UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /22 /#ubuntu-ca.txt
Initial commit
[00:35] <dscassel> Since our treasurer resigns the week before and we need to collect dues and pay rent the week after.
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=== ubuntu is now known as Kaldor
[00:55] <dscassel> Meeting in 5!
[01:00] <dscassel> Mass call! cyphermox johanbr khoover pangolin DarwinSurvivor FiReSTaRT Kaldor KombuchaKip txwikinger bregma dougdastew jaguar- Kamondelious CPhoenix Drone4four james_w kavurt mars willwh crond Drossel Jeruvy kenjy mimcpher zul
[01:00] <dscassel> Meeting time!
[01:00] <KombuchaKip> dscassel: Yo
[01:00] <Fo2adZz> hey
[01:00] <Kaldor> \o/
[01:00] <dscassel> Agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-02-21
[01:00] <mars> hello
[01:00] <dscassel> Feel free to introduce yourselves. Who are you? Whare are you? What do you do with/on/for Ubuntu?
[01:01] <cyphermox> o/
[01:01] <KombuchaKip> My name's Kip. I'm the project lead behind the Avaneya project and the Avaneya: Viking Lander Remastered project. www.avaneya.com
[01:01] <dscassel> I'm Darcy, in Kitchener-Waterloo, and I'd normally be chairing this meeting, but as there's lots of nonsense going on at kwartzlab, I might get distracted.
[01:01] <crond> Hi
[01:02] <Fo2adZz> My name is Fouad, I'm from St. John's, NL and I'm a 4th year Computer Engineering Student at Memorial University
[01:02] <khoover> OHAI
[01:03] <dscassel> Hey, guys. :D
[01:03] <Drone4four> My name is Daniel. I tinker with Ubuntu as a hobby. I live in Toronto.
[01:03] <cyphermox> I'm Matt, Ubuntu developer on the Desktop team at Canonical, I'm from Montreal and very active in Ubuntu-QC :)
[01:03] <khoover> -ahem- sorry about that. The name's Ken Hoover, from Markham, ON. Still in high school, have offers from Waterloo and Toronto's Comp Sci programs. Mostly an ubuntu user atm.
[01:03] <Kaldor> I'm a student in Newfoundland. I'm studying web development and I am somewhat involved with testing the Ubuntu development releases.
[01:04] <zul> my name is chuck and i work on the server team at canonical in ottawa
[01:04] <dscassel> Kaldor: Fo2adZz was saying something about running a Global Jam in St Johns. You guys should get together. :D
[01:05] <Kaldor> good to see I'm not the only Ubuntu user on the island :)
[01:05] <Fo2adZz> hahaha true, same here
[01:05] <mars> I'm Mars, a long-time Linux user and Python hacker working at Canonical. I'm based in London, ON.
[01:05] <dougdastew> Doug From London Ont. Ubuntu user Octave developer, Retired Peg. Electrical
[01:06] <dscassel> mars: Awesome. We're starting up a python group in KW. Interested in giving a talk sometime? :)
[01:06] <dscassel> (I'm trying to insinuate as much ubuntu stuff as possible into the python group... :)
[01:07] <m4burns> there is a meeting here?
[01:07] <sharvey> m4burns: just started it seems
[01:07] <sharvey> I think there seems to be a round of introductions
[01:07] <dscassel> m4burns: Absolutely! :D
[01:07] <mars> dscassel, yep, would be cool. But first, I have to make it to some more IRL meetings :)
[01:08] <m4burns> hi, i'm Marc, with the UW Computer Science Club.
[01:08] <dscassel> mars: Sure!
[01:08] <m4burns> mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca is down today, because the RAID array is broken (in case anyone cares)
[01:09] <dscassel> For those just showing up, agenda here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-02-21
[01:11] * amstan_ hopes that i can still attend this meeting even though i use arch now
[01:12] * KombuchaKip gets back to work. Peace out.
[01:13] <dscassel> amstan_: Yes! Ubuntu community (AFAIC) is inclusive.
[01:13] <Fo2adZz> I was wondering about running a jam in St. John's, any tips or information can be helpfull
[01:13] <dscassel> Fo2adZz: Yeah, that's pretty much the point of this meeting (agenda aside...)
[01:14] <dscassel> So let's go there...
[01:14] <dscassel> GLOBAL JAM!
[01:14] <dscassel> Is March 2-4
[01:14] <Fo2adZz> ok
[01:14] <dscassel> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1443/detail/
[01:15] <dscassel> The only registered Canadian event is in Kitchener (where I am right now)
[01:15] <dscassel> (Actually literally in the same room I am right now)
[01:16] <Fo2adZz> I'm going to try my best to bring ubuntu events to my city
[01:17] <dscassel> Registering your event (should be) pretty simple. Just go to that loco.ubuntu.com link above and click "add team event" at the top.
[01:17] <dscassel> If you're a member of the Ubuntu Canada team on launchpad, you'll get your event registered as a ubuntu-ca event.
[01:17] <dscassel> Fo2adZz: Awesome!
[01:17] <dscassel> Hold on. I got stuff to do... 9_9
[01:19] <Kaldor> Fo2adZz, any others around St. John's who are interested in it?
[01:19] <Fo2adZz> I have 5 or 6 classmates who are interested in it too
[01:20] <Kaldor> ah, right on :)
[01:20] <Fo2adZz> any other people are interested in the surrounding of where u live?
[01:21] <Kaldor> very doubtful
[01:21] <Kaldor> living in a relatively small area (around the bay roberts area)
[01:22] <dscassel> Any questions about running Ubuntu Jams? Fo2adZz You saw the email I sent to the list, right?
[01:22] <Fo2adZz> oh maybe sometime u can visit st johns, and then we can meet and have an ubuntu hour or somethign
[01:22] <Fo2adZz> yes i did
[01:22] <Kaldor> yeah could be good
[01:22] <Fo2adZz> im going to register the event for st. john's
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[01:24] <dougdastew> mars: Did we meet at fanshawe Doug Stewart here
[01:26] <mars> dougdastew, we did, I remember you asking about packaging nightlies for Octave :)
[01:27] <dougdastew> Ok HI
[01:29] <dscassel> back!
[01:29] <dscassel> London needs Ubuntu events too. Just sayin. :D
[01:30] <khoover> Toronto, anyone?
[01:30] <dscassel> khoover: I can send you the email for Sammy Lao at Free Geek.
[01:31] <dscassel> khoover: They have people who are interested in joining in.
[01:31] <dscassel> They were talkinga bout hosting a Jam, but they seem busy.
[01:31] <dscassel> khoover: Linuxcaffe would be a great venue. :D
[01:31] * johanbr was not at his computer
[01:31] <khoover> Free Geek? and sounds good
[01:32] <johanbr> I'm Johan, live in Montreal, haven't had that much time for Ubuntu lately but mostly file bugs and help people on IRC
[01:32] <dscassel> khoover: http://freegeektoronto.org/
[01:32] <dscassel> Hi johanbr: Do you know if ubuntu Quebec is running a Montreal jam?
[01:33] <johanbr> I don't I'm afraid... I'm pretty new to Montreal and haven't been to any local events yet
[01:34] <dscassel> johanbr: I know last time they did it at the Canonical offices. And it sounded pretty hardcore...
[01:38] <dscassel> The Kitchener Jam will be at Kwartzlab starting at 4pm. http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1498/detail/
[01:38] <dscassel> on March 3rd, the Saturday
[01:39] <johanbr> dscassel, oh, that does sound like fun
[01:43] <BobJonkman> Meeting still on?
[01:43] <dscassel> Yup. I'm up and down. I can answer any questions, if anyone has any.
[01:44] <BobJonkman> I should catch up in the logs
[01:47] <BobJonkman> Logs haven't caught up with reality yet
[01:48] <BobJonkman> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/02/22/%23ubuntu-ca.html
[01:48] <dscassel> BobJonkman: Summary: some talk about global jam.
[01:53] <dscassel> Should probably wrap up.
[01:54] <dscassel> Hope to see lots more jams! :D
[01:55] <cyphermox> johanbr: to answer your question, yes it was an the Canonical offices
[01:55] <cyphermox> we'll be doing one again, possibly there
[01:56] <cyphermox> (sorry, I was in a car, so obviously without access to my IRC)
[01:57] <cyphermox> I've sent a call for volunteers on the ubuntu-qc mailing list at the begining of the week, hopefully I've got some answers (haven't really checked) and will start to get this approved and such
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=== BobJonkman changed the topic of #ubuntu-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Canada LocoTeam channel | http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/ | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam | Forum: http://canada.ubuntuforums.org/ | S.V.P utilisez #ubuntu-qc pour soutien en français | Channel logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Meeting info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings | Next meeting 13 March 2012 8:00pm EDT, 5:00pm PDT
[21:10] <BobJonkman> Meeting Minutes from last night are now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-02-21#Minutes
[21:12] <BobJonkman> And I've scheduled the next meeting: Tuesday, 13 March 2012 at 8:00pm EDT or 5:00pm PDT: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1565/detail/
[22:31] <dscassel> Thanks, bjonkman :)
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