UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /22 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:17] <dijonyummy> my cursor turned into a dotted vertical line, happens sometimes, how to fix it, besides loging out / in
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[00:32] <sithlord48> dijonyummy: shut off desktop effects perhaps (crtl+alt F12 will suspend them)
[00:32] <sithlord48> dijonyummy: NOT THAT KEY COMBO
[00:33] <sithlord48> dijonyummy: its ALT+Shift +F12
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[00:51] <designbybeck> So what is everyones take on Ubuntu stopping funding for Kubuntu? I'm trying to have a better understanding of the Kubuntu Ecosystem
[00:52] <ironfroggy> designbybeck: what is that abuot? do you have a link?
[00:53] <designbybeck> thought everyone saw that ironfroggy let me find it
[00:53] <designbybeck> we'll start here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/02/canonical-withdraw-financial-support-from-kubuntu/ ironfroggy
[00:58] <ironfroggy> honestly i dont get it. i dont even know how ubuntu makes any money in the first place, let alone how kubuntu does or doesn't meet those goals.
[01:05] <DaemonFC> I wonder if there's a decent way to kill kio_magnet with fire and have KDE forward magnet links directly to the client
[01:06] <DaemonFC> kio_magnet makes dealing with magnet links frustrating and confusing
[01:08] <designbybeck> lol ironfroggy... Ubuntu doesn't...Canonical does
[01:10] <DaemonFC> I wonder who thought the flow of "User clicks magnet > Notifications lists a never ending "job" > Ktorrent loads and starts downloading everything without asking the user what to do > User notices his downloads are not in Downloads, but rather in ~/.kde/share/apps/kio_magnet", provided it doesn't just stall and never launch Ktorrent
[01:12] <ironfroggy> designbybeck: i mean ubuntu as a product, not an entity.
[01:13] <designbybeck> well they get money of OEM stuff i believe
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[02:53] <rtdos> when running 'glxinfo' i get the following error: http://pastebin.kde.org/426770/
[03:22] <rtdos> when running 'glxinfo' i get the following error: http://pastebin.kde.org/426770/
[04:04] <mikea> Is there a PPA or something to get a newer KDE with network manager 0.9 so I can use the OpenConnect VPN client?
[04:07] <bazhang> mikea, care to answer my question?
[04:17] <mikea> bazhang, 4.8 would do the trick, I think
[04:18] <bazhang> mikea, check the link in the topic here
[04:20] <mikea> here goes nothin'
[05:13] <Whiskey`Wonka> has that bug where apt-get, aptitude, and kpackagemanager/muon are out of sync been fixed?
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[05:14] <bazhang> Whiskey`Wonka, bug link?
[05:14] <Whiskey`Wonka> bazhang: if i remembered the tracker number i wouldnt be asking
[05:15] <Whiskey`Wonka> it was back in Dec/Jan
[05:15] <Whiskey`Wonka> that /i/ noticed it, and someone here linked it, but i seam to have failed to bookmark it (thought i did)
[05:16] <bazhang> I recall a muon issue a short while back, was this related to hash sum mismatches, by chance?
[05:17] <Whiskey`Wonka> uhm, could be, i will look that up
[05:17] <bazhang> if so, that one still exists
[05:17] <Whiskey`Wonka> what i remember is that i could /only/ use apt-get via cli for packages, anything else and blam, in a depends hell that is not resolvable
[05:17] <bazhang> or if it's two, they both are still an issue
[05:17] <bazhang> yes
[05:18] <Whiskey`Wonka> thats the one?
[05:18] <bazhang> for kde it was Muon
[05:18] <bazhang> and usc for gnome
[05:18] <Whiskey`Wonka> ok, so what do i do to upgrade/update?
[05:18] <Whiskey`Wonka> causedoing it from apt will still borke the system
[05:18] <Whiskey`Wonka> bork*
[05:19] <bazhang> just checking if I have still have it via console
[05:20] <sparr> how should I upgrade my nvidia drivers on an ubuntu machine running KDE?
[05:20] <bazhang> !find jockey
[05:20] <ubottu> Found: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde
[05:20] <bazhang> !info jockey-kde
[05:20] <ubottu> jockey-kde (source: jockey): KDE user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu10 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 136 kB
[05:20] <sparr> thanks
[05:21] <bazhang> yes, I have the hash sum mismatch i ssue
[05:22] <bazhang> iirc removing the partial files via nautilus/dolphin/whathaveyou fixed it
[05:23] <Whiskey`Wonka> well googles not finding much with 'kubuntu apt-get muon hash bug'
[05:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> well /what/ partial files? im very behind the 8 ball on what the bug is and how to resolve it or work around it /other/ then just sticking to apt-get
[05:24] <Whiskey`Wonka> mind you, i dont mind apt-get and use it for just about everything.
[05:25] <bazhang> well thats the problem, at least here. everything, including apt-get, is stuffed
[05:25] <Whiskey`Wonka> it works fine as long as i /only/ use it, and ive not tried a dist update/upgrade
[05:26] <Whiskey`Wonka> so ill stick with my crappy wifi drivers for now
[05:26] <bazhang> sounds like the muon issue is different then
[05:27] <Whiskey`Wonka> it sounds right on to me. as long as you only apt-get install XXX and do not do /anything/ else, it works ok
[05:27] <Whiskey`Wonka> but if you remove a package or update one, your boned
[05:53] <kelroy> anyone else have problems with muon software center being broken out of the box with 64x?
[06:10] <zlf> hello
[06:40] <zlf> Does anybody update the kde to version 4.8?
[08:42] <mansoor> Hello all
[08:43] <mansoor> Anyone know why my graphics card sucks on linux when it rocks on widnows? and how to fix it? Ihave an NVidia gtx 250 and I have restricted drivers enabled and installed but for a WebGl application on windows i get 60 FPS on linux I get 20 if I'm lucky :((
[08:45] <stephans_> Q: how do you get gnome apps to use a given gnome theme in KDE? I have selected the theme I want in the control panel but nothing happens.
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[08:57] <jmichaelx> stephans_: your GTK theming should still work on GTK2 apps...it is with the new GTK3 apps that you are having this problem. i do not know what the solution is for those.
[08:58] <hateball> jmichaelx, stephans_: that is added in KDE 4.8
[08:58] <hateball> GTK3 theming that is
[08:59] <jmichaelx> hateball: ty, i was not aware of that
[09:01] <hateball> jmichaelx: may be offtopic, but here if you're interested http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2012/01/oxygen-gtk3-10-is-out.html
[09:37] <stephans_> OK thank you
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[10:48] <ocs> join #bash
[11:46] <xiexiaodong> HELLO EVERY
[11:47] <xiexiaodong> hello every!!!!!!
[12:32] <maniX> Hello kubuntu, is someone familiar with quassel? I wanted to know of how to configure my system proxy to quasse
[12:34] <bazhang> maniX, tried #quassel ?
[12:35] <lightstar> maniX: You want to direct your traffic through a proxy? You can check the settings in Settings -> Configure Quassel -> Networks, edit the server of your choice and you will find the option
[12:35] <maniX> lemme try
[12:48] <maniX> lightstar: It didnt worked: what i did was quassel>configure quassel >in irc network> there in network details> servers >edit> advanced> ticked use proxy> selected SOCKS5 and entered proxy
[12:49] <maniX> lightstar: but it didnt seemed to work
[12:49] <viKtor__> Can someone tell me how to use spell checking in every app like web browser, quassel and so on?
[12:50] <lightstar> maniX: hmm...can the socks work for other apps i.e. firefox, rekonq?
[12:50] <bazhang> viKtor__, that would be in the settings of each app
[12:51] <viKtor__> bazhang: calligra and telepathy work with aspell and libreoffice with huspell
[12:51] <viKtor__> but no chances with others apps :S
[12:52] <maniX> lightstar: in firefox, i had the option to set the proxy for all http, https, ssl,socks
[12:53] <lightstar> maniX: what version of quassel are you using?
[12:53] <maniX> and it is working
[12:53] <maniX> 0.7.3
[12:54] <lightstar> same version..hang on, lemme test it out on another machine
[12:54] <maniX> sure
[12:54] <stephans_> has anyone here heard of the venus project?
[12:57] <lightstar> maniX: it seems to work on my SOCKS5 proxy
[12:57] <lightstar> maniX: how did you set up the SOCKS if you don't mind me asking
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[12:58] <maniX> No problem at all lightstar
[12:59] <lightstar> maniX: i checked it out on version 0.7.1 and it works as well
[12:59] <maniX> wait a sec
[13:03] <maniX> Sorry lightstar its http proxy, not socks5. But when i try connecting via http, i get this error "Connection failure: Proxy denied connection"
[13:04] <lightstar> maniX: eh? is the proxy yours? you might need to check out the config to check if there are any restrictions
[13:05] <lightstar> maniX: wait, if you're using a http proxy, in quassel did you select http instead of socks?
[13:05] <maniX> Actually i am in my university; so i am on university wifi
[13:05] <maniX> yes
[13:05] <maniX> i have it double checked
[13:06] <lightstar> maniX: ahhh...hmm, they might be blocking some things on the proxy. Just a guess
[13:07] <maniX> lightstar: but i am using my browser to chat on irc on same net
[13:08] <lightstar> maniX: maybe the proxy checks for identification sent from the client. If the client sends an identification that the proxy doesn't recognize, it probably will block it.
[13:13] <BluesKaj> "morning
[13:14] <maniX> lightstar: i am a newbie here man. can u suggest me what needs to be done here?
[13:15] <lightstar> maniX: its ok :)
[13:16] <lightstar> maniX: really coming up blank..haha
[13:17] <maniX> lightstar: dude its been just 3 months since i started using linux on regular basis. it is fun but takes like tons of time to get hold
[13:18] <maniX> lightstar: in this time i learnt things i never even imagined existed
[13:18] <lightstar> maniX: you might need to visit #quassel to see if they can help. But I seriously think there is some kinda filter on the proxy limiting the user agents.
[13:18] <lightstar> maniX: Welcome to the wonderful world of Linux. Don't worry. I feel your pain. I went through it 10 years ago..hehe
[13:19] <maniX> it is possible.. But what confuses me is, if chromium can run webchat.freenode.net; then why cant quassel work
[13:20] <maniX> lightstar: hmm... But i can guarantee your pain was much more then mine... There is much more support these days
[13:21] <lightstar> maniX: well its like this. Your browser sends something called a user-agent to identify itself
[13:21] <lightstar> maniX: some proxies are configured to only allow certain types of browsers to pass through (like in most organizations)
[13:21] <maniX> ok..
[13:22] <lightstar> maniX: you got that right, in those days there were lots of RTFM moments and compilation (well at least on Slackware)
[13:22] <maniX> lightstar: and that goes straight off my head
[13:22] <maniX> :(
[13:23] <lightstar> maniX: lol, in time you'll figure it out :)
[13:23] <maniX> whats RTFM?
[13:23] <lightstar> maniX: Read The F*****G Manual
[13:23] <bazhang> something quite rude
[13:23] <maniX> lols
[13:23] <maniX> :D
[13:23] <bazhang> the equivalent of google it
[13:23] <lightstar> totally, it was after Ubuntu came along that the community got nicer
[13:24] <lightstar> and in those days, documentations weren't actually top of the line like it is now
[13:24] <maniX> lightstar: i really like ubuntu, it is much simpler as compared to other linux distros
[13:25] <lightstar> maniX: I have to agree. Well, cept for Unity which I hate with a passion :P
[13:26] <maniX> lightstar: Ahh.. you got that right.. i replace my unity environment with gnome shell to get rid of it..:D (just loved the fedora feel with ubuntu on)
[13:27] <lightstar> maniX: I used to be an XFCE user. Switched to KDE only a few months ago but I LOVE the apps and integration
[13:28] <maniX> lightstar: now this sounds intrestin; how is xfce? i have never used it
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[13:52] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Hi, how can I change the size of the letters of the Menus in the Windows?
[13:52] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Often, eg. Firefox, this Menutext is written in Mini-Letter-Size, so that it is unreadable.
[13:53] <Haakon_der_Wikin> I work with HDMI-Konnections.
[13:53] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Can you help please?
[13:54] <tsimpson> Haakon_der_Wikin: in System Settings -> Application Appearance -> Fonts and System Settings -> Application Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance
[13:55] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Thanks, will try it.
[13:55] <tsimpson> you may need to logout and back in again to see the changes
[13:56] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Thanks
[13:57] <Haakon_der_Wikin> I see, it affects Kontact immediately, but not firefox
[13:57] <Haakon_der_Wikin> I will log out, mom
[14:00] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Hi, Kontact was changed, Rawstudio and Firefox not :(
[14:01] <tsimpson> my firefox seems to use the same font as my other applications, which is how it's set in system settings
[14:07] <BluesKaj> Haakon_der_Wikin, perhaps if you open system settings with root permissions (alt+F2 , kdesudo systemsettings) , and reset the fonts there as well.
[14:07] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Hi, found out: It was GTX+ ;-)
[14:09] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Was set to "Eine andere Schriftart verwenden" (Use a different fonttype) and that was very smal
[14:10] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Thanks a lot. Your hint leads me to the right direction.
[14:11] <tsimpson> you're welcome :)
[14:32] <shashik> hii i am having trouble with muon software centre, can anyone help me,..
[14:33] <shashik> it is crashing a lot, not even able to open it
[14:34] <BluesKaj> shashik, yes muon has soome problems , is it still open ?
[14:34] <BluesKaj> some
[14:35] <shashik> nope, just after i updated the package lists, it is not able to open,
[14:35] <shashik> just open's for some miniseconds , i guess,
[14:35] <shashik> getting a segmentation fault (11)
[14:37] <BluesKaj> shashik, open a terminal , sudo apt-get update , then if there are any updates to install , suso apt-get upgrade ... there are updates/upgrades in the repos to fix muon , but the best method is use the terminal to fix that issue
[14:38] <BluesKaj> sudo apt-get upgrade
[14:39] <shashik> okay, thanks
[14:41] <markus_> moin
[14:42] <BluesKaj> use real english please
[14:42] <Haakon_der_Wikin> Moinmoin
[14:43] <BluesKaj> !lol
[14:43] <ubottu> Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.
[14:44] <Haakon_der_Wikin> I think, markus is german, and that was only a greeting.
[14:45] <BluesKaj> no matter , that doesn't mean that ppl should use slang
[14:45] <Haakon_der_Wikin> ok
[14:46] <BluesKaj> ppl is acceptable short form
[15:01] <rav1084> hi. i've been using fedora for 3 months and i don't like it. i want to switch back to kubuntu, would there be problems if i back up my entire /home with duplicity and then restore it in a fresh install?
[15:02] <lightstar> rav1084: You shouldn't have any issues with your personal files (docs, pics, etc) but some of the config files will be affected probably.
[15:03] <rav1084> lightstar: duplicity does work on kubuntu?
[15:04] <lightstar> rav1084: I've never used duplicity personally but yes the package does exist on *Ubuntu. You might want to try it out on a virtual machine just in case though
[15:05] <lightstar> rav1084: Though I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. But never hurts to check it out before doing a complete wipe.
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[15:08] <rav1084> lightstar: thanks :)
[15:08] <lightstar> rav1084: you're welcome :)
[15:08] <rav1084> i don't like duplicity, but fedora doesn't have backup2l...
[15:09] <lightstar> rav1084: I personally use rsnapshot but I've heard lots of good things about unison though
[15:09] <lightstar> rav1084: I'll have to check out backup2 :D
[15:49] <yurikoles> hi all, i just created project for kde sc upstream
[15:49] <yurikoles> https://launchpad.net/kde-sc
[15:50] <tsimpson> yurikoles: we already have one
[15:51] <yurikoles> OH SHI~
[15:51] <yurikoles> give me a link
[15:51] <tsimpson> yurikoles: https://launchpad.net/kde
[15:52] <phoenix_firebrd> Since adobe is going to abandon flash for linux, apart form google's support for flash through pepper api and html5, what are the other solutions.
[15:53] <tsimpson> wait 5 years, when it'll actually be an issue
[15:53] <phoenix_firebrd> tsimpson: talking to me?
[15:53] <tsimpson> phoenix_firebrd: yes
[15:54] <phoenix_firebrd> tsimpson: 5 years ? why so?
[15:54] <tsimpson> Adobe will still be providing updates to the current flash for 5 years yet
[15:54] <phoenix_firebrd> tsimpson: oh
[15:54] <tsimpson> well, security updates that is
[15:54] <yurikoles> how to update info on https://launchpad.net/kde
[15:54] <yurikoles> ?
[15:54] <tsimpson> still, that gives us plenty of time to get a solution
[15:55] <tsimpson> yurikoles: what's wrong with it?
[15:55] <yurikoles> no link to wiki, old logo, etc
[15:56] <tsimpson> yurikoles: you should probably poke Riddell then
[15:56] <yurikoles> i just created another project because i don't saw upstream for kde-meta
[15:56] <tsimpson> though those things aren't that important, it's really just a container project for other KDE components
[15:56] <phoenix_firebrd> yurikoles: try #ubuntu-devel
[15:57] <Riddell> yurikoles: I have no idea how those pages are updated, you'd need to ask on launchpad dev channels or mailing lists to find out
[15:57] <yurikoles> WTF? https://launchpad.net/kde/+announcements
[15:57] <Riddell> shrug, either spam or a nonsense project someone registered
[16:00] <yurikoles> i thunk someone made gazungaos part of kde
[16:02] <lovre> hi all
[16:03] <lovre> just a quick question, how do i update my KDE version? Is it available for kubuntu only on new release, or does it update on KDE realeases?ž
[16:05] <BluesKaj> lovre, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then update / upgrade and dist-upgrade
[16:06] <tsimpson> if you're on 11.10
[16:07] <BluesKaj> lovre, yes as tsimpson says , if on 11.10
[16:07] <lovre> i see. i am on 11.10, trying as we speak
[16:07] <BluesKaj> lovre, upgrading to kde 4.8 ?
[16:07] <lovre> BluesKaj: yes
[16:08] <lovre> BluesKaj: yes
[16:08] <BluesKaj> ok , you should be fine , lovre
[16:08] <lovre> should i not do that
[16:08] <lovre> BluesKaj: ok, thanks
[16:08] <tsimpson> or you could wait a couple of months and upgrade to 12.04 ;)
[16:09] <lovre> tsimpson: sure. thanks
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[16:18] <Guest756> .
[16:18] <Guest756> hello
[16:19] <Riddell> yurikoles: added (I think)
[16:25] <al3x_> kello
[16:25] <al3x_> *h
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[16:25] <bode> connect #yalta.recruit
[16:28] <sick> hi
[16:30] <sick> -.-
[16:31] <sick> anyone ?
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[16:31] <sick> anyone?
[16:31] <tsimpson> do you have a question?
[16:33] <sick> -.- first time run this software in kubuntu. this is a chat room ?
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[16:33] <maco> sick: yes, this is a tech support room for kubuntu
[16:33] <tsimpson> this is the Kubuntu technical support chat room
[16:34] <sick> thx.
[16:37] <al3x_> hello
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[17:05] <dysoco> why Google is in Arabic ? :S
[17:05] <dysoco> ^I just installed Kubuntu 11.10, using Rekonq at the moment
[17:06] <maco> the logo?
[17:06] <maco> i think that's supposed to be a sound wave for the google doodle
[17:06] <dysoco> maco: nope
[17:06] <dysoco> everything is in Arabic
[17:06] <maco> do you have a .sa ip address?
[17:06] <maco> (proxying?)
[17:06] <dysoco> maco: I don't think so
[17:07] <dysoco> anyway, I'll try with Firefox
[17:07] <ikonia> dysoco: you're on an arabic ISP
[17:07] <ikonia> dysoco: host198.190-229-68.telecom.net.ar
[17:08] <ikonia> that is your host, that's why google is going to the Arabic site
[17:08] <dysoco> really ? That's from Argentina :S
[17:08] <ikonia> oooh is .ar agentina ?
[17:08] <ikonia> I that that was ag
[17:08] <maco> i wonder if google thought the same thing :P
[17:08] <ikonia> in that case....ignore that
[17:09] <dysoco> OK then :P
[17:09] <ikonia> dysoco: what url are you using on google ?
[17:09] <ikonia> google.com ?
[17:09] <dysoco> BTW; Google.com ; Google.es ... they are all the same
[17:09] <ikonia> google.com is a redirector, eg: if I visit google.com it goes to google.es
[17:09] <ikonia> dysoco: can you take a screenshot please ?
[17:10] <dysoco> BTW: I remember an application that let you modify the grub easily, what whas his name ?
[17:10] <dysoco> wait, i'll install Firefox and see if it works properly now
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[17:14] <yofel> dysoco: install the kde-config-grub2 package, then you'll find it in system settings -> startup and shutdown -> grub2 bootloader
[17:14] <dysoco> thanks
[17:15] <dysoco> yofel: I installed it but it's not there
[17:16] <dysoco> Oh, OK, it is now
[17:20] <dysoco> OK. Firefox goes to normal Google, that was a Reqonk bug then :P
[17:22] <raveendra_> how to use vgaswitchroo in kubuntu11.10 on a system with ATI HD5470 GPU and intel GPU? please if u give the link to the shell script for the same, that would be helpful
[17:42] <ubuntu> I was installing recordmypc (or whatever it's called) and the ubuntu tutorial website advised me to install MENCODER... no problem. Installed it and it uninstalled a bunch of Gnome3 (yes, i know this is a kubuntu forum, but the problem is larger than UI)... now, after a reset, I had some red error-text that flashed by faster than I could see. Now the UBUNTU heading, with the five dots beneath, has been sitting, loading, overnight. and there it remains.
[17:42] <ubuntu> ideas? help? prayers? I've got a paper that I need to finish on that machine. :(
[17:42] <ubuntu> on my netbook as it happens... at the same desk as the deceased.
[17:47] <BluesKaj> ubuntu, installing recordmypc should cause your symptoms unless it removed your graphics settings and driver ...have you tried a hard reboot ?
[17:47] <BluesKaj> should NOT
[17:48] <ubuntu> the computer has been turned off until it was cold, then restarted... nothing. :( that's when the panic set in
[17:49] <BluesKaj> does it boot into grub , if so try the recovery kernel
[17:50] <ubuntu> once it finishes post, the screen goes black for 10-15 seconds, then the ubuntu loading icon shows, with three underscore dots that turn white to orange, know the ones i mean? that's where it hung... for 12 hours... and here i am
[17:50] <ubuntu> i assume there's a verbose boot-up sequence
[17:51] <ubuntu> (i'm not green, just not quite your levels yet.)
[17:51] <EvilResistance> ubuntu: i know i cant force you to, but could you change your nick off of "ubuntu" please? its a nick owned by the IRC Council so... :/
[17:52] <ubuntu> running off the live-boot install. it was the default nick... i'm searching for how to fix it myself... no worries. :)
[17:52] <ubuntu> i have no desire to make waves, you guys have been so good to me over the past few years
[17:53] <ubuntu> better?
[17:53] <ubuntu> hmm.
[17:53] <ubuntu> (supposed to say "LoreCaster"
[17:54] <ubuntu> Now?
[17:54] <ubuntu> grrr
[17:55] <ubuntu> Now?
[17:55] <ubuntu> lemme log-out and log backin.
[17:56] <LoreCaster> There we go!
[17:57] <LoreCaster> :D now, with one success under our proverbial belts, let's lick this fussy boot-up :D
[17:58] <Combatjuan> Is there a way to flag a window to be visible on desktops 1 and 2 but not 3? As I recall, the boxes in the "To Desktop->" link used to be checkboxes instead of option boxes.
[17:59] <Combatjuan> I might be remembering KDE 3 though...
[18:00] <Combatjuan> In my ideal interface selecting the box portion in the To Desktop menu would check the box whereas selecting the word portion would check that box and uncheck all others.
[18:00] <Combatjuan> I'll bet that pees all over the HIG though.
[18:04] <LoreCaster> (it's me, the user formally known as UBUNTU)
[18:04] <LoreCaster> with the boot-up after POST problem?
[18:05] <BluesKaj> i asked earlier LoreCaster, do you see a grub menu ?
[18:05] <LoreCaster> never get there.
[18:05] <LoreCaster> i described the UBUNTU logo with those 5 or 6 dots that change colour? the loading screen?
[18:06] <LoreCaster> GRUB should follow immediately, as I recall. If i had grub, i'd go into safemode and go from there... :(
[18:06] <BluesKaj> so you don't have autologin enabled ?
[18:06] <LoreCaster> nope, every restart I have to click on the user
[18:07] <BluesKaj> if you run ubuntu then it could be a unity problem
[18:07] <LoreCaster> i was running GNOME3, i despise unity :P
[18:08] <BluesKaj> ok gnome 3 then ...maybe you should ask in #ubuntu
[18:08] <LoreCaster> i remember when I was installing Mencoder... it removed a bunch of packages... some of them had GNOME in the title. it struck me as odd... then during a regular reset after an update, i saw red text in a verbose shutdown
[18:08] <LoreCaster> but what I mean is it happens before i even get to choose the shell
[18:09] <yofel> LoreCaster: wait, you see the boot splash with the dots? Then you're already past grub
[18:09] <LoreCaster> wierd...
[18:09] <yofel> grub is invisible by default
[18:09] <LoreCaster> alrighty. that info helps me... i already know something changed.
[18:09] <BluesKaj> that's what I found confusing
[18:09] <LoreCaster> ah
[18:09] <LoreCaster> my appologies.
[18:09] <qw-Russian> help me please
[18:09] <qw-Russian> i would like install Windows XP for Ubuntu 10.4 but i would like unistall VirtualBox and reinstall VirtualBox I don't know as me it to make and establish then through VirtualBox Windows XP
[18:10] <yofel> I think the key to make it visible was holding the left shift key after the bios screen
[18:10] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, after the bios scrn hold down shift until grub appears
[18:10] <BluesKaj> yofel, :)
[18:10] <LoreCaster> shift, you got it. booting now :D
[18:11] <LoreCaster> grub loading
[18:11] <LoreCaster> black screen atm
[18:12] <LoreCaster> and back to the ubuntu logo with dots
[18:12] <yofel> did grub show up?
[18:12] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, try the recobery kernel in grub
[18:13] <BluesKaj> recovery
[18:13] <LoreCaster> it said "grub loading..." screen went black, and then the ubuntu logo came up. no options and no grub. :S
[18:13] <BluesKaj> hold the shift key 'til grub menu shows up
[18:13] <LoreCaster> ahh, there we go
[18:14] <LoreCaster> recovery mode?
[18:14] <qw-Russian> help me
[18:14] <BluesKaj> yes
[18:14] <LoreCaster> in verbose mode now
[18:14] <LoreCaster> (I REALLY appreciate this, ladies and gents)
[18:14] <qw-Russian> in the screen i see next message: No bootable medium found! System halted
[18:14] <LoreCaster> okay... 4 recovery mode options. resume, fsck, remount and root :)
[18:15] <BluesKaj> !ru | qw-Russian
[18:15] <ubottu> qw-Russian: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.
[18:15] <BluesKaj> your transltor isn't working very well , qw-Russian ^^
[18:16] <BluesKaj> heh translator
[18:17] <qw-Russian> what to me to do ?
[18:17] <LoreCaster> (not being impatient, just proactive) shall I "fsck"? Check all file systems? or shall I "root" and drop into root shell and wait for more instructions?
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[18:20] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, root , then update and upgrade
[18:22] <LoreCaster> what commands, specifically? (so i can't screw this up) I would assume "sudo apt-get install update"
[18:22] <BluesKaj> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade , LoreCaster
[18:23] <LoreCaster> wait... what?! When the "recovery menu" comes up, the keyboard stops working. i can't scroll, type, even restart. :S numlock won't even engage/disengage
[18:23] <LoreCaster> rebooted, tried it again, same result
[18:23] <BluesKaj> looks like a HW problem
[18:24] <LoreCaster> but now... the function key (multimedia keyboard) light will flash if i tap the button, but caps won't, and num won't. this is terribly frustrating. i got INTO the menu with "shift"...
[18:27] <LoreCaster> pulled the usb keyb out of the hub and right into the front bus of the tower, see if that helps
[18:27] <LoreCaster> no change. still no way to select any options. "enter" won't even work
[18:28] <LoreCaster> ctrl+alt+del either :S
[18:28] <BluesKaj> these symptoms are entirely new to me
[18:29] <LoreCaster> imagine how i feel.
[18:29] <BluesKaj> do you have a /home partition ?
[18:30] <LoreCaster> and while it superficially sounds like a hardware failure, the failure only occurs at this screen... and works otherwise. sounds software.
[18:30] <LoreCaster> i didn't play with partitions at all after the base install from a clean drive.
[18:30] <LoreCaster> should be default settings as far as that is concerned
[18:30] <BluesKaj> it's not hardware failure as such , it's software unable to communicate with HW
[18:31] <LoreCaster> that's what i mean... :)
[18:31] <BluesKaj> is what I meant
[18:32] <BluesKaj> there is one method that might work .... reinstall without formatting , this will save your data but reinstall the OS
[18:32] <LoreCaster> and all program settings? files saved to desktop?
[18:33] <BluesKaj> well, I haven't done in a while , not since 10.10 , but it should yes
[18:34] <LoreCaster> oh, nice!
[18:34] <LoreCaster> how would I go about that without installing a side-by-side?
[18:38] <BluesKaj> sde by side ...what exactly do you mean?
[18:40] <LoreCaster> I've done that sort of install before, and i had the option between two independent OS
[18:40] <LoreCaster> s... sort of like installing linux and Win7 on the same system on the same drive.
[18:40] <LoreCaster> unless the install system has dramatically changed...
[18:48] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, the reinstall method i used was with the alternate install live cd...and manual partitoning , make sure you don't reformat
[18:49] <LoreCaster> I'm using the live "CD" (SD) for this session on my netbook. anything special for the partitioning? I think i'll boot the OS fully first, and backup my data, just in case :P
[18:53] <BluesKaj> absolutely ..always backup
[18:54] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, no you need the alternate install cd
[18:54] <BluesKaj> !alternate
[18:54] <ubottu> The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal
[18:55] <shashik> help me, i am unable to save my ssh keys on the launchpad
[18:56] <shashik> it just says Invalid public key
[18:56] <rosco_y> What is the apt-get command to install java?
[18:56] <tsimpson> shashik: you should ask in #launchpad
[18:56] <BluesKaj> BBL ...stuff to do
[18:56] <shashik> ook tsimpson ,
[18:57] <shashik> thanks
[18:57] <tsimpson> rosco_y: just install default-jre
[18:57] <DaemonFC> Oracle's proprietary Java has been removed from the Ubuntu repositories because Oracle changed their distributor agreement to disallow distributions to distribute it
[18:57] <tsimpson> rosco_y: or just "icedtea-plugin" for the browser plugin
[18:57] <rosco_y> tsimpson: ty, I tried downloading and installing from http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp?locale=en, but it isn't working in my browser
[18:57] <DaemonFC> it's recommended to use OpenJDK, an open source Java compatible runtime
[18:58] <rosco_y> I'll install the default-jre once, and see what happends :)
[18:59] <DaemonFC> default-jre points to OpenJDK 6, if you want browser applet support then you need icedtea-6-plugin
[18:59] <rosco_y> it tells me I have the latest version installed
[18:59] <rosco_y> DaemonFC: ty, I think that's my trouble
[18:59] <DaemonFC> there's icedtea-netx for Java Web Start
[18:59] <DaemonFC> if you need that too
[19:01] <LoreCaster> back again... running the live-boot off my SD card.
[19:01] <rosco_y> the icedtea-plugin took care of the problem for me--thank everybody :)
[19:02] <LoreCaster> you wanted me to run the install software?
[19:08] <LoreCaster> okay... home folder backed up...
[19:11] <LoreCaster> I have the option to "Upgrade 11.10 to 11,10" would that be a good way to allow the computer to do the install?
[19:13] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, yes aslong as it doesn't auto format , otherwise it's a brand new install
[19:14] <LoreCaster> "documents, music, and toher personal files will be kept. installed software will be kept, where possibile. system-wide settings will be cleared."
[19:15] <DasKreech> What version are you running now?
[19:16] <LoreCaster> 11.10... but had a huge error during a reboot. there are even problems during GRUB... so an upgrade might fix the problem
[19:16] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, well if you don't mind resetting system settings , fonts. wallpaper, themes etc then go ahead
[19:16] <LoreCaster> perfect. I'll go with that... :D
[19:17] <BluesKaj> ok , good luck
[19:17] <LoreCaster> I just want you guys to know, you're all amazing. This service, your patience and your very reason to help people like myself are the reason why Linux is gaining the popularity it has today. Goddess bless you all :)
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[19:19] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, well thanks for the vote of confidence beforehand . it's appreciated :)
[19:20] <LoreCaster> in my experience, the universe rewards evidence, and designs results.
[19:20] <LoreCaster> oh!! one more thing... if i could bother you with it.
[19:21] <LoreCaster> my webcam is working, at this very second, during install. but when install is finished, it won't work... it'll be recognizes in fstub (i think that's what it's called) and in the media settings... but will only show a black screen in CHEESE and Skype... but it works at install.
[19:25] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: We can look at that when it comes back up. Working now is a good sign
[19:27] <LoreCaster> it was like that before :P but yeah, after the 'upgrade'
[19:30] <DasKreech> :-)
[19:37] <LoreCaster> doing language packs now
[19:38] <DasKreech> ok
[19:45] <highnz> *test
[19:45] <DasKreech> Fail
[19:47] <BluesKaj> highnz, test what
[19:47] <BluesKaj> ?
[19:59] <stephans_> i am tunning Ubuntu 11.4 and installed KDE since the new Gnome 3 setup was unstable in my case. i installed the kde minimal metapackage. There is only one thing missing, the volume control icon in the system tray. what did I miss?
[19:59] <stephans_> running
[20:05] <DasKreech> stephans_: why the kde-minimal ?
[20:08] <DasKreech> Also which Gnome3 setup?
[20:08] <stephans_> DasKreech, I wanted the plasma shell but not neccesarily all the KDE programs... like the KDE office suite.
[20:09] <DasKreech> the KDE office suite isn't installed in Kubuntu unless you ask for it
[20:09] <stephans_> Gnome 3, meaning the Ubuntu Unity
[20:09] <DasKreech> !info plasma-desktop
[20:09] <ubottu> plasma-desktop (source: kde-workspace): KDE Plasma workspace for desktop and laptop computers. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 788 kB, installed size 2616 kB
[20:09] <DasKreech> If all you want is the shell that's all you have to install
[20:10] <DasKreech> So you want the KDE Shell but all the Gnome applications is taht correct?
[20:10] <DasKreech> Ta
[20:10] <DasKreech> that
[20:11] <stephans_> DasKreech, I like the basic setup, with file manager basically... and the desktop widgets (plasmoids?)
[20:12] <stephans_> I use the other apps from Ubuntu along with chrome.
[20:12] <stephans_> Like Xchat for example.
[20:12] <stephans_> I also like how in KDE the 3D effects work.
[20:13] <stephans_> Better than Unity for me
[20:13] <DasKreech> stephans_: Alright so what are you missing?
[20:14] <stephans_> I am not sure if there are so many good apps written for KDE other than K3B... and some others...
[20:14] <stephans_> I am missing the volume control
[20:14] <stephans_> the speaker in the lower right
[20:14] <DasKreech> stephans_: Okular
[20:14] <stephans_> that you can control the volume with...
[20:14] <stephans_> Okilar?
[20:15] <stephans_> Okular..
[20:15] <DasKreech> A good KDE app :)
[20:15] <stephans_> ah!
[20:15] <stephans_> What does it do?
[20:15] <DasKreech> !info kmix
[20:15] <ubottu> kmix (source: kdemultimedia): volume control and mixer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 366 kB, installed size 1504 kB
[20:15] <DasKreech> !info okular
[20:15] <ubottu> okular (source: okular): universal document viewer. In component main, is extra. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 974 kB, installed size 3180 kB
[20:16] <stephans_> OK, I see that the volume control kmix is optional in the main? Hm... odd...
[20:16] <DasKreech> stephans_: opens documents. Pdfs etc
[20:16] <stephans_> i will give okular a try...
[20:16] <stephans_> so its a viewer then?
[20:16] <DasKreech> Yes
[20:16] <DasKreech> does CBR
[20:16] * DasKreech hugs okular
[20:17] <stephans_> CBR?
[20:18] <DasKreech> Comic Book
[20:26] <DasKreech> stephans_: better?
[20:29] <LoreCaster> it's me again...
[20:30] <LoreCaster> the install was in it's last seconds and it crashed. i have a black screen with white text... and a circular (ubuntu) icon. it says... "kernal panic - not syncing: attemped to kill init"
[20:30] <DasKreech> hi LoreCaster
[20:31] <LoreCaster> hello again, DasKreech
[20:31] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: that's odd. I presume you tried to reboot ?
[20:31] <DasKreech> Are you on the machine now or this is a different machine?
[20:32] <LoreCaster> i am sitting at the desk, on my netbook. my desktop is the one flipping out. the system froze solid here, i didn't want to lose nay valuable code
[20:32] <LoreCaster> i can restart it now, if you like... the mouse won't even move. haha
[20:32] <stephans_> DasKreech, yes now it is there. Thanks lots.
[20:33] <LoreCaster> the last line of code on the screen reads "panic occurred, switching back to text console"
[20:34] <LoreCaster> days like this I almost consider abandoning the path that life has chosen for me... to live in a luddite monestary in the woods -tear-
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[20:36] <BluesKaj> LoreCaster, do you have a prompt , if you do ctl+alt +f1 ?
[20:38] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: :)
[20:38] <DasKreech> stephans_: Ok :)
[20:38] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: how's reboot going?
[20:49] <LoreCaster> -frustration- no prompt... the screen is completely frozen.
[20:49] <LoreCaster> shall I reboot back into the live-boot, or try to go into the HDD install?
[20:55] <LoreCaster> on reboot, if i let grub load, i get huge distortion in the screen and another lockup. no ctrl-alt-delete response, horizontal bars and no legible text
[20:55] <LoreCaster> rebooted again into grub and trying to enter recovery mode
[20:56] <LoreCaster> same problem in grub recov as before
[20:58] <LoreCaster> next reboot went into grub automatically... hit first option ( i assumed it was to resume normally) and now i have a underscore cursor blinking in the top left of the screen, no text, no mouse, no progression
[21:01] <LoreCaster> i'm losing my mind. I may just blow away the partitions and start from a fresh install.
[21:05] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: Are you sure the drive is ok?
[21:05] <DasKreech> a kernel panic on a new install from recovery mode is not normal
[21:06] <LoreCaster> my live-SD boot is up. i'll run a scan of the disk. any particular command you'd recommend? i'd just use a gpartd scan, personanally...
[21:10] <LoreCaster> doing a gpart scan now... 500gb drive. finsihed without any blips.
[21:11] <LoreCaster> i guess i could blow away the entire drive, format it while isolating bad sectors... and reinstall from scratch?
[21:20] <LoreCaster> No feedback?
[21:21] <Lynoure> How does one define which audio device actually outputs the sound? My Multimedia settings just show PulseAudio and I'd like to get my music out through the internal audio card by default instead of the hdmi
[21:22] <Lynoure> (Both are able to make sound, that has been tested)
[21:24] <Lynoure> Any ideas?
[21:29] <LoreCaster> alrighty... you all take care, and thanks again. I know you have lives (those lovely things that i've heard so much about, but as a university student have not experienced first hand in abuot 3 years)
[21:35] <Lynoure> Does anyone here have multiple sound cards? E.g. internal one and display card capable of outputting audio via hdmi?
[21:47] <LoreCaster> yeah, it's me again. I tried the live-install and got "ubi-partman exit code 10"
[21:47] <LoreCaster> ideas?
[21:52] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: Did you do a CD check on the CD?
[21:53] <LoreCaster> SD card. how would I go about that?
[21:57] <LoreCaster> i'm just going to run a straight install to the disk, without the live-boot.
[21:57] <LoreCaster> really sick of playing games with the kernal. :P
[21:57] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: Should have a check option on startup
[21:58] <DasKreech> Lynoure: The Second tab of phonon config should allow you to choose soundcard
[21:58] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: You did a checksum on the image?
[21:59] <deusr> hi
[21:59] <deusr> Does anyone know how to lock the plasma for users unable to make changes?
[21:59] <DasKreech> deusr: kiosk
[22:00] <deusr> DasKreech: for kde 4.7
[22:00] <LoreCaster> it worked before, DasKreech, a number of times. anyway, running a from-scratch one now.
[22:00] <Lynoure> DasKreech: the second tab lets me fiddle with the setting for each, and test if they work, but does not let me change where the music actually plays from
[22:01] <deusr> the kiosk is for kde 3, no?
[22:01] <Lynoure> DasKreech: I'm trying renaming ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and restarting KDE tomorrow, and ask again tomorrow if that does not help
[22:04] <DasKreech> deusr: Should still work for KDE 4.x. You can ask in #plasma if you want more specific instructions
[22:04] <DasKreech> Lynoure: Alright
[22:04] <DasKreech> LoreCaster: Strange :-/
[22:05] <LoreCaster> no kidding. i'll grab a nap while this is installing... back in about an hour or so. depending how i'm feeling, I may tackle my WEBCAM... otherwise, it's been a pleasure. :)
[22:05] <deusr> DasKreech: thank's
[22:05] <Lynoure> DasKreech: but if you know how one could neatly remove PulseAudio, I could maybe try that later.
[22:10] <DasKreech> Lynoure: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio ?
[22:10] <Ezim> why do you want to remove pulseaudio?
[22:11] <Lynoure> DasKreech: and that is enough? Ok.
[22:12] * DasKreech introduces Ezim to Lynoure 's problem
[22:12] <Lynoure> Ezim: not sure if I want anymore... but with 4.7 I had knotify4 hogging massive resources, mostly memory, and I was told that PulseAudio is probably the real culprit
[22:13] <Lynoure> Ezim: but I have not seen that happen so with 4.8 anymore. But just in case...
[22:13] <Ezim> Lynoure, okey I understand. I have never had this issue.
[22:14] <Lynoure> Ezim: my current problem is that Phonon config only shows PulseAudio and I cannot find a way to configure exactly which device should be used
[22:14] <Lynoure> Ezim: and I prefer my real speakers massively over the monitor speakers (which seem to be now the default, somehow)
[22:14] <Ezim> Lynoure, okey. then I understand.
[22:15] <Lynoure> Ezim: if you know how to configure PulseAudio, that too could help.
[22:15] <Ezim> Lynoure, you can try pavucontrol.
[22:18] <deusr> There is something for plasma? http://extragear.kde.org/apps/kiosktool/
[22:20] <Lynoure> Ezim: thanks, I'll try that too tomorrow :)
[22:20] <Lynoure> (past midnight here)
[22:20] <Ezim> Lynoure, you will find it in the repo.
[22:21] <Lynoure> Ezim: yup, installed already, just too tired for the rest of it now :)
[22:23] <DasKreech> deusr: I know it's there but I haven't done a lasma lockdown myself. #plasma might help more
[22:24] <deusr> ye..ok
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[22:51] <Lateralus138> Hello
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[23:27] <uglyoldbob> can i upgrade to kubuntu 11.10 from ubuntu-10.04 safely?
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[23:37] <gomiboy> uglyoldbob: you have to upgrade to 10.10 and 11.04 first... or wait a couple of months and upgrade directly to 12.04
[23:41] <uglyoldbob> how would i properly do a transition from ubuntu-10.04 to kubuntu-10.04?
[23:45] <Slappy_> i always thought that as linux progressed it would be easier to just plug in a old wireless card into an older laptop and boom everything works. guess i was wrong.
[23:46] <Slappy_> i've tried linux mint/ubuntu and now kubuntu with a linksys wpc54g pcmcia card with a dell 8500 laptop and still can't get it working.
[23:47] <gomiboy> uglyoldbob: install kubuntu-desktop and than: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekdelucid