UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /21 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:00] <phillw> there is a lubuntu DE version, please ensure you select the correct one :)
[00:03] <phillw> taipres: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu
[00:17] <taipres> thanks
[00:20] <phillw> taipres: you are welcome!
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach
=== tenach__ is now known as tenach
[04:00] <blud> I just installed Lubuntu on my laptop and for some reason my TV says there's no signal coming from the vga out from the laptop
[04:01] <blud> i guess I have to do something special for that on the laptop?
[04:04] <holstein> blud: i would try just a monitor if you have one handy to confirm that the output is working
[04:13] <blud> well i know its physically working because i used to output from it in windows xp , but, software wise yeah i dont know if its working
[04:18] <blud> anyhow, i wanted to be able to pastebin some output and stuff, and I noticed the laptop wasnt online yet. Like I just did a fresh install of lubuntu and hadn't gotten the network working yet
[04:18] <blud> when i try it says something like wireless networks not available firmware not installed
[04:44] <holstein> blud: i would wire it up to both internet and a monitor and trouble shoot issues as they come
=== Silverlion_ is now known as Silverlion
[13:27] <NyLes_> !quiet
[13:27] <NyLes_> !splash
[13:27] <ubottu> To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.
[13:28] <NyLes_> what is the use of quiet splash option?
[13:33] <NyLes_> ubuntu and lubuntu has the same terminal commands right?
[13:34] <phillw> yes
[13:35] <NyLes_> phillw: ow its you, still remember me? im still in the process of making my card to work, :( i followed the instructions you've given me but it didn't work.
[13:35] <NyLes_> phillw: I also tried copying the xorg.conf from puppy to be use in lubuntu..
[13:38] <NyLes_> phillw: what is the use of quiet splash in grub?
[13:39] <NyLes_> phillw: ok now i know the use after removing it then boot lol..
[13:41] <NyLes_> help me, lubuntu doesn't recognize my video card.. NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
[13:49] <NyLes_> how to backup xorg.conf
[13:49] <smile> copy it to another location :)
[13:50] <smile> e.g. /home/user/xorg.conf.bak
[13:50] <Silverlion> hey smile ;)
[13:50] <smile> Silverlion: hi ;)
[14:35] <Unit193> !bootoptions | NyLes_
[14:35] <ubottu> NyLes_: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.
[15:01] <novusordo> is there a panel addon to control sound? just installed the daily build, and had no sound control
[15:02] <Unit193> Should already be one there. Also, type `alsamixer` in the terminal
[15:02] <novusordo> i tried that, and found my sound card
[15:03] <novusordo> (not in lubuntu right now, it was a live usb)
[15:03] <novusordo> after turning volume up in alsamixer, there was no sound in youtube videos, didn't try any other sound-related things
[15:04] <Unit193> Have to make sure none of them are MM muted too.
[15:04] <novusordo> might've been it
[15:05] <novusordo> i checked the default permissions for the live account and it wasn't allowed to use audio devices, so i gave it permission to
[15:05] <novusordo> i'd assume that needs a log out and log back in, though?
[15:05] <Unit193> That's a bit odd.
[15:07] <novusordo> yeah, sort of strange. besides that though, i'm rather impressed with how far lubuntu has come
[15:07] <novusordo> hats off to the devs
[15:08] <Unit193> The few there are.
[16:27] <gmannn> hi guys.
[16:28] <gmannn> Any lubuntu advanced here?
[16:28] <gmannn> I need some help with the volume indicators
[16:35] <mysteriousdarren> gmann: what are you asking? or needing?
[17:16] <iceroot> how do we handle translation? i found bugs in lxappearance but https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/lxappearance does not have a template
[17:16] <iceroot> only upstream?
[17:18] <Unit193> Well, with Lubuntu it can be hard to get what is "upstream"
[17:19] <iceroot> lxappearance should be upstream in this sourceforge-bugtracker?
[17:19] <iceroot> lxde.org
[17:20] <iceroot> http://wiki.lxde.org/en/Category:Translations
[17:20] <iceroot> seems to be the answer i am looking for
[17:22] <iceroot> i would provide a patch for upstream, open a LP-bug, link to the upstreambug. is that ok for you?
[17:22] * Unit193 not a dev
[17:22] <Unit193> But sure, why not? :P
[17:24] <iceroot> just fyi, "they" have an own translation project like we have on launchpad. http://pootle.lxde.bsnet.se/de/lxde/translate.html?match_names=check-isfuzzy,untranslated&view_mode=review
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
[17:29] <valdur55> How can i get this yellow box on my lubuntu - http://i.imgur.com/m8xB2.png
[17:34] <iceroot> valdur55: looks like its "tomboy"
[17:34] <iceroot> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tomboy
[17:35] <iceroot> valdur55: seems its "xpad" and not "tomboy"
[17:35] <iceroot> valdur55: its installed by default on lubuntu
[17:39] <valdur55> Oh damn... yea it is xpad...
[18:25] <gmannn_> Guys. Could you help me a bit with the Volume Indicator on Lubuntu?
[18:48] <gmannn> Could anybody help me with the Volume indicator in Lubuntu? When I press volume down/up I want it to show the level on my screen
[19:25] <uskerine> hi, i am trying to set up a fully managed service, who receives the popup window for the update manager? Only the user who installed the system or every user?
[20:00] <iceroot> uskerine: every user
[20:01] <uskerine> iceroot, how could i make that only one admin user receives such update manager popup? it will be a shared system and i do not want end user to receive those messages
[20:02] <iceroot> uskerine: i think "dont start the update-manager program" for other users is the only way
[20:02] <uskerine> so is that a resident program or is it in the session script?
[20:02] <uskerine> how could i remove it?
[20:02] <asmand> how on earth can dpkg be sooo slow
[20:03] <asmand> wwaiting on something
[20:03] <iceroot> uskerine: you could "disable it for all users" and call it by hand as the admin-user
[20:03] <asmand> load in 7+
[20:03] <iceroot> uskerine: i have disabled it and only using apt-get
[20:04] <uskerine> ok
[20:04] <uskerine> i see the "settings" button
[20:04] <uskerine> thanks iceroot