UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /23 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:30] <JontheEchidna> lol: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/35v6bh/
[00:36] <nixternal> where is the kubuntu for android announcement? :p
[04:26] <JontheEchidna> shouldn't kubuntu-active be arch: any instead of arch: i386?
[04:39] <JontheEchidna> looks like update.cfg needs the archs enumerated
[04:40] * JontheEchidna fixes and runs the update script
[04:41] <JontheEchidna> Funny thing, I was testing multiarch duplicate package filtering in Muon and found that kubuntu-active was only on i386 :P
[04:59] <JontheEchidna> Uploaded kubuntu-active-meta 1.1 w/ the fix
[05:27] <DasKreech> that's plasma active?
[09:32] <Riddell> Darkwing: ping?
[11:29] <shadeslayer> rbelem: the cookbook?
[11:29] <shadeslayer> I kind of need such a book, I can read and understand python code, just need more practice writing it
[11:30] <Riddell> find bugs and fix them, best way to get into a language
[11:30] <Riddell> we have plenty :)
[11:30] <shadeslayer> :D
[11:30] <shadeslayer> plenty of python bugs?
[11:30] <shadeslayer> Just don't point me to unity, too big a project for me to look into
[11:30] <shadeslayer> erm
[11:30] <Riddell> sure, language-selector has a nasty one that needs looked into I think
[11:30] <shadeslayer> s/unity/ubiquity/
[11:30] <kubotu> shadeslayer: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"
[11:30] <shadeslayer> oh
[11:31] <Riddell> bug 928400 ?
[11:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 928400 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "systemsettings crashed with AttributeError in onSystemLanguageApply(): 'QtLanguageSelector' object has no attribute 'writeSysLangSetting'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/928400
[11:31] <Riddell> oh fixed, nice, maybe ScottK's charm on pitti worked :)
[11:32] <Riddell> ok software-properties-kde has an underscore on the "do you want to reload apt settings" dialogue when you close it that really annoys me
[11:32] <Riddell> that'll turn you into a python expert!
[11:34] <shadeslayer> interesting, I don't see it :S
[11:34] <shadeslayer> I'm probably blind
[11:34] <shadeslayer> pitti is awesome, he merged bluez as well
[11:34] <shadeslayer> <3
[11:34] <Riddell> shadeslayer: make a change, click close, dialogue "The information about available software is out-of-date" has _Reload
[11:34] <Riddell> that string will come expect GTK
[11:35] <Riddell> the _ needs changed into a & for Qt
[11:35] <shadeslayer> nope, no _Reload here
[11:35] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what do you get?
[11:35] <shadeslayer> Riddell: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/23/plasma-desktoprc2091.png
[11:36] <Riddell> hmm, en_GB bug?
[11:36] <shadeslayer> Lemme login into stable
[11:37] <shadeslayer> same old same old
[11:39] <Riddell> shadeslayer: it is an en_GB bug
[11:39] <Riddell> well well
[11:39] <shadeslayer> :D
[11:40] <Riddell> shadeslayer: ok here's a real pythonic one for you
[11:40] <Riddell> 1:35 < apachelogger> can't load DistUpgradeViewKDE (coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, tuple found)
[11:40] <shadeslayer> wha
[11:40] <Riddell> does the dist upgrade tool work in precise is the question
[11:40] <shadeslayer> Need more context there
[11:40] <Riddell> and oneiric
[11:40] <shadeslayer> as in, upgrading *from* precise to precise+1 ?
[11:41] <shadeslayer> oh
[11:41] <Riddell> I don't know, I've not looked into it
[11:42] <Riddell> checkout update-manager, run kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade, does it work
[11:43] <apachelogger> ah
[11:43] <apachelogger> Riddell: that was fixed
[11:43] <apachelogger> Riddell: ubuntu people broke it via security update
[11:43] <Riddell> oh ever better
[11:43] <shadeslayer> hehe
[11:43] <Riddell> shadeslayer: you're a great bug fixer, fixing bugs before I even know about them :)
[11:44] <shadeslayer> lol
[11:45] <Riddell> well I'm sure there's loads more in those packages waiting to be fixed, language-selector, update-manager DistUpgradeKDE, software-properties etc
[11:45] <shadeslayer> iirc the printer app is python as well right?
[11:46] <shadeslayer> and it was broken or sth
[11:46] <Riddell> oh yes, loads to do there
[11:46] <Riddell> bugs in bugs.kde.org for that or just run it
[11:47] <Riddell> it's not even feature complete (compared to gtk system-config-printer)
[11:47] <Riddell> I think there's a bug where is runs a bit of gtk code that I hadn't replaced with KDE and of course crashes
[11:47] <shadeslayer> I don't even have system-config-printer-kde installed
[11:47] <shadeslayer> :P
[11:48] * Riddell feels so unappreciated :)
[11:48] <shadeslayer> good god, this thing is *slow*
[11:50] <shadeslayer> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=209379
[11:50] <ubottu> KDE bug 209379 in general "systemsettings printer settings crash startup [PyTuple_Pack, PyType_Ready, PyQt]" [Crash,Unconfirmed]
[11:52] <shadeslayer> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=210133 looks trivial
[11:52] <ubottu> KDE bug 210133 in general "doesn't work - python backtrace" [Crash,New]
[11:53] <Riddell> like I say, loads to do :)
[11:54] <Riddell> things with stack backtraces are usually issues with the bindings, things with python backtraces are my bugs
[11:55] <Riddell> shadeslayer: there's the other issue that CUPS permissions are different on Ubuntu than on fedora so they have some permissions issues we don't
[11:55] <Riddell> or maybe I just don't use it with advanced enough cups settings to come across them
[11:57] <shadeslayer> self.password = '' #FIXME not in Gnome version
[11:57] <shadeslayer> self.passwd_retry = False #FIXME not in Gnome version
[11:57] <shadeslayer> what's that?
[11:58] <Riddell> dunno, something to do with me porting the GTK system-config-printer code to KDE
[11:58] <Riddell> presumably those lines aren't in the gnome version and I reconed they were needed
[11:59] <Riddell> maybe it's a reminder to me to send it to the gtk maintainer
[12:00] <afiestas> Is there any simple guide that allow me to:
[12:00] <shadeslayer> Riddell: host = None #FIXME should be loaded from somewhere ?
[12:00] <shadeslayer> you load it 3 lines later on here : host = cups.getServer()
[12:00] <afiestas> have a ppa with: Qt 4.8, kdelibs, kde-runtime
[12:01] <afiestas> I mean, a guide as simple as possible for cloning such packages and build them without having to become a packaging ninja
[12:01] <Riddell> afiestas: all that is in precise, you mean on oneiric?
[12:02] <afiestas> Riddell: yes, can't wait to next stable :/
[12:02] <shadeslayer> afiestas: pad.lv/~kubuntu-ppa ?
[12:02] <Riddell> afiestas: precise is actually quite stable, there's a new maintenance team to keep it so
[12:02] <shadeslayer> http://pad.lv/~kubuntu-ppa
[12:02] <shadeslayer> clickable++
[12:03] <Riddell> afiestas: I doubt there's a guide for exactly what you want but it's a case of downloading the packages (for launchpad say) and running debuild to build them
[12:03] <Riddell> s/for/from/
[12:03] <kubotu> Riddell meant: "afiestas: I doubt there's a guide from exactly what you want but it's a case of downloading the packages (for launchpad say) and running debuild to build them"
[12:03] <Riddell> kubotu: I'm really not sure that's a useful feature
[12:05] <afiestas> shadeslayer: is Qt 4.8 there?
[12:06] <shadeslayer> huh, we didn't backport qt 4.8?
[12:07] <shadeslayer> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages
[12:07] <shadeslayer> FTBFS
[12:07] <shadeslayer> :O
[12:08] * shadeslayer goes into fixoring mode
[12:09] <afiestas> ok so, this is the thing
[12:10] <afiestas> I develop a small server using calligra which will convert incoming files (odt,doc,etc) into png-jpg
[12:10] <afiestas> for doing the deployment I recommended kubuntu, and they are doing it
[12:10] <shadeslayer> yay :D
[12:10] <afiestas> they successfully installed some packges from here or there and build the thing but I'm afraid that's not the way to proceed
[12:11] <afiestas> I mean, for deployining something they should create a ppa with the branch, compile it using launchpad etc, right?
[12:11] <shadeslayer> That would be the right way, yeah
[12:11] <shadeslayer> they can setup daily builds of your code
[12:11] <shadeslayer> automatic binary upgrades foreva
[12:12] <shadeslayer> ofcourse, just make sure master is always stable and make features in branches :D
[12:12] <afiestas> would be possible to hire someone from kubuntu (must be a packaging ninja :p) to teach them?
[12:12] <afiestas> I tried a few times to learn myself debian packaging but always failed mainly because tehre is too much information around
[12:13] <shadeslayer> :D
[12:13] <shadeslayer> afiestas: what do they need exactly?
[12:14] <shadeslayer> I can setup automated builds if that's all that's needed ...
[12:14] <afiestas> well they need packaging teaching but focused on Qt-KDE and skipping the huge manual about debian packaging I saw round there
[12:14] <shadeslayer> ah
[12:14] <shadeslayer> I thought you wanted a one off thing to setup everything
[12:15] <afiestas> they should be able to do it theirselves imho
[12:16] <afiestas> I alwasy think of this manual: http://hetland.org/writing/instant-python.html
[12:16] <afiestas> we need something like that but about debian packaging :p
[12:16] <shadeslayer> Unfourtunately debian packaging is not that ... trivial :P
[12:18] <Riddell> pay shadeslayer to teach it, he accepts payment in stickers
[12:18] <shadeslayer> lol ^
[12:19] <shadeslayer> I have no time to teach stuff, just enough time to setup everything
[12:19] <Riddell> yeah that's probably the best thing, just set it up for them
[12:19] <Riddell> (and charge your daily rate :)
[12:19] <shadeslayer> :P
[12:20] <shadeslayer> seeing how there's no way to get plasma active on this tablet, I could use the dough to buy another one and experiment on that
[12:27] <shadeslayer> Time to automate KDevelop
[12:27] <Riddell> shadeslayer: automate the packaging?
[12:27] <shadeslayer> yes
[12:27] <Riddell> shadeslayer: how will you do that?
[12:27] <shadeslayer> well, kgetsource and shell scripts
[12:28] <Riddell> I don't know kgetsource, why not use uupdate?
[12:28] <shadeslayer> uupdate?
[12:28] <shadeslayer> I've never heard of that
[12:28] * shadeslayer looks
[12:28] <Riddell> or whatever it is that uses debian/watch files
[12:29] <shadeslayer> hmm, I'm not sure KDevelop has a watch file
[12:29] <shadeslayer> nope
[12:29] <shadeslayer> okay, lets write a watch file in that case
[12:29] <Riddell> kdevelop will give packagers some days notice so they'll need sftp'ed off the server anyway
[12:29] <shadeslayer> actually they have it on the ftp server
[12:29] <Riddell> yes after it's public
[12:29] <shadeslayer> no as in it's public
[12:30] <Riddell> well yes but for the 3 days before release it's private no?
[12:30] <shadeslayer> nope
[12:30] <shadeslayer> ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/kdevelop/4.2.82/
[12:30] <shadeslayer> iirc they don't do private
[12:30] <shadeslayer> plus we're so busy with the main KDE packages that we can afford a delay in KDevelop packages
[12:32] <shadeslayer> the question now is, do we use kde/unstable or kde/stable
[12:33] <Riddell> well whatever is appropriate
[12:34] <Riddell> if the release date is known and is before yours then unstable
[12:34] <shadeslayer> well yeah, it's before final freeze
[13:00] <Riddell> folks, I'm your beta release manager
[13:00] <Riddell> the okular package here needs looked into toot sweet http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html
[13:01] <BluesKaj> ' Morning all
[13:02] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what needs doing to the kdev package here? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt
[13:02] <debfx> Riddell: I don't think okular-odp-backend is on any image
[13:03] <Riddell> debfx: no it's not but my instructions say to clear nbs and it will need doing
[13:03] <shadeslayer> oh
[13:03] <shadeslayer> Riddell: whats that?
[13:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what's what?
[13:03] <shadeslayer> Riddell: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt :D
[13:03] <Riddell> packages then need moved from main to universe or universe to main
[13:04] <shadeslayer> ah sec ..
[13:04] <shadeslayer> kdevelop-custom-buildsystem should probably be in main, though it's a plugin and can happily stay in universe as well
[13:05] <debfx> Riddell: sure but aren't you the one who wanted to take care of the koffice -> calligra transition?
[13:05] <shadeslayer> not sure what to do about the other packages
[13:06] <Riddell> debfx: oh it comes from calligra?
[13:06] <debfx> koffice
[13:06] <shadeslayer> Riddell: imho There's no added advantage of putting the plugin in main ...
[13:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: then can you drop the recommends from kdevelop?
[13:07] <Riddell> make it a suggests
[13:07] <shadeslayer> Riddell: uh, upstream made it clear that it should be a recommends
[13:07] <Riddell> debfx: I can just delete it right?
[13:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: then it needs to be in main
[13:07] <Riddell> can't have it both ways
[13:07] <debfx> can't we just move kdevelop to universe?
[13:08] <shadeslayer> Riddell: oh, interesting, I thought packages in universe could recommend packages in main
[13:08] <Riddell> debfx: not while it's on the DVD
[13:08] <debfx> and drop it from the dvd or kill the dvd altogether
[13:08] <Riddell> shadeslayer: yes but packages in main can't recommand packages in universe
[13:08] <shadeslayer> ah, not the other way around
[13:10] <Riddell> debfx: it's too late to kill the dvd this cycle and I doubt we'd want to anyway
[13:10] <Riddell> s/recommends/suggests/ is easier
[13:10] <kubotu> Riddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"
[13:10] <Riddell> wheesht kubotu
[13:10] <debfx> Riddell: why is it too late? we'd just not release that image
[13:10] <shadeslayer> I'd drop KDevelop from the DVD ....
[13:10] <shadeslayer> bbiab
[13:12] <Riddell> debfx: we're past feature freeze, needs a dozen things changed, and people use the DVD
[13:13] <debfx> Riddell: about koffice: I think we should just convert koffice into an empty native package that provides all the transitional packages
[13:13] <Riddell> hmm calligra does make okular-backend-odp
[13:14] <Riddell> oh okular-odp-backend vs okular-backend-odp
[13:14] <Riddell> ok killing okular-odp-backend
[13:14] * debfx wants a odp-okular-backend ;)
[13:15] <debfx> why do you want to kill it? it needs to become a transitional package
[13:16] <Riddell> quick fix
[13:16] <Riddell> feel free to do it properly else it'll be on my long todo list
[13:24] <ScottK> Riddell: U/I freeze mail should probably go to u-d-a too.
[13:24] <Riddell> ScottK: it's in the queue
[13:24] <ScottK> Ah. OK.
[13:24] <Riddell> alas admins have either moved on from ubuntu or are on holiday
[13:24] <debfx> see that's what I'm talking about. we worry about extra stuff like releasing a dvd while struggling to take care of essential stuff (like supporting upgrades).
[13:25] <ScottK> Lovely.
[13:25] <Riddell> debfx: that's why we'll move to a single ~1GB image next cycle
[13:26] <Riddell> ok demoting kdevelop to universe
[13:29] <rbelem> shadeslayer, yup
[13:29] <shadeslayer> hmm
[13:30] <rbelem> shadeslayer, you can find good examples in other places
[13:32] <shadeslayer> ok
[13:32] <shadeslayer> yay
[13:32] <shadeslayer> my first watch file
[13:32] <shadeslayer> kdevelop: Newer version (82) available on remote site:
[13:32] <shadeslayer> :D
[13:33] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i have this book here in the office and i just took a look once
[13:33] <shadeslayer> rbelem: the cookbook? hmm
[13:33] <rbelem> shadeslayer, and we used to do lots of python code
[13:33] <shadeslayer> rbelem: where do you work anyway? :P
[13:33] <rbelem> shadeslayer, indt
[13:33] <rbelem> :-)
[13:33] <shadeslayer> ah
[13:33] <rbelem> shadeslayer, nokia technology institute in brazil
[13:34] <shadeslayer> yeah, I've heard about it :D
[13:34] <rbelem> :-D
[13:34] <Riddell> bug triagers: do any of these worry us for beta released next week? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-12.04-beta-1
[13:35] <shadeslayer> possibly https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-ru/+bug/935521 ?
[13:35] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 935521 in kde-l10n-ru (Ubuntu Precise) "kde-l10n-ru version 4:4.8.0-0ubuntu1 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,Confirmed]
[13:36] <shadeslayer> I could try and fix that tonight
[13:36] <shadeslayer> I've seen those errors before
[13:36] <shadeslayer> oh wait
[13:36] <shadeslayer> Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (libicui18n.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
[13:36] <shadeslayer> 0.o
[13:36] <shadeslayer> !file libicui18n.so.48
[13:36] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about file libicui18n.so.48
[13:36] <shadeslayer> !find libicui18n.so.48
[13:36] <ubottu> Package/file libicui18n.so.48 does not exist in oneiric
[13:37] <shadeslayer> !find libicui18n.so.48 precise
[13:37] <ubottu> File libicui18n.so.48 found in lib32icu48, libicu48, libicu48-dbg
[13:37] <shadeslayer> Might need a build depend on one of those
[13:42] * ScottK is fixing seeds/meta.
[13:42] <Riddell> guys is this to be worried about? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html
[13:42] <Riddell> ScottK: meta needs updated for my kdevelop change
[13:42] <Riddell> ScottK: what's up in seeds?
[13:43] <ScottK> When you removed kubuntu-common you left it in the Task seeds for desktop.
[13:43] <ScottK> Just fixed it and I'll upload meta here in a minute.
[13:43] <Riddell> oh thanks
[13:43] <shadeslayer> Riddell: uhh, how does one use uupdate? I can't quite figure it out
[13:43] <Riddell> shadeslayer: dunno I've never used it
[13:44] <shadeslayer> :S
[13:44] <shadeslayer> same here
[13:44] <Riddell> it's ment to update the whole packaging I think
[13:44] <ScottK> shadeslayer: The man page is pretty decent.
[13:44] <Riddell> if you can get a URL out of uscan to just download that's probably easier
[13:44] <shadeslayer> ScottK: that's what I was going through
[13:45] <shadeslayer> I think I expect too much of uupdate
[13:50] <ScottK> Done.
[14:15] <ScottK> http://notalwaysright.com/those-who-know-just-enough-to-be-dangerous/656
[14:18] <Peace-> Riddell: xD http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/23/plasma-desktopNn4413.png
[14:29] <debfx> shadeslayer: Unable to load library icui18n <-- that's a harmless warning message
[14:29] <shadeslayer> debfx: ah, in that case, malinformed entry in the sources
[14:43] <Riddell> Peace-: that plasma in a unity style?
[14:45] <Riddell> ScottK: you and maco have the same addiction to that site? :)
[14:45] <Peace-> Riddell: yes i have loaded my panels and i hae seleceted the human theme
[14:45] <Peace-> for icons
[14:46] <Peace-> *have selected
[14:47] <Riddell> morning skaet
[14:48] <skaet> good afternoon, Riddell, :)
=== aleix_ is now known as apol
[15:19] <starbuck> is it possible to do a full upgrade from kubuntu oneiric to precise?
[15:19] <Riddell> sure
[15:19] <Riddell> but it's untested :)
[15:19] <Riddell> do-release-upgrade
[15:20] <Riddell> actually kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade
[15:20] <starbuck> is it already possible with "do-release-upgrade"?
[15:20] <starbuck> or wait until beta?
[15:21] <Peace-> i juyst installed kubuntu 12.04 in another partition
[15:21] <Riddell> starbuck: the options passed by running kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade should make it upgrade to precise
[15:21] <Riddell> we'll be needing to test this for beta so thanks for taking the lead :)
=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino
[15:22] <Peace-> xD
[15:23] <starbuck> haha
[15:23] <starbuck> :)
[15:23] <starbuck> what does it actually do: kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade ?
[15:24] <Riddell> >cat /usr/bin/kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade
[15:24] <Riddell> kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d"
[15:24] <Riddell> which runs the release upgrade tool same as the GUI prompt you to do after release
[15:24] <Peace-> Riddell: i did ubuntu-bug stuff and :D it crashed
[15:25] <Peace-> after it has lauched firefox
[15:25] <Riddell> Peace-: ubuntu-bug crashed? did you get a backtrace?
[15:25] <Peace-> yes and i have send it
[15:25] <Peace-> on mail i guess
[15:25] <Riddell> Peace-: sent it where?
[15:25] <afiestas_droid> Sha
[15:25] <afiestas_droid> Ups
[15:25] <afiestas_droid> sh
[15:25] <Riddell> Peace-: launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport is the place
[15:26] <Peace-> Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/854109
[15:26] <starbuck> was there ever a GUI in Kubuntu for this?
[15:27] <afiestas_droid> How can i install q 4.8 in oneiric?
[15:27] <afiestas_droid> Trying to use backports experimental but somehow im still getting 4.7 in apt
[15:28] <Riddell> starbuck: not for devel release upgrade, we don't want non-geeks to do that. there is for the final upgrade. but that command should just start a GUI
[15:28] <Riddell> afiestas_droid: I think shadeslayer said it hadn't compiled
[15:28] <Peace-> Riddell: when it crashed it did all by itself open a mail to kubuntu-devel with tha backtrack into
[15:29] <Riddell> Peace-: report on launchpad launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport
[15:29] <Riddell> and shadeslayer will fix it, he's looking for python bugs :)
[15:29] <afiestas_droid> Riddell oks :/
[15:31] <Riddell> afiestas_droid: big red X beside it https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages
[15:32] <afiestas_droid> And is it the only build? or isit only the last one?
[15:33] <Riddell> afiestas_droid: I don't understand the question
[15:35] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, i did
[15:35] <afiestas_droid> It didn't build the last time or never did?
[15:36] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, you just have to remove one build-dependency that only work on precise
[15:36] <Peace-> Riddell: done https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/939597
[15:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 939597 in apport (Ubuntu) "Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi for Apport KDE." [Undecided,New]
[15:37] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, and remove the related entry in the debian/rules
[15:37] <afiestas_droid> rbelem but from where shou
[15:37] <afiestas_droid> i get it?
[15:37] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, i can build it for you here
[15:38] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, do you want?
[15:38] <Riddell> thanks Peace-
[15:38] <afiestas_droid> rbelem how long will it take?
[15:38] <Peace-> Riddell: btw i can't report the telepathy bug :D
[15:38] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, ~20min
[15:39] <afiestas_droid> rbelem that would be super awesome! !
[15:39] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, my new machine ia a xeon quad core with 24gb ram :-D
[15:39] <afiestas_droid> Need qt 4.8 to have beautiful fonts in calligra
[15:39] <afiestas_droid> Xd
[15:39] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, nice :-0
[15:39] <Riddell> Peace-: why not?
[15:39] <rbelem> :-)
[15:39] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, i will start now
[15:40] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, which architecture do i build tha package?
[15:41] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, amd64 or i386?
[15:41] <afiestas_droid> 1min
[15:41] <Peace-> Riddell: well when i do ubuntu-bug telepathy-stuff it just crash :D
[15:42] <Peace-> Riddell: but i found a way i guess => changed default browser to konqueror and it seems it doesn't crash anymore
[15:42] <Riddell> Peace-: remove apport-kde install apport-gtk
[15:42] <Peace-> ahhh Riddell :D i didn't think to that
[15:43] <Peace-> Riddell: :D but it seems konqueor works with apport-kde
[15:45] <afiestas_droid> rbelem x86_64
[15:45] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, oki
[15:46] <afiestas_droid> rbelem your beercounter has increased
[15:46] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, apt-get source qt4-x11 download speed 666 kB/s 11s
[15:46] <rbelem> :-O
[15:46] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, :-D
[15:48] <afiestas_droid> rbelem then can I get kde4.8?
[15:48] <afiestas_droid> Gimme gimme xd
[15:48] <rbelem> :-D
[15:48] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, updating pbuilder
[15:52] <yofel_> Peace-: there's apport-cli if the GUI doesn't work
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[15:52] <Peace-> yofel: good
[15:53] <Peace-> yofel: but it seems it s working with konqueror
[15:53] <Peace-> it's a firefox problem
[15:53] <Peace-> bah
[15:56] <shadeslayer> oh
[15:57] <shadeslayer> afiestas_droid: looking into Qt now
[15:57] <shadeslayer> afiestas_droid: I was updating kdevplatform
[15:57] <starbuck> Riddell: distro update says: Checking for a new ubuntu release, No new release found
[15:58] <afiestas_droid> shadeslayer thx, !
[15:58] <shadeslayer> so many packages missing
[15:58] <shadeslayer> :(
[15:59] <afiestas_droid> shadeslayer for qt?
[16:00] <shadeslayer> afiestas_droid: kinda, apt reports that it needs a really long list of packages, and then I noticed one in particular, pkg-kde-tools
[16:00] <afiestas_droid> For compiling qt you need something from kde?
[16:00] <Riddell> starbuck: mm interesting, I'll test it in a bit
[16:00] <shadeslayer> It wants version 0.14.2 or greater, but oneiric has 0.14.1
[16:01] <afiestas_droid> rbelem if so many packages are missing how are youdoing it?
[16:01] <shadeslayer> afiestas_droid: oh no, pkg-kde-tools are just a bunch of files that we use in debian/rules
[16:01] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, removing those deps
[16:01] * afiestas_droid feels so noob :/
[16:01] <shadeslayer> build scripts and stuff specifically made for packaging KDE
[16:02] <rbelem> hahah :-D
[16:02] <starbuck> Riddell: maybe because i have so many ppas and project neon, something interferes?
[16:03] <shadeslayer> uhm, highly impossible for neon to interfere with stuff
[16:03] <yofel> starbuck: what command did you use?
[16:03] <Riddell> starbuck: no then it would say something like "can't calculate the upgrade"
[16:04] <rbelem> afiestas_droid, pbuilder is downloading the build deps
[16:05] <shadeslayer> oh xflux, what would I do without you
[16:09] <starbuck> yofel: kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d"
[16:09] <starbuck> but then, its not kubuntu, alright, sry, i think i know what i do wrong here :)
[16:10] <yofel> hm, should work
[16:10] <starbuck> not vanilla kubuntu ;)
[16:11] <starbuck> so what does the command do anyway, so i can manually do it?
[16:12] <Riddell> downloads the upgrader from the bottom of here and runs it http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development
[16:14] <rbelem> Riddell, does pbuild-dist take -j arg?
[16:17] <starbuck> from past experiences, is it generally better to do a new install or use the updgrade path?
[16:17] <Riddell> rbelem: I've never used it I'm afraid
[16:17] <Riddell> starbuck: upgrade should be fine but as I say we haven't tested it at all yet, that's next week's task
[16:20] <starbuck> when is beta supposed to be released?
[16:20] <Riddell> starbuck: a week today
[16:20] <yofel> march 1st
[16:21] <Riddell> I'll be making candidates probably from tomorrow
[16:21] <Riddell> and as the release manager I'll be showing no favouritism to kubuntu at all, you have been warned :)
[16:41] <bambee_> did someone test MER ?
[16:42] <Riddell> maemo thing?
[16:45] <bambee_> Riddell: yes
[16:45] <bambee_> there is nemomobile and mer
[16:45] <Riddell> not I
[16:45] <Riddell> presumably aaron and his spark dudes have since they use it
[16:45] <bambee_> looks a interesting project
[16:51] <shadeslayer> but it's RPM based :9
[16:51] <shadeslayer> :(
[17:03] <shadeslayer> Riddell: would it be alright if I put Qt in ninjas?
[17:04] <shadeslayer> Qt 4.8 for Oneiric
[17:07] <Riddell> shadeslayer: sure but why not experimental?
[17:07] <shadeslayer> just because it'll take a shit load of time to build
[17:07] <Riddell> go ahead then :)
[17:08] <shadeslayer> will do :)
[17:08] <shadeslayer> I just need to compile it locally first
[17:10] <Riddell> need an ec2?
[17:11] <shadeslayer> my machine would probably be faster than a EC2
[17:12] <shadeslayer> it's just the connection that sucks
[17:18] <Riddell> shadeslayer: ec2 does all sorts of machines
[17:18] <Riddell> although the 8 cpu ones are very expensive
[17:18] <shadeslayer> ^ :P
[17:19] <shadeslayer> download at 40%
[17:19] <shadeslayer> good thing I have a 1Mbps connection now
[17:22] <Riddell> starbuck: mm, release upgrade tool is broken for me right enough, I'll need to look into it tomorrow
[17:31] <starbuck> Riddell: how is it broken? freeze during updgrade? or not starting at all?
[17:44] <Riddell> starbuck: it's not starting at all for me
[17:51] <yofel> Riddell: do-release-upgrade oneiric->precise just finished fine for me in a chroot
[17:51] * yofel gives lucid a try
[17:58] <bambee_> oxygen-gtk is dead :'(
[17:58] <yofel> bambee_: huh, why?
[18:00] <bambee_> yofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bambi/wtf.png
[18:01] <yofel> bambee_: which release?
[18:01] <bambee_> it uses the gtk theme
[18:01] <bambee_> the last one I guess, let me check
[18:03] <bambee_> mhhh... I use gtk2-engines-oxygen and not gtk3-engines-oxygen
[18:03] <bambee_> gtk2-engines-oxygen 1.2.0-1ubuntu1
[18:03] <yofel> bambee_: which ubuntu release?
[18:03] <bambee_> oh precise sorry
[18:04] <yofel> bambee_: is oxygen-gtk set as theme in kcm-gtk?
[18:04] <bambee_> yes
[18:04] <yofel> bambee_: does thunderbird use the theme or is it broken too
[18:04] <yofel> ?
[18:05] <bambee_> thunderbird is broken too
[18:06] <yofel> bambee_: how does your ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde look like?
[18:08] <bambee_> http://paste.kde.org/427916/
[18:08] <bambee_> something like that
[18:09] <yofel> bambee_: is xsettings-kde running?
[18:10] <bambee_> nop
[18:10] <yofel> is it installed?
[18:13] <bambee_> yofel: nop
[18:13] <yofel> bambee_: install it and start it
[18:13] <bambee_> ok
[18:13] * yofel wonders why it's not installed
[18:14] <Peace-> :P chakra ? no kubuntu http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/23/plasma-desktopS10114.png
[18:14] <Peace-> xD
[18:15] <bambee_> yofel: missing dependency in gtk2-engines-gtk ?
[18:15] <yofel> bambee_: kubuntu-desktop recommends it
[18:16] <bambee_> recommends != installs
[18:16] <yofel> by default in ubuntu: recommed == installs
[18:16] <yofel> if someone uses --no-install-recommends that's not our fault
[18:17] <yofel> a working gtk theme isn't *required*
[18:17] <bambee_> mhhh I don't use this options and I did not disabled the option "recommended==install" ... strange :\
[18:18] <bambee_> s/disabled/disable/
[18:18] <kubotu> bambee_ meant: "mhhh I don't use this options and I did not disable the option "recommended==install" ... strange :\"
[18:18] <yofel> not sure what happened then
[18:18] <bambee_> well, it works
[18:18] <bambee_> thanks :)
[18:19] * yofel wonders if he should've done that a bit different
[18:21] <yofel> wtf, lucid->precise upgrade fails with: http://paste.kde.org/427934
[18:23] <Peace-> yofel: xD
[18:50] <shadeslayer> hmm, that's weird
[18:50] <shadeslayer> http://paste.kde.org/427952/
[18:53] <rbelem> shadeslayer, you have to remove the first kubuntu patch
[18:54] <shadeslayer> rbelem: yeah already on that
[18:54] <shadeslayer> and away we go ....
[18:54] <rbelem> shadeslayer, without this one kubuntu_01_fix_build_glib_231.diff ?
[18:55] <rbelem> shadeslayer, building for oneiric?
[18:55] <shadeslayer> rbelem: yeah, I just grepped it and removed the patch
[18:55] <shadeslayer> yep
[18:55] <shadeslayer> heh, I'm almost out of swap and have about 2 GB's of RAM left
[18:56] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i already built the packages but it did not create the packages because lacks of free space
[18:56] <shadeslayer> huh?
[18:57] <shadeslayer> where?
[18:57] <rbelem> how many gigas qt build takes?
[18:57] <rbelem> shadeslayer, my machine
[18:57] <shadeslayer> ah
[18:57] <shadeslayer> well, I have 4 GB's of swap
[18:57] <shadeslayer> and about 500 MB of that is left
[18:58] <shadeslayer> and 580 MB of RAM consumption ( after killing Plasma Desktop and no browser )
[18:58] <shadeslayer> Just IRC and 3 windows of konsole
[19:00] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i freed 16gb and it was not enough
[19:00] <shadeslayer> uh oh
[19:00] <shadeslayer> Lets see how far I can go then :P
[19:01] <shadeslayer> I'll start shutting useless stuff down
[19:01] <shadeslayer> if I start running out of space
[19:06] <rbelem> shadeslayer, seeing the logs i notice that 16gb was enough for the build but when package generation started it filled the remaining free space
[19:14] <rbelem> shadeslayer, till now 8.9G
[19:15] <rbelem> shadeslayer, oops 12G
[19:15] <shadeslayer> rbelem: g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
[19:15] <shadeslayer> @_@
[19:15] <rbelem> shadeslayer, ouch...
[19:15] <yofel> shadeslayer: heh, what does dmesg say? ^^
[19:15] <rbelem> shadeslayer, oomk
[19:16] <rbelem> ?
[19:16] <yofel> probably
[19:16] <shadeslayer> awwww
[19:16] <shadeslayer> [12036.926525] Out of memory: Kill process 1837 (cc1plus) score 18 or sacrifice child
[19:16] <shadeslayer> :(
[19:16] <yofel> :D
[19:16] <rbelem> hahaha
[19:16] <shadeslayer> But I have 3 Gigs of RAM
[19:16] <shadeslayer> sure, swap is full
[19:17] <yofel> you need memory for every g++ process if you build in parallel, and ld needs a lot too. Not too hard to run OOM there
[19:17] * shadeslayer grumbles a bit
[19:18] <micahg> shadeslayer: Qt is at least 9GB
[19:18] <shadeslayer> :S
[19:19] <rbelem> here it is taking 12GB
[19:19] * yofel never understood why dh_install uses cp instead of ln
[19:19] <micahg> with -B, it's 15GB on LP
[19:19] <yofel> that makes most of the space bloat
[19:20] <shadeslayer> So .. I don't have that kind of space on my HDD ...
[19:21] <shadeslayer> Riddell: I guess I'll take that EC2 instance now ...
[19:21] <shadeslayer> should have bought that extra RAM when I was in the US ... :/
[19:21] <rbelem> 15GB now :-O
[19:22] <rbelem> 16GB
[19:23] <rbelem> 17GB
[19:23] <shadeslayer> ...
[19:23] <yofel> bah, someone broke libegl-dev
[19:24] <shadeslayer> rbelem: did you do any changes after dropping the first kubuntu patch?
[19:25] <rbelem> shadeslayer, the build-deps versions besides the kubuntu patch
[19:26] <shadeslayer> yeah, I downgraded those as well
[19:26] <shadeslayer> hmmm .. I guess we can upload to a PPA then
[19:27] <rbelem> shadeslayer, it build all the packages, except the dbg that it is still building
[19:27] <shadeslayer> cool
[19:27] <rbelem> shadeslayer, that would be nice :-)
[19:28] <shadeslayer> rbelem: do you want to finish this? or should I upload?
[19:28] <rbelem> shadeslayer, you can upload :-)
[19:28] <shadeslayer> the funny thing is, Qt doesn't even start compiling with clang
[19:29] <shadeslayer> fails right in the beginning
[19:29] <yofel> why?
[19:29] <shadeslayer> I don't remember the failiure .. :S
[19:29] <rbelem> shadeslayer, my changes to debian/changelog and debian/control is not ok probably
[19:30] <rbelem> s/is/are/
[19:30] <kubotu> rbelem meant: "shadeslayer, my changes to debian/changelog and debian/control are not ok probably"
[19:30] <shadeslayer> rbelem: uh, I just downgraded a couple of the build deps and dropped the first patch, I guess you did the same
[19:30] <rbelem> yup
[19:30] <shadeslayer> yofel: we could switch over to clang in neon :P
[19:30] <yofel> and how if qt doesn't build with that? :P
[19:30] <shadeslayer> yeah, right after we fix that
[19:31] * rbelem calls afiestas
[19:31] <shadeslayer> altho, it's not necessary to build Qt with clang
[19:31] <yofel> that would be a fun derivation of everyone's expectations ^^
[19:31] <shadeslayer> you can build Qt with GCC and then everything else with clang, will still work
[19:31] <shadeslayer> :D
[19:34] <rbelem> shadeslayer, what is the clang advantage over gcc?
[19:35] <shadeslayer> rbelem: the ones I know of are, faster compile times, prettier build errors, more pedantic, there's also something called llvm but I've not looked into that
[19:36] <rbelem> hum... nice
[19:36] <shadeslayer> rbelem: allows you to catch issues like these : https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46396
[19:36] <ubottu> Freedesktop bug 46396 in tp-glib "telepathy-glib fails to compile with clang" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]
[19:37] <shadeslayer> rbelem: this http://cgit.collabora.com/git/libnice.git/commit/?id=db6f5f33aee8f136192e2833a17b7a9caa115ff1 and this as well http://cgit.collabora.com/git/libnice.git/commit/?id=59f3b0f87683436bdbcf0137ee48fc5b7c2968cb
[19:39] <shadeslayer> oh
[19:39] <shadeslayer> yofel: rbelem: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/GoingNative-2012/Clang-Defending-C-from-Murphy-s-Million-Monkeys
[19:39] <rbelem> shadeslayer, awesome... that would hard to find with gcc error messages
[19:39] <shadeslayer> rbelem: yeah :D
[19:39] <shadeslayer> rbelem: gcc doesn't even warn you
[19:39] <shadeslayer> over the past few weeks I've seen alot of errors/warnings like those
[19:40] <rbelem> shadeslayer, gcc compile errors sucks
[19:40] <shadeslayer> for eg. KGenericFactory is now deprecated in favor of KPluginFactory, fixed up all sorts of stuff in telepathy
[19:40] <shadeslayer> +kde
[19:40] <shadeslayer> clang is beautiful
[19:40] <shadeslayer> <3
[19:40] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i think i will start to use clang :-)
[19:41] <shadeslayer> :D
[19:41] * yofel uses clang every now and then, but never extensively
[19:41] <shadeslayer> rbelem: you should probably bookmark this : http://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html
[19:43] <yofel> shadeslayer: fun read too: http://blog.regehr.org/archives/213
[19:44] <shadeslayer> ugh
[19:44] <shadeslayer> I hate my touchpad
[19:44] <rbelem> bookmarked!
[19:45] <yofel> bookmarked as well
[19:45] <shadeslayer> yofel: looking :D
[19:45] <rbelem> shadeslayer, is the clang from repos enough?
[19:45] <shadeslayer> rbelem: yes
[19:46] <shadeslayer> rbelem: just add this to your bashrc : # Use clang
[19:46] <shadeslayer> export CC=clang
[19:46] <shadeslayer> export CXX=clang++
[19:46] <shadeslayer> or zshrc or whatever
[19:47] <yofel> or switch the dpkg-alternatives for cc and c++
[19:47] <yofel> but then again, not everyone uses those
[19:47] <shadeslayer> I actually use export because some stuff just *refuses* to compile with clang at times, so I just switch to gcc to quickly get stuff done
[19:48] <shadeslayer> stuff like Qt :D
[19:48] <yofel> good idea
[19:48] <rbelem> sweet :-)
[19:49] <rbelem> clang installed
[19:52] <rbelem> shadeslayer, Makefile still points to gcc after exporting CC and CXX
[19:52] <shadeslayer> rbelem: re run CMake
[19:53] <shadeslayer> remove the CMakeCache.txt file
[19:53] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i'm using qmake
[19:53] <shadeslayer> oh, then, uh, remove whatever qmake generates
[19:53] <yofel> meaning the Makefile
[19:54] <rbelem> shadeslayer, git cleaned -xfd and still the same o.O
[19:54] <shadeslayer> rbelem: remove the Makefile like yofel said
[19:54] <yofel> hm, git clean won't fail
[19:54] * yofel wonders what's wrong
[19:55] <rbelem> git clean -xfd removed everything
[19:55] <shadeslayer> rbelem: source the bashrc?
[19:55] <rbelem> shadeslayer, i just export CC=clang and export CXX=clang++
[19:55] <shadeslayer> hmm
[19:56] <shadeslayer> weird
[19:56] <rbelem> shadeslayer, qmake -recursive -spec linux-clang
[19:56] <shadeslayer> stupid qmake
[19:56] <rbelem> :-D
[19:56] <shadeslayer> kill it with fire
[19:57] <shadeslayer> or better yet, napalm
[19:57] <yofel> qmake--
[19:57] <yofel> ~karma qmake
[19:57] <kubotu> karma for qmake: -1
[19:57] <yofel> hm
[19:58] <rbelem> in fact qmake -recursive -spec linux-llvm
[19:59] <rbelem> linux-clang does not exists
[19:59] <rbelem> but linux-llvm does not work
[19:59] <rbelem> o.O
[20:00] <shadeslayer> Wouldn't have the slightest Idea what to do with qmake
[20:01] <rbelem> shadeslayer, from qt sources mkspecs/unsupported/linux-clang
[20:02] <shadeslayer> hurr durr, Port everything to CMake, napalm qmake, ???, profit
[20:03] <rbelem> shadeslayer, qmake -recursive -spec unsupported/linux-clang
[20:03] <rbelem> it is working now
[20:03] <shadeslayer> :S
[20:03] <rbelem> nice warning
[20:04] <rbelem> :-)
[20:04] <shadeslayer> rbelem: there's also a static analyzer bundled with clang
[20:04] <shadeslayer> rbelem: clang --analyze foo.cpp
[20:05] <rbelem> shadeslayer, how do i use it?
[20:05] <shadeslayer> rbelem: clang --analyze foo.cpp
[20:05] <rbelem> shadeslayer, it failed to find some qt headers
[20:06] <shadeslayer> I haven't figured out how to make it do recursive folders tho
[20:06] <shadeslayer> rbelem: yeah, idk why it does that
[20:06] <shadeslayer> happens with glib as well
[20:06] <rbelem> hum...
[20:06] <shadeslayer> uploading Qt ...
[20:07] <rbelem> thanks for the tips shadeslayer :-)
[20:07] <shadeslayer> rbelem: anytime ;)
[20:07] <yofel> and it is indeed faster than g++ :D
[20:08] <shadeslayer> ^ yeah
[20:08] <yofel> rekonq-mainline: clang: 1m1s, g++: 1m9s
[20:08] <shadeslayer> :D
[20:08] <rbelem> wow
[20:08] <rbelem> thats fast
[20:08] <rbelem> yofel, how many jobs?
[20:09] <yofel> 1, on an i7 m620
[20:09] <shadeslayer> rbelem: https://gist.github.com/1828527
[20:09] <rbelem> nice
[20:11] <shadeslayer> try fixing Qt compiles with clang :P
[20:12] <rbelem> :-D
[20:12] <rbelem> will do
[20:15] <yofel> http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/10/29/compiling-qt-with-clang/
[20:15] <yofel> a bit old though
[20:16] <shadeslayer> yofel: "Formatting root partition, chomp chomp" lol
[20:16] <yofel> hehe, yeah
[20:16] <shadeslayer> that's exactly how I imagine which eat my data sound like
[20:17] <shadeslayer> *apps which eat
[20:17] <shadeslayer> O_O
[20:17] <shadeslayer> yofel: look at mac release :O
[20:18] <yofel> don't ask me...
[20:18] <yofel> shadeslayer: read the text below for another wtf
[20:18] <shadeslayer> I have Qt Checked out on OS X
[20:18] <shadeslayer> yofel: yeah sizes
[20:18] <shadeslayer> I'll give it a try :P
[20:19] <shadeslayer> so far I've only compiled Qt with gcc on OS X
[20:19] <rbelem> thanks yofel
[20:19] <shadeslayer> afiestas: Qt uploaded, I'll copy it to the public PPA tomorrow :)
[20:23] <shadeslayer> Off to sleep I am, nini
[20:27] <yofel> rbelem: something more relevant: http://philippmuenzel.de/wordpress/fun-with-clang-or-how-to-build-qt-4-8-with-clang-3-without-going-insane/
[20:28] <yofel> haven't finished reading yet
[20:31] <yofel> hm
[20:31] <yofel> /home/yofel/data/neon/project-neon-qt-2+git20120223+r2690/build/include/QtCore/private/qutfcodec_p.h:1:10: fatal error: '../../../../../src/corelib/codecs/qutfcodec_p.h' file not found
[20:31] <yofel> that is one ../ too much
[20:34] <yofel> hmpf, putting the build folder outside the source tree helped
[20:35] <yofel> rbelem: how far did you get?
[20:41] <txwikinger> I found a bug in quassel in precise
[20:41] <txwikinger> where do I track it?
[20:42] <yofel> txwikinger: what's the bug?
[20:42] <txwikinger> The client loses the configuration
[20:43] <txwikinger> I had to add my core information from scratch
[20:44] <rbelem> yofel, i just finished to run ./configure -opensource -confirm-license -no-webkit -platform unsupported/linux-clang
[20:44] <yofel> yeah, it works as in-source-build, but not out of source build with build folder inside source
[20:45] <yofel> txwikinger: file it on launchpad and talk to Sput, could be anything from quassel to qt that's to blame
[20:45] <yofel> I didn't loose any settings here
[20:46] <txwikinger> Well. I just upgraded to precise and there in no cor-configuration there at all
[20:46] <yofel> but I don't have my core on this machine
[20:46] <txwikinger> Yes my core is on a server in a data-centre
[20:46] <txwikinger> I upgraded my netbook here
[20:47] <txwikinger> Not really a big deal for me.. but if this is a problem we might want to fix it before non-IT people upgrade
[20:49] <yofel> hm, quassel stores the settings in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/quassel-irc.org/settings.qss and quasselclient.conf did you remove anything?
[20:49] <txwikinger> No. I did not remove anything
[20:49] <yofel> file a bug then
[20:49] <rbelem> yofel, it is outputing lots of warning
[20:49] <yofel> yeah, fun to look at ^^
[20:50] <yofel> hm
[20:50] * yofel gives kdelibs a try
[20:51] <rbelem> :-D
[20:54] <txwikinger> yofel: shouldn't it be in the users home folder?
[20:54] <yofel> txwikinger: XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config
[20:55] <yofel> rbelem: bwahaha, kdelibs ftbfs with clang http://paste.kde.org/428024
[20:55] * yofel -> dinner
[20:55] <txwikinger> well. I cannot say anymore since the file is overwritten with my new configuration
[20:56] <txwikinger> however the other configurationfiles (i.e. for the core) are still there and are the old ones
[21:34] <bambee_> nokia city scene is just.... <3
[22:24] <soee> ubuntu one has QT interface now ?
[22:25] <maco> unity 2d and kde are both done in Qt
[22:25] <soee> maco, yes but im talking about Ubuntu One
[22:25] <soee> client
[22:26] <maco> oh i reversed two words
[22:26] <maco> i saw "ubuntu has one Qt interface now"
[22:26] <yofel> I know the sso-client has one, not sure about u1
[22:26] <soee> ;D
[22:28] <yofel> I tried ubuntu one on precise today, and for some reason u1sdtool just hung on every command
[22:28] <yofel> not sure what's wrong
[22:28] <soee> :/