yes glosoli
[10:39] <popey> glosoli: sudo ppa-purge ppa:unity-team/lim
[10:39] <jokerdino> was going to correct that mistake
[10:40] <glosoli> popey: or it can be because I didin't log out and log in ?
[10:40] <popey> ah
[10:40] <popey> that wont help ☺
[10:40] <jokerdino> popey: is gtg working there? what are you doing for the liblarch dependency?
[10:40] <popey> jokerdino: given we don't know if it will land in 12.04 or not.. I'd hang fire for now
[10:40] <popey> yeah, gtg seems to work, thanks!
[10:41] <jokerdino> ah, that is great to hear.
[10:41] <glosoli> popey: I don't remember if I asked you ;D but sorry if I double post, have you heard anything about Dodge ? :D
[10:41] <popey> about dodge?
[10:41] <popey> can you be more specific?
[10:42] <glosoli> popey: Dodge Window, I mean to hide that panel only when window maximized, by panel I mean Unity Dock
[10:42] <jokerdino> dodge launcher
[10:42] <popey> that was removed AIUI
[10:42] <glosoli> popey: AIUI ?
[10:42] <popey> As I Understand It
[10:42] <jokerdino> "as i understand it"
[10:43] <jokerdino> bbl after dinner ;)
[11:11] <ph8> hey all, i need to wipe my oneiric system because gnome 3 and unity/parts of the whole desktop subsystem are knackered in strange ways - i noticed Precise is beta, are there any big cons from me installing precise now? Do you think i'll get into trouble around main release time?
[11:12] <ph8> I know whatever response i get is just a guess, so i won't come back angry :p I'm a software developer so don't mind a bit of hacking around
[11:12] <crizzy> should work fine
[11:12] <crizzy> feature freeze is in effect already
[11:12] <crizzy> so only bugfixes
[11:13] <crizzy> unity changes are sweet
[11:13] <crizzy> + hud
[11:15] <ph8> i hope so
[11:15] <ph8> unity has been a real downer for me
[11:15] <ph8> hence an attempt to change to gnome3
[11:15] <ph8> but looks like something at the core of my desktop is borked
[11:15] <crizzy> well the damned panel doesn't hide anymore
[11:16] <ph8> not bad
[11:16] <ph8> can you move it yet
[11:16] <ph8> or make the icons smaller?
[11:16] <crizzy> icons ye
[11:16] <ph8> they come out as cartoon-sized on mine
[11:16] <crizzy> there's even a slider for it
[11:16] <ph8> gotta live sliders
[11:16] <ph8> * love
[11:16] <crizzy> can't change the placement though
[11:16] <crizzy> without hacks, that is
[11:16] <crizzy> but i've learnt to live with it
[11:16] <ph8> not the end of the world i guess, on three screens though it means i have to come over to the left all the time
[11:16] <ph8> i'm probably more likely to use windows key and type
[11:16] <crizzy> still, i can't live anymore without <super><type><enter> to launch apps n stuff :P
[11:16] <ph8> which is hyped as a 'big feature' but it puts all the normy users off
[11:16] <ph8> normal people don't type fast!
[11:16] <crizzy> and hud does the same for menus
[11:17] <ph8> i use 'launchy' in windows which gives similar functionality, it is indeed a lifesaver
[11:17] <ph8> efficiency++
[11:17] <crizzy> hud = hit alt
[11:17] <crizzy> also there's nice little reminder in unity now
[11:17] <ph8> is there an official beta or should i just get the daily build?
[11:17] <crizzy> hold super = shows shortcut keys
[11:18] <crizzy> there's alpha2 iso.. no beta i guess
[11:18] <crizzy> doesn't really matter which you install
[11:18] <crizzy> just more updates to dl ;)
[11:19] <crizzy> also the browse web listen to music blahblah large buttons are gone from unity menu
[11:19] <crizzy> it just shows latest/most used apps
[11:20] <crizzy> oh
[11:20] <crizzy> and it's nice that in lightdm login screen.. it displays your background instead of default unity gfx
[11:25] <ph8> all sounds positive
[11:26] <snadge> mostly positive yes ;)
[11:28] <jokerdino> ph8: you would do fine upgrading now.
[11:28] <jokerdino> you can install all the updates when the actual release comes around
[11:28] <jokerdino> !final | ph8
[11:28] <ubottu> ph8: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.
[11:29] <ph8> cheers all, i'm just downloading the images - 50 minutes on my obviously blisteringly fast residential connection
[11:30] <ph8> it's almost faster for me to download it in the office and take the tube home with it (london)
[11:31] <jokerdino> heeh :/
[11:32] <ph8> they're rolling out 100mbit residental to most london homes, my exchange is enabled but they haven't done the street cabinet yet!
[11:32] <ph8> gah
[11:32] <ph8> first world problems
[11:33] <thevinci> I can't seem to install any lenses/scopes in 12.04
[11:33] <ph8> what's a lense/scope?
[11:33] <jokerdino> which one are you trying to install thevinci ?
[11:33] <jokerdino> !lens
[11:33] <ph8> !lens
[11:34] <jokerdino> ubottu fail.
[11:34] <ph8> !scope
[11:34] <ubottu> We don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)
[11:34] <ph8> idd
[11:35] <thevinci> the google contacts scope
[11:35] <thevinci> i get this error:
[11:35] <thevinci> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
[11:35] <thevinci> scope-contacts-google : Depends: gir1.2-dee-0.5 but it is not installable
[11:35] <thevinci> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
[11:35] <jokerdino> ah, seems like they are not ported yet.
[11:36] <jokerdino> ported to unity v5
[11:36] <thevinci> that's kinda what i was thinking...
[11:36] <jokerdino> ph8: it is a search plugin in unity dash
[11:36] <thevinci> so it's not an issue with Precise per se, but with the Unity team gettin their butts in gear?
[11:36] <thevinci> I kid, lol
[11:37] <thevinci> these guys are all doin a great job. really enjoying Precise so far
[11:37] <jokerdino> google contacts scope is not by unity team. you should contact the person maintaining it.
[11:38] <thevinci> I imagine these things will start getting ported any how when 12.04 is out of beta
[11:38] <thevinci> I can wait.
[11:43] <thevinci> ooohh! More updates!
[11:43] <thevinci> This is why I stay up late on my laptop...
[11:45] <jokerdino> lol
[11:47] <ph8> crizzy, can I expand the taskbar in unity so i can have 2 or 3 rows of icons?
[11:47] <ph8> i don't like grouping and i always have too much open for the taskbar to take
[11:48] <ph8> grouping == slow
[11:48] <thevinci> I want that snazzy new lock screen GNOME is working on... love me some eye candy
[11:48] <crizzy> don't think so.. no idea
[12:23] <will__> is anyone else finding the timeout too short when pressing alt to bring up the HUD?
[12:24] <mortal> me, it weirds me out
[12:29] <will__> mortal: good to know i'm not the only one!
[12:29] <will__> i don't think it's too far out, but it's just sensitive enough that i assume it's broken
[12:29] <will__> it doesn't help that it's currently slow enough that it sometimes takes a while to come up anyway, but that's more of a side issue :P
[12:30] <glosoli> will__: same here
[12:30] <glosoli> will__: I made it to be ALT+S
[12:31] <glosoli> but it's too slow that way, and being ALT is disturbs my work
[12:32] <will__> glosoli: i think i might report it as a bug then, unless it's already been set up that way
[12:32] <will__> sorry. that sentence made no sense. i mean unless it's already been reported
[12:32] <will__> i've had no breakfast
[12:34] <glosoli> will__: well if it isn't later I will report it :)
[12:53] <tarvid> Daily build - alternate - from yesterday fails to complete installation when installing packages. The option to write "grub" also fails. I'd like to start testing precise, what do you recommend?
[12:58] <tarvid> Any improvement in laptop hardware recognition? I had ongoing problems with my Acer laptop.
[12:59] <dupondje> Always improvements ;)
[13:01] <Tronic> Kubuntu desktop goes completely unresponsive for about 10 seconds whenever I try to pan Bing Maps in Firefox.
[13:02] <Tronic> Xorg CPU usage peaks to 99 %. 7 GiB RAM free and no other significant CPU consumers.
[13:02] <Tronic> Using Nvidia drivers.
[13:03] <Tronic> (and other video, 3d, etc. appears to be working fine)
[13:03] <Tronic> Enabling/disabling desktop effects makes no difference.
[13:16] <tarvid> Tronic, networking issue? Firefox will be trying to download significant amounts of data
[13:17] <Tronic> I don't see how network could freeze my desktop rendering.
[13:20] <Daekdroom> It looks like the ISO limit for precise is still only 700MiB
[13:21] <tarvid> It could if the kernel were to decide getting data to render is more important than managing your desktop
[13:22] <tarvid> Daekdroom, at least today's daily build fits on a CD
[14:11] <tarvid> Todays desktop-i386 boots but will not install. No option to partition hard drive
[14:20] <brendand> tarvid, i don't see it
[14:20] <brendand> well, at least i see the installation type screen
[14:21] <brendand> ah right, selecting 'Something else' crashes the system
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[14:45] <tarvid> This is not going well. Mouse is rough and slow and gparted does not detect the hard disk.
[14:48] <tarvid> Is there an i386 install image which will invoke auto-partitioning?
[14:54] <henri> hey all, i've just installed the beta, then installed the proprietary ati drivers - now on reboot i can't 'click' anything in dash? Any ideas? I can search for something e.g. 'terminal' and i see it but when i press enter or try and click it nothing happens, the dash window stays visible
[15:29] <DaniG2k> guys
[15:29] <DaniG2k> I'm in a BackBox Linux liveCD now
[15:29] <DaniG2k> cause I can't seem to start my ubuntu box
[15:29] <DaniG2k> I was messing around with taking off Unity and installing Xubuntu
[15:29] <DaniG2k> and I messed things up
[15:29] <bazhang> how
[15:29] <DaniG2k> I'm not sure where to troubleshoot to fix it
[15:30] <DaniG2k> I basically installed Xubuntu, then uninstalled Unity
[15:30] <DaniG2k> and then I didn' tlike Xubuntu so I tried installing gnome desktop
[15:30] <DaniG2k> and then I wasn't able to log in again
[15:30] <bazhang> xubuntu has no unity afaik
[15:30] <DaniG2k> I took a look at Xorg.log and it said there was no screen found
[15:30] <DaniG2k> I know, I think I messed the system up a bit
[15:31] <DaniG2k> I've chrooted into the ubuntu box
[15:31] <bazhang> important items on it?
[15:31] <DaniG2k> but I'm not sure what I should fix
[15:31] <Daekdroom> Check whether ubuntu-destkop package (and its dependencies) are installed.
[15:31] <DaniG2k> well, not really but it's my main partition and I'd like to get back on it
[15:31] <philinux> DaniG2k: try installing ubuntu-dekstop from the chroot
[15:31] <DaniG2k> ok
[15:31] <philinux> ubuntu-desktop
[15:32] <DaniG2k> ok
[15:32] <DaniG2k> that will be installing a good number of packages :P
[15:32] <DaniG2k> is there a way to completely remove xubuntu? I really didn't like xfce
[15:32] <lan3y> it should get you back on your feet to try again
[15:32] <philinux> DaniG2k: if it says it's installed try reinstalling it anyway
[15:32] <Daekdroom> Removing xubuntu-desktop won't remove any of its dependencies, so.. :(
[15:33] <DaniG2k> philinux: it doesn't. so it should be installing it anew
[15:33] <Daekdroom> You'll have to find the packages and remove them.
[15:33] <DaniG2k> Daekdroom: that's a pity
[15:33] <DaniG2k> Daekdroom: thanks
[15:33] <DaniG2k> Daekdroom: it was one feature I used to like about Gentoo. It resolved all the dependencies of a package. Pretty amazing
[15:34] <DaniG2k> also, I think it wasn't prompting me about which desktop environment to use
[15:34] <DaniG2k> I might have erased some package
[15:35] <DaniG2k> does anyone know how I can get the default desktop environment selector
[15:35] <DaniG2k> ?
[15:36] <DaniG2k> the greeter or whatever
[15:36] <Daekdroom> unity-greeter package?
[15:36] <DaniG2k> is it just unity-greeter?
[15:36] <DaniG2k> k
[15:36] <Daekdroom> The greeter xubuntu uses might have overridden it as default.
[15:37] <DaniG2k> can I eliminate it?
[15:37] <tarvid> earlier I posted problems during install. After replacing the hard disk, I am making progress. Inspecting the BIOS, the drive old drive was no longer recognized.
[15:37] <Daekdroom> I don't know which package is it.
[15:38] <Daekdroom> But reinstalling unity-greeter might be enough.
[15:39] <philinux> DaniG2k: check this apt-cache policy unity-greeter and apt-cache policy lightdm both should be installed
[15:39] <bullgard4> My T61 uses the »synaptics« input driver. How can I switch off gestures on it?
[15:40] <tarvid> and the mouse problem was the surface under the optical mouse
[15:42] <DaniG2k> yup they should be installed
[15:44] <DaniG2k> philinux: do you know if i can completely remove xfce?
[15:44] <DaniG2k> is there a way/
[15:44] <DaniG2k> ?
[15:45] <philinux> DaniG2k: You would normally follow this but for 12.04 not sure http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome
[15:45] <tarvid> why not re-install
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[16:04] <kakeru_san> Hello Guys, i just installed the last build of Pangolin in order to test HUD, but i couldn't use it, because after i press ALT nothing happens
[16:05] <kakeru_san> unity --version returns 5.4
[16:06] <kakeru_san> i also installed compizconfig and enabled unity plugin, and so i am sure Alt is the key that activates HUD
[16:07] <kakeru_san> but not happens either
[16:07] <kakeru_san> can you help me?
[16:08] <philinux> kakeru_san: Just jab the alt key
[16:09] <kakeru_san> nothing happens
[16:09] <philinux> kakeru_san: what about open Dash then jab alt key
[16:10] <kakeru_san> nothig happens
[16:10] <philinux> kakeru_san: works here so maybe log out then in
[16:11] <kakeru_san> <like a windows solution :)
[16:11] <kakeru_san> ill try
[16:16] <KM0201> anyone dealing w/ the disappearing networking applet on lxde?
[16:16] <KM0201> i don't lose my connection, but the network applet disappears, if i click where the applet should be, i see my networks, etc.
[16:17] <kakeru_san> after restart, HUD still not appears after hit ALT key
[16:17] <henri> hey all, any thoughts on this? Whenever i try and start a video playing in vlc, xine or movie player the whole X session crashes and i see: XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0"
[16:17] <henri> after 2539 requests (2539 known processed) with 26 events remaining.
[16:17] <henri> i don't actually see that, i had to run xine from terminal and > log.file 2>&1
[16:17] <henri> then log back in after the crash and check it :p
[16:20] <kakeru_san> i am using a fresh installed (and updated) version of Precise AMD64 (not-mac), do i have to install something to use HUD?
[16:27] <philinux> kakeru_san: not that I know of. Is the unity launcher and dash working ok
[16:29] <will__> kakeru_san: have you tried pressing it more quickly?
[16:29] <will__> i've found the key to be way too oversensitive to holding it down too long
[16:30] <will__> oh, looks like someone has already suggested that
[16:31] <henri> what is hud?
[16:31] <henri> if i press alt i just see the menu bar on the window i'm in
[16:32] <henri> !hud
[16:32] <ubottu> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://ubottu.com/y/hud for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic
[16:32] <henri> oh man i definitely don't see a hud when i press alt
[16:32] <henri> also on a brand new 12.04 daily install
[16:32] <henri> is there a place where it's enabled/disabled?
[16:33] <kklimonda> henri: you can check in ccsm if the shortcut for it is enabled
[16:33] <kklimonda> (that's how I've disabled it ;))
[16:34] <henri> ha
[16:34] <henri> i have to install ccsm first it seems!
[16:35] <henri> ccsmany idea where in ccsm kklimonda ?
[16:35] <henri> oh i see
[16:35] <henri> the ubuntu unity plugin
[16:35] <henri> currently disabled
[16:35] <henri> brb
[16:36] <kklimonda> well yeah, disabling unity could have caused it ;)
[16:37] <henri> right-o so i've done an apt-get install gnome-shell
[16:37] <henri> and logged in with the 'gnome' option
[16:37] <henri> it does *not* look like all the snazzy screenshots i've seen! no fancy curved menus or effects
[16:37] <henri> pretty much looks like gnome 2, but a broken version
[16:37] <henri> any idea what's out of whack on my machine?
[16:38] <jbicha> henri: that's the fallback because gnome-shell failed to load, do you having working 3D graphics?
[16:38] <henri> probably not
[16:38] <henri> i've got fglrx across 3 screens
[16:38] <henri> that sounds like something that will fail my 3d right? :o)
[16:38] <henri> Xinerama as well
[16:38] <henri> that explains a lot
[16:38] <henri> all i wanted for Christmas was seamless multi-monitor support
[16:40] <henri> jbicha, any idea how i can check/confirm/debug? is glxgears a bit old school now?
[16:41] <henri> glxinfo says 'direct rendering: Yes' - i thought that == 3d support
[16:41] <jbicha> I don't know, 3D usually works for me
[16:41] <jbicha> does unity 3d work?
[16:41] <DaniG2k> is there a way to force the reinstall of the ubuntu-desktop packages?
[16:42] <DaniG2k> and its dependences
[16:42] <henri> i don't think so jbicha in that it looks distinctly unimpressive, no wonder i've been so underwhelmed with new ubuntu, all my FX are broken
[16:45] <jbicha> henri: one easy way to tell the difference between Unity 2D & 3D is whether Alt-Tab looks old or not
[16:45] <henri> it definitely does
[16:45] <henri> (look old)
[16:45] <henri> but i can't see anything in the xorg error log
[16:45] <henri> does gnome shell have a log somewhere?
[16:51] <kakeru_san> philinux, laucher is ok
[16:52] <kakeru_san> will__: yes, i tried pressing very quicly, slowly, holding .... nothing happens
[16:57] <kakeru_san> does anyone have a clue?
[17:04] <philinux> kakeru_san: No idea. It should look like this. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/hud-new-unity-feature/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%29
[17:24] <kakeru_san> philinux: yeah, i have already seen it working on a video, but i can't make it work in my computer
[17:25] <kakeru_san> when i hit alt, it shows (next the close button) the menus (file, edit, etc), but not HUD
[17:27] <philinux> kakeru_san: I'm afraid I'm at a loss to explain your lack of hud. Is this a clean install?
[17:27] <will> wasn't there a way to access the hud through a text interface?
[17:27] <will> for debugging
[17:27] <kakeru_san> i would like to know
[17:27] <philinux> kakeru_san: try in a terminal unity --reset
[17:28] <will> kakeru_san: or unity --reset & disown if you don't want the terminal to be paired to unity after the reset
[17:28] <kakeru_san> wow that worked
[17:28] <will> congratulations :)
[17:29] <philinux> kakeru_san: you must have had some odd config in your home folder
[17:29] <kakeru_san> hmm
[17:30] <philinux> kakeru_san: key bindings or something not standard
[17:30] <kakeru_san> hmm
[17:30] <kakeru_san> well it's working (kinda buggy, but working) now
[17:30] <philinux> kakeru_san: Try out myunity 3.0 for customising
[17:30] <kakeru_san> thank you guys
[17:31] <philinux> instaead od ccsm
[17:31] <kakeru_san> ok thanks
[17:31] <kakeru_san> bye
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[20:49] <darthanubis> yofel: no skype and what doesn't kmail like;)
[20:50] <yofel> good question...
[20:50] <glosoli> Anybody here might help me with this error: http://pastebin.com/FmVMqWnK core :/an't install ATI Binary anym
[20:51] <glosoli> anymore''
[20:51] <glosoli> can't
[21:02] <glosoli> Daekdroom: maybe you smartass are here ? ;D
[21:02] <Daekdroom> I'm not sure how I should take that.
[21:02] <Daekdroom> But.. what's wrong?
[21:02] <glosoli> Daekdroom: Like: I think you are the smart one
[21:02] <yofel> glosoli: only thing I see there is a missing file for an alternative
[21:02] <yofel> opencl related
[21:02] <yofel> file a bug against fglrx
[21:03] <glosoli> yofel: do you think I am able to install it ?
[21:04] <yofel> uh, no idea, I don't know where that file comes from. That's a warning though, so it shouldn't make the installation fail
[21:04] <glosoli> yofel: it seems to make ,because when I reboot I get Unity Dock like huge icons and one workspace
[21:04] <glosoli> it doesn't seem to use driver at all
[21:04] <yofel> your /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what driver is actually being used
[21:23] <jcorneli> I am having troubles after upgrading from 11.10 on a Linode
[21:23] <jcorneli> "Your Linode appears to have stalled mid-boot at around the time that the start up process is handed off to init. It looks like the kernel handed off control to init, as it didn't panic, however it doesn't appear that any further services were started after that."
[21:23] <jcorneli> "You'll want to contact the Ubuntu community for more information on known issues with 12.04 and virtualized environments."
[21:23] <jcorneli> This is what the support person at Linode.com told me.
[21:23] <jcorneli> Since I can't SSH in and can't get Console access, I seem somewhat hosed.
[21:24] <jcorneli> Can anyone here give advice on this matter?
[21:24] <Pici> What does lish say?
[21:24] <jcorneli> @Pici: it just gives me the log
[21:24] <jcorneli> I don't get a proper console
[21:24] <jcorneli> I can reboot the machine to my heart's content, but that's all I can do
[21:26] <Pici> I know the folks in #ubuntu-server have been testing 12.04 on the more server-side of things. I personally don't upgrade my linode until after the release.
[21:26] <jcorneli> @Pici: here is the log: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=4cMh5Gcr
[21:26] <jcorneli> Maybe I'll ask on #ubuntu-server
[21:26] <guntbert> jcorneli: running an alpha on a remote machine is courageous :-)
[21:29] <jcorneli> @guntbert: well, someone has to do it first
[21:36] <kubuntu> Hi, I unpartitioned a space and booted from cd but I got guided and manual partitioning, I thought there should be use free space
[21:38] <yofel> kubuntu: what does guided propose to you?
[21:39] <yofel> it should show what it wants to do below
[21:43] <kubuntu> yofel: it's saying guided install in entire disk or sthg similar
[21:44] <yofel> hm, no, that's wrong
[21:44] <yofel> guess you'll have to go with manual partitioning
[21:45] <kubuntu> yofel: If I go manual, is there recommendations for swap place and size?
[21:47] <yofel> for place not really, and size depends on how much memory you need. Probably not more than RAM + SWAP = 4GiB
[21:47] <yofel> worst case you can add a swap file to the list later
[21:49] <kubuntu> yofel: I have a 16G RAM so i still make 4G swap?
[21:50] <yofel> with 16GiB RAM I wouldn't make a swap partition at all, but that's my personal opinion
[21:51] <yofel> or are you expecting to use more than 16G memory?
[21:52] <kubuntu> yofel: does hibernation have anything to do with swap?
[21:52] <yofel> it does, but for hibernation you need at least as much swap as you have memory in use when you hibernate
[21:54] <kubuntu> yofel: the swap is needed even if you have a 1T of RAM as far as I remember reading somewhere
[21:55] <Daekdroom> Huh... it's hard to need more than 16GiB.
[21:55] <yofel> no idea, I've been using systems without swap, so it's certainly not required
[21:55] <Daekdroom> Even for caching purposes.
[21:55] <yofel> you do need swap for hibernating though, right
[21:55] <Daekdroom> Yes, definitely.
[21:55] <Daekdroom> I have 4GiB RAM, 1.9GiB SWAP and my system never uses more than about 100MiB swap :(
[21:56] <diegoviola> hi
[21:56] <diegoviola> will ubuntu 12.04 come with wayland for testing?
[21:58] <kubuntu> yofel: so I need to make it 16G at least if I need hibernation?
[21:58] <yofel> kubuntu: well, you need as much swap as you're using memory at the moment you hibernate. So if you have a 8G swap partition, you can only hibernate if you have only 8G of memory used
[22:00] <kubuntu> yofel: I found this now: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Installation_Guide/s2-diskpartrecommend-x86.html
[22:02] <diegoviola> any ideas please?
[22:02] <yofel> diegoviola: I know there are wayland packages in the archive, but I have no idea if they're in any way functional
[22:03] <kubuntu> diegoviola: I guess no
[22:03] <yofel> kubuntu: well, that doesn't sound too unreasonable - but what I said about hibernating still counts
[22:03] <diegoviola> why does Mark Shuttleworth and Phoronix gets everyone excited and then nothing happens?
[22:03] <diegoviola> ...
[22:04] <kubuntu> diegoviola: does he say it will be in precise?
[22:06] <kubuntu> yofel: thanks for your help. it's clear now
[22:07] <diegoviola> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTAxMTE
[22:28] <glosoli> Finnaly fixed my ATI issues
[22:28] <glosoli> it was unity/compiz who was causing problems
[23:01] <ericus> Hi. Does the beta version of 12.04 support gnome, the classic DE?
[23:02] <ericus> 'cause I don't like unity
[23:02] <KM0201> no
[23:02] <KM0201> Gnome, as you know it, is gone
[23:03] <KM0201> ericus: if you don't like Unity, you really have only a couple choices if you want to stay with Ubuntu
[23:03] <KM0201> 1. Embrace it
[23:03] <ericus> so there is just this bloated crap left? (no offence)
[23:03] <KM0201> 2. Get one of the other GUI's (lubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu)
[23:04] <KM0201> 3. Install Gnome 3 (which will frustrate you even more than Unity)
[23:04] <KM0201> frankly, i'd choose option 2.
[23:04] <KM0201> some have reported a lot of problems with gnome-shell, which basically gave you something similar to Gnome 2.x
[23:05] <KM0201> but.. even that will be gone eventually, so just embrace the horror now, you gotta learn a new GUI
[23:05] <ericus> Whats up with gnome-session-properties btw? Show not at all the startup applications
[23:05] <ericus> *It doesn't show
[23:06] <ericus> So a simple thing like turning off bluetooth-manager is now not that simple
[23:06] <ericus> and ubuntu one etc etc
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[23:08] <KM0201> hmm
[23:08] <ericus> Frustrating
[23:08] <KM0201> most of that stuff is pretty easy w/ Lubuntu, since most of it is not installed by default...lol
[23:08] <ericus> I want the best battery life
[23:08] <KM0201> so you just install what you want
[23:08] <Daekdroom> KM0201, ericus there is classic gnome in 12.04
[23:08] <diegoviola> if you want old gnome use xfce
[23:08] <KM0201> is there?.. i thought it went away
[23:08] <Daekdroom> gnome-session-fallback package
[23:08] <Daekdroom> !info gnome-session-fallback
[23:08] <ubottu> gnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 3 kB, installed size 157 kB (Only available for any all)
[23:09] <KM0201> diegoviola: but xfce4 sucks big time.
[23:09] <KM0201> Daekdroom: hmm interesting.. i thought it was unsupported at this point, that would be an interesting try
[23:09] <ericus> right now I'm in gnome-session-fallback
[23:09] <diegoviola> KM0201: i don't know then
[23:09] <jbicha> ericus: what's wrong with System Settings>Bluetooth?
[23:09] <ericus> with 11.10 ubuntu
[23:09] <Daekdroom> It IS unsuported.
[23:09] <KM0201> lxde baby!
[23:09] <Daekdroom> Well, unsupported by Canonical.
[23:09] <KM0201> Daekdroom: ah ha!
[23:09] <KM0201> lol
[23:09] <Daekdroom> Gnome upstream plans to drop it at some point, but they "support" it
[23:10] <KM0201> "support" lol
[23:10] <KM0201> we all love "support"
[23:10] <Daekdroom> It's pretty much forgotten.
[23:10] <diegoviola> KM0201: there was a fork of gnome2, mate
[23:10] <Daekdroom> But iirc, Ubuntu was working on trying to make it look like old Ubuntu GNOME2 instead of Gnome Shell.
[23:11] <Daekdroom> I haven't checked it.
[23:11] <ericus> jbicha: does not work, just tells me that it's turned off
[23:11] <ericus> i dont want the daemon to load at all
[23:11] <ericus> which was simple before
[23:11] <KM0201> diegoviola: i don't care, ericus wants gnome2..
[23:11] <arand> By now gnome-shell has enough extensions that make it legacy-ish, that fallback is only really needed for unsuported graphics drivers, which is being fixed...
[23:11] <diegoviola> ok
[23:11] <KM0201> diegoviola: but even that was a 3rd party project, and we all know how those go
[23:12] <KM0201> small team= teenagers start to get girlfriends, and the project never get updated
[23:12] <ericus> haha :)
[23:12] <yofel> you could still have someone invent Gubuntu
[23:12] <yofel> or was that what mint was?
[23:12] <KM0201> yofel: mint should be renamed Wannabebuntu
[23:13] <KM0201> but Mint will be moving to Gnome 3 soon
[23:13] <yofel> too long
[23:13] <KM0201> lol
[23:13] <KM0201> Copybuntu?
[23:13] * diegoviola wants wayland
[23:13] <diegoviola> ffs
[23:13] <arand> Did they not move already?
[23:13] <yofel> better ^^
[23:13] <ericus> fully charged battery (almost, 91%), and it gives me 5hours
[23:13] <ericus> I need more
[23:13] <ericus> like 5.5h-6h
[23:14] <yofel> used powertop to check what's consuming power?
[23:14] <ericus> yofel: yeah i know, i have a powertop script on startup as well
[23:15] <ericus> 9.21W atm
[23:15] <diegoviola> why are people hating on gnome 3 and unity?
[23:15] <KM0201> diegoviola: cuz they suck.
[23:16] <yofel> diegoviola: people don't like change, that's all
[23:16] <ericus> how do you enter the grub boot menu in 11.10?
[23:16] <ericus> i've never seen it
[23:16] <yofel> hold left shift pressed after bios screen
[23:16] <yofel> we don't support 11.10 in here though
[23:17] <ericus> thanks anyway yofel
[23:19] <ericus> didnt work
[23:21] <KM0201> ericus: you can always unhide the grub menu by default (thats what i do)
[23:22] <jtaylor> or install another distro, like 12.04 :)
[23:22] <jtaylor> if you have two it will show
[23:22] <KM0201> this is true.
[23:22] <KM0201> grub unhides by default if it's not a single boot machine
[23:22] <KM0201> but i always unhide it on my single boot machine
[23:23] <jbicha> ericus: those items are hidden from Startup Applications because making it easy to disable them is not good, but...
[23:23] <jtaylor> that is a good idea, in my experience usb keyboard support is abyssmal with grub
[23:24] <jbicha> you can remove the NoDisplay=true line from the files in /etc/xdg/autostart and then run sudo update-desktop-database if you insist
[23:24] <KM0201> jtaylor: really?
[23:24] <KM0201> on a PC I built like 12yrs ago, it works fine, and it works fine on all my other PC's
[23:24] <jtaylor> KM0201: I never owned a machine yet where an usb keyboard worked well with grub
[23:24] <KM0201> jtaylor: you gotta be kidding?
[23:24] <jtaylor> and my current one is only 8 month old
[23:25] <jtaylor> it is kind of working
[23:25] <jtaylor> but arrow down is on "n"
[23:25] <jtaylor> arrow up does not exist
[23:25] <jtaylor> but "a" is pos1
[23:25] <jtaylor> great fun on the first few boots ^^
[23:26] <arand> You must be buying some spacey keyboards...
[23:26] <jtaylor> its working perfectly after grub
[23:26] <KM0201> arand: that may be, i always use generic keyboards
[23:27] <jtaylor> but to be honest I ahve owned many pcs but only two usb keyboards, probably those two are just crap :)
[23:27] <KM0201> lol
[23:27] <KM0201> that's a really good possibility
[23:27] <KM0201> my $15 dynex keyboard from best buy works just fine w/ grub
[23:27] <ericus> jbicha: yeah but making them harder to disable is not good either..
[23:29] <ericus> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagementRC6
[23:29] <ericus> Think I'm gonna try that one out
[23:30] <KM0201> that'll be awesome on a server (but i ain't messing with it till its stable)
[23:31] <jbicha> ericus: nobody needs to disable bluetooth from Startup Applications, using the Bluetooth panel is the right place to do it
[23:31] <ericus> I need to disable some other stuff
[23:33] <jbicha> you can open a bug if there's something that really ought not be hidden....
[23:33] <ericus> evolution alarm notify, gnome login sound, personal file sharing, print queue applet, remote desktop, ubuntu one, visual assistance
[23:34] <ericus> jbicha: from what i've read they're hidden by default
[23:34] <ericus> from now on
[23:35] <KM0201> ericus: none of that crap is even installed by default on lubuntu..lol
[23:35] <jbicha> ericus: yeah, people don't need to disable any of that
[23:36] <ericus> okay
[23:37] <ericus> it's all a matter of getting the most hours out of my battery life
[23:37] <KM0201> understandable
[23:37] <ericus> battery time
[23:37] <jbicha> if any of those actually affect your battery life, please open a bug
[23:37] <ericus> maybe, how would I say that?
[23:38] <ericus> jbicha: I believe you. I will try the 12.04 and RC6 and see how that works out for me
[23:41] <ericus> I'll guess I'll have to give Unity a shot :C
[23:42] <ericus> I'll go for 12.04 and the daily build
[23:42] <KM0201> ruh roh
[23:43] <ericus> ?
[23:44] <ericus> /win 6
=== eating is now known as log
[23:44] <ericus> oops
[23:52] <nardey> I can not install pdf printer on ubuntu 12
[23:55] <nardey> does not enable to add a printer. have reinstalled several times the cups-pdf and nothing appears. is disabled "Add Printer"
[23:59] <jbicha> nardey: printing to pdf is enabled by default, just click Print and choose "Print to File"
[23:59] <jbicha> no need to install cups-pdf