UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /20 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
=== fenris is now known as Guest47832
=== Guest47832 is now known as ejat
[10:40] <danwee> hello, i need help with juju , i copy pasted the error, anyone can take a quick look please : http://paste.ubuntu.com/849764/
[12:07] <danwee> help needed with juju
[12:23] <danwee> anyone help with juju ?
[12:26] <Leseb> danwee: what is it about?
[12:27] <danwee> finally, can you check this out and tell me what you think : http://paste.ubuntu.com/849764/
[12:32] <danwee> Leseb: can you check this out and tell me what you think : http://paste.ubuntu.com/849764/
[15:00] <Daviey> Gah, nobody charmed openvpn yet?
[15:03] <hazmat> hi danwee have you been able to verify that the machine is actually up?
=== andrewsmedina_ is now known as andrewsmedina
[22:41] <SpamapS> danwee: after this long, perhaps you should send an email to the mailing list?
[22:41] <SpamapS> danwee: clearly none of our schedules matches up with yours ;)