UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /21 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <Krawlezt> What will be new in Kubuntu 12?
[00:07] <DasKreech> Krawlezt: The year
[00:08] <Krawlezt> yeha ofc that but more?
[00:11] <DasKreech> Usual stuff
[00:11] <DasKreech> Newest KDE etc
[00:11] <apachelogger> what a features for 12.04 anyway?
[00:11] <apachelogger> oh
[00:11] <apachelogger> ^^
[00:11] <apachelogger> DasKreech: and other than that?
[00:15] <apachelogger> I think I'll upload the new bootsplash tomorrow, waiting for sheytan could take a while
[00:16] <apachelogger> should I also swap the ksplash though?
[00:16] <apachelogger> Riddell: thoughts?
[00:16] <apachelogger> http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/bootriya.ogv
[00:27] <Riddell> apachelogger: full colour plymouth splash is nice but make very sure it degrades nicely when plymouth has limited colours
[00:28] <apachelogger> Riddell: isn't that when we use the text splash?
[00:28] <Riddell> apachelogger: I don't know, the reason we use limited colours is because of worries like that
[00:29] <Riddell> text splash is for when plymouth can't do graphics at all but there might well be modes that it can do but without full colour support
[00:29] <apachelogger> oh no
[00:29] <apachelogger> text splash is about KMS apparently
[00:29] <Riddell> but I don't know, work out who's good this plymouth in ubuntu now
[00:29] <apachelogger> man this is confusing
[00:31] <apachelogger> hmmmmmmm
[00:31] <apachelogger> Riddell: but we had a logo there?
[00:31] <apachelogger> so does ubuntu
[00:32] <apachelogger> I am not sure color really is a problem there
[00:32] * apachelogger looks for a way to force broken colors
[00:35] <Riddell> apachelogger: yes I might be wrong
[00:36] <apachelogger> will have to ask around
[00:36] <apachelogger> no kernel fb seems to even have a setting to set the color space
[00:36] <apachelogger> so that will be tricky to test even if it is a concern
[00:36] <apachelogger> perhaps ditch the revised theme also in our ppas?
[00:37] <apachelogger> that aleast ensures greater testing audience
[00:37] <apachelogger> plus the worst that can happen is that boot splash looks very white
[00:37] <apachelogger> at 16bit it might look not the best, but shouldn't be a problem
[00:37] <apachelogger> 8bit and mono would be very white
[00:39] <apachelogger> but I think we'd have reports if that were a problem, cause the gradient would also fail horribly on <16b
[00:39] <apachelogger> and I used the wrong image
[00:39] <apachelogger> brrr
[00:39] * apachelogger really does not get why the ksplash does not use proper ariya
[00:40] <apachelogger> Riddell: any objections to changing the ksplash though?
[00:40] <apachelogger> unifies the splashes
[00:41] <Riddell> apachelogger: changing to what?
[00:41] <apachelogger> see video
[00:41] <apachelogger> same dotty thing as boot splash
[00:41] <apachelogger> just did that to try the qml engine
[00:41] <apachelogger> really cool thing
[00:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: dots on ksplash?
[00:42] <Riddell> apachelogger: good with me but is it going to annoy upstream/destroy our upstream friendly reputation?
[00:43] <apachelogger> we still us their artwork :P
[00:43] <apachelogger> only with dots instead of the icons
[00:43] <Riddell> do it then
[00:43] <apachelogger> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/21/plasma-desktopdU2223.png
[00:44] <Riddell> ksplash needs a new maintainer anyway :)
[00:44] <Riddell> apachelogger: can you make that ksplash theme the upstream default?
[00:44] <apachelogger> doubtable
[00:44] <Riddell> it's worth it for upstream if it gets rid of the stupid different scaling algorithms in kdm/ksplash/plasma
[00:45] <apachelogger> I could throw it in with the other default options
[00:45] <apachelogger> FWIW: upstream still uses ksplashx
[00:45] <apachelogger> which needs to go away in due time anyway IMHO
[00:45] <apachelogger> wayland for supremacy!
[00:45] <apachelogger> is it just my system or are we shipping the wrong splash background?
[00:45] <apachelogger> file:///usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/1920x1080/background.png
[00:46] <apachelogger> Riddell: is that ariya for you?
[00:46] <apachelogger> or grey with gradient
[00:47] <Riddell> ls: cannot access /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/1920x1080/background.png: No such file or directory
[00:47] <Riddell> /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/1920x1200/background.png is ariya
[00:47] <apachelogger> ah
[00:47] <apachelogger> wrong eitherway then
[00:47] <apachelogger> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kde-base-artwork/ksplashx-themes/default/1920x1080/background.png?view=log
[00:47] <apachelogger> should be that
[00:48] <Riddell> apachelogger: why?
[00:49] <apachelogger> ask upstream
[00:49] <apachelogger> I have not the slightest idea
[00:49] <apachelogger> yofel and I were wondering too the other day
[00:49] <apachelogger> that thing is saver for color though
[00:49] <Riddell> ok so we already diverge from upstream to fix their sillyness, no harm in doing it more :)
[00:49] <bulldog98> apachelogger: mine too
[00:50] <apachelogger> Riddell: well, we could use that thing for plymouth ;)
[00:50] <apachelogger> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/21/plasma-desktoppV2223.png
[00:50] <apachelogger> that is 8bit of that image
[00:50] <apachelogger> almost no diff
[00:51] <apachelogger> http://wstaw.org/m/2012/02/21/plasma-desktopzo2223.png mono
[00:51] <apachelogger> so I really do not think our present gradient would not have caused bug reports if plymouth were to use the theme on mono ^^
[00:52] <bulldog98> apachelogger: be careful I have black/white monitors and I’m gone use them against you :P
[00:53] * apachelogger has black yellow, so go leave me alone
[00:53] <apachelogger> yellow > white
[00:53] <bulldog98> apachelogger: I think I might have one of those left over, too :P
[00:54] <apachelogger> Riddell: I think afiestas needs to talk to upstream about this ^^
[00:54] <apachelogger> they might have used the gradient because it looks better
[00:54] <apachelogger> which is not wrong
[00:56] <bulldog98> apachelogger: artwork improvements are always good
[00:56] <apachelogger> ah bulldog98 you surely knojw what cool new stuff we will have in 1204?
[00:57] <bulldog98> apachelogger: new KDE Version lightdm-kde (tech preview), telepathy-kde (mention the plasmoid)
[00:57] <apachelogger> Riddell: oh one more thing ... this splash will increase the initrd size by about 3mib (the size of the background)
[00:58] <apachelogger> which increases startup time a bit, though I did not measure it so I cannot say for sure whether it matters
[00:58] <apachelogger> though it should not (assuming the initrd is on one block of a hdd)
[00:58] <Riddell> apachelogger: uses more memory during startup?
[00:59] <Riddell> oh more disk reads
[00:59] <apachelogger> it should be in graphics memory, so that does not matter (unless vesafb is used I suppose)
[01:01] * Riddell snoozes
[01:01] <apachelogger> that incidentially is also the reason I did not go with my original plan of having the splash use the best-fit version if the wallpapers-extra package is installed
[01:01] <apachelogger> (I had an initrd of 54 mib^^)
[01:01] <apachelogger> Riddell: nini
[05:17] <Tema90> gello
[05:17] <Tema90> hello
[08:35] <koolhead17> Riddell: around
[08:48] <Riddell> hi koolhead17
[08:50] <Riddell> weird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/426374/
[08:51] <Riddell> weird reply to a previous weird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/426380/
[08:51] <Riddell> "bulldog98 extended their membership" yay he still loves us!
[08:52] <bulldog98> Riddell: isn’t there a tipo in it?
[08:53] <koolhead17> Riddell: i will give him 12.04 kubuntu CD no worries!! :)
[08:54] <Riddell> koolhead17: go ahead
[08:55] <koolhead17> will mail him. :)
[08:55] <Riddell> bulldog98: a typo by people who are incapable of understanding communication? surely not
[08:55] <Riddell> ooh Qt takes over canonical bug 934270
[08:55] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 934270 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) "We need to drop the current GTK+ UI in favor of the Qt UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/934270
[08:56] <Riddell> when I'm incharge of Qt in ubuntu desktop I'm not going to let that team get away with that kind of forced late technical nonsense, they'll be as well behaved as the kubuntu community :)
[08:57] <bulldog98> Riddell: make Ubuntu do as much Qt stuff as possible :)
[08:59] <Riddell> I can quietly add plasma to the seeds, nobody will notice :)
[08:59] <bulldog98> Riddell: don’t do that canonical will start to modifiy KDE as much as possible :)
[09:02] <Riddell> that's fine, plasma makes that easy to do, they can have an ubuntu-default-settings packages and kubuntu just needs to not install that and it's all good
[09:03] <bulldog98> Riddell: but if they start patching stupid stuff into that (and no upstreaming it)
[09:03] <Riddell> the nice thing about plasma is you wouldn't need to do much of that, you'd just write custom plasma plugin widget in the worse case
[09:04] <bulldog98> Riddell: ok so you can go on :)
[09:04] <bulldog98> maybe they should pay aaron for doing plasma :)
[09:05] <Riddell> they had their chance, he's now going to be the competition (ooh but with cooperation possibilities I should say)
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[09:31] <micahg> I'd suggest adding some KDE feature task to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2012
[09:31] <micahg> s/KDE/Kubuntu/
[09:31] <kubotu> micahg meant: "I'd suggest adding some Kubuntu feature task to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2012"
[09:34] <Riddell> maintaining language selector!
[09:34] <Riddell> micahg: trouble is gsoc mentoring needs manpower and who knows how much manpower kubuntu will have in the summer
[09:38] <micahg> right, well, if P won't see any kubuntu feature work, that's fine
[09:38] <micahg> otherwise, I believe it's cheaper to mentor than do it one's self
[09:39] <micahg> well, for feature scale things at least :)
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[09:48] <bulldog98> Riddell: who is responsible for lightdm-kde? the autologin does not work
[09:53] <Riddell> bulldog98: agateau_ (who's on holiday)
[09:53] <Riddell> and didn't someone say autologin couldn't be turned off yesterday?
[09:54] <bulldog98> hm
[09:55] <bulldog98> Riddell: problem is I wanted to use autologin for the tablet (and kdm autologin enabling isn’t easy) do you know an alternative for easy starting a session in autostart?
[10:02] <Riddell> 10:40 < shadeslayer_> I have yet to find a way to disable autologin
[10:03] <Riddell> bulldog98: so ask shadeslayer the trick
[10:03] <bulldog98> shadeslayer: how did you get lightdm to autologin? I can’t get it doing that
[10:15] <yofel> weird bug of the day: bug 937553 (someone was actually using that?)
[10:15] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 937553 in Kubuntu PPA "No more "Stripes" wallpaper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/937553
[10:15] <yofel> someone add that back to -extras, I'll be off most of the day
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[13:18] <shadeslayer> I'm not sure how one enables autologin, it was enabled by default
[13:18] <shadeslayer> at least for me
[13:19] <yofel> the lightdm kcm has an auto-login setting
[13:22] <Riddell> also can ask the upstream Robert Ancell who's in #ubuntu-devel (but on Australia time)
[13:26] <BluesKaj> Hi all
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[14:44] <apachelogger> shadeslayer, yofel: the kcm is a bit broken
[14:44] <shadeslayer> apachelogger: yeah, I couldn't find it with kcmshell4 --list as well
[14:44] <shadeslayer> altho it does appear in systemsettings
[15:34] <apachelogger> oh my
[15:34] * apachelogger actually needs to attend bday party stuff, no upload today -.-
[16:41] <apol> does anybody here know anything about loging in to ubuntu sso from a client?
[16:46] <Riddell> apol: no that's probably a question for ubuntu one people
[16:46] <shadeslayer> I bet apachelogger knows a thing or two :D
[16:46] <Riddell> apachelogger might have looked into it when he was doing gsoc
[16:46] <Riddell> and been knocked back by their undocumented and changing APIs
[16:46] <Riddell> but maybe they've changed
[16:46] <shadeslayer> iirc he had his code somewhere on his LP account
[16:47] <shadeslayer> apol: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntu-sso-client/kdeui
[16:47] <shadeslayer> More stuff here : https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger
[16:49] <apol> hmmm
[16:49] <apol> thanks guys
[16:50] <apol> Riddell: do you know where can I find these people?
[16:53] <Riddell> apol: probably something obvious like #ubuntuone?
[16:53] <Riddell> try dobey on #ubuntu-devel maybe?
[16:53] <apol> Riddell: hmm ok, although i've had bad experiences in these waters :P
[16:53] * apol gets a pirate parrot and a pirate woody leg
[16:54] <apol> arr xD
[16:54] <Riddell> apol: by the way ubuntu one has been ported to PyQt so I expect the easest thing to do is get hold of/wait for that and use it
[16:54] <shadeslayer> you forgot the "mmmmmmmm"
[16:55] <shadeslayer> Alrighty, I'm off to sleep, not so well today
[16:56] <apol> Riddell: well, it shouldn't be that hard... I'd expect some oauth magic...
[16:56] <apol> Riddell: anyhow, I'll wait and see what they say and maybe reconsider if it's way too hard
[16:57] <apol> Riddell: btw do you know anything about when would I see some PyQt+ubuntuone code?
[16:57] <apol> as in before april, maybe?
[16:58] <Riddell> apol: yes they are wanting it to go into ubuntu desktop toot sweet
[16:58] <Riddell> they're just working out a plan for disk space
[17:00] <apol> toot sweet = tout suite (like in french)?
[17:03] <Riddell> bug 934270
[17:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 934270 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) "We need to drop the current GTK+ UI in favor of the Qt UI" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/934270
[17:03] <Riddell> ...
[17:03] <Riddell> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/934270 "We need to drop the current GTK+ UI in favor of the Qt UI "
[17:03] <Riddell> apol: kenvandine might be the guy on the ubuntu desktop team who knows about it #ubuntu-desktop
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[17:10] <apol> Riddell: how bad would it be to depend on ubuntu-sso-client?
[17:20] <apol> (when i say depend, I mean muon, sorry)
[20:21] <peace> apport kde crash :D
[21:54] <mikecb> so this is my thought on the ubuntu android dock. My phone is mobile, which makes it good for mobile computing. A dock can fit in a bag, granted, but a monitor?
[21:54] <mikecb> This confuses me.
[21:55] <ScottK> mikecb: How is this related to Kubuntu development?
[21:56] <mikecb> sorry, meant for that to be in ubuntu-dev
[21:56] <ScottK> OK.
[22:21] <barry> Darkwing: ping
[22:36] <barry> Darkwing: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpolehn-gmail/kubuntu-docs/fix-818500/+merge/90239
[22:36] <starbuck> ScottK: regarding ubuntu on android: you think that would also be possible with Kubuntu?
[22:36] <ScottK> Sure.
[22:37] <maco> barry: my last email to the loco list surprised crimsun
[22:37] <ScottK> It'd be easier with KDE and plasma than Ubuntu/Unity stuff.
[22:37] <barry> maco: i loved your last email
[22:37] <ScottK> maco: link?
[22:37] <maco> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-dc/2012-February/002883.html
[22:38] <maco> crimsun didn't know i downgraded from "motu" to "power user"
[22:39] <mikecb> lol
[22:39] <ScottK> Nice.
[22:39] <ScottK> maco: How'd you downgrade?
[22:39] <maco> ScottK: i clicked the "leave team" button on launchpad.net/~motu
[22:42] <starbuck> ScottK: you know how they do it with ubuntu? as an app?
[22:43] <maco> starbuck: i'd assumed it was like how there's cyanogenmod as an alternative android os
[22:44] <mikecb> so you'd have to root your device?
[22:44] <maco> mikecb: given the "get in touch" button on the website, i dont think they're aiming at USERS doing the install
[22:45] <mikecb> good point
[22:45] <starbuck> its just intriguing to think it could be done with kubuntu instead
[22:45] <ScottK> maco: Oh. Sigh.
[22:46] <maco> ScottK: i stopped doing dev a year ago. i just made it official now.
[22:46] * ScottK nods
[22:47] <starbuck> i would love a mobile device with android in "phone-mode" and full blown kubuntu in "connected-mode" anywhere I go :)
[22:48] <starbuck> of course the synching part (contacts, emails) between android and kubuntu could be tricky...?
[22:49] <mikecb> you'd need akonadi
[22:49] <mikecb> theres a google contact provider
[22:52] <starbuck> maybe that is also a reason canonical stopped kubuntu officially, because they now fully concentrate on bringing ubuntu/unity to the masses via the phones, so they don't care for widespread kubuntu anymore...
[23:16] <Riddell> evening
[23:17] <barry> Riddell: hi. could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~dpolehn-gmail/kubuntu-docs/fix-818500/+merge/90239
[23:19] <Riddell> trivial typo merge? sure
[23:19] <barry> Riddell: i would have sponsored it but i don't have perms to push to the trunk branch, and i didn't want to skew them
[23:20] <Riddell> those pesky perms, why aren't ubuntu-core-dev part of ubuntu-core-doc I wonder
[23:21] <ScottK> Riddell: When I asked the question I was told that core-dev don't necessarily understand what makes good docs so it wasn't appropriate.
[23:22] <Riddell> uh huh, but core-dev should be able to understand their own limitations
[23:22] <Riddell> barry: anyhoo, merged, thanks
[23:24] <ScottK> Riddell: I'd have thought so.
[23:24] <ScottK> I kind of LOL'ed when I was told that.
[23:27] <barry> Riddell: thanks, and yeah :)