UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /20 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
[00:28] <jasoncwarner_> hey RAOF I just finished updating my other nvidia system to precise and I get the bad screen scramble on that one as well.
[00:28] <jasoncwarner_> wondering if it is every nvdia system?
[00:28] <jasoncwarner_> bryceh: ^^
[00:29] <RAOF> Quite possibly.
[00:29] <jasoncwarner_> can we check with tseliot to see if nvidia has a fix coming?
[00:30] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, certainly; I'll send him a note
[00:30] <jasoncwarner_> bryceh RAOF in the meantime, anything we can do? (I think, RAOF, you were going to look into it? )
[00:31] <RAOF> Yeah.
[00:31] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, btw, on some systems I did fresh reinstalls a few weeks ago, I notice banshee is still the default music player; are we still going to switch to rhythmbox? (or did I miss it?)
[00:31] <RAOF> Going code diving.
[00:31] <jasoncwarner_> bryceh: yes we are, I'll check with seb128 and pitti on that ^^
[00:32] <jasoncwarner_> thanks, bryceh :)
[00:54] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, sorry, got called away to bake cookies for santa
[00:55] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, anyway, I've been running rhythmbox for a bit, and have had a few crashes. It may need a bit of stabilization work
[00:56] <bryceh> (which I guess is a bit ironic...)
[00:58] <jasoncwarner_> bryceh: yeah..I've been digging in there myself lately...are your crashes bugs in LP?
[01:14] <RAOF> Oh, my. That's rather inconvenient!
[01:15] <RAOF> It's possible to push a window outside the area accessible by the pointer.
[01:17] <jasoncwarner_> RAOF: and you can't get it back? that seems like a bad bug :/ have you filed that? we can add that to didrocks list of 'gotta fix' bugs ;)
[01:18] <RAOF> Actually, it seems like I can get it back.
[01:18] <RAOF> I wonder if I can make it go *all* the way out...
[01:19] <InTrouble> anyone know how to get more details on this? http://i.imgur.com/hgAo4.png
[01:19] <RAOF> Hm. I can't seem to get it to do that again.
[01:19] <RAOF> Bah!
=== InTrouble is now known as Pikkachu
[01:28] <Pikkachu> someone? :'-(
[01:58] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, apport doesn't seem to be catching the rb bugs I've hit, however I do see there's several dozen segfault bugs in LP for precise
[01:58] <TheMuso> I am officially sick of the HUD getting in my way already. I should have to hold my alt key down for longer so I don't trigger the HUD popping up. Tne vast majority of commands I perform on the keyboard outside of orca depend on a quick tap of alt...
[01:58] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, but since we're definitely moving, I'll put some more effort into chasing down the bugs I've seen
[01:58] <TheMuso> s/should/shouldn't/
[01:58] <bryceh> TheMuso, :-/ sympathies
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
[02:00] <TheMuso> Yeah, just ranting, I am sure the trigger will be refined somewhat.
[02:14] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, hmm poking around a bit, I see reports of corruption after login until unity reported against lightdm, unity-greeter, and several X packages. Half the reporters have nvidia, the others are a mix of fglrx, radeon, and intel
[02:14] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, so... thinking maybe this is not an nvidia bug, but a regression somewhere else in our stack
[02:14] * ajmitch should 'me too' one of those bugs (using ardeon)
[02:15] <bryceh> bugs #934003, #932324, #933322, #936295, #931967
[02:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 934003 in unity-greeter "login screen reproduced many times" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/934003
[02:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 932324 in unity-greeter "Graphical corruption during login procedure" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932324
[02:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 933322 in lightdm "LightDM graphic corruption with ATI Radeon 9600 AS (AGP)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/933322
[02:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 936295 in fglrx-installer "ugly screen after login" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/936295
[02:15] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 931967 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Corrupted graphics after the login until the unity launcher appears" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/931967
[02:15] <bryceh> possibly those are all dupes with the same root cause
[02:15] <bryceh> (and there's probably more dupes, this was just a quick scan)
[02:16] <bryceh> jasoncwarner_, I'll hold off on notifying tseliot until we're more certain. I'm off tomorrow (monday) for president's day but will explore further tuesday if someone hasn't already fixed it
[02:27] <bryceh> fwiw, I'm not reproducing it on -intel
[02:27] <RAOF> bryceh, jasoncwarner_: There are a couple of ways you can get corruption on login; one is on modeset, after the display is up but before something has been drawn to the new framebuffer (what I'm looking into), and the other is initialising the composite overlay window, which happens during compiz startup.
[02:28] <RAOF> The latter problem has a general solution which smspilla1 has worked on, but I don't believe has implemented.
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[04:21] <superm1> hey folks. this multimonitor stuff where my mouse gets stuck between monitors with precise unity - is there going to be a way to turn down the sensitivity? I move between monitors all the time, and very rarely need to stop at the unity bar in the middle.
[04:23] <RAOF> superm1: Go to appearance.
[04:23] <RAOF> There's already a slider.
[04:24] <RAOF> superm1: Also, please pull barrier-test from ppa:raof/help-jason, run it, and pastebin the output :)
[04:24] <RAOF> After running your pointer against the barrier at varying speeds :)
[04:31] <superm1> RAOF: the slider only seemed to effect how quickly the launcher in the middle came up, but the mouse still gets stuck between at both extremes of that sensitivity slider. it's worst when i'm in a high memory usage and the computer starts swapping while it tries to show that launcher from the middle. will fetch this barrier test thing from your ppa though and run it
[04:32] <RAOF> superm1: Ah, ok. There are two knobs that it's possible to twiddle; I didn't know which knob that slider twiddled.
[04:33] <RAOF> You'll want to run it as “barrier-test 200 20000” or something - that'll make a vertical barrier at x=200 that's nearly impenetrable, and then spit out information about what's happening when you hit that barrier.
[04:37] <superm1> RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/849532/
[04:38] <RAOF> superm1: Huh. What's your input device?
[04:38] <superm1> USB mouse, logitech mx510
[04:39] <RAOF> Ah. Which would be why we don't have either resolution or range information.
[04:40] <RAOF> Oh, no. You're not running the right X server :)
[04:40] <superm1> the "right" X server?
[04:40] <RAOF> There's a newer xserver in that PPA.
[04:41] <superm1> oh. ok i'll fetch that and restart lightdm.
[04:41] <RAOF> It sends some extra information on the barrier events, which is why a bunch of those numbers are 0s, and it then dies with a segfault ;)
[04:41] <RAOF> Ta.
[04:45] <Sarvatt> RAOF: whats this i hear about newer barrier patches?
[04:45] <RAOF> Sarvatt: Trying to work out what particular property is the right one to gate on.
[04:46] <RAOF> Sarvatt: You can find them in ppa:raof/help-jason; sending some raw motion stuff.
[04:49] <Sarvatt> walruses galoshers and fancying indeed!
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[04:50] <Sarvatt> here i am refreshing your old crap to work with xserver master like an idiot when you're changing it all :)
[04:51] <RAOF> :)
[04:51] <RAOF> Once we've got a better idea of what particular bit of input state we should be thresholding on I'll do a proper patch series refresh; it's also a protocol change.
[04:55] <Sarvatt> there have been a lot of complaints about the barrier implementation with multimonitor now
[04:56] <RAOF> Yeah. We do need better threshold data. I rather like the autohiding launchers, though; I'd like to improve it so that it works well, rather than dump it.
[04:59] <Sarvatt> RAOF: just to be sure, you arent planning on bumping the major/min xfixes version right?
[05:00] <Sarvatt> i mean we can ensure things go right in the ubuntu archive and 6.0 was never upstream
[05:01] <RAOF> I'm still hoping to upstream this sensibly (once we've discovered exactly how it should work).
[05:01] <RAOF> Failing that, I'll need to rework it into a locally-bit.
[05:10] <superm1> RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/849556/
[05:10] <superm1> i tried a variety of speeds to hit the invisible barrier at. is that about what you're looking for ?
[05:17] <RAOF> superm1: Thanks, yes.
[05:17] <RAOF> superm1: Oh! You get resolution data off that mouse!
[05:17] <superm1> is that a good thing?
[05:18] <RAOF> Well, it's a bit unexpected.
[05:19] <RAOF> What is the first couple of lines of “xinput test-xi2 9”'s output?
[05:20] <RAOF> My USB mouse says it's got a resolution of 1/m, which is nonsense. Yours would appear to be giving an actual reasonable resolution value.
[05:21] <RAOF> (You'll want to quit the window that pops up pretty quickly; it'll be spewing raw events to the terminal and they're not interesting at the moment ☺)
[05:22] <superm1> RAOF: http://paste.ubuntu.com/849564/
[05:22] <RAOF> Oh, no. No resolution information, just me misreading my tool's output :)
[05:23] <superm1> i seem to recall way back when this mouse was supposed to be able to have a high resolution that it could resolve compared to other mice on the market though
[05:24] <superm1> and had some sort of on the fly DPI changing or something
[05:24] <RAOF> Yeah, mice can differ in resolution.
[05:25] <RAOF> One would hope that'd result in seeing more events rather than seeing the same number of events/unit time but with a greater distance.
[05:26] <superm1> yeah that would sound sensible
[05:26] <superm1> so in the interim until you guys have this barrier stuff figured out to not be annoying, i'm guessing this 'edge stop velocity' is the thing i'll want to tweak in ccsm to not let it get in my way
[05:27] <RAOF> Yes.
[05:27] <RAOF> Looking at the code, that's the one you're after.
[05:28] <superm1> great, thanks!
[05:28] <RAOF> I presume the other one is edge_responsiveness?
[05:30] <superm1> yeah i think so, just need to be careful with some of these. it seems if i turn velocity down too much, i can't even get my left most launcher to come up
[05:31] <superm1> maybe a happy medium for this problem would be when the launcher isn't set to auto-hide don't do any of this business stopping in the middle. only when it's on autohide does it really make sense to let it stop there to catch the middle launcher
[05:31] <RAOF> Yeah.
[05:32] <RAOF> Although the barrier is still a *bit* useful in that it makes it easier to hit the launcher.
[05:34] <superm1> i guess it depends on how much you find yourself using that middle launcher. i've been using unity from oneiric for long enough that i've developed habits to always go the left of both of my screens for apps that I need to unbreak to see
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[06:05] <smspilla1> RAOF: not implemented because it would break all the other window managers ;-)
=== smspilla1 is now known as smspillaz
[06:06] <RAOF> smspillaz: Pfft!
[06:06] <smspillaz> it was a nice idea though. Made doing compiz restarts far less of an eyesort
[06:06] <smspillaz> *eyesore
[06:06] <smspillaz> RAOF: also comes with the added benefit of not having gnome-terminal destroy and recreate its window all the time
[06:07] <RAOF> It does that? Why?
[06:07] <smspillaz> you don't want to know why
[06:08] <smspillaz> RAOF: have you ever noticed that when you restart compiz, all of your gnome-terminal windows fly to the top right hand corner of the screen and every other window stays in the correct position ?
[06:08] <RAOF> Actually, yes.
[06:08] <RAOF> Now that you mention it!
[06:08] <smspillaz> so that's gnome-terminal going
[06:08] <smspillaz> "oh hey I'm not composited"
[06:08] <smspillaz> "damn my visual info changed"
[06:08] <smspillaz> "oh well, looks like I'll have to destroy my window"
[06:08] <smspillaz> "hey I'm back!"
[06:08] <smspillaz> "what, I'm composited again?"
[06:09] <smspillaz> "oh fun, let me go destroy my window and re-create it for you"
[06:09] <smspillaz> RAOF: you don't know how awesome it is
[06:09] <smspillaz> to be able to restart compiz and
[06:10] <smspillaz> not have all of your terminals go to 0,0
[06:10] <smspillaz> and I had to rewrite part of the compositing engine to do that
[06:10] <smspillaz> true story!
[06:10] <smspillaz> (incidentally, that was a side effect)
[06:11] <RAOF> :)
[06:16] <RAOF> Well, now to see if this doesn't kill modesetting!
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[07:04] <smspillaz> hey didrocks
[07:04] <didrocks> good morning
[07:04] <didrocks> hey smspillaz :)
[07:18] <didrocks> smspillaz: how was your week-end?
[07:26] <smspillaz> didrocks: ok
[07:26] <smspillaz> didrocks: my friend just moved into a new house, helping her move in
[07:26] <smspillaz> involved mostly assembling ikea furniture XD
[07:32] <didrocks> smspillaz: heh, I think we all went that path :)
[07:33] <didrocks> smspillaz: my house is mostly ikea*ed* ;)
[07:34] <smspillaz> its so cheap!
[07:35] <didrocks> heh, indeed :)
[08:30] <Sweetshark> g'mooorning!
[08:31] <Sweetshark> pitti: im uploading 3.5.0-1ubuntu1 to chinstrap right now ...
[08:31] <micahg> Sweetshark: he's off today, you might want to ask someone else
[08:33] <Sweetshark> micahg: ah, right.
[08:34] <micahg> Sweetshark: I'm piloting later today, let me know if you don't find someone
[08:34] <Sweetshark> micahg: will do
[08:35] <Sweetshark> ill try to grep seb once he comes online
[08:39] <Sweetshark> micahg: thx for the hint
[08:56] <RAOF> Huh. Why is unity-greater in /usr/sbin? Under what circumstances would a user that isn't lightdm ever want to run it?
[09:02] <czajkowski> Aloha
[09:04] <didrocks> smspillaz: oh btw, I wanted to ask you, did you get a change to look at this "primary"/"control" thing?
[09:05] <didrocks> RAOF: yeah, I told robert/agateau I didn't agree with this
[09:05] <didrocks> hey czajkowski
[09:05] <didrocks> morning Sweetshark :)
[09:07] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, have you noticed compiz locking up a lot since last week?
[09:07] <chrisccoulson> hello btw :)
[09:07] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: hey hey ;) oh no, it's stalled and you have to kill it?
[09:08] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, yeah, it's happening several times per day. i thought it was X locking up, but sometimes i can recover it by killing compiz
[09:08] <chrisccoulson> although, sometimes i just have to restart
[09:09] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: hum, I have Xorg locking up for quite few monthes, but it's a little better started recently
[09:09] <seb128> hey
[09:09] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: do you see a lot of disk activity when it happens?
[09:09] <didrocks> salut seb128
[09:09] <chrisccoulson> didrocks, no, nothing happening at all
[09:09] <seb128> hey didrocks, chrisccoulson, how are you?
[09:09] <seb128> no locking here
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> it happens normally when the screen is locked, or i hit the barrier between my 2 screens
[09:10] <seb128> didrocks, you didn't agree with what?
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> although it could be 2 different issues i guess
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> hey seb128
[09:10] <chrisccoulson> i'm good thanks, how are you?
[09:10] <seb128> I'm good I think thanks
[09:10] <seb128> let's wait to finish my coffee to be sure :p
[09:10] <didrocks> seb128: RAOF | Huh. Why is unity-greater in /usr/sbin? Under what circumstances would a user that isn't lightdm ever want to run it?
[09:10] <didrocks> seb128: I'm fine, thanks, and you?
[09:11] <seb128> didrocks, I'm good thanks
[09:11] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: interesting, if you can ensure that's related or not to the barrier thing
[09:11] <seb128> RAOF, didrocks: yeah, greeters should be in libexecdir imho
[09:11] <didrocks> chrisccoulson: maybe trying to run unity-2d for a while can help ensuring it's the cause as well
[09:11] <didrocks> seb128: agreed ;)
[09:13] <czajkowski> chrisccoulson: compiz crashed all weekend long for me :/ seems to be behaving this morning so far
[09:14] <didrocks> czajkowski: did you report the crash?
[09:19] <czajkowski> didrocks: couldnt something else crashed and laptop wound up locking :/
[09:21] <didrocks> czajkowski: not sure, you should look at your /var/crash/ if you get some stacktrace
[09:22] <czajkowski> will do, trying to get my terminal to stop going transparant today when I hit enter
[09:22] <czajkowski> didrocks: cheers
[09:23] * czajkowski gets odd bugs :/
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[09:34] <Sweetshark> seb128: Dont you love the smell of a libreoffice upload in the morning? There is a package ready and waiting on chinstrap.
[09:37] <didrocks> I think seb128 is rather on his coffee smell right now :)
[09:38] <seb128> dealing with post w.e emails and some updates I started on friday
[09:38] <Sweetshark> didrocks: I saw you are on the list of sponsors too.
[09:38] * Sweetshark stares at didrocks.
[09:38] <seb128> but yeah, seems didrocks voluntereed :p
[09:38] <didrocks> Sweetshark: it's a lie, don't believe it! :)
[09:38] <Sweetshark> *hrhr*
[09:38] <didrocks> seb128: still on emails as well, let's see who will finish first :)
[09:38] <seb128> is that just a debsign and dput for you?
[09:39] <didrocks> if it's a build to do, I guess it won't be possible, but just signing the package and pushing is fine
[09:39] <didrocks> (and probably quicker for me than for seb128's)
[09:39] <seb128> didrocks, ;-)
[09:40] <didrocks> seb128: stop having stone age connexion :)
[09:40] * seb128 knock rocks together to do some fire so the coffee warms
[09:42] <didrocks> :)
[09:53] <Sweetshark> didrocks, seb128: the package was build just fine in a local pbuilder, if that was the question (2h10min for the binary package in case anyone is wondering)
[09:54] <rye> kernel is building faster than an office package...
[09:54] <micahg> IIRC they're both about 15M lines of code :P
[09:55] <Sweetshark> micahg: yes, but the kernel is in a parsable language and not in C++ ...
[09:58] <Sweetshark> also the 2h10min is cheating as it is with ccache, otherwise it would be much longer. but quite a lot of time is spend on building l10n (which isnt helped by ccache) and packing (like the 490MB debug package -- after xz compression)
[09:59] <didrocks> in a minute, my mobile phone provider should switch :)
[10:04] <seb128> Sweetshark, I guess the question is rather "what do we need to do to sponsor the upload"? does it involve doing a testbuild? or just debsigning the .changes.dsc and dput?
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[10:05] <seb128> bah
[10:11] <seb128> Sweetshark, I guess the question is rather "what do we need to do to sponsor the upload"? does it involve doing a testbuild? or just debsigning the .changes.dsc and dput?
[10:11] <seb128> i.e give some details on what you need, only pitti is used to that I think ;-)
[10:12] <Sweetshark> seb128: pitti uploaded directly without a testbuild after a casual check of the debdiff.
[10:12] <seb128> ok
[10:13] <seb128> didrocks, ^ can you just get it, design and dput?
[10:13] <didrocks> seb128: yeah, will get to it in 10 minutes
[10:14] <seb128> thanks
[10:14] <Sweetshark> although the debdiff will be too large in this case to make sense of it without reading the commit log, I assume. So just checking the changelog should do.
[10:15] <seb128> or just trust you and know where to find you if it breaks ;-)
[10:15] <didrocks> Sweetshark: will do, it's in your ~ on chinstrap?
[10:15] <didrocks> yeah, we know where you live!
[10:15] <Sweetshark> didrocks: /home/bjoern
[10:15] <didrocks> thanks :)
[10:20] <Sweetshark> didrocks: well, I have got some ~12 hours to run away if you upload now until the package finishes on the buildd ...
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[10:32] <chrisccoulson_> yay! i finally found the USB cable for my phone
[10:32] <chrisccoulson_> i can charge it now :)
[10:32] <asac> hello ... getting quite a few crashes of X on my X220 ... still using pcie_aspm=force
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[10:32] <asac> but doubt thats the reason, no?
[10:34] <smspillaz> didrocks: I did, but I can't seem to be able to force it to control in ccsm
[10:35] <smspillaz> didrocks: might need to do it in lcc
[10:35] <didrocks> smspillaz: yeah, I think it's needed as gnome-control-center will set "primary" in gconf
[10:36] <didrocks> smspillaz: can you do that in a day or two? that will enable me to change the keybindings by default for meeting design requirement
[10:37] <rye> ah, re:keybindings - is it ok that unity2d now uses Alt+F10 for global menu and unity uses F10?
[10:37] <seb128> didrocks, smspillaz: hey, is that wanted that the wm controls have tooltips in the current compiz? that was dropped before no?
[10:38] <didrocks> yeah, it comes from the merge from unity-w-d to gtk-w-d and my patch to remove them that I did in lucid was dropped
[10:38] <didrocks> let's see if smspillaz can do it upstream directly
[10:39] <didrocks> rye: hum, not sure what the right one is. On #ubuntu-unity, please ping JohnLea to have a design answer on what the right one is :)
[10:40] <smspillaz> didrocks: yeah I'll upstream it
[10:40] <smspillaz> didrocks: please file a bug
[10:40] <didrocks> seb128: care do to that? ^
[10:41] <seb128> didrocks, can do
[10:41] <didrocks> thanks :)
[10:41] <seb128> yw
[11:31] * Sweetshark is off for lunch and some tax office interaction ...
[11:38] <mhr3> davmor2, ping, can i talk to you about some details of software center?
[11:39] <mhr3> davmor2, not really sure you're the right person to talk to?
[11:39] <davmor2> mhr3: you can try or you can ask on #software-center where there are some devs
[11:39] <mhr3> davmor2, k, thx
[11:47] <rye> by the way, lazy question - if unity does not present me with an option to hibernate my machine, (well, rightfully - forcing the machine to do hibernate causes it to fail to resume), where should I look at?
[12:24] <smspillaz> didrocks: seb128: random gconf question
[12:25] <smspillaz> if you do gconf_client_get_* on a key that doesn't exist, does it set the GError you pass? or does it just silently return a default value
[12:27] <didrocks> smspillaz: you get the GError
[12:27] <didrocks> smspillaz: and IIRC, it returns NULL
[12:31] <smspillaz> hmm, well I get zero, bu anyways
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[12:41] <desrt> seb128: bad things are happening here :)
[12:41] <seb128> desrt, here on IRC? or here hackfest?
[12:41] <seb128> desrt, hey btw
[12:41] <desrt> cnd is asking GTK to introduce experimental symbols that apps can use but will disappear in the next release with no soname bump
[12:41] <seb128> lol
[12:41] <seb128> he's going to make friends
[12:41] <desrt> enabled by an optional compile-time flag that he expects ubuntu will use
[12:42] <desrt> i told him we will call it --make-seb128-cry and asked him if he thinks it will go over well :)
[12:42] <seb128> lol
[12:43] <smspillaz> desrt: just pass everything through gpointer
[12:44] <smspillaz> make up functions and pass all their arguments that way and call them with ffi
[12:44] <smspillaz> nobody will notice :)
[12:44] <seb128> desrt, how is the hackfest otherwise?
[12:44] <desrt> not the greatest
[12:44] <desrt> but getting some good work done still
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[13:19] <didrocks> FAIL: more than one hour for debuild -S on libro… forgot to add -sa
[13:24] <m4n1sh> didrocks: alm is a part of iso seed?
[13:25] <didrocks> m4n1sh: I added it to the desktop one, indeed, why?
[13:26] <m4n1sh> ah. om26er was asking on twitter. https://twitter.com/#!/om26er/status/171563218882404353
[13:26] <m4n1sh> I thought it wasnt added
[13:27] <didrocks> not sure the metapackage was regenerated though (as we tend to not do it for every change), right now, my machine is kind of world of pain with the libroffice debuild -S, will check afterward
[13:27] <didrocks> m4n1sh: btw, release this week to fix the i18n issue and gtk warnings?
[13:28] <m4n1sh> yes
[13:28] <m4n1sh> i18n done
[13:28] <m4n1sh> and gtk warning done
[13:28] <m4n1sh> the diagnostics is pending
[13:28] <didrocks> great :)
[13:28] <m4n1sh> I have asked ev to atleast seperate the code
[13:28] <didrocks> ok
[13:28] <m4n1sh> so that i can do it, but he is busy now
[13:28] <didrocks> keep me posted
[13:28] <m4n1sh> yeah
[13:28] <m4n1sh> worst case will release it without diagnostics
[13:29] <didrocks> indeed, let's plan on Wednesday, agreed?
[13:29] <m4n1sh> done :)
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[14:11] <Beret> hi all
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[15:19] <cr3> pitti: hi there, as mentionned recently, could we now replace checkbox-gtk with checkbox-qt in the precise desktop image?
[15:21] <seb128> cr3, hey, he's off today (just so you don't wait for a reply)
[15:25] <cr3> seb128: thanks, when I requested this originally, he said you might be a good person to talk to as well :)
[15:26] <pgraner> Sarvatt, added the output that you wanted with that wacom tablet bug, let me know if you need anything else
[15:26] <pgraner> Sarvatt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/934445
[15:26] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 934445 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon 3.3.5 crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() when my Wacom Bamboo 2FG 4x5 is plugged in" [High,Triaged]
[15:27] <seb128> cr3, is there any depends to it which is not on the CD yet? like bindings or something?
[15:32] <seb128> mdeslaur, hey
[15:32] <seb128> mdeslaur, do you know about apparmor profiles? ;-)
[15:33] <mdeslaur> seb128: that depends ;)
[15:33] <mdeslaur> seb128: what's up?
[15:33] <seb128> mdeslaur, I wanted to add nautilus-sendto to the evince one
[15:34] <seb128> but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do it, I figured I would copy what is done for other binaries allow but..
[15:34] <seb128> /usr/bin/nautilus Cx -> sanitized_helper,
[15:34] <seb128> /usr/bin/gedit ixr,
[15:34] <seb128> /usr/bin/bug-buddy px,
[15:34] <seb128>
[15:34] <seb128> seems there is different "styles" of allowing a binary to be run :p
[15:35] <seb128> do you know which one should be used for i.e nautilus-sendto? ;-)
[15:35] <mdeslaur> seb128: can it wait until tomorrow? jdstrand will know which abstraction is the best one to add that
[15:35] <seb128> mdeslaur, sure
[15:35] <mdeslaur> seb128: I could guess, but he may want to get it put in somewhere else, since it can be used by more than just evince
[15:35] <seb128> ok, no hurry, I will ping him tomorrow
[15:36] <mdeslaur> seb128: ok, thanks
[15:37] <mdeslaur> seb128: he'll probably want to put it in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-email
[15:37] <seb128> mdeslaur, that would make sense
[15:41] <cr3> seb128: sory for the lag, there shouldn't be any depends which are not on the CD yet. you're probably thinking python-qt, from the name checkbox-qt, but the interface is actually written in C++ so it only depends on libqt
[15:41] <seb128> cr3, ok good, I think it should be fine to switch then
[15:41] <seb128> cr3, and yes, I was wondering about that, ubuntuone is trying to get python-qt on the CD but they are hitting a space limit issue
[15:42] <cr3> seb128: I'll consult with my crew to see how we should handle the upgrade from Oneiric to Precise, ie whether they want people to keep checkbox-gtk or have the package upgrade to checkbox-qt
[15:42] <seb128> cr3, thanks
[15:42] <cr3> seb128: indeed, we suspect it wouldn't be possible so we chose C++ rather than take the risk
[15:42] <seb128> cr3, do you plan to keep both version or is the gtk one deprecated?
[15:43] <cr3> seb128: both versions will remain in the archive for the foreseeable future
[15:43] <seb128> didrocks, ^ btw you are probably the one here who knows best about checkbox, if you have an opinion about the topic, just checking with you ;-)
[15:43] * didrocks backlogs
[15:43] <cr3> seb128: so checkbox-gtk won't be deprecated, otherwise the upgrade behavior would've been obvious :)
[15:45] <didrocks> well, for unity-checkbox, we will still go with the current checkbox-gtk one as our patches aren't merged upstream and not rewritten for the Qt binding for the cycle
[15:46] <didrocks> so I have no strong opinion, last time I tried trunk, the ui was really rough, but I think it changed :)
[15:56] <czajkowski> didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/937031 it's ben crashing mostof today, finally got to report the crash
[15:56] <ubot2`> czajkowski: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0xa5ae8cc> bug 937031 not found
[15:57] <seb128> czajkowski, can you make the bug public?
[15:57] <cr3> didrocks: checkbox-gtk will still be around, so this shouldn't affect unity-checkbox
[15:57] <czajkowski> seb128: can do
[15:57] <cr3> didrocks: as for the rough interface, it'll get better :)
[15:58] <czajkowski> seb128: done
[15:58] <seb128> czajkowski, thanks
[15:58] <seb128> oh
[15:58] <seb128> czajkowski, that's bug #926379
[15:58] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 926379 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in intel_miptree_release()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/926379
[15:58] <czajkowski> bah why didnt it show me the duplicate :/
[15:59] <seb128> czajkowski, not sure if that's intel driver or nux issues, I Cced bryceh and RAOF on it earlier
[15:59] <didrocks> cr3: well, ui freeze is thursday, just telling :)
[15:59] <seb128> czajkowski, don't worry, the retracer should dup it
[15:59] <czajkowski> seb128: thanks
[16:02] <cr3> didrocks: we might need an exception at some point then, but most of the moving parts are there so I don't suspect anything major. for example, I don't think strings will change.
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[17:57] <jbicha> hmm, gnome-themes-standard just rewrote the accessibility themes, which makes the appearance worse for System Settings & Software Center
[18:00] <bryceh> seb128, mesa.
[18:01] <seb128> bryceh, hi
[18:01] <bryceh> seb128, hi
[18:01] <seb128> bryceh, oh ok, do you know if it's tracked and who should be pinged about it?
[18:01] <seb128> bryceh, it seems to hit quite some users
[18:02] <seb128> jbicha, is that work in progress? I guess they care about system settings and will fix it...?
[18:02] <bryceh> seb128, first I've heard of it, but probably due to recent mesa 8.0 update or something.
[18:02] <bryceh> seb128, I'll forward it upstream when I'm back at work tomorrow.
[18:02] <seb128> bryceh, oh right, U.S holiday, enjoy ;-)
[18:03] <bryceh> unity-2d would be the obvious workaround here
[18:03] <bryceh> seb128, meanwhile, would be nice to have steps to repro
[18:03] <seb128> right
[18:03] <seb128> czajkowski, ^ do you have steps to trigger that unity segfault?
[18:03] <seb128> bryceh, czajkowski get it quite often it seems so she might be able to help there
[18:05] <czajkowski> bryceh: alt tab through applications fast
[18:06] <czajkowski> vlc thunderbird, 2 terminals and 2 chromes out
[18:06] <czajkowski> seems to make it have a hissy fit
[18:06] <bryceh> alright, yeah tabbing's a pretty standard stress test for some reason
[18:07] <czajkowski> bryceh: also happens when in the middle of an update and alt tabbing brings the one conf error upa tthe same time
[18:08] <bryceh> eesh, that must have sucked
[18:09] <bryceh> well, good news is there's good backtraces here.
[18:10] <jbicha> seb128: the system settings theme change hurts Ubuntu more, before: http://imagebin.org/199839 after: http://imagebin.org/199840
[18:10] <jbicha> on the other hand, I also see that it breaks gnome-terminal's "Use colors from system theme", the terminal is black text on black background :(
[18:10] <bryceh> hmm, although the mesa code where this is failing hasn't changed in years; it could be something higher up in mesa or even compiz that is the real trigger. interesting.
[18:10] <seb128> jbicha, well I guess we will not to fix it
[18:17] <Daviey> Hey, has anyone else noticed a sketchy multitouch mousepad this week? left click keeps hilighting text.. middle often doesn't work?
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[18:25] <jbicha> desrt: do you know why GNOME Shell 3.3.5 on Ubuntu shows both the embedded-in-top-bar appmenu and the fallback embedded-in-app appmenu?
[18:27] <seb128> jbicha, it shouldn't show the embedded menu
[18:28] <seb128> oh
[18:28] <seb128> jbicha, we don't have 3.3
[18:28] <seb128> jbicha, that's because of gnome-settings-daemon, I patched it to not disable in app menus xsettings since we have g-s 3.2
[18:28] <seb128> jbicha, basically you need to rewrite90_set_gmenus_xsettings.patch
[18:47] <czajkowski> seb128: have you seen antying like where you download a .deb file and try to open it with the sw center, only to see the center open and close fast but never install the .deb
[18:50] <seb128> czajkowski, no, maybe the #software-center guys know better
[18:50] <czajkowski> thanks
[18:51] <jbicha> seb128: ok thanks, also I filed https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=670474
[18:51] <ubot2`> Gnome bug 670474 in HighContrast and LowContrast "High Contrast 3.3.90 (rewrite) breaks gnome-terminal, other apps" [Critical,Unconfirmed]
[18:51] <seb128> jbicha, ok
[19:00] <didrocks> time for dinner!
[19:00] * didrocks waves good evening
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[19:17] <cr3> seb128: since didrocks doesn't seem to be adverse to replacing checkbox-gtk with checkbox-qt on the desktop image, is there anything I need to do?
[19:36] <seb128> cr3, could you open a bug requesting the change? it's a feature freeze exception, I will discuss it with pitti tomorrow but I think it should be fine
[19:38] <cr3> seb128: a bug against the ubuntu project? shall I subscribe both you and pitti?
[19:39] <seb128> cr3, open it against checkbox (ubuntu) and subscribe ubuntu-release
[19:39] <seb128> give the number here as well
[19:39] <seb128> we will sort it tomorrow
[19:40] <cr3> seb128: will do, thanks!
[19:40] <micahg> seb128: I was wondering, do you still want the desktop branch for gimp?
[19:40] <micahg> the Vcs-Bzr isn't in the current version in precise
[19:41] <seb128> micahg, it's one revision behind by mistake
[19:41] <micahg> I fixed that last week :)
[19:41] <seb128> micahg, but I don't care much either way, do you want to do an upload?
[19:41] <micahg> yeah, I have access, so that's not an issue
[19:41] <micahg> was just wondering if it was still useful to have
[19:41] <seb128> we don't actively maintain it so I'm fine dropping the vcs
[19:41] <seb128> not so much no
[19:42] <micahg> ok, thanks
[19:43] <seb128> micahg, do you plan an upload? still asking because there is a new version in Debian and I've a patch I want to add as well
[19:43] <micahg> ah, yes, I wanted to merge the version from Debian (after getting an FFe)
[19:43] <micahg> but feel free to do it if you like
[19:43] <seb128> micahg, ok great, I will just push my patch to the vcs
[19:43] <micahg> which VCS?
[19:43] <seb128> good point
[19:44] <micahg> it's still on the xubuntu image, so that's why I have an interest in it
[19:44] <seb128> micahg, can you include a patch in your update? ;-)
[19:44] <micahg> seb128: sure, do you have a bug or somewhere for me to grab it?
[19:45] <seb128> micahg, bug #680521 : http://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/commit/?id=bdc3f7e7e0495b599a712c917d6ab17f05f92164
[19:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 680521 in gimp "GIMP: Embed page setup dialog functionality in the print dialog" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/680521
[19:46] <seb128> micahg, I've tested the patch here, I got it running for a few days
[19:46] <seb128> micahg, so it's just a matter to add it to the serie, thanks!
[19:46] <micahg> ok, great, thanks
[19:48] <seb128> mdeslaur, hey
[19:48] <seb128> mdeslaur, so seahorse-nautilus
[19:48] <mdeslaur> seb128: hi!
[19:48] <seb128> tool/seahorse-secure-buffer.c: LGPL (v2.1 or later) (with incorrect FSF address)
[19:48] <seb128> or debian/copyright state only GPL
[19:48] <mdeslaur> oh, drat :)
[19:48] <seb128> needs to be updated
[19:49] <seb128> (yeah, hate copyright files)
[19:49] <micahg> actually, looks like gimp doesn't need an FFe
[19:49] <mdeslaur> seb128: did you use something to scan the copyright files?
[19:49] <seb128> mdeslaur, licensecheck * -r
[19:49] <seb128> micahg, it's a bug fix version?
[19:49] <mdeslaur> seb128: ah! nice
[19:49] <micahg> appears so from the NEWS file
[19:50] <seb128> micahg, great
[19:50] <seb128> micahg, don't forgot to drop the vcs line from the control btw
[19:50] <seb128> micahg, I will delete the vcs from launchpad to avoid confusion
[19:50] <mdeslaur> seb128: can I use the same version number when I upload, or do I need to bump it?
[19:51] <micahg> seb128: you can just mark as abandoned (it won't show up by default, but is recoverable later if you want it)
[19:51] <seb128> micahg, oh ok, great
[19:51] <seb128> mdeslaur, you can reuse the same version
[19:51] <micahg> actually, 623045 - script-fu: make server IPv6 aware looks like it might be a feature :), I"ll just ask for it to be safe
[19:51] <seb128> mdeslaur, I rejected this one
[20:05] <seb128> mdeslaur, out of the stupid copyright thing it looks fine, just fix that and I will ack it
[20:06] <mdeslaur> seb128: cool, thanks...I'll upload it in a couple of minutes
[20:11] <mdeslaur> seb128: ok, uploaded
[20:13] <seb128> mdeslaur, NEWed
[20:13] <mdeslaur> seb128: thanks!
[20:13] <seb128> yw ;-)
[20:52] <pitti> bryceh: default music player where? we install RB by default now
[21:28] <desrt> seb128: good evening
[21:29] <seb128> desrt, hey
[21:30] <desrt> seb128: i think you're overworked
[21:31] <seb128> desrt, did I screw something due to that? ;-)
[21:31] <desrt> no. i just see you're online at all hours
[21:32] <desrt> and i no longer believe the tennis excuse :)
[21:32] <seb128> desrt, and I don't complain, feature freeze and new GNOME weeks are busy times for sure but they are less busy times
[21:32] <seb128> desrt, well new GNOME this week...
[21:32] <seb128> and beta freeze
[21:32] <seb128> so yeah, busy time :p
[21:32] <seb128> should be better next week ;-)
[21:32] <seb128> hard freeze and no GNOME
[21:33] <desrt> ricotz and jbicha taking advantage of your new uploads yet?
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[21:33] <seb128> desrt, I guess so, jbicha was pinging you earlier about appmenus in gnome-shell 3.3.5
[21:33] <desrt> oh. interesting.
[21:33] <desrt> i didn't see that
[21:33] <seb128> desrt, which is my fault
[21:34] <desrt> yes. i was going to say that.
[21:34] <desrt> well
[21:34] <desrt> it's not strictly your fault for as long as the old shell version is in the distro
[21:34] <desrt> but i guess you will see a new one before the release
[21:34] <seb128> desrt, I distro patched the xsettings patch to not disable the menus because we still have,had the old gnome-shell
[21:34] <seb128> right
[21:34] <seb128> desrt, did you ever get to do that patch cleaning? you said at the rally you were going to do it for me ;-)
[21:35] <desrt> i told you i wouldn't do it this cycle because it was unnecessary churn
[21:36] <desrt> if you're inviting me to break some stuff... well.. it sounds fun, actually :)
[21:37] <desrt> but i guess you probably want to see hud changes first :)
[21:37] <desrt> and in any case, it's time to go home now. ciao :)
[21:37] <seb128> desrt, right
[21:37] <seb128> desrt, 'night
[21:38] <seb128> desrt, we might not speak about the same patch btw ;p
[21:38] <seb128> desrt, I was speaking about the g-s-d one to set xsettings according to the session
[21:38] <seb128> desrt, have fun, see you tomorrow
[21:45] <DBO> why cant I get pay apps on precise?
[21:45] <DBO> seb128, ^^
[21:47] <seb128> DBO, likely because isv's don't target unstable distros?
[21:47] <DBO> seb128, soooo I cant install software I paid for?
[21:48] <seb128> DBO, well I guess you can use oneiric sources fine on precise
[21:48] <DBO> gratzi
[21:55] <DBO> seb128, so the new nvidia drivers break edge reveal
[21:55] <DBO> seb128, Option "ConstrainCursor" "no" fixes it
[21:55] <seb128> hum
[21:56] <seb128> DBO, is there a bug report about that?
[21:56] <DBO> seb128, uhm, no idea really
[21:56] <DBO> people are probably just now waking up to the new driver
[21:57] <seb128> DBO, would be worth recording the issue, do you know what needs to be fixed? unity? xorg? the driver?
[21:58] <seb128> robert_ancell, hey
[21:58] <robert_ancell> seb128, hello
[21:58] <seb128> robert_ancell, how are you?
[21:58] <DBO> seb128, ultimately I think the driver is overstepping its boundaries here
[21:58] <DBO> the driver is setting the mouse position
[21:58] <DBO> which is frankly not its job
[21:59] <robert_ancell> seb128, good
[22:12] <seb128> hum, got disconnected
[22:12] <seb128> if somebody wrote something for me please write it again, I disconnected for 10 minutes or so it seems
[22:46] <TheMuso> c
[23:16] <chrisccoulson> oh, man
[23:17] <chrisccoulson> i'm so happy that i've just figured out the bug i've been looking at all day, just at the point where i thought i was going to have to start banging my head against a brick wall :)
[23:23] <RAOF> :)
[23:39] <robert_ancell> RAOF, do you know of any particular recent video corruption issues that might be causing bug 932324?
[23:39] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 932324 in unity-greeter "Graphical corruption during login procedure" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932324
[23:40] <RAOF> robert_ancell: No, I do not.
[23:40] <robert_ancell> RAOF, I take it your hardware is happy with unity-greeter atm?
[23:40] <RAOF> I've fired up an nvidia system, and that's not happy.
[23:40] <RAOF> But intel is peachy.
[23:41] <robert_ancell> RAOF, with just greeter or in general?
[23:41] <RAOF> A little bit in general, but with the greeter in particular.
[23:41] <RAOF> (It probably needs repaving; I messed around with the nvidia blob a little bit too cavalierly)
[23:41] <robert_ancell> RAOF, I've only limited hardware here but everything is good for me, do you think it's greeter/driver/X issues?
[23:43] <RAOF> I did notice that the cairo XLib surface doesn't seem to be using a RetainPermanent X connection, so if cairo is internally creating some necessary intermediaries it might explain the problem.