UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /18 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
=== vivek is now known as pvivek
[05:39] <pvivek> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/GettingSetUp. In the section "Teaching Bazaar about you" this command is given
[05:39] <pvivek> "bzr launchpad-login fchu". But before in no other section he speaks about Launchpad . And its the last section. Should i skip to last section first and then come back to this?
[05:39] <pvivek> I would be very glad if someone can help me out. I really want to contribute to opensource
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
[12:32] <veger> I found two reports with a package update request (for the same package). The one with the highest version number request is 'In Progress'. Should I close the other (older) report as Duplicate?
[12:32] <Ampelbein> veger: Yes, the one thats more active should be left open.
[12:33] <veger> ok (luckily that is also the newer l
[12:33] <veger> *one)
[12:54] <hjd> Anyone know if bug 926605 would be considered a duplicate of bug 824708 or not? While they are triggered in different ways, I assume they are both calling the underlying code resulting in the error.
[12:54] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 926605 in aptitude "aptitude: failed to download the changlog of apt: Download queue destroyed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/926605
[12:54] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 824708 in aptitude "Changelog download failed: Download queue destroyed." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824708
[12:55] <hjd> s/the underlying/the same underlying/
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[13:45] <grmls> hi :)
[14:45] <mainerror> Hello,
[14:45] <grmls> hi mainerror
[14:45] <mainerror> If I have a bug which is similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/utouch/+bug/777074
[14:45] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 777074 in unity "Apple Magic Trackpad: pointer freezes on 3 or 4 finger touch using a "Cambridge Silicon Radio" bluetooth dongle." [Undecided,Invalid]
[14:45] <mainerror> but with a different USB Dongle, should I add that information in that bug report?
[14:48] <mainerror> Or should I create a new bug report for that? Doesn't sound right though.
[14:54] <grmls> hmm
[14:57] <grmls> i think add your information in that bug
[15:16] <yofel> mainerror: considering the bug was closed rather file a new one and mention the old bug in the new one
=== kees_ is now known as kees
[16:15] <mainerror> Alright, I'll do that then. That was what bothered me, I thought that adding a comment to a closed bug will reopen it.
[17:16] <mainerror> https://bugs.launchpad.net/utouch/+bug/935569
[17:16] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 935569 in utouch "Apple Magic Trackpad: pointer freezes on 3 or 4 finger touch using a "Delock Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR" bluetooth dongle." [Undecided,New]
[17:17] <mainerror> Filed a new bug for it and added all relevant information.
[17:17] <mainerror> It can be closed now.
[17:18] <mainerror> I've also marked it as a duplicate of 777074
[17:19] <yofel> mainerror: marking it as a duplicate counts as closing it, just mention the other bug
[17:20] <mainerror> I've mentioned it but I'm not sure if it should stay open since it is actually not even a valid bug. :)
=== vivek is now known as Guest46093
=== Guest46093 is now known as pvivek
[18:41] <pvivek> i have setup the environment to start off. I am a beginner. I want to start contributing to open source by fixing a few bugs. Would be very glad if someone can guide me as to which bug to take up and start working on
[18:50] <Ampelbein> pvivek: Any open bug is good, as long as the status is not "In Progress".
[18:51] <pvivek> Ampelbein : Thank you, i am searching for bugs from here http://harvest.ubuntu.com/opportunities/ . Any other good place to find small bugs to get started with?
[18:55] <jtaylor> pvivek: a couple fo these are probably easy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=ftbfs+precise&field.tags_combinator=ALL
[18:59] <veger_> pvivek: check this page out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut
[19:01] <pvivek> jtaylor , veger_ : Thanks a lot. Will start finding now
=== veger_ is now known as veger
[19:42] <veger> what to do with a report asking to update a package of a proprietary application? Close as invalid and tell that it is impossible for us to update?
[19:46] <Ampelbein> veger: What application and what bug in particular?
[19:46] <veger> bug #572853
[19:46] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 572853 in teamspeak-client "Teamspeak 3 Needs Updated Version in Repo" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/572853
[19:46] <veger> checked out their website and downloaded newest version, but it without any source... Version 2 was open source I think
[19:49] <Ampelbein> I don't know the license of teamspeak, but if we (as Ubuntu) have the possibility to distribute the compiled binaries, it should be left open - quite like the closed source nvidia drivers.
[19:52] <veger> they do not provide a (debian) package, but some self-extracting .run script. Suppose the teamspeak developers should provide the package themselves?
[19:52] <Ampelbein> And in the license terms I read "You may not distribute TeamSpeak software otherwise over the Internet, unless you obtain prior written consent from TeamSpeak Systems GmbH or Triton CI & Associates, Inc. to do so." so I'd say: not possible.
[19:52] <veger> yeah... :)
[19:53] <Ampelbein> It's also possible to package a wrapper-script that downloads that *.run file and executes it, like it's done with the adobe Flashplayer. So I'd leave the report open.
[19:53] <veger> that would be possible yes. Ok I'll leave it as it is
=== iceroot is now known as derbysieger
[21:57] <krnekhelesh> hello everyone
[21:57] <krnekhelesh> please can anyone mark this bug as a wishlist
[21:57] <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/904749
[21:57] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 904749 in unity "Add startup application should let you choose one from the launcher!" [Undecided,New]
[21:57] <krnekhelesh> thank u
[21:58] <Ampelbein> krnekhelesh: done
[22:14] <krnekhelesh> please mark this bug as wishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/925392
[22:14] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 925392 in unity "No keyboard shortcut for Session Menu" [Undecided,New]
[22:15] <krnekhelesh> may be even add tag "needs ayatana design"
[22:15] <krnekhelesh> I am not sure
[22:26] <krnekhelesh> anybody?
[22:27] <krnekhelesh> pls mark this bug as wishlist
[22:27] <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/925392
[22:27] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 925392 in unity "No keyboard shortcut for Session Menu" [Undecided,New]
[22:51] <zzecool> krnekhelesh: what is the "session menu" i dont get what you are describing on the bug report
[22:52] <krnekhelesh> zzecool: i did not report the bug
[22:52] <krnekhelesh> however he is referrring to the indicator menu which shows system settings, shutdown etc
[22:52] <zzecool> super + s = Expo plugin = reveal miniature of the workspaces
[22:52] <zzecool> super + s never did this
[22:52] <zzecool> at least on unity
[22:53] <krnekhelesh> i thought that as well...i suppose he is wishing for a keyboard shortcut for the indicator menu
[22:54] <krnekhelesh> should I mark the bug incomplete asking for more info?
[22:54] <zzecool> i dont rly now
[22:54] <krnekhelesh> oh by the way could you have a look at this
[22:54] <zzecool> if you are on the desktop without any application active
[22:54] <krnekhelesh> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/934549
[22:54] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 934549 in unity "The workspaces button should show the names of the workspaces, when clicked with the right mouse button" [Undecided,New]
[22:55] <zzecool> f10 reveal the indicator menu
[22:56] <krnekhelesh> zzecool, when in the desktop without any application active, pressing f10 shows me the file, edit etc menu of ubuntu desktop
[22:56] <krnekhelesh> not the indicator menus
[22:56] <zzecool> krnekhelesh: Are you search for the most "i cant understand what they say" bugs?
[22:56] <zzecool> press your right key
[22:56] <zzecool> multiple times
[22:57] <krnekhelesh> ofcourse if you press f10 and then right key it shows the indicator menu
[22:57] <zzecool> yeap
[22:57] <krnekhelesh> and also the other bug i shared regarding the workspaces, i think it is redundant
[22:58] <krnekhelesh> since you can just press the workspace icon and go to whichever workspace you want
[22:58] <krnekhelesh> ?
[22:58] <zzecool> The bug should be f10 should start form the right side of screen and instead of file to open the cog menu first
[22:58] <krnekhelesh> i guess yes
[22:58] <zzecool> Fix it :)
[22:59] <krnekhelesh> the 1st bug or the 2nd one?
[22:59] <krnekhelesh> :)
[22:59] <zzecool> YOu can ask him first or just fix the description
[22:59] <zzecool> the 1st
[22:59] <krnekhelesh> ok i can do that
[22:59] <zzecool> :D
[22:59] <krnekhelesh> and regarding the workspaces, probably you could just set is as wont fix
[22:59] <krnekhelesh> since it is redundant
[23:00] <krnekhelesh> i'll fix the other bug regarding the f10 shortcut
[23:00] <zzecool> He is asking about the workspace name ? there is no such a thing
[23:00] <krnekhelesh> yeah
[23:00] <zzecool> Mark it as incomplete and ask him what does he mean :)
[23:01] <krnekhelesh> ok
[23:01] <zzecool> So you like bug hunting and triaging :P
[23:01] <krnekhelesh> yeah
[23:01] <zzecool> gj
[23:01] <zzecool> :0
[23:01] <krnekhelesh> I joined the ubuntu bug squad last month
[23:01] <krnekhelesh> and like to help
[23:01] <zzecool> Great you did
[23:01] <krnekhelesh> but thnx for ur help
[23:01] <zzecool> np
[23:01] <zzecool> im just a random bug hunter too
[23:01] <zzecool> :)
[23:02] <krnekhelesh> nice
[23:02] <krnekhelesh> I focus mostly on unity since i use it a lot
[23:02] <zzecool> if you can help me with press affect me too in some of my fav bugs
[23:02] <zzecool> :D
[23:02] <krnekhelesh> sure
[23:02] <krnekhelesh> links?
[23:02] <zzecool> ok
[23:02] <zzecool> wait
[23:03] <zzecool> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/933776
[23:03] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 933776 in compiz ""Super + W" window picker only shows local windows, not all." [Undecided,Confirmed]
[23:03] <zzecool> first is this
[23:04] <krnekhelesh> done
[23:05] <zzecool> thank you
[23:05] <zzecool> the other one is a different situation
[23:05] <zzecool> its about dodge to active window removal
[23:05] <zzecool> if you know what im talking about
[23:06] <krnekhelesh> dodge to active window removal?
[23:06] <zzecool> yeap
[23:06] <zzecool> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/930148
[23:06] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 930148 in unity "Dodge windows is down but what about making the launcher autohide only on maximised apps ?" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[23:06] <zzecool> read before you accept this one
[23:06] <zzecool> read the comments and deside
[23:07] <zzecool> The unity launcher used to have 4 different behaviors now only have 2
[23:07] <zzecool> they removed "dodge to window" and " dodge to active window"
[23:08] <krnekhelesh> oh yeah I think i read this today morning...its brilliant
[23:08] <zzecool> and there are many ppl including me that we what this feature back
[23:08] <krnekhelesh> I really miss dodge behaviour
[23:08] <zzecool> what is brilliant ?? >.<
[23:08] <zzecool> ohh
[23:08] <zzecool> i was scared for a moments
[23:08] <zzecool> :D
[23:08] <zzecool> moment*
[23:08] <krnekhelesh> i really support this bug
[23:08] <krnekhelesh> that's what i meant
[23:08] <zzecool> Nice
[23:08] <zzecool> i like you more nowe
[23:08] <zzecool> now
[23:09] <zzecool> :D:D
[23:09] <krnekhelesh> haha
[23:09] <zzecool> You can also take place in the conversation below to the comments :)
[23:09] <krnekhelesh> I cant believe they removed the code for dodge since it confused some users
[23:09] <zzecool> ....
[23:09] <krnekhelesh> I think dodge made unity more space efficient
[23:09] <zzecool> this is 99% an excuse
[23:09] <zzecool> exactly
[23:10] <zzecool> There is something else fishy that they dont say
[23:10] <zzecool> this cant be a serious reason
[23:10] <krnekhelesh> yeah, everybody like david calle and many other developers also miss this feature
[23:11] <zzecool> And the best thing is why keep autohide instead of intelihide?
[23:11] <krnekhelesh> yeah
[23:11] <zzecool> Read my comments
[23:11] <krnekhelesh> ok
[23:11] <zzecool> and put yours too if you want
[23:11] <zzecool> we need support on this bug
[23:11] <krnekhelesh> i will
[23:11] <zzecool> because i see this as a bug
[23:11] <zzecool> :)
[23:12] <krnekhelesh> will need some time to read through all the comments
[23:12] <zzecool> ok
[23:12] <zzecool> take your time :)
[23:12] <zzecool> im going to make soem coffee
[23:12] <zzecool> some
[23:12] <krnekhelesh> go ahead
[23:13] <zzecool> If you have any connection with devs like david who like the dodge
[23:13] <zzecool> point the to this bug report
[23:13] <zzecool> :)
[23:13] <zzecool> point them*
[23:13] <krnekhelesh> ok
[23:13] <krnekhelesh> i see him sometimes in google+ , will let him know
[23:13] <zzecool> :D
[23:23] <zzecool> krnekhelesh: are you using precise or oneiric?
[23:23] <krnekhelesh> precise
[23:23] <zzecool> you can join #ubuntu+1 too then
[23:23] <zzecool> there is too much bug hunting there too :P
[23:24] <krnekhelesh> oh ok
[23:28] <krnekhelesh> zzecool: nice discussion on the bug report...your points are valid..making intellihide default might confuse users, but they should leave it as an option
[23:28] <zzecool> true
[23:29] <krnekhelesh> they should definitely add a new option to the launcher behaviour being intellihide.
[23:29] <krnekhelesh> there have been some reports regarding the launcher is hidden on login which is confusing
[23:29] <krnekhelesh> and so many more
[23:30] <krnekhelesh> which can be solved with intellihide
[23:30] <zzecool> i know and believe me they know too
[23:31] <krnekhelesh> yeah
[23:31] <krnekhelesh> I am right now sending message on google+ to david calle and jorge castro
[23:31] <zzecool> jorge castro ... no
[23:31] <krnekhelesh> ?
[23:32] <zzecool> he is not with us on this one
[23:32] <zzecool> as i can remember reading some of his comments on omgubuntu
[23:32] <krnekhelesh> ok
[23:32] <mainerror> Wait, so it isn't a bug that the launcher is hidden after login?
[23:33] <krnekhelesh> there is a bug report stating that users having autohide on, are confused since the launcher is not present on login (hidden)
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> there were some comments which said that the launcher should be shown until the desktop loads completely before it is hidden
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> probably they might implement that
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> not sre
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> sure
[23:34] <zzecool> Their decision to remove Dodge was stupid and going to result in numerous bug reports
[23:34] <zzecool> this is my opinion
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> yh definitely
[23:34] <krnekhelesh> omgubuntu is down
[23:35] <zzecool> i know
[23:35] <krnekhelesh> wow
[23:35] <zzecool> now i remembered about jorge castro
[23:35] <zzecool> i was agaisnt him in the comment about ccsm
[23:35] <krnekhelesh> regarding the removal?
[23:35] <zzecool> he was asking the removal of CCSM from repositories
[23:35] <krnekhelesh> of ccsm from repos
[23:35] <zzecool> yes
[23:35] <krnekhelesh> ah
[23:36] <krnekhelesh> lots of controversies
[23:36] <krnekhelesh> seriously ppl are already complaining that unity is not configurable and now they are discussing about removing ccsm
[23:36] <mainerror> I totally agree with Jorge on that one though.
[23:37] <krnekhelesh> i think they should keep that in repos and may be provide warning messages
[23:37] <krnekhelesh> which they did now with an update
[23:37] <krnekhelesh> the user should be careful
[23:37] <zzecool> krnekhelesh: that was the best
[23:37] <zzecool> we can remove the only gui for configuring the compiz plugins without alternative
[23:38] <zzecool> cant*
[23:38] <mainerror> You can't expect users to be careful or to use your product as intended. Never.
[23:38] <zzecool> mainerror: its not installed byt default
[23:38] <krnekhelesh> mainerror: true but what about customizing unity?
[23:38] <mainerror> MyUnit.
[23:38] <krnekhelesh> zzecool: exactly
[23:38] <zzecool> Terminal can be even more deadly
[23:39] <zzecool> imagine "sudo rm - rF / "
[23:39] <krnekhelesh> mainerror: Tools like MyUnity has only recently come up..once they become more mature, they can they advise not using ccsm
[23:39] <zzecool> so we must remove terminal right ?
[23:39] <zzecool> to protect the user
[23:39] <zzecool> .....
[23:39] <zzecool> i dont like this kind of logic
[23:39] <mainerror> No, it is not the same thing.
[23:40] <krnekhelesh> mainerror: anyways, now ccsm shows a warning message which I think is the right step
[23:40] <krnekhelesh> mainerror: also once tools like MyUnity, Ubuntu tweak become more and more popular, users will definitely use them instead of ccsm
[23:40] <mainerror> I'm still against CCSM, mainly because I know what the majority of people do with warning messages.
[23:41] <zzecool> mainerror: have you ever modified any of the compiz plugins ?
[23:41] <mainerror> Yes.
[23:41] <zzecool> mainerror: are you even better use any of them ?
[23:41] <zzecool> if ccsm is going to be remove how are you gonna modify them ?
[23:41] <zzecool> using gconf?
[23:41] <mainerror> I've even bricked Unity once or twice (and I'm not a newbie).
[23:42] <zzecool> so ?
[23:43] <mainerror> gconf is probably a better option than CCSM.
[23:43] <zzecool> CCSM is just a gui for gconf
[23:43] <zzecool> how can be better
[23:43] <krnekhelesh> zzecool: agree
[23:44] <mainerror> Right, the problem with GUIs is that if they are not well designed they can cause a lot of trouble.
[23:45] <mainerror> However, I'm going to leave the discussion since it apparently is a thing that depends on the personal point of view.
[23:45] <mainerror> Opinions.
[23:45] <krnekhelesh> yeah :)