UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /18 /#ubuntu-arm.txt
Initial commit
=== gildean_ is now known as gildean
=== gildean_ is now known as gildean
[17:51] <parin> anyone using qt with sqlite database on pandabaord?
[17:52] <parin> i am not able to open tha sqlite database
[17:52] <parin> do i need to configure driver in qt?
[17:52] <parin> if yes how can i do that?
[20:06] <ATP> hello everyone, anyone know if lucid 10.04 can recognize touchscreen?
[20:07] <ATP> i put my usb touchscreen on my beagle and it also gets power but nothing shows up
[20:07] <ATP> it's supposed to be plug n play....
[20:12] <xranby_ac100> ATP: touch screens usually gets connected to the system like any input device
[20:13] <ATP> yeah i know but if i try to pipe any input device to hexdump doesnt give me anything
[20:14] <ATP> i tried this: sudo cat /dev/input/event0
[20:14] <ATP> i tried this: sudo cat /dev/input/event0 | hexdump
[20:14] <ATP> so i got no input either output (screen is black)
[20:15] <ATP> so what am i supposed to do now? switch to a newer ubuntu?
[20:59] <ATP> hi again! which 12.04 image do I download for my beagle? just OMAP 3 or with HF?
[21:04] <Dioxin> hardfloat is generally the better option to go for as it refers to using the hardware implementation of Float
[21:04] <Dioxin> BUT not everything has been moved over, so the softfloat might be more complete
[21:21] <ATP> ok thanks for that
[21:22] <ATP> do I also download the zsync file?
[21:22] <ATP> what does that do?
[21:25] <xranby_ac100> ATP: the zsync file are used by some download tools to update an old version to the new version by only download a binary diff
[21:26] <ATP> a cheers man then I guess i dont need it
[21:26] <ATP> i will just go for the simple stuff :P
[21:28] <xranby_ac100> APT: http://zsync.moria.org.uk/
[21:29] <ATP> ye i saw that, i wont be using it but thanks anyway ^^
[21:30] <xranby_ac100> ok , did you solve your touch screen issue?
[21:37] <ATP> well not really yet, im downloading 11.04 image now to check (when i tried 11.10 and 12.04 i had problems with screen flickering in my main screen)
=== doko_ is now known as doko
[22:47] <xranby_ac100> ATP: screen on hdmi?
[22:48] <ATP> yes how do u know
[22:48] <ATP> and it's rolling up and down
[22:48] <xranby_ac100> you said you had a beagle board.. i guessed
[22:48] <ATP> i can see ubuntu running but its rolling and hurts my eyes
[22:49] <ATP> oh ok i thought it was a known bug or something...
[22:49] <xranby_ac100> do you have more than one monitor to test on?
[22:49] <xranby_ac100> its a digital signal
[22:49] <ATP> unfortunately not :(
[22:50] <ATP> u think it might be the monitor?
[22:50] <xranby_ac100> i font know
[22:50] <xranby_ac100> do not know
[22:52] <ATP> i will check on my neighbor's monitor
[23:00] <xranby_ac100> ATP: most likely your monitor supports say only interlaced 480i resolution and the beagle sends a 480p resolution..
[23:01] <ATP> mmmm might be it
[23:01] <xranby_ac100> same thing for higher resolutions
[23:12] <xranby_ac100> ATP: you can use a hdmi to dvi adapter and connect the beagle to a dvi monitor
[23:22] <ATP> xranby_ac100 yes good idea I just have to find a monitor to test