UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /25 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== fenris is now known as Guest86648
=== Guest86648 is now known as ejat
[04:58] <george_e> I've got a rather strange issue here - it seems like Juju is completely ignoring the default values I have set in config.yaml.
[04:58] <george_e> If I interactively debug the config-changed hook and try to retrieve a config value, it doesn't return the default - it's empty.
[05:01] <george_e> Any ideas?
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
[05:53] <SpamapS> george_e: what version of juju?
[05:54] <SpamapS> george_e: a few bugs around that have been fixed in the last 2 months.
[05:55] <george_e> SpamapS: Apparently 0.5+bzr467.
=== fenris is now known as Guest3117
[06:15] <SpamapS> george_e: ok well then that is odd.
[06:16] <SpamapS> george_e: unfortunately you've caught me just before passing out from exhaustion.. but please do come back and ask again. :)
[06:16] <george_e> I've just upgraded to the latest version and I've started the environment from scratch.
[06:16] <george_e> SpamapS: Yeah, I'll be here tomorrow.
[06:16] <SpamapS> george_e: also it might work to ask on askubuntu.com and tag with 'juju' .. we read those periodically and they tend to produce nice long-lived answers.
[06:16] * SpamapS passes out
[06:16] <george_e> SpamapS: I can definitely do that.
[06:17] <george_e> I use Ask Ubuntu all the time :P
=== Guest3117 is now known as ejat
=== grapz is now known as grapz_afk
=== grapz_afk is now known as grapz
=== Leseb_ is now known as Leseb
[14:44] <shafiqissani> If I want to deploy a single charm ... why is the bootstrapped node necessary ? the extra node is a huge waste of resources... Is there any possibility to deploy a charm without it ?
=== grapz is now known as grapz_afk
=== grapz_afk is now known as grapz
=== grapz is now known as grapz_afk
[22:08] <george_e> Juju seems to be broken - all of the charms I deploy get stuck at the 'pending' stage.
[22:44] * george_e downgrades to 0.5+bzr467.
[22:44] <george_e> It's still not working :(
[22:44] <george_e> Time for a serious downgrade to the version packaged in the Oneiric archives.
[22:45] <george_e> ...followed by a prompt reboot.