UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /28 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <GH0> How can I run a script through rc.local as a specific user and NOT root?
[00:21] <GH0> Or how can I run a program at startup and as a specific user?
[00:24] <Sentynel> GH0: depending on what you're doing and when exactly you want it done, you can use system settings > startup and shutdown > autostart on the user account in question, or you can use cron with @reboot as the time, or you can have the init script or an upstart job run something with su
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[00:26] <GH0> Hm, alright.
[00:26] <GH0> But how would cron specify the user?
[00:27] <GH0> I can't use the first method, because no one will be logging into the system through the normal methods.
[00:27] <GH0> I have ascript that already runs, but how would I be able to specify the username and password securely?
[00:28] <GH0> Or, rather, scratch that, I guess I wouldn't have to if I was root, would I?
[00:29] <Sentynel> GH0: for cron, the user for whom the script should run puts the script into their crontab, and it's then run with their privileges
[00:29] <Sentynel> but yes, for the su method, since init scripts run as root they can su to whoever they like
[00:32] <Sentynel> GH0: you can also just manually edit the system crontab, given you have root; that one has a user field
[00:36] <c_smith> hello, How do I get rid of the Ubuntu packages that would cause problems with the Kubuntu Desktop?
[00:36] <c_smith> after installing the Kubuntu-Desktop package.
[00:37] <c_smith> as in which packages would I need to remove.
[00:43] <Sentynel> c_smith: you don't need to remove anything; there won't be conflicts
[00:44] <Sentynel> c_smith: if you intend not to use the ubuntu desktop any more, and wish to free up disk space etc, you can use the 'remove ubuntu' command here http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde (check the ubuntu version at the top of the post first)
[00:44] <c_smith> hmmmm, interesting.
[00:46] <c_smith> Setynal, I do not in fact intend to use the Ubuntu desktop, but is it possible to keep basic GTK stuff by installing the Gnome Shell in case I need them (which the app should install it anyway being as they are in the repos)
[00:46] <c_smith> or is there really a need for Gnome Shell even if I needed, say, Gdebi?
[00:48] <Sentynel> c_smith: the shell etc from ubuntu aren't necessary just to run gnome software. any libraries needed will be installed automatically if necessary when you install the software, although basic gtk libraries are present on kubuntu anyway, which I think is all gdebi needs
[00:49] <c_smith> Sentynal, ok, thanks, looks like it might be easier to just use the install CD, since I also want to get rid of Wine. and my encryption.
[00:49] <c_smith> my home folder encryption, that is.
[00:50] <Sentynel> wine can be removed easily enough
[00:50] <c_smith> but not the Home folder encryption. which really isn't too bad.
[00:50] <Sentynel> I'm not sure if it's possible to permanently decrypt the home folder without a reinstall though; I don't use it myself
[00:51] <Sentynel> http://askubuntu.com/questions/4950/how-to-stop-using-built-in-home-directory-encryption there's some instructions for that here, but it's probably easier just to reinstall if there's nothing of particular importance you don't want to lose
[00:51] <c_smith> I know for sure I can't undo it myself without a clean install without someone who knows how to (if it's even possible.)
[00:52] <c_smith> Sentynal, hence the reason I keep ISOs of all the Ubuntu derivitives I use on my external HDD.
[00:53] <c_smith> so far I've tried XFCE, Unity, KDE and GNOME shell, I like the Gnome 2.x shell and KDE the best.
[00:54] <maximillian> hi
[00:54] <c_smith> well, that's all I needed to know, hopefully I can get Cairo Dock running alright on it.
[00:54] <maximillian> i'm new to this
[00:54] <maximillian> can someone explain how irc works?
[00:55] <Sentynel> ..not like that
[00:57] <c_smith> at least not likely.... :P
[01:01] <GH0> Anyone have any recommendations on how to edit startup daemons at boot?
[01:02] <GH0> Such as smbd, sshd, apached/httpd?
[01:02] <GH0> Just enabled or disabled, not necessarily editing the config file
[01:05] <rtdos> how come Canonical is getting rid of Kubuntu? Should I switch distro's or will KDE still be available for download from the repositories?
[01:05] <Sentynel> GH0: if they're upstart jobs, edit the "start on" line in their file in /etc/init; if they're still sysv init jobs, rename the S* files for that daemon in the relevant /etc/rcX.d/ directories to K* (there's README files there which provide more details)
[01:06] <Sentynel> rtdos: they're not getting rid of it, just dropping official support; it'll have the same status as Xubuntu etc
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[01:07] <Avihay> rtdos: they are just dropping official support, Kubuntu will be just like the other... what Sentynel said
[01:15] <c_smith> is it possible to use LightDM in Kubuntu?
[01:16] <c_smith> if so, I'll ask how after I get Kubuntu installed.
[01:16] <c_smith> meh, better ask this question after I have Kubuntu installed.
[01:17] * c_smith goes off to install it
[01:25] <Bsims> I'm setting up a computer for dual boot I am presuming I install windows first? and how much of a bear is it to configure grub2
[01:26] * rtdos breaths a *sigh* of relief.
[01:27] <Sentynel> Bsims: yes, windows first is easiest (it'll overwrite the bootloader if you do it second). the kubuntu install process will configure grub2 automatically
[01:27] <Bsims> Sentynel: thats what I thought
[01:27] <rtdos> Bsims kubuntu makes it easy.
[01:28] <Bsims> also, do I have to go with entire 64bit userland when all I want is the 64bit kernel
[01:28] <Sentynel> Bsims: there's no reason not to use 64 bit userland
[01:28] <Bsims> True
[01:29] * Bsims grins... core i5 2500 2nd gen Sandybridge, 8gigs of ram, 1tb caviar black hd, and a intel motherboard stuffed into a antec silent case
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[02:22] <`Korvin> hey, will rsyncing my hdd to another hdd boot?
[02:23] <Bsims> `Korvin: no
[02:23] <`Korvin> how can I clone my install?
[02:23] <Bsims> `Korvin: got to make it bootable with gparted
[02:23] <Bsims> `Korvin: I am fond of mondorescue
[02:24] * Bsims grins am mentioned in the changelogs eons ago
[02:25] <Bsims> `Korvin: mondorescue or bacula sounds like what you want for baremetal restore
[02:26] <`Korvin> so what's the setup there
[02:26] <`Korvin> I've got a formatted hdd
[02:26] <DarthFrog> Also, if you rsync your installation to another HD, you'll have to manually correct the new /etc/fstab to make sure that the various partitions are correctly identified.
[02:27] <`Korvin> someone in ubuntu said that I could rsync and run grub-install
[02:27] <Bsims> it might work
[02:27] <`Korvin> that's true DarthFrog my partition table is a lot different than the drive I'm on =S
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[02:30] <DarthFrog> rsync then grub-install is only part of the procedure. You'll have to mount the new system in the old system, then bind mount /proc, /dev & /sys from the running system to the mounted rsync system copy, edit the fstab file on the clone, chroot to the new system partition (after you've done the bind mounts), then and only then can you run grub-install.
[02:30] <DarthFrog> !clone
[02:30] <ubottu> To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate
[02:30] <DarthFrog> Might be easier.
[02:30] <hardc0de> does anyone have nvidia card with optimus? my laptop is get so heated, without doing anything but start up
[02:31] <`Korvin> yeah I've looked into that, I was just hoping there would be a quick way
[02:31] <`Korvin> settings are more the issue than packages
[02:31] <`Korvin> hardc0de, make sure your drivers are up to date
[02:31] <DarthFrog> Why not do a fresh install on the new HD then copy the settings over?
[02:32] <`Korvin> I'm not quite sure where everything is located =p
[02:32] <hardc0de> yes, I've already installed nvidia-current, and ironhide, but not helping. `Korvin
[02:32] <`Korvin> is there a way to install kubuntu on another drive without booting into a live cd?
[02:32] <DarthFrog> System wide settings are in /etc. Personal settings are in /home/`korvin
[02:32] <`Korvin> alright
[02:33] <DarthFrog> Yes, what I told you above about rsync'ing, mounting and chroot'ing is installing onto a second drive.
[02:33] * Bsims smiles rsync back /home/user and it all should be quite similar
[02:34] <`Korvin> =O
[02:34] <DarthFrog> Oh yeah. CYA and backup your home directory *before* you do anything. :-)
[02:34] <DarthFrog> DAMHIKT.
[02:34] <`Korvin> is that install kubuntu program available in full install?
[02:35] <DarthFrog> Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
[03:26] <GH0> I have been trying to setup ssh, but it doesn't seem that the daemon/service is constantly running after I restart it. I always get the following two lines when I do a start or status:
[03:26] <GH0> ssh start/pre-start, process 8684
[03:26] <GH0> ssh stop/waiting
[03:26] <GH0> That is literally within ten seconds of one another.
[03:27] <GH0> ps -aux | grep ssh doesn't show anything either.
[03:32] <Sentynel> GH0: you mean, the ssh server? that's sshd
[03:38] <benbloom_> why would suddenly Phonon only show "PulseAudio Sound Server" as output option. I had everything configured perfectly, and now it's just switched all devices to that, and gives no other options
[03:39] <GH0> Yes, but if I attempt to use sshd as a service, it doesn't exist.
[03:41] <Sentynel> GH0: did you install it..?
[03:41] <Sentynel> package is openssh-server iirc
[03:43] <benbloom_> I believe my problem may be related to installing virtualbox.
[03:44] <GH0> Yeah, it's installed Sentynel: http://pastebin.com/E68Ncugf
[03:45] <Sentynel> GH0: sshd should run automatically when it's installed
[03:45] <GH0> Well, I am unable to connect to it either way.
[03:46] <GH0> andrew@server:/var/log$ ssh
[03:46] <GH0> ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
[03:46] <Sentynel> GH0: if you start sshd manually, without init scripts, what does it say?
[03:46] <GH0> andrew@server:/var/log$ sudo service sshd start
[03:46] <GH0> sshd: unrecognized service
[03:46] <GH0> If you are referring to that?
[03:46] <Sentynel> no no
[03:46] <Sentynel> sudo sshd
[03:47] <Sentynel> hmm
[03:47] <Sentynel> looking at the init script
[03:47] <Sentynel> check if /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run exists and delete it if so
[03:49] <GH0> That file doesn't exist
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[03:53] <tsimpson> GH0: the service is "ssh", see what the output of "status ssh" says
[03:54] <GH0> Figured it out, its an issue with the config file.
[03:55] <GH0> Not sure what the error was, but I got it fixed when I replaced the config file.
[04:08] <ravl1084> hi. i'm using 11.10, when i boot the backlight of my laptop is off until the second icon of the splash screen appears. is there a way to fix this?
[04:15] <almoxarife> ravl1084: sounds like the graphics kicks in right then
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[04:30] <c_smith> hello, is it possible to install LightDM with the Unity Greeter, and is it safe to do so?
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[06:08] <hoshi411> how i can input japanese in scim in kubuntu?
[06:08] <hoshi411> ubuntu works scim-bridge
[06:08] <hoshi411> but kubuntu no work scim
[06:09] <hoshi411> i made bashrc for scim
[06:09] <hoshi411> and run scim -d for daemon of scim
[06:10] <hoshi411> i install scim-anthy
[06:10] <hoshi411> but scim anthy no use ni kubuntu
[06:17] <phoenix_firebrd> Yesterday i was browsing the web using the chrome browser. When i visited a website, an windows exectuble was executed in wine. My chrome doesnt have any extension installed and i think this arbitary code execution is because of a vulnerablity of the browser.
[06:17] <phoenix_firebrd> how can i make my system more secure ? other than uninstalling the wine and chrome
[06:19] <phoenix_firebrd> I have deleted the wine directory and checked for any unwanted programs running in the baground, nothing like that.
[06:19] <phoenix_firebrd> *background
[06:54] <L3top> phoenix_firebrd: Your wine is just as vulnerable as an unprotected windows system.
[06:55] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: ya i know
[06:55] <phoenix_firebrd> can a linux executable be run ?
[06:55] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: can a linux executable be run ?
[06:56] <L3top> yes
[06:56] <L3top> well
[06:56] <L3top> sorry I misunderstood your question
[06:57] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: if suppose i uninstall wine, will that make my system safe? can there be a arbitary execution of a linux exe or a command?
[06:58] <L3top> exploiting is not my area... but I think you are pretty well trapped in the wine environment for exploitation
[06:58] <L3top> meaning I don't know how easy it would be to hit the outside system...
[06:59] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: ok. how long do you think google takes to fix this browser vulnerability
[06:59] <L3top> I am not the best person to ask.
[07:00] <L3top> I would have no way of guessing.
[07:01] <L3top> seems to me, purging and reinstalling would fix the situation
[07:01] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: ok, is there a way to disable wine, other than uninstalling it
[07:02] <L3top> I have never heard of an infected wine system affecting the host linux system
[07:02] <L3top> I would personally uninstall, purge, and reinstall.
[07:03] <L3top> I don't use wine much.
[07:05] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: ya thats right, the wine cant affect the system much, but i wonder what if a linux command or binary was executed
[07:06] <L3top> It would have to access the system that it cannot natively see...
[07:06] <L3top> I mean... perhaps through samba it could do something...
[07:06] <L3top> but I am not thinking that it can break out very easily
[07:07] <L3top> though I hesitate to say it is unrealist
[07:07] <L3top> ic
[07:07] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: it was surprising for me when i saw the sandbox was overcome by the exploit
[07:08] <L3top> well... lol... its windows
[07:08] <L3top> of course its crap.
[07:08] <L3top> lol
[07:08] <L3top> luckily it is trapped inside something that isnt.
[07:08] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: all this windows crap is entering linux
[07:08] <L3top> not really
[07:09] <L3top> it lives in its own partition sort of.
[07:09] <L3top> an emulated windows environment
[07:09] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: but we have to think about the browser which is a linux binary
[07:11] <L3top> it has no more practical interoperability than a windows machine on your network...
[07:11] <L3top> well
[07:11] <L3top> I say this... I could very well be wrong
[07:11] <L3top> but as I understand it.
[07:12] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: i better uninstall the wine, i am using it just for the testing purpose
[07:16] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: Thats for the support buddy :)
[07:16] <phoenix_firebrd> L3top: thanks\
[07:16] <L3top> :)
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[09:23] <faLUCE> hi. is there an utility/command that shows the average power compsumption of the CPU? (kW/h)
[09:29] <eagles0513875_> hey guys how can i change proxy settings on firefox in the kubuntu-netbook desktop
[09:29] <eagles0513875_> i cant find the firefox menu or anything of the sort
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[10:03] <Riddell> !testers
[10:03] <ubottu> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em
[10:03] <Riddell> go go iso testing! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/208/builds
[10:45] <worlock> hi
[10:47] <worlock> any body ther
[10:49] <nixmaniack> Hi, My WiFi doesn't autoconnect after reboot or waking up from sleep. here's the syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/860366/
[10:58] <worlock> using ubuntu
[10:58] <worlock> ??
[11:00] <bazhang> worlock, kubuntu support question?
[11:01] <worlock> ??
[11:01] <worlock> bazhang
[11:02] <bazhang> worlock, yes? this is the kubuntu support channel, di d you have a kubuntu support question?
[11:04] <worlock> no not yet....
[11:04] <worlock> thanks...
[11:05] <worlock> just have a query
[11:05] <worlock> how can i join other channels
[11:07] <bazhang> worlock, /join #channelname
[11:07] <worlock> and how do i get the channel name and ther password
[11:07] <bazhang> worlock, password? for what channel
[11:08] <worlock> wher i press join
[11:08] <worlock> it tells me channel no nad password
[11:08] <bazhang> worlock, what channel
[11:08] <worlock> and*
[11:09] <worlock> same thing...i also not getting
[11:09] <bazhang> worlock, what channel name
[11:09] <worlock> can u provide me the channel list
[11:09] <bazhang> worlock, try alis
[11:09] <bazhang> !alis | worlock
[11:09] <ubottu> worlock: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*
[11:11] <worlock> dude
[11:11] <worlock> i m not so much handy woth IRC
[11:11] <worlock> help me out to join the channels
[11:11] <bazhang> no problem
[11:12] <bazhang> worlock, then tell me the channel you wish to join
[11:12] <worlock> when i click join
[11:12] <worlock> and type that alis
[11:12] <worlock> it just promote me a new tab and thats it
[11:12] <bazhang> try this: /join #quassel
[11:13] <worlock> whare should i type this
[11:13] <bazhang> here, of course
[11:13] <worlock> all right
[11:13] <worlock> thanksssss
[11:13] <worlock> thankyou dude
[11:13] <bazhang> you are welcome worlock
[11:13] <worlock> it's Ishan
[11:14] <worlock> you ??
[11:14] <bazhang> worlock, any other kubuntu support questions?
[11:15] <worlock> no...thanks....
[11:15] <bazhang> chat in #kubuntu-offtopic please
[11:17] <worlock> dude...is ther any channel for hackers
[11:17] <worlock> and E-bussiness
[11:19] <worlock> what is this freenode
[11:19] <worlock> ??
[11:20] <bazhang> http://freenode.net/faq.shtml <---- worlock
[11:22] <worlock> can i join freenode channel
[11:22] <bazhang> #freenode
[11:30] <TopGear> Hi. I can't get KMail working properly. I want to make a folder for every e-mail account, but I can't set an account to a folder.
[11:47] <simen> anyone knows a systemtray addon that works for thunderbird?
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[11:50] <Tm_T> simen: didn't thunderbird have systray icon?
[11:52] <simen> Tm_T: by default?
[11:55] <Tm_T> simen: yes, I haven't been using it for many many years so don't know, which is why I'm asking
[12:03] <simen> Tm_T: hmm im not sure, ill look more into it then :)
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[12:49] <BluesKaj> Howdy all
[12:51] <kaddi> heya :)
[13:41] <kdeblut> hello, how can i connect to my phone with bluetooth on kde?
[14:33] <designbybeck> greetings all
[14:34] <designbybeck> hey BluesKaj , have you ever had this problem....I booted into Kubunut 11.10 64bit this morning, and now it will not load!
[14:34] <designbybeck> I get to the login screen, and everything looks fine. I put in usr/pwd it takes it, then goes to a blank screen and doesn't pull up anything
[14:34] <designbybeck> I tried Failsfe and login, and it just flashes and goes back to the login screen
[14:39] <designbybeck> is anyone else having problems logging into Kubuntu today?
[14:48] <BluesKaj> designbybeck, can you get to a tty , ctl+alt+f1 or f2 , then do an update/upgrade as you would in the terminal
[14:49] <designbybeck> i have done that BluesKaj
[14:49] <designbybeck> The update went fine
[14:49] <designbybeck> there were 6 upgrades and those seemed to go ok, I rebooted and still couldn't get in
[14:49] <designbybeck> Hello L3top
[14:50] * BluesKaj wonders about nomodeset , but that prob should have shonwn up a lot sooner
[14:50] <L3top> oi
[14:50] <BluesKaj> !nomodeset | designbybeck
[14:50] <ubottu> designbybeck: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter
[14:50] <designbybeck> yeah like i said, I was working fine yesterday, then powered down when i left work. Came back today and now it logs in, just gets to a blank screen
[14:54] <designbybeck> BluesKaj: I doin't think it is a nomodeset issue
[14:55] <designbybeck> Because I can get to the tty's and the login screen, it just stalls after that login, and on Failsafe it starts to go, then just comes back to the login screen again
[14:56] <designbybeck> no keystrokes seem to take affect. no right click menu or anything pulls up.
[14:57] <designbybeck> the only thing I do see get affect is when i pretty Esc Ctrl Alt pulls up the skull&crossbones cursor
[14:57] <designbybeck> but does nothing when i click anything
[15:08] <BluesKaj> designbybeck, try sudo ddpkg--configure -a
[15:08] <BluesKaj> oops dpkg
[15:08] <designbybeck> ah ok, i haven't tried that one yet, let me do that now
[15:10] <L3top> designbybeck: what did you do?
[15:10] <L3top> Why are you in here annoying these good people?
[15:11] <designbybeck> I don't annoy everyone L3top just hte LinuxMCE guys
[15:11] <designbybeck> lol
[15:11] * L3top is dubious
[15:11] <L3top> lol
[15:11] <designbybeck> BluesKaj: i did the dpkg --configure -a
[15:11] <designbybeck> rechecked updates/upgrades
[15:11] <designbybeck> it did a few things
[15:11] <designbybeck> rebooting now
[15:11] <BluesKaj> designbybeck, startx
[15:12] <designbybeck> nope same thing
[15:12] <designbybeck> Login screen comes up fine BluesKaj but after putting my usr/pwd it just hangs
[15:12] <L3top> is this an lmce machine? Or some other kubuntu?
[15:13] <designbybeck> I can see the graphic in the background and my mouse moves around the screen
[15:13] <designbybeck> but no click or right click
[15:13] <designbybeck> no, sorry L3top this is my main Kubuntu 11.10 64bit laptop
[15:13] <L3top> dmesg |tail
[15:13] <designbybeck> it's my main work computer
[15:13] <designbybeck> i'm having to use this Mac/Apple thingy
[15:14] <L3top> poor dear
[15:14] <L3top> gimme a pastebin
[15:14] <designbybeck> well i can't copy and paste from that term
[15:15] <designbybeck> any way to push to a pastebin via cli?? that would be cool
[15:16] <L3top> apt-get install pastebinit
[15:17] <designbybeck> http://www.pasteall.org/29558
[15:17] <L3top> dmesg | tail > dtail; pastebinit dtail
[15:17] <designbybeck> there is the last line L3top
[15:17] <BluesKaj> designbybeck, install pastebinit , you can pastebin from dirs and files by entering the path
[15:17] <designbybeck> that is cool!!! didn't know that
[15:18] <designbybeck> that is VERY COOL!
[15:18] <BluesKaj> !pastebinit
[15:18] <ubottu> pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com
[15:18] <designbybeck> http://paste.ubuntu.com/860636/
[15:19] <designbybeck> that's like magic or something!!
[15:19] <designbybeck> L3top: did you see the pastebin?
[15:19] <L3top> I gotta bail...
[15:19] <designbybeck> dang
[15:19] <designbybeck> ok, thanks for the help L3top
[15:19] <L3top> load livecd and check that drive for errors
[15:19] <L3top> see ya
[15:22] <designbybeck> BluesKaj: per L3top 's recommendation i'm running a check on the harddrive, although not sure why it would the the problem with not loading, but i'm giving it a go
[15:22] <designbybeck> ...no errors found on the disk
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[15:40] <zane> it's so quiet in here
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[15:55] <zane> hey can someone give me a quick hand for a second?
[15:55] <zane> i can't get muon to run
[15:57] <James1479> zane: update via command line: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
[15:57] <zane> tried
[15:57] <James1479> and?
[15:57] <zane> it finds no update
[15:57] <zane> i've also tried removing and reinstalling via bash
[15:58] <zane> i looked at the crash report and it said that their was a segmentation fault in the program, not quite sure what that means
[15:59] <zane> any ideas? :-(
[15:59] <James1479> zane: its a bug in the program
[16:00] <zane> could it have anything to do with the parsing faults i've found in privelage restricted files?
[16:00] <James1479> zane: only thing I can suggest is to use an alternitive packagemanager, muon has had a few problems in kubuntu
[16:01] <James1479> zane: not sure ^^
[16:01] <Peace-> James1479: hey
[16:01] <James1479> Peace-: Heya
[16:01] <zane> any good package managers you can suggest?
[16:01] <James1479> kpackagekit is what kubuntu use to use
[16:01] <Peace-> zane: apt-get ?
[16:01] <Peace-> James1479: nope muon now+
[16:02] <James1479> Peace-: ???
[16:02] <zane> peace: i supposedly have about 300 updates i needed to run before muon started sucking air
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[16:02] <zane> peace: apt-get won't quite cut it XD
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[16:05] <zane> have either of you two had problems with the filesystem in the new 11.10 release?
[16:05] <Peace-> zane: you can do really fast with apt-get
[16:05] <zane> Peace-:i can cue all the updates i need?
[16:06] <Peace-> James147: before kubutnu used kpackagekit => Now is called Apper , but because it had bugs => they selected Muon package manager
[16:06] <James147> Peace-: :) and muon has bugs as well
[16:07] <zane> Peace-: i never had a problem using kpackagekit on the 8.0? release
[16:07] <erik1o6> Hi guys i've been trying to install the ati driver for my 5970 on ubuntu 11.10 i have spent around 2 days looking online for an answer the only thing i've been able to fix is so that i have dual monitors but aside that i get massive stutter i'm actually considering going back to windows 7 cause this is to much of a hassle ;(
[16:07] <erik1o6> *massive stuttering when draggin windows
[16:07] <James147> zane: if the command i gave you dosnt give you any updates then you are probally already uptodate
[16:07] <erik1o6> i tried the additional drivers
[16:07] <zane> erik1o6:have you browsed the ATI website?
[16:08] <Peace-> zane: if you do sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
[16:08] <erik1o6> but it does not let me install the post release update
[16:08] <erik1o6> yes
[16:08] <erik1o6> i have the aticcatalyst
[16:08] <erik1o6> but it says that im still using vesa drivers
[16:08] <James147> !ati
[16:08] <ubottu> For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto
[16:08] <Peace-> zane: well devs had feedbacks...
[16:09] <zane> Peace-: thanks for the commands, it's been a while since i've used a linux setup so i'm still trying to remember all the old bash commands XD
[16:10] <Peace-> zane: you don't need to remember...
[16:10] <Peace-> zane: read this
[16:10] <erik1o6> VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Hemlock [ATI Radeon HD 5900 Series]
[16:10] <Peace-> zane: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/alias-apt-with-auto-complete-kde-4-kubuntu/
[16:11] <Peace-> zane: for example i do :===> u ; g
[16:11] <Peace-> xD
[16:11] <James147> erik1o6: and you installed the drivers from additional drivers program?
[16:11] <zane> Peace-: cheater XD
[16:12] <erik1o6> yes but they dont activate and they ask me to reinstall
[16:12] <Peace-> zane: nope , i am lazy
[16:12] <zane> Peace-: I'm actually relishing in the challenge of rewriting linux for my personal comp again ^_^
[16:13] <James147> erik1o6: are you fully uptodate? run: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make sure
[16:13] <zane> Peace-: I spent a good 600 hours working on the cpu threader, filesystem, and GPU threshhold system for an old dual-core on kubuntu 8.0? series i think
[16:14] <zane> Peace-: then my harddrive burned up and i lost all of it.........i'll admit i cried a little
[16:14] <James147> zane: thats what raid is for :D
[16:15] <zane> James147: I was running it on a small dual-core laptop, no raid allowed XD
[16:15] <James147> :(
[16:16] <zane> James147: i did up the power to such an extent that i could emulate 10 desktops running a wine program on each and used the old cube model popout to watch all of them without lagging
[16:16] <James147> and no backups?
[16:16] <zane> James147: on a dual-core with 1 gig of ram and built in intel graphics card XD
[16:17] <zane> nah
[16:17] <zane> james147: i still considered it beta and i was close to perfecting my code, still a few bugs, so i never backed up pass the initial install
[16:18] <James147> zane: no version control? I use that for all code I write, even if I don't plan keeping it very long
[16:19] <zane> james147: i didn't write for version control for this comp, but i had it for that one
[16:19] <zane> James147: when i say the hard drive fried, i mean i opened it up and the platter in it had melted
[16:19] <zane> Kames147: freakin maxtors
[16:21] <zane> James147: I'm in the process of developing a voice recognition security setup right now ^_^
[16:22] <mr-rich> crap. kununtu support is being dropped ... double crap. I haven't used Gnome since RH 9.x ... and Unity SUCKS ...
[16:22] <zane> kubuntu support is being dropped from where?
[16:23] <mr-rich> zane: cononical is dropping paid support afger 12.04 ...
[16:23] <mr-rich> community support only ,,,
[16:23] <mr-rich> tripple crap ...
[16:23] <zane> James147: do you have a lot of experience in translating .exe compilations to a .tar.gz formatting?
[16:24] <James147> zane: no ^^
[16:25] <zane> James147: do you know of anyone that would? all the experience i have is with programming within a windows environment
[16:25] <James147> mr-rich: kubuntu currently only has one paid developer ^^
[16:26] <zane> James147: i doubt the program would run well with wine support XD
[16:26] <James147> zane: tar.gz is just a compressed archive file, there is no real convension for their formatting
[16:27] <mr-rich> James147: who is in poor health (but recovering) and is unable to do Kubuntu work in his spare time ...
[16:27] <mr-rich> kununtu is dead ... quadrupal crap ...
[16:27] <James147> mr-rich: still have the rest of the community, dosn;t mean its dead
[16:28] <erik1o6> james147: i did both and nothing happened
[16:28] <zane> mr-rich: why not just work on kubuntu yourself? kubuntu is opensource
[16:28] <erik1o6> i mean nothing was out of date
[16:29] <zane> erik1o6: have you tried pulling your drivers from your driver install disc?
[16:29] <erik1o6> the problem from what i understand is something to do with jockey since it tell me to look at its log
[16:29] <zane> jockey handled my windows based driver files just fine for my nvidia card
[16:29] <erik1o6> i dont know what the fuck jockey
[16:29] <James147> zane: that shount be nessory, and is not a very good think to do even on windows
[16:29] <erik1o6> driver install disc?
[16:30] <mr-rich> What the hell is so great about Unity anyway? I use it on my laptop and I can't find shit or customize anything ... it's just plain boring ...
[16:30] <mr-rich> quintuple crap ...
[16:30] <bazhang> mr-rich, erik1o6 no cursing here
[16:30] <James147> erik1o6: jockey is what "addition drivers" is actually called
[16:30] <zane> James147: to use the driver disc he got with his graphics card?
[16:30] <erik1o6> oh i see
[16:30] <bazhang> !info jockey-kde | erik1o6
[16:30] <erik1o6> do you know where ther error log for jockey is?
[16:30] <ubottu> erik1o6: jockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu10.1 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 136 kB
[16:30] <James147> zane: firstly, cds contain outdated drivers, secondly, they contain windows drivers
[16:31] <erik1o6> sorry :(
[16:31] <zane> James147: right, i'm running the drivers off my cd just fine, although i did update a few weeks ago
[16:31] <mr-rich> bazhang: sorry ... not even mild explatives? :)
[16:31] <James147> erik1o6: try running it from command line, see if it gives any intresting ouput
[16:31] <erik1o6> sudo jockey-gtk?
[16:32] <James147> erik1o6: not sudo
[16:32] <erik1o6> why
[16:32] <James147> erik1o6: never use sudo for gui programs, jockey shouldnt need to be run as root (it can aquire prevliges its self) and if you need to use "kdesudo" for gui applications
[16:33] <pakph> how can i login by root in gnome?
[16:33] <James147> pakph: why do you want to?
[16:33] <bazhang> pakph, you dont
[16:33] <erik1o6> james147: i have gnome
[16:34] <zane> eik1o6: using root is a buyer beware situation, very rarely needed
[16:34] <pakph> is it impossible to login by root?
[16:34] <erik1o6> kdesudo is currently not installed
[16:34] <James147> erik1o6: then why arn t you on #ubuntu?
[16:35] <zane> pakph: why do you want to log into root?
[16:35] <erik1o6> cause they couldnt help me either and i thought it wouldnt really matter where i ask since it related to drivers
[16:35] <James147> pakph: its not impossible, just HIGHLY descuraged
[16:35] <pakph> James147: just tell me how can i do it?
[16:36] <James147> pakph: and unless you have a really good reason your unlikly to get help.... there are notmally other safer means to acheve something you think you need
[16:36] <erik1o6> i went to jockey once again and it says driver not activated
[16:36] <zane> erik1o6: did you check the driver compatibility for the ubuntu version your using with your graphics card before you installed?
[16:37] <erik1o6> zane: where?
[16:37] <erik1o6> console : erik1o6@erik1o6-System-Product-Name:~$ lspci | grep VGA
[16:37] <erik1o6> 0a:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Hemlock [ATI Radeon HD 5900 Series]
[16:37] <erik1o6> erik1o6@erik1o6-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo lshw -C video
[16:37] <erik1o6> PCI (sysfs)
[16:37] <erik1o6> *-display
[16:37] <FloodBotK1> erik1o6: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[16:37] <erik1o6> description: VGA compatible controller
[16:38] <zane> erik1o6: probably ubuntu website, not sure myself where the specific list is
[16:38] <zane> erik1o6: here's a ubuntu help site for installing graphics drivers though, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video#Graphics_Cards
[16:38] <DarthFrog> !root | pakph
[16:38] <ubottu> pakph: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo
[16:39] <erik1o6> zane : do you know how to purge
[16:39] <erik1o6> all my drivers
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[16:39] <zane> erik1o6: ok, why do you want to purge your drivers?
[16:39] <erik1o6> graphics drivers including xorg<<idk what that is
[16:39] <James147> erik1o6: is "fglrx" installed?
[16:40] <erik1o6> James147: this is what happen once i go into jockey i install and reboot np
[16:40] <erik1o6> once i reboot however the drivers appears not to be active
[16:40] <James147> erik1o6: ignore jockey, check in your packagemanager to see if fglrx is instaleld
[16:40] <zane> erik1o6: can you activate the drivers?
[16:41] <erik1o6> James147: how do i check my packagemanager
[16:41] <erik1o6> zane: how do i do that?
[16:42] <James147> "dpkg -i | grep fglrx"
[16:42] <James147> -l sorry
[16:42] <James147> "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"
[16:43] <erik1o6> http://paste.ubuntu.com/860731/
[16:44] <James147> erik1o6: sudo apt-get install 44b8
[16:44] <James147> erik1o6: sudo apt-get install fglrx even
[16:44] * James147 curses clipboad not having what he thinks is in it
[16:45] * zane hi
[16:45] <zane> teeheehee irc yay ^_^
[16:45] <erik1o6> um
[16:45] <erik1o6> it does not work
[16:45] <erik1o6> sudo apt-get install 44b8
[16:46] * zane slaps James147 with a fish
[16:46] <James147> erik1o6: sudo apt-get install fglrx ^^ not 44b8 :)
[16:46] <erik1o6> unable to locate package
[16:46] <James147> erik1o6: what version of ubuntua re you on?
[16:46] <erik1o6> 11.10
[16:47] <zane> ubuntu is only on 11.10?
[16:47] <zane> nvm stupid question ^_^
[16:47] <James147> erik1o6: sudo apt-get purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle-updates fglrx-updates && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install fglrx "
[16:48] <erik1o6> james146 i already ranned fglrx and itseem to work
[16:49] <erik1o6> but should i do what you posted before?
[16:50] <James147> erik1o6: according to the output you gave, it isnt installed :p
[16:50] <James147> but the -updates packages are
[16:51] <zane> James147: what does unity do?
[16:51] <James147> zane: its a desktop shell/enviroment linked to gnome 3
[16:51] <erik1o6> DKMS: install Completed.
[16:51] <erik1o6> update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
[16:51] <erik1o6> Processing triggers for gnome-menus ...
[16:51] <erik1o6> Processing triggers for bamfdaemon ...
[16:51] <erik1o6> Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf.index...
[16:51] <erik1o6> Setting up fglrx-amdcccle (2:8.881-0ubuntu4.1) ...
[16:51] <FloodBotK1> erik1o6: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[16:52] <zane> James147: ah i see..........thanks ^_^
[16:53] <erik1o6> http://paste.ubuntu.com/860741/
[16:53] <erik1o6> james147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860741/
[16:53] <erik1o6> brb
[16:54] <James147> erik1o6: looks good, now try running "sudo aticonfig --initial" then reboot
[17:01] <zane> James147: i'm not quite sure he ever read the instructions i sent him
[17:02] <zane> nap time ^_^
[17:23] <benbloom_> why would suddenly Phonon show "PulseAudio Sound Server" as the only output option in kubuntu? I had everything configured perfectly (multiple output devices), and now it's just switched all devices to "PAS", and gives no other options
[17:34] <em> anyone know of a good productivity logger/manager for KDE ?
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[17:36] <James147> em: ktimetracker
[17:36] <em> James147: okay cool thanks James147
[18:03] <ironfroggy> i have some severe audio trouble lately and i've run out of diagnostic ideas
[18:04] <ironfroggy> audio doesn't only fail to reach my devices, but seems to fail to play at all. pavucontrol shows 0 levels on all playback streams, even if the application is clearly playing.
[18:08] <ironfroggy> i have seen oher people with recent kubuntu+pulseaudio troubles. have there been recent problematic updates?
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[18:41] <James147> ironfroggy: is phonon configured to use the correct device? (system setting > multimedia)
[18:42] <James147> ironfroggy: also see if any channel are muted in alsamixer (f6 to chance to the relevent device)
[18:43] <sealone> hallo zusammen!
[19:15] <`Korvin> how can I edit the icon of an executable file?
[19:19] <sharpspear> can i use this thou im on kubuntu?
[19:20] <sharpspear> this is: http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java
[19:21] <James147> sharpspear: if it can be used on ubuntu it can be used on kubuntu
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[19:21] <sharpspear> James147: ah ok, didnt know. tyvm
[19:21] <L3top> buntu is buntu
[19:22] <sharpspear> the only difference is the desktop looks?
[19:22] <sharpspear> i mean gnome or kde?
[19:22] <James147> sharpspear: they both share the same base system and packages, the only difference is what packages are installed (kubuntu uses kde where ubuntu uses gnome/unity
[19:23] <sharpspear> James147: i see :)
[19:23] <L3top> got same guts
[19:23] <James147> sharpspear: you can even install "ubuntu-desktop" in kubuntu and "kubuntu-desktop" in ubuntu to have them both installed on the same system
[19:27] <sharpspear> James147: i have actually
[19:27] <sharpspear> anyone knows a good and easy guide for installing java that works
[19:29] <James147> sharpspear: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
[19:29] <sharpspear> James147: thats it?
[19:29] <sharpspear> James147: should i remove everything ive tried before i install it?
[19:30] <James147> sharpspear: for openjdk yes, but oricles version no, but its illegle to distraute oricles version so there is no easy way
[19:30] <James147> sharpspear: you shouldnt need to, any conflicts should be handeled by apt-get or dpkg
[19:31] <sharpspear> James147: ok ill try
[19:32] <sharpspear> James147: got a big blue license screen, how do i pass it?
[19:33] <James147> sharpspear: combo of tab or enter or space :)
[19:34] <sharpspear> James147: lol ty :)
[19:35] <James147> oo oneriic has openjdk-7-jre as well :p
[19:38] <krise> Hi
[19:38] <krise> im useing kubuntu
[19:38] <krise> i upgraded something and now on boot menu it shows im running ubuntu
[19:39] <krise> but everithing looks same like before the upgrade
[19:39] <James147> krise: the boot menu dosnt care, you are effectivly running ubuntu base system with kde ^^
[19:39] <sharpspear> James147: it didnt work
[19:40] <James147> sharpspear: define didnt work
[19:40] <krise> Thanks James147
[19:40] <krise> only thing my system freeses now sometimes
[19:40] <sharpspear> James147: well i tested it on http://java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp and it didnt work
[19:40] <James147> krise: when?
[19:41] <krise> sometimes
[19:41] <krise> when im surfing in internet
[19:42] <James147> sharpspear: install icedtea-plugin for browser support (also you might need to logout and back in after installing java)
[19:42] <krise> it takes about 30 sec to 1 min when it starts run again
[19:42] <sharpspear> James147: logout of the system or firefox?
[19:43] <James147> sharpspear: system, java needs some envrioment varibles set inorder to work, these are set during login
[19:44] <sharpspear> James147: ok ill restart then
[19:44] <James147> install icedtea-plugin first
[19:44] <sharpspear> its already installed
[19:45] <sharpspear> so brb
[19:48] <sharpspear> James147: it still doesnt work
[19:48] <sharpspear> think there is an plugin issue or something
[19:48] * James147 grumbles about java...
[19:49] <James147> sharpspear: is there any perticular reason you need to it work in a browser?
[19:49] <sharpspear> James147: yes, chess :P
[19:49] <James147> ^^
[19:50] <James147> sharpspear: dose "java --version" work in a console?
[19:51] <James147> -version even :)
[19:52] <sharpspear> James147: command not found
[19:52] <James147> that indicates its not installed ^^
[19:52] <James147> sharpspear: whats the output of "dpkg -l | grep openjdk"
[19:52] <James147> !pastebin
[19:52] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[19:54] <James147> also "dpkg -l | grep jre"
[19:55] <sharpspear> http://paste.ubuntu.com/860987/ James147
[19:56] <sharpspear> James147: and http://paste.ubuntu.com/860992/
[19:56] <James147> sharpspear: try "sudo update-alternatives --set java"
[19:59] <sharpspear> James147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/860997/
[19:59] * James147 tries to remember the correct options for the command
[20:00] <James147> sharpspear: try "sudo update-alternatives java"
[20:00] <James147> :)
[20:01] <sharpspear> James147: update-alternatives: error: unknown argument `java'
[20:01] <James147> hmm, try jre
[20:01] <sharpspear> James147: same :/
[20:02] <James147> sudo update-alternatives --config java :)
[20:02] <James147> ^^ should be that one
[20:04] <sharpspear> http://paste.ubuntu.com/861003/ James147
[20:05] <James147> sharpspear: hmm, that looks fine, (press enter to select the default (0) )
[20:05] <James147> then try "java -version
[20:05] <James147> "
[20:05] <James147> again
[20:10] <sharpspear> James147: can u type the excact command cause it doesnt work for me
[20:10] <James147> if it says cannot find java then you have a problem
[20:12] <sharpspear> http://paste.ubuntu.com/861010/
[20:13] <James147> sharpspear: thats find :) it found the java exec, and java complaied at --version (its -version and the only reason for it is to make sure it dosnt return "command not found: java")
[20:13] <James147> s/find/fine/
[20:13] <sharpspear> ah ok
[20:14] <James147> sharpspear: so java, is installed, what dose "echo $JAVA_HOME" say?
[20:15] <sharpspear> nothing
[20:15] <James147> sharpspear: then logout and back in (or reboot)
[20:15] <sharpspear> James147: ehm ok ill logout then
[20:16] <sharpspear> James147: now what
[20:17] <James147> echo $JAVA_HOME again
[20:17] <sharpspear> James147: still nothing
[20:17] <James147> hmm
[20:24] <James147> sharpspear: lets try purging and reinstalling all java stuff before trying ugly hacks :) (http://paste.ubuntu.com/861029/)
[20:25] <James147> (make sure it dosnt want to remove anything critical :) )
[20:26] <James147> sharpspear: after purging is done run http://paste.ubuntu.com/861031/ then reboot
[20:28] <sharpspear> James147: ok work in progress :)
[20:28] <sharpspear> shall i try this http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java? James147
[20:28] <James147> sharpspear: nah, try purging and reinstalling first
[20:29] <sharpspear> ok its done James147
[20:29] <James147> sharpspear: purge and reinstall?
[20:30] <sharpspear> James147: no i havent reinstalled
[20:30] <sharpspear> what is the right order to do it in?
[20:30] <James147> run http://paste.ubuntu.com/861031/ if you have finished purging
[20:35] <sharpspear> James147: ok work in progress...
[20:36] <James147> sharpspear: reboot when its finished and check "echo $JAVA_HOME" again
[20:36] <sharpspear> James147: will do master
[20:39] <sharpspear> James147: nothing happened
[20:39] <sharpspear> James147: it was echoe $JAVA_HOME right?
[20:40] <James147> echo $JAVA_HOME if it returns a blank line that means the variable is empty
[20:40] <sharpspear> James147: its blank yes
[20:40] <James147> and i take it that it still dosnt work in the browser?
[20:42] <sharpspear> James147: nope
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[20:46] <James147> sharpspear: and java -version still works?
[20:53] <sharpspear> !pastebin
[20:53] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[20:53] <sharpspear> James147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/861061/
[20:54] <James147> sharpspear: what browser are you using/.
[20:57] <sharpspear> James147: i fixed it
[20:58] <James147> how?
[20:58] <sharpspear> by doing this: http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java
[20:58] <sharpspear> for 32 version
[20:59] <jmichaelx> i don't want to get too carried away here, but as of today's updates, are the ghost task manager icons gone??
[21:01] <sharpspear> James147: but thank you for all the effort you put into it, i really appreciate it
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[21:10] <Xiziuz> hi peeps.. can i get some help ? i am new in kubuntu, and i want to update my kub, but cant find any update manager :/
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[21:15] <mel> Xiziuz: You are looking for the 'package manager'
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[21:16] <mel> Xiziuz: it handles the updates and if your wanting to download other programs
[21:17] <mel> Xiziuz: what version of Kubuntu are you using?
[21:17] <Xiziuz> hey mel. i didnt know it wasnt legal to ask in more than one chan about the same quest. so sorry for that, i got help :)
[21:17] <Xiziuz> 11.10
[21:18] <mel> Xiziuz: oh I didn't know it wasn't "legal" either. I'm not sure why it wouldn't be acceptable, since nobody here knew you were asking the same question twice.
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[21:19] <Xiziuz> some are in 2 ore more chans at the same time :P like the bot who was writing to me about it :P
[21:19] <Xiziuz> <ubot2`> Xiziuz: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.
[21:20] <mel> Xiziuz: somebody had way too much time on their hands ;)
[21:20] <Unit193> Also, as a person in more than one, I'm more likely to ignore you as I don'tknow if I am wasteing me time.
[21:21] <Xiziuz> whaat???
[21:40] <designbybeck> :(
[21:40] <designbybeck> Login issues, it hangs after trying to login
[21:41] <designbybeck> mouse moves, but i can't click or see any part of the kmenu or anything else
[21:41] <designbybeck> i just see the wallpaper in the background, Any ideas?
[21:41] <L3top_> designbybeck: dmesg |tail > dtail; pastebinit dtail
[21:42] <L3top_> I am barely here but I will try when I can
[21:42] <designbybeck> ok, i jsut got back myself
[21:42] <designbybeck> i am in TTY 2
[21:42] <designbybeck> i'll try that comand again
[21:43] <James147> designbybeck: dose "alt+f2" popup a window you can type in? if so launch "konsole" and run "plasma-desktop"
[21:43] <designbybeck> http://paste.ubuntu.com/861117
[21:43] <James147> see if it out puts anythign intresting
[21:43] <designbybeck> L3top_: ^
[21:43] <designbybeck> James147: it doesn't apper to be pulling up anything when pressing buttons or keys
[21:44] <designbybeck> my mouse moves
[21:44] <James147> designbybeck: "pgrep -l krunner"
[21:44] <James147> does that output anything?
[21:44] <designbybeck> the only thing i can get to change in GUI is pressing alt ctrl esc ..pulls up the cross bones
[21:45] <L3top_> and you ran a check on the drive from live boot?
[21:46] <designbybeck> yes L3top_ i did run the check disk and no errors
[21:47] <designbybeck> James147: that command didn't output anything
[21:47] <designbybeck> just went back to the prompt
[21:47] <James147> designbybeck: is kubuntu-desktop installed?
[21:47] <designbybeck> This is a farely clean install James147 of Kubuntu 11.10 64bit
[21:47] <designbybeck> so I didn't do a kubuntu-desktop install
[21:48] <James147> designbybeck: dpkg -l | grep kubuntu-desktop best to check just incase
[21:48] <designbybeck> it was working yesterday after work, i shut it down, and this morning it ill not go past the login
[21:48] <designbybeck> or does but doesn't go past that
[21:48] <designbybeck> that did not show up anythign James147
[21:49] <designbybeck> James147: isn't kubunut-desktop only needed if you install on top of Ubuntu ?
[21:50] <James147> designbybeck: then "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"
[21:50] <James147> designbybeck: it is a meta package for everything installed by kubuntu by default, it should be installed if you are using kubuntu
[21:50] <designbybeck> i did update to KDE 4.8
[21:50] <designbybeck> and had been using that for a week or so with out problems
[21:52] <designbybeck> how in the world could that have gotten taken off James147 ?
[21:52] <designbybeck> i did check another system I had (desktop this time not the laptop i'm on) and you are right It is on there!
[21:53] <James147> designbybeck: apt-get trying to be smart
[21:54] * James147 finds apt-get gets confused when you have lots of extra ppas installed or you dont upgrade very often :p
[21:54] <yofel> mind sharing your /var/log/apt/history.log please?
[21:54] <yofel> apt can be rather creative sometimes - sadly
[21:54] <designbybeck> I do update often, but i have added a number of ppa's lately James147 ...rebooting now with kbuntu-desktop installed...fingers crossed!
[21:55] <designbybeck> That worked James147
[21:56] <James147> designbybeck: i suggest you do what yofel asked
[21:56] * yofel hits apt with a kubuntu logo - the gears hurt, hrhrhr
[21:56] <designbybeck> L3top, James147 suggestion, had me check to see if kubuntu-desktop was installed, and it wasn't, (no clue how that got uninstalled) but installing it solved the problem. I was able to login now! Thanks James147
[21:57] <designbybeck> oh soryr just saw that yofel
[21:57] <designbybeck> let me get that
[21:57] <yofel> the history might not tell why it removed it, but at least when
[21:59] <designbybeck> yofel: http://www.pasteall.org/29572
[21:59] <designbybeck> that goes back a few days
[22:00] <yofel> thanks!
[22:00] <designbybeck> I do see where it was removed yesterday
[22:00] <designbybeck> but I didn't type that in
[22:01] <James147> designbybeck: it was during an upgrade ^^
[22:01] <designbybeck> how/why would an upgrade remove that of all things
[22:02] <designbybeck> that's not very nice of it!!
[22:02] <James147> designbybeck: dependncy conflict... not sure apt-get has a concept of an important package ^^
[22:02] <designbybeck> LOL the DESKTOP was pretty important to me
[22:02] <designbybeck> but all is right now! Thanks to you guys!
[22:03] <designbybeck> good call on that one James147 i was looking way in the wrong place
[22:03] <James147> designbybeck: have seen it happen before :) quite a few times
[22:04] <designbybeck> I'll pay it forward
[22:04] <James147> designbybeck: most the time it is that or a user config error (which creating a new user can test :) )
[22:04] <yofel> *sigh*
[22:05] <yofel> well, at least I know what the problem was..
[22:05] <James147> yofel: ^^
[22:05] <designbybeck> yofel: any way to avoid it down the road? or what caused it?
[22:07] <yofel> uhm, well, this was caused by me stupidly using a wrong dependency version in workspace ~ppa4 by mistake when backporting a fix from precise
[22:08] <yofel> but I would really love it if one could tell apt to NOT remove kubuntu-desktop
[22:09] <designbybeck> :)
[22:10] <yofel> designbybeck: sorry btw
[22:11] <designbybeck> no problem! I'm glad We the People of the Open Source Community could come together and solve it!
[22:11] <designbybeck> Keep it up yofel, Thank you and all the rest of your Kubuntu and KDE Users for supporting Open Source Software!!!
[22:13] * James147 really has to stop typing ls in his webbrowser when he forgets what he was looking for
[22:14] * sithlord48 has to stop trying to use ls on dos machines....
[22:14] * rork seconds that
[22:14] * James147 tries not to work on dos machines
[22:16] * yofel has a ls.bat on dos machines in PATH
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[23:26] <radomirj> hi
[23:48] <george> hi