UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /24 /#ubuntu-arb.txt
Initial commit
[08:20] <dpm> morning all
[08:37] <ajmitch> hi dpm
[08:37] <dpm> hey :)
[12:54] <highvoltage> hey everyone
[12:54] <highvoltage> I have another meeting that popped up this afternoon that I can't avoid
[12:54] <highvoltage> is anyone else available to chair?
[18:00] <coolbhavi> hi
[18:00] <ajmitch> hello
[18:00] <coolbhavi> isnt arb meeting there today
[18:00] <coolbhavi> fridge says so
[18:01] <ajmitch> yes, it should be now
[18:01] <ajmitch> stgraber, wendar, lfaraone: ping
[18:01] <wendar> ajmitch: meeting time
[18:01] * ajmitch saw highvoltage needs someone else to chair
[21:30] <highvoltage> hello
[21:31] <highvoltage> ajmitch, stgraber, wendar, ajmitch: I had a quick glance over the meeting logs and saw some discussion on the scopes/lenses
[21:47] <highvoltage> (and got distracted shortly afterwards ;p)
[22:02] <wendar> highvoltage: What do you think of the result (summarized to the TB)?