UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /18 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[01:01] <lmthatguy> Hi im in need some help. Can anyone assist me?
[01:07] <lmthatguy> when i try to execute ./nvflash, nothing happens
[01:07] <lmthatguy> keeps saying no such file or directory
[01:08] <lmthatguy> and i have everything i need in one directory
[01:08] <zeroseven0183> Hi imthatguy, where did you store the file ./nvflash?
[01:09] <zeroseven0183> You can check where you are in the Terminal by typing 'pwd'
[01:09] <zeroseven0183> See if you are in the correct directory
[01:10] <lmthatguy> root@ubuntu:/home/sharonholmes/Desktop/CR_Unbricker#
[03:55] <invisigothik> greets!
[03:56] <invisigothik> or greetings, or hello.
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[04:59] <zimio> anyone from nyc?
[06:33] <bluphoton> hello all, anyone knows why doesn't any program on ubuntu can input a text into yahoo chatroom ??
[06:34] <bluphoton> i can see the text i put in.. but its not displayed to anyone..
[06:34] <bluphoton> i use finch.. i have also tried in pidgin
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
[13:01] <duanedesign> o/
[13:13] <raju> hi guys
[13:19] <eyadof> hi everyone , i want to ask if someone know how to change proxy setting from terminal ?
[13:24] <raju> eyadof: http://wazem.blogspot.in/2008/01/how-to-change-gnome-proxy-settings-on.html
[13:24] <raju> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5020261/firefox-proxy-settings-through-terminal-in-ubuntu-10-04
[13:26] <eyadof> thank MR raju but i have ubuntu server there isn't any GUI to work with
[13:27] <eyadof> is there a pure text mod way
[13:27] <raju> eyadof: scroll the first link
[13:28] <raju> i have seen there is text mode
[13:28] <raju> read it , it have both GUI and text modes
[13:30] <duanedesign> o/
[13:32] <eyadof> raju: it's use " gconftool "
[13:32] <raju> how is the 2nd one ?
[13:34] <raju> eyadof: ok forums have one HOWTO , look at this , it may helpful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1575
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[13:37] <eyadof> raju: thnks that work !
[13:39] <raju> eyadof: nah! say to those guys
[13:39] <raju> lol :P
[13:39] <raju> welcome my friend
[15:59] <Louco-Diamante> hi there
[15:59] <Louco-Diamante> guys, need to know what to choose from. Ubuntu 32 or 64bits?
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[17:51] <anonymousinuk> hey ppl, can anyone help me with wlan0 channel config? or point me in the right dirrection?
[17:54] <Jeroen___> Hello people, I have a small problem with newly installed Ubuntu 11.10. The second monitor attached to my notebook is not recognized. Oddly, it *does* work when I booted from the live USB ubuntu, but not on the ubuntu I installed on the hard drive (from that same USB drive).
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[18:14] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: do you have an NVIDIA card?
[18:14] <Jeroen___> Yes, nvidia.
[18:15] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: do you know if you are using the open source or proprietary driver?
[18:17] <Jeroen___> Iḿ using a prorietary driver
[18:21] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: does only one monitor show in 'nvidia-settings'?
[18:23] <Jeroen___> where do i find ´nvidia-settings´? Under ´displays´ only one monitor is shown, named ´unknown´, When I boot from the live USB drive, however, it shows both monitors, one as ´laptop' and one (correctly) as ´samsung ...'
[18:25] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: if you search in the Dash for 'nvidia' it should pop up. You can also launch it from the Terminal with the command nvidia-settings
[18:25] <duanedesign> if it is not installed you can install it with the command: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
[18:33] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: this might be helpful. http://askubuntu.com/questions/67495/getting-dual-monitors-to-work-on-11-10
[18:36] <Jeroen___> nvidia-settings did the trick! Thanks! :-)
[18:43] <duanedesign> Jeroen___: that is great!
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[23:01] <samuel> hello all
[23:02] <samuel> i'm having problems installing ubuntu on my dell laptop, i wonder if anyone could offer some insight into the problem?
[23:16] <benonsoftware> samuel: Whats the problem?
[23:18] <samuel> ah hello, thankyou for your response, i cant resize the os partition in either gparted or the ubuntu installer
[23:18] <benonsoftware> What happenes?
[23:19] <samuel> after the installer failed i booted into the live cd and fired up gparted, it shows an exclaimation mark against the os partition, i have a dell vostro btw
[23:19] <samuel> the only partition that the ubuntu installer can install on has something like 10gb, and i'm a little concerned about formatting that
[23:19] <samuel> the total hard drive capacity is 500gb
[23:20] <benonsoftware> samuel: is it possible for you to wipe the whole drive?
[23:20] <samuel> well, i would rather leave windows 7 on there, reformatting would be a last resort
[23:20] <samuel> as its an oem install i get no windows disc
[23:23] <samuel> ah i think i might have found what the problem is
[23:24] <samuel> i may be able to fix it somehow with the recovery discs
[23:28] <samuel> thanks for your response, aparrently i need to use window's shrink partition tool, or format the hard drive, partition it, then use the recovery disc to install on the desired partition
[23:29] <stlsaint> samuel: wait what is the issue here?
[23:30] <samuel> i'm trying to set up a dual boot on my dell vostro laptop which has windows 7 preinstalled
[23:31] <samuel> when i do it via the ubuntu installation process it cannot access the main os partition
[23:31] <stlsaint> what are you using a recovery disc for?
[23:31] <samuel> i have been reading the multi boot guide via the ubuntu documentation
[23:32] <samuel> aparrently you can use the windows recovery disc to restore to any partition
[23:32] <samuel> (except for with HP computers)
[23:32] <samuel> i will try resizing the partition using the tool in windows first though as it seems the least destructive
[23:32] <stlsaint> im still not seeing what the issue is
[23:33] <stlsaint> use windows disk management to make a separate partition and then use the ubuntu disc to install
[23:33] <samuel> yup, that is my first option, this is the first time i have encountered this problem with an oem windows system thats all
[23:34] <samuel> perhaps its because the systems i have so far encountered are already set up with a partition, or i have been happy to completely remove windows
[23:35] <stlsaint> alright
[23:36] <samuel> like when did oem machines start having a single partition? every laptop or pc i have seen with windows up until now has had a partition for "backing up" (even if it has only one physical drive)
[23:36] <duanedesign> samuel: it is not letting you resize the windows partition/
[23:37] <samuel> thats correct, not from gparted or the ubuntu installation process anyways, i'm doing it via the windows disk management now as advised
[23:39] <duanedesign> if the windows partition has a red exclamation point you can right-click and select Information to see if it gives any clues as to what the exclamation point is for
[23:40] <samuel> anyway thank you all who as pitched in on this so far! on #ubuntu all i could get was a debate over the advantages of GS or Unity or Fallback mode **sigh**
[23:40] <duanedesign> :)
[23:41] <duanedesign> coug**Unity**cough
[23:41] <duanedesign> ;)
[23:41] <samuel> yeah i got a list of problems too long for the screen to display
[23:41] * samuel typing this from GS on ubuntu 11.10
[23:41] <duanedesign> oh boy
[23:41] <samuel> according to the ubuntu documentation there is a thing with windows 7/vista where certain files are not moveable
[23:42] <samuel> the work around is to use the windows disk manager as i have just done
[23:43] <samuel> the reason why i didnt find this out sooner is i had a mind blank as to how to phrase my google search, oh well, glad we all have IRC
[23:44] <duanedesign> ahh
[23:44] <samuel> btw did you know that on linux mint you get xchat by default and when you start it, it dumps you straight into their support channel - not sure if thats an awesome idea or just asking for it
[23:46] <duanedesign> another issue that has been popping up is that windows has 4 primary partitions m
[23:46] <duanedesign> 4 Primary partitions is the maximum allowed on an mbr partitioned disk
[23:47] <samuel> hmmmm i noticed that there are some 1mb partitions! thanks for the heads up, i could easily remove those
[23:47] <samuel> what is the result, ubuntu doesnt boot? or worse, no bootable os??
[23:48] <samuel> BTW apart from this problem, i cannot fault this laptop, anyone in the UK reading this, got it in tesco for approx £360, AMD E450, 4GB DDR3 & 500GB HDD
[23:48] <samuel> from the live CD all essential hardware is functioning
[23:49] <duanedesign> nice
[23:52] <samuel> ah bollox, the unallocated space that i just created is unusable!!!
[23:52] <samuel> lets see if i can do anything with gparted
[23:53] <samuel> haha, and suprise surprise its because there are too many primary partitions!
[23:54] <duanedesign> aha
[23:55] <samuel> its ok, i lost one of the partitions, i can leave that space empty its like 4.67gb of nothing
[23:55] <duanedesign> if you can only get down to three you can install the two Linuc partitions in two logical partitions within an extended partition
[23:55] <duanedesign> Linux*
[23:55] <samuel> i bet deliberately put there to stop people from installing 3rd party os's
[23:56] <duanedesign> heh, i would not be suprised
[23:56] <samuel> i like to do my partitions /, /home and swap
[23:56] <samuel> allows for easy reinstallation of the os if things go badly
[23:56] <duanedesign> ahh, yes. that is a good idea
[23:57] <duanedesign> makes upgrading and reinstalling so much easier
[23:57] <samuel> yup, a simple case of formatting /
[23:57] <samuel> would be cool if the ubuntu installation did that from the upgrade option
[23:57] <samuel> rather than wiping everything off which is what it did last time i tried it
[23:59] <samuel> the company i work for does linux computers for grannies so an upgrade process like that would be a great idiot proof upgrade with no data loss