UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /25 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
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[01:51] <markus_> hy everybody
[01:54] <DasKreech> hi
[02:55] <jameslord> hello
[02:56] <jameslord> i have problem relate to vnc
[02:56] <bazhang> jameslord, you are already asking in #ubuntu
[02:56] <jameslord> when i connect to ip:0 , the destop is grey, why?
[02:57] <jameslord> bazhang dude, i am using kubuntu, maybe there should be some kubuntu specific config, understand?
[02:57] <bazhang> jameslord, please dont crosspost to multiple channels, thanks
[03:00] <jameslord> bazhang dude, different questions, understand?
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[04:17] <Fanfare> Q: How do i REinstall a package? New download+new install.
[04:41] <master> -
[04:42] <jameslord1> help
[04:42] <master> with
[04:42] <jameslord1> Font directory '/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/' not found
[04:42] <jameslord1> what's wrong?
[04:43] <master> has to be downloaded
[04:45] <jameslord1> master how to download it ?
[04:45] <jameslord1> master should i install some package?
[04:51] <DasKreech> jameslord1: Master?
[04:51] <DasKreech> Oh
[04:51] <acidrain> lol
[04:51] <DasKreech> fonts
[04:51] <acidrain> download fonts
[04:52] <DasKreech> Hmm
[04:53] <danix803> how do I find out about new things coming out??? before U write about them... That way I can test drive them and write something about them... I have VBox setup with Windows XP Pro and Windows ME... I can build others if necessary... except I can't seem to build a Mac OS... But, I'm still working on that...
[04:53] <jameslord1> acidrain how to download fonts, dude i donot know what is the package
[04:53] <DasKreech> jameslord1: Do you have apt-file installed?
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[04:54] <jameslord> DasKreech yes
[04:54] <danix803> Yes... I can apt-get install stuff... LOL
[04:54] <acidrain> font come from google
[04:54] <DasKreech> jameslord: try apt-file search 75dpi
[04:54] <danix803> Oooppss.. sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt...
[04:55] <DasKreech> danix803: Wht new things?
[04:55] <danix803> Uhm... new features... new apps... etc...
[04:56] <jameslord> DasKreech what a hell, so much .gz:(
[04:56] <jameslord> DasKreech how to install them?
[04:57] <DasKreech> jameslord: can you pastebin that output?
[04:58] <DasKreech> danix803: what would you consider new features?
[04:59] <danix803> Helping with the weather widget in Kubuntu... it doesn't have my location on it... it seems to be very limited...
[04:59] <danix803> building drivers...
[05:00] <DasKreech> danix803: Ah you want to get involved upstream
[05:00] <danix803> What is upstream???
[05:01] <danix803> There is something that I really need... I've been working on it for about four months...
[05:01] <DasKreech> danix803: in projects you have work that is done before where you interact with it
[05:01] <DasKreech> That's called upstream
[05:01] <DasKreech> For Kubuntu Upstream would be KDE
[05:04] <danix803> I don't understand that... "have work that is done before where you interact with it??? I'm confused...
[05:04] <danix803> I really, really like KDE...
[05:04] <danix803> My uncle Gil is deaf as a bat... He was in the Korean war... He worked on munitions... I've been trying to work on getting the speech-to-text system to work... like subtitles... He wants to be able to read what people are saying to him... It's been very difficult... there are tons and tons of text-to-speech programs... but, speech-to-text is rare... and often expensive...
[05:05] <danix803> I tried putting it on a Dell D800... but it's too slow... So, I got a Dell D820... Now, I just need to find of make a program that can do the job...
[05:05] <danix803> I tried using the MS speech engine, but, it's too slow and very, very unreliable...
[05:06] <danix803> it types all kindsa' crazy stuff...
[05:06] <danix803> Could also be the microphone I'm using... LOL...
[05:06] <danix803> I'll try that next...
[05:06] <DasKreech> danix803: Kubuntu is a project. But it uses work from anther project
[05:07] <DasKreech> which for Kubuntu the major project it uses is KDE
[05:07] <danix803> I thought that Kubuntu was a KDE faction of Ubuntu???
[05:07] <DasKreech> so KDE is upstream to kubuntu
[05:07] <danix803> So, how do I get into the upstream???
[05:07] <DasKreech> KDE makes use of the work of the project Qt. So Qt is upstream to KDE
[05:07] <DasKreech> etc
[05:08] <DasKreech> If you have to wait on another project to finish work before you can make use of it then it's upstream to you
[05:08] <danix803> I have difficulty working with Qt... I like KDevelop...
[05:08] <DasKreech> danix803: That's fine :)
[05:09] <danix803> What 'other project' RU waiting on???
[05:09] <DasKreech> danix803: If you want to work with a Project just ask
[05:09] <DasKreech> danix803: Well if you are working with KDE then you don't have to wait on a lot :)
[05:10] <danix803> Which projects are available to be worked on... Is there a project for refining speech to text???
[05:11] <DasKreech> danix803: #kde-accessibility
[05:11] <jameslord> hell
[05:11] <DasKreech> jameslord: hmm?
[05:11] <jameslord> what's wrong with vnc?
[05:11] <jameslord> http://paste.ubuntu.com/856166/
[05:12] <jameslord> xrdb is in /usr/bin, stupid kubuntu cannot find it?
[05:12] <danix803> Thanks DasKreech... I'm reading that channel now... lookin' 4 a place 2 get in...
[05:12] <danix803> What does DasKreech mean???
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[05:14] <jameslord> help:(
[05:14] <danix803> What do U need help with jameslord???
[05:15] <jameslord> danix803 what's wrong with vnc? http://paste.ubuntu.com/856166/
[05:16] <danix803> I don't understand... Who is using VNC??? Where do I paste that???
[05:16] <jameslord> hell
[05:17] <danix803> I pasted it into mozilla... interesting...
[05:17] <danix803> xrdb: No such file or directory
[05:17] <danix803> xrdb: can't open file '/home/jack/.Xresources'
[05:18] <danix803> Whose computer RU trying to take over with VNC???
[05:19] <DasKreech> danix803: It's my nick name IRL
[05:20] <DasKreech> jameslord: Where is x81? that's what it's trying to connect to
[05:20] <danix803> I don't understand about your nickname??? What's your nickname???
[05:20] <DasKreech> danix803: DasKreech
[05:22] <jameslord> DasKreech pc's name:)
[05:22] <DasKreech> jameslord: So it's localhost basically
[05:23] <danix803> try
[05:24] <DasKreech> jameslord: do you hve jack installed?
[05:26] <danix803> People give me old computers... I boost 'em as much as possible... load Kubuntu on them... and give them away... My biggest problems are printer drivers... the people I give them to want to connect printers to them... and most times it's not a plug and play event... LOL... anyway... going to bed... You've given me a lot to think about... thanks... ttyl...
[05:28] <DasKreech> danix803: HP printers I would presume?
[05:30] <L3top> Anybody particularly farmiliar with mastering live cds? (ubiquity preseed problem)
[05:31] <DasKreech> I'm not but #ubuntu-devel might be a good place to ask questions
[05:31] <L3top> ty.
[05:34] <jameslord> http://i.imgur.com/JQMtw.png what's wrong when i connect to remote pc using vnc
[05:44] <jameslord> what a hell
[05:44] <jameslord> what destop icon wizard do
[05:45] <jameslord> i hate that disgusting function, which hosted itself as a bullshit on the right corner of my screen
[05:46] <igor_> hello
[05:46] <igor_> hello
[05:46] <jameslord> hell
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[05:47] <jameslord> god, i need help:)
[05:47] <igor_i> i am havinga problem in irc, as soon as i connect it says nick is already in use
[05:48] <igor_i> so i have to choose a different name
[05:48] <DasKreech> hi igor_i
[05:48] <DasKreech> igor_i: So choose a different name
[05:48] <DasKreech> jameslord: what vnc server are you running?
[05:48] <igor_i> i did
[05:48] <jameslord> DasKreech vncserver
[05:49] <DasKreech> jameslord: And it works but you have strange things happeneing?
[05:49] <igor_i> the problem is i cant log into certain channels cause i forgot my pasword or else i'm typing it wrong
[05:49] <jameslord> DasKreech TightVNC Server version 1.3.9
[05:49] <DasKreech> igor_i: #freenode
[05:49] <jameslord> DasKreech dude, see this pic, http://i.imgur.com/JQMtw.png
[05:50] <igor_i> can they help me in there?
[05:52] <DasKreech> jameslord: and I presume that clicking that section of the windoww has no reaction ?
[05:52] <DasKreech> granted I'd just be using Ctrl+Q anyway
[05:52] <DasKreech> igor_i: Better than anyone here regarding password failure
[05:56] <jameslord> DasKreech it can react to my click operation, but i cannot see that button, dude, it's a hell, i am hurt:(
[05:57] <DasKreech> jameslord: Not sure what's doing that. Do you hve compositing on? That may be cached out
[05:58] <jameslord> DasKreech i have 4g memory
[06:03] <jameslord> omg, how to fix this problem
[06:04] <artao> ahoy!!
[06:05] <artao> I've got a dual-head setup and kinda need to apply seperate ICC profiles to each monitor. I've already generated the respective profiles for each monitor, but now don't know what to do with them.
[06:05] <artao> my secondary monitor is in SERIOUS need of gamma correction .. and i do CGI work so it really is rather important for my purposes
[06:08] <DasKreech> jameslord: #kwin or #tightvnc I would guess
[06:08] <DasKreech> artao: colord ?
[06:09] <artao> never heard of colord
[06:09] <DasKreech> It's new ;)
[06:09] <artao> i c
[06:09] <artao> just googled it
[06:11] <jameslord> after install gnome-session , i cannot connect my vncserver now, why?
[06:12] <artao> gui? i was hoping i was just missing "where" to enter the profile to load for each monitor
[06:12] <artao> reading wikipedias "Linux Color Management" section ...
[06:22] <jschall> so, on my kubuntu laptop, the regulatory domain on my wifi was set to 00, instead of US... i set it to US using "iw reg set US" but will this change be permanent? if not, how do i make it permanent? shouldn't kubuntu be setting it correctly based on the time zone i select?
[06:24] <DasKreech> jameslord: possible that you are running a gnome session on the display that VNC was using before
[06:32] <Frus> I'm a gnome ubuntu user but am new to kubuntu. I would like to reset the kubuntu desktop (kde?) to original settings before i changed anything. Is there a way to do this?
[06:33] <DasKreech> Frus: You mean just the desktop ?
[06:34] <Frus> yes dashavoo_
[06:34] <Frus> yes DasKreech
[06:39] <DasKreech> Frus: mkdir ~/plasmabkup; kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 3 && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plas* ~/plasmabkup && plasma-desktop&
[08:35] <artao> i give up for tonite .. learned of KolorManager, but don't seem to it nor can i find in in repos
[08:35] <artao> did find a console command colormgr i have, but couldn't figure out how to use it
[08:35] <artao> colord appears to be installed, but again i don't know how to use it
[08:36] <artao> frustrated. stopping.
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[10:00] <aussie_matt> hi all, can anyone help me mount my raid array please? dmraid -ay finds it and lists two devices in /dev/mapper....Which device do i mount?
[11:05] <fille> anyone know anything about the bumblebee for optimus ubuntu?
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[12:41] <markus_> moin
[12:58] <anqxyr> Hello. Can anyone help me with a little problem?
[13:00] <liudas> what is your problem?
[13:00] <anqxyr> I can't edit some text files. File permissions are set correctly, and even editing as root don't work. Copying the content of the file into a newly created one, then deleting the original works, but I'd like to figure out what's the problem is.
[13:01] <liudas> what kind of files?
[13:02] <liudas> and what editor u use for editing?
[13:03] <anqxyr> plain text files. Currently the problem is with a DF init file, but a few days ago I had the same problem with another, unrelated, file, also plain text. The editor is Kate
[13:04] <liudas> any error notification when trying to save?
[13:04] <DoctorPepper> hi guys !!!
[13:05] <anqxyr> Kate simply don't allow me to make any change to the file, so it won't save it since it's unchanged
[13:06] <anqxyr> actually, let me try to open it on LibreOffice and see what it would do
[13:07] <liudas> anqxyr: start kate as su: sudo kate. open file, make changes, try to save. if it works - you have wrong file permitions. ofcourse make backup befor
[13:08] <anqxyr> oh, it looks like I found the problem
[13:09] <anqxyr> Office changed and saved the file just fine, and when I opened it in Kate again, it said
[13:10] <anqxyr> "bla bla bla, contained too long lines (more than 1024 characters) bla bla bla set to read-only mode, as saving will modify its content"
[13:10] <peace> anqxyr: ok go in options of kate and set this stuff :D i hate this too
[13:10] <peace> anqxyr: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopXW1826.png
[13:11] <anqxyr> thanks. The strange part is that it didn't say anything before
[13:12] <peace> y are welcome
[13:12] <anqxyr> aaand it didn't work
[13:12] <peace> anqxyr: you need to restart kate
[13:12] <peace> i guess
[13:12] <go^> peace, a cosa serve la scorciatoia win+tab?
[13:12] <peace> go^: wtf english
[13:12] <go^> mi leva tutte le finestre...
[13:13] <go^> peace, massì ;)
[13:13] <peace> ..
[13:13] <anqxyr> it don't complain anymore, but I still can't edit the file, and restarting didn't help
[13:14] <anqxyr> but at least now I know that it's Kate problem
[13:14] <peace> mm
[13:14] <peace> strange
[13:15] <DoctorPepper> can anyone please help me , nepomuk is acting strange on my laptop. after indexing is finished the file indexer goes idle after a few minutes i get the the following "file indexing service not running
[13:16] <anqxyr> and looks like this is a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdesdk/+bug/541630
[13:16] <peace> DoctorPepper: try with a new user
[13:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 541630 in kdesdk (Ubuntu) "Kate enables read-only mode automatically and does not tell the user" [Undecided,Invalid]
[13:16] <BluesKaj> Hey all
[13:16] <peace> DoctorPepper: maybe resetting configs could help
[13:16] <peace> DoctorPepper: so you could test a new user or rename ~/.kde
[13:28] <DoctorPepper> peace: with a new user i get the same message but the file indexing not happen before getting the message
[13:29] <peace> DoctorPepper: mm kde version ?
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[13:29] <DoctorPepper> 4.8
[13:30] <peace> 11.10?
[13:30] <DoctorPepper> yes
[13:30] <peace> DoctorPepper: ask on #kde or fill a bug report
[13:30] <DoctorPepper> ok thanks
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[15:45] <designbybeck> hello all. in Ubuntu you can switch between keyboard layouts and switch between them with a keystroke. I have found out how to do this in Kubuntu as well. But one feature I can't find that I liked in Ubuntus keyboards... was the ablility to see an actual pdf of the keyboard layouts for other languages. Is there something like that for Kubunut/KDE?
[15:58] <jussi> designbybeck: curious - In ubiquity I know we have the option to see it (at install time) but after that I cant see anythign
[16:00] <designbybeck> ah yess jussi, i guess you do see it at install
[16:00] <designbybeck> i remember ubuntu having it in the systray, you could click on the keyboard switcher and select a layout and view the keys and such and it allowed you to print it even
[16:03] <peace> designbybeck: there is a widget to see the layout
[16:03] <peace> but i dunno if it's what you watn
[16:04] <designbybeck> hmm that is a lil' closer peace
[16:05] <peace> designbybeck: this ? http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopRc1826.png
[16:06] <designbybeck> again that is close to what ubuntu had
[16:06] <designbybeck> but they had when you went into it you could pull up a pdf so you could print it out
[16:06] <designbybeck> the keyboard widget is pretty much it
[16:06] <designbybeck> so you can at least see what keys go with what
[16:06] <designbybeck> but you can't print it
[16:07] <peace> print?
[16:07] <designbybeck> yes
[16:07] <peace> just change the layouyt with the widget
[16:07] <peace> and you will print with your selected languages
[16:07] <peace> layout
[16:07] <designbybeck> i'm thinking for an education classroom that teaches langauge, so you could print it out poster size for everyone to see
[16:08] <designbybeck> so in other words i'm looking for a way to print out the keyboard layout of a number of languages so people can see what letters and keys to push for other languages
[16:09] <peace> designbybeck: i use kde as windows ... just clickin on the widget you can select the layout
[16:09] <designbybeck> right, and that is workign ffor me, it doesn't seem you can type with that widget
[16:09] <designbybeck> like an on screen keyboard, that would be nice, but at least we can use that for them to see the keys
[16:10] <peace> ασδφασδφασδ
[16:10] <peace> xD
[16:10] <designbybeck> heehee
[16:10] <designbybeck> that is all greek to me! LOL
[16:11] <peace> designbybeck: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopyn4809.png
[16:11] <peace> designbybeck: i have click one time on the widget P=> italian
[16:11] <peace> second time => greek
[16:12] <vic> ???
[16:12] <vic> hello everyone
[16:12] <peace> vic: hi
[16:12] <peace> designbybeck: i can' tundestand well your problem
[16:13] <vic> hi, peaceful peace
[16:13] <designbybeck> peace: it is working for me as far as being able to change languages and such
[16:14] <designbybeck> and i can view the layout in the widget, lathough aribic doesn't look like it is working int he keyboard widget,
[16:14] <peace> designbybeck: you have even the keyboard widget look http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopos4809.png
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[16:14] <designbybeck> but i was also looking for something like ubuntu had that pulls up the Keyboard Layout in a PDF form so you can print it
[16:15] <peace> pdf ?
[16:15] <peace> :S
[16:15] <designbybeck> yes so that you can print nice vector graphics
[16:15] <designbybeck> but this gets me going at least ;) Thanks for the help peace
[16:16] <Avihay> designbybeck: try kvkbd
[16:18] <Avihay> you can use ksnapshot to convert it into an image
[16:21] <BluesKaj> ok , BBL ...
[16:21] <peace> Avihay: but this is karbon ... i can't figure out what he is looking for http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopWx4809.png
[16:38] <yurikoles> is there any devs?
[16:50] <BluesKaj> yurikoles, not here , try #kubuntu-devel
[16:51] <yurikoles> thanks
[17:10] <Ratchetman> My dependancys got messed up in a full system upgrade (Muon... I know now it doesn't work so well) Can someone tell me how to fix it?
[17:11] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, reboot in order to kill Muon (it's buggy atm) , the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in he terminal, after the upgrade muon shouldn't hang anymore
[17:13] <BluesKaj> err then, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
[17:17] <Ratchetman> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found
[17:17] <Ratchetman> W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/sevenmachines/flash/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found
[17:17] <Ratchetman> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
[17:17] <Ratchetman> What does this mean Blueskaj
[17:19] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, that means you have an ppa repository that's no longer valid on this OS , just go to /etc/apt/sources.list.d with root permissions and remove it
[17:20] <Ratchetman> How do I get root permission. It won't even let me into apt directory
[17:20] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, alt+f2 , then kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[17:21] <Ratchetman> Oh duh.
[17:22] <Ratchetman> The whole folder?
[17:23] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, it should just be a text file with sevenmachines in the title
[17:23] <meduser> hello, is this the Kubuntu irc? I am a newbie looking for some help
[17:24] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list
[17:24] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade
[17:24] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list.save
[17:24] <Ratchetman> Those are my text files
[17:25] <meduser> I am looking for some help on making a playable DVD from an ISO file
[17:25] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, /etc/apt/sources.list.d , don't forget the .d
[17:25] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list.d/sevenmachines-flash-natty.list
[17:25] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list.d/sevenmachines-flash-natty.list.distUpgrade
[17:25] <Ratchetman> file:///etc/apt/sources.list.d/sevenmachines-flash-natty.list.save
[17:25] <Ratchetman> These ones?
[17:25] <FloodBotK1> Ratchetman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[17:28] <Ratchetman> monkey31
[17:29] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, what path are you using to those files you just listed ?
[17:30] <Ratchetman> kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[17:30] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, remove the sevenmachines file
[17:30] <BluesKaj> werr files
[17:30] <BluesKaj> the sevenmachines files are the the troublesome ppas
[17:31] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, ^
[17:31] <Ratchetman> Ok thank you
[17:32] <Ratchetman> That got me back to the dependancy issue.
[17:32] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, then run your update/upgrades
[17:32] <Ratchetman> I got a really long list of dependancies unmet list
[17:33] <BluesKaj> ok, run sudo dpkg --configure -a
[17:33] <Ratchetman> Processing was halted because there were too many errors
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[17:35] <BluesKaj> you didn't start muon I hope , or the update manager which is part of muon
[17:36] <Ratchetman> No
[17:36] <Ratchetman> What's the command to see processes running?
[17:36] <BluesKaj> did you reboot as I suggested earlier?
[17:37] <Ratchetman> I rebooted before going on quassel
[17:37] <BluesKaj> atop
[17:37] <Ratchetman> Ok I'm going to try another reboot be back in 4 min
[17:37] <meduser> anybody that can help a newbie would be greatly appreciated
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[17:38] <BluesKaj> meduser, just ask your question , we'll help if we can
[17:39] <meduser> I am trying to burn a dvd, I have converted the ripped file to an iso, but the dvd player says it cannot play
[17:40] <meduser> sees it as a DVD-r, my Sony player can play burnt disks with no issues
[17:41] <DarthFrog> meduser: Put the disk in your computer and see if there are VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories on the disk. Or is there an ISO file on the disk.
[17:41] <Ratchetman> ok trying config again
[17:41] <meduser> I used Devede to convert, and tried K3B to write, and all I am getting
[17:42] <BluesKaj> meduser, did you convert the file to another codec while ripping it , if so the the iso might not work
[17:42] <Ratchetman> Processing was halted because there were too many errors. Again
[17:43] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, are you just updating or ?
[17:43] <DarthFrog> meduser: it doesn't matter what you used, what matters is what you got.
[17:43] <Ratchetman> Full system upgrade
[17:43] <meduser> I converted to iso from avi, and then ran K3b to burn the disk. the burning process took like 6 minutes to complete. The disk I insert has 13 files in the video folder, and nothing in the audio folder
[17:44] <BluesKaj> upgrade to oneiric from natty . Ratchetman ?
[17:44] <Ratchetman> I've had oneiric for a month or two
[17:44] <meduser> 6 of those files end in vob, 3 end in ifo, and 3 end in bup
[17:45] <Ratchetman> I saw there were lib files that were available for upgrade
[17:45] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, then get rid of all the natty files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d
[17:46] <BluesKaj> and the sources.list repos debs as well
[17:47] <DarthFrog> meduser: Can you play that DVD on your computer?
[17:47] <Ratchetman> I dumped the whole folder. Nothing said oneiric.
[17:47] <Ratchetman> Directory is still there but it's emptied
[17:48] <BluesKaj> not oneiric , just natty
[17:48] <Ratchetman> Yeah I got rid of natty and maverick.
[17:48] <Ratchetman> shouldn't I have oneiric in there?
[17:49] <BluesKaj> oneiric in /etc/apt/sources.list , yes
[17:49] <Ratchetman> I don't have any.
[17:49] <Ratchetman> How do I get them?
[17:51] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/
[17:51] <Ratchetman> Thank's Blues! You're being very helpful.
[17:52] <Ratchetman> Should I select all repositories?
[17:53] <BluesKaj> yes, if you want 3rd party software available etc
[17:59] <Ratchetman> Hmmm...
[18:00] <BluesKaj> BBL, gotta push some snow for 30 mins or so ..
[18:02] <meduser> @Darthfrog....no, all it does is go to the title screen which is 37 seconds long, and that is it
[18:02] <DarthFrog> meduser: Re-do the project.
[18:03] <meduser> I have redone it 4x, with the same end result. The avi works perfectly in VLC
[18:04] <DarthFrog> meduser: User a different program to make the ISO.
[18:04] <DarthFrog> Use, not user. :-)
[18:04] <meduser> It is obviously something I am doing. I am new to Kubuntu, and have never had issues using nero in a windows environment
[18:05] <meduser> I used devede to create the iso, as I was told it was the best one to use
[18:05] <DarthFrog> Don't know, never done that.
[18:05] <DarthFrog> I use MythTV. to make DVDs.
[18:06] <meduser> is that a download, or online
[18:06] <DarthFrog> Read http://www.mythtv.org first. It's a major undertaking.
[18:06] <meduser> everything seems to be in Kubuntu..lol
[18:07] <meduser> I have to say, it seems a lot easier in Windows,Open file, click burn, insert and watch
[18:07] <DarthFrog> meduser: Kubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu which in turn is a derivative of Debian. There are over 14,000 software packages available.
[18:08] <meduser> I know, I have been going throught them...lol
[18:08] <DarthFrog> meduser: Perhaps, but using Linux means you don't have to surrender your soul.
[18:09] <meduser> I know, and that is why I am here. I really want to learn how to do everything. I have packed up from windows, and don't want to go back.
[18:10] <meduser> Everything I have read says to use devede to make the files, and K3b to burn the disk. I tried last night with both the iso, and creating video and audio files in devede, same result
[18:21] <meduser> anyone have any ideas? I know devede can work, and so does k3b
[18:30] <yurikoles> meduser: install package mythtv
[18:31] <BluesKaj> meduser, have you tried k9copy , it rpis and encodes to dvd format , then you just burn toi disk
[18:31] <BluesKaj> yurikoles, mythtv is for tv feeds not dvd
[18:32] <meduser> I'll try both. Thank you
[18:32] <BluesKaj> meduser, don't install mythtv
[18:33] <meduser> at BluesKaj ...I went to their website , and it seemed that way.
[18:33] <BluesKaj> unless you have a tv tuner card'
[18:33] <meduser> no, I don't
[18:33] <BluesKaj> that's what mythtv does
[18:33] <Ratchetman> Hey Blue, got the updates done.
[18:34] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, cool , glad to hear it
[18:34] <Ratchetman> Thanks again. Now I don't have working sound @.@
[18:35] <Ratchetman> lol I can't get a break here.
[18:35] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, ok open alsamixer in the terminal , set up your vol ctrls for inputs and out puts there and use the M key to unmute any boxes with MM
[18:36] <meduser> I have not tried k9yet..I can use that from anAVI file?
[18:36] <BluesKaj> use the arrow keys to navigate and increase vol on the ctrls
[18:37] <BluesKaj> meduser, yes , sudo apt-get install k9copy , in thew terminal
[18:40] <meduser> Thanks blue. Just gotit but have to restart..I'll be back
[18:41] <Ratchetman> Blueskaj comp locked up on me when I terminated my frozen phonon
[18:43] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, what audio chip is listed in alsamixer , in the top left ?
[18:45] <Ratchetman> How do I run that?
[18:45] <Ratchetman> I only know phonon
[18:45] <BluesKaj> type alsamixer in the trerminal
[18:46] <Ratchetman> CA0106
[18:46] <BluesKaj> ok Ratchetman now, set up your vol ctrls for inputs and out puts there and use the M key to unmute any boxes with MM
[18:46] <GH0> How can I get x0vncserver to automatically start during system boot up? I would like to be able to connect to the VNC Server prior to logging into the system.
[18:47] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, use the arrow keys to navigate and increase vol on the ctrls
[18:47] <Ratchetman> That's done
[18:48] <GH0> I attempted to use /etc/rc.local with the following line "/usr/bin/x0vncserver&" however that isn't launching the program.
[18:48] <Ratchetman> Fixed!
[18:49] <meduser> so tried to run k9..crashed right away
[18:49] <Ratchetman> Whew! I've learned a lot today!
[18:49] <BluesKaj> Ratchetman, good
[18:49] <BluesKaj> meduser, how did it crash, when you set up the avi file or ?
[18:51] <meduser> I opened k9DVD backup..I have 3 choices, dvd drive, folder or iso, I chose folder, hit next and it crashed
[18:53] <Ratchetman> Muchos Gracias BlueKaj
[18:53] <BluesKaj> meduser, open the folder then choose
[18:57] <meduser> Executable: k9copy PID: 2312 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[18:57] <meduser> crash #2
[18:58] <BluesKaj> meduser, have you updated / upgraded lately ?
[18:58] <meduser> yes this am
[18:58] <BluesKaj> meduser, make sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed
[18:58] <meduser> it is
[18:59] <BluesKaj> ffmpeg
[19:00] <meduser> try that instead? I have tried that before, and K3b would not write it
[19:03] <BluesKaj> !medibuntu | meduser
[19:03] <ubottu> meduser: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[19:04] <BluesKaj> meduser, the avi file may have a codec not available in your libs , that's whay I' suggesting medibuntu
[19:05] <zelhar> Hello, can i get assistance ?
[19:05] <peace> zelhar: just ask
[19:06] <zelhar> I have a problem with kde power manger- it sometimes - many times - doesn't turn off the screen after the set time lapses
[19:07] <peace> zelhar: NVIDIA ati or intel ?
[19:07] <BluesKaj> zelhar, laptop?
[19:07] <zelhar> moreover if I set the time to 1 minutes it seems to work but if set higher value like 5 or more minutes the screen never goes off
[19:08] <zelhar> desktop with ATI
[19:10] <peace> zelhar: if you have set well the power manager it could be a driver issue
[19:10] <zelhar> is that a known issue ?
[19:10] <peace> zelhar: .... it depends you know how many models are out there?
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[19:11] <peace> zelhar: try with a different driver
[19:11] <peace> test it
[19:11] <zelhar> any suggestions how to fix this ?
[19:11] <peace> 1 set well the power manager
[19:11] <peace> 2 test another driver
[19:12] <peace> 3 if doesn't work fill a bug report
[19:12] <peace> 4 you could ask in #kde too
[19:12] <peace> but not on weekends
[19:13] <zelhar> Another driver ? as far as I know the only options are with fglrx or without
[19:14] <peace> zelhar: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/25/plasma-desktopky5974.png
[19:16] <zelhar> well thank you I will see if I can make it work now
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[20:10] <zathmyre> ?
[20:31] <darbe> ho
[20:31] <darbe> hi
[20:31] <darbe> KDE said these drivers are unnnecessary (or something like that)
[20:32] <darbe> now fan doesn't work properly
[20:32] <darbe> an sut down
[20:32] <darbe> how can I fix it
[20:37] <darbe> anybody konws?
[20:37] <L3top> darbe: what drivers? What hardware?
[20:52] <archels> so there's this process or something which keeps spewing ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ on my consoles
[20:52] <archels> any ideas what this is?
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[21:29] <Louey> I've installed Kubuntu and for some reason the top part of any window open the minimize/maximize/close buttons have shifted to the right and are cutoff. is that a resolution issue with my laptop?
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[22:14] <meduser> sorry BluesKag...I had to run out...I see your not here anymore. Is anyone else here familiar with burning dvd's for regular dvd players?
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