UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /18 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:47] <gladonias> Good evening!
=== CTtechguy_ is now known as CTtechguy
[03:07] <hartley> so long windows on my netbook. after years, i finally got my crystalhd to work with linux, and flash support is there as well.
[03:12] <Eruadan> hi, i want to install lubuntu 10.04. I can find only this link that says 10.10 . Is that correct? http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-10.10.iso
[03:16] <kanliot> don't think so
[03:17] <kanliot> http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-1004-now-available-download
[03:17] <kanliot> but it's not supported so your mileage may vary
[03:18] <kanliot> and why the hell would you not want 11.10?
[03:18] <kanliot> kernel?
[03:18] <Eruadan> is in the home page http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-1004-now-available-download
[03:18] <Eruadan> i want 10.04 to be similar with my server, i just use it as a work station
[03:20] <kanliot> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall
[03:20] <kanliot> there you go
[03:21] <kanliot> personally i'm curious how well it will run
[03:21] <Eruadan> funny , i got this one http://lubuntu.lafibre.info/10.04/ lol
[03:21] <kanliot> there's a reason why we don't support old versions
[03:21] <Eruadan> what is the reason then?
[03:21] <kanliot> lots of changes
[03:22] <Eruadan> its not old, its lts
=== hartley_ is now known as hartley
[03:36] <Eruadan> kanliot, i'm installing it, it seems fine till now. Actually, i find it really nice and simple
[03:39] <HGFHGFHFGH> help
[03:39] <HGFHGFHFGH> anyone help
[03:40] <HGFHGFHFGH> somebody help me
[03:40] <HGFHGFHFGH> anyone here?
[03:40] <HGFHGFHFGH> hello
[03:40] <hartley> Ask
[03:41] <hartley> yeah..
[03:41] <Eruadan> ?
[03:41] <Eruadan> it seems desperated
[03:42] <hartley> They literally waiting 1 minute.
[03:42] <hartley> waited
[03:45] <gfsdfgfdg> HELLO?
[03:46] <gfsdfgfdg> no one here
[04:01] <hartley> we are here.
[04:01] <hartley> just ask your question.
[04:02] <hartley> much easier to just ask and wait, then to ask if someone is here to help you.
[04:04] <Eruadan> kanliot, you were right, it installed , but when it rebooted for the first timee, i have a lot of errors
[04:04] <Eruadan> damnit
[04:07] <Eruadan> fucking lubuntu, i'm installing a minimal ubuntu and x with open box myself, damn it
[04:09] <gfsdfgfdg> I need help using firewall in lubuntu
[04:09] <gfsdfgfdg> I don't know how to configure it
[04:10] <gfsdfgfdg> Is it safe if I don't configure firewall?
[04:10] <Eruadan> sry for the trolling, i just got pissof
[04:11] <Eruadan> i just removed the virtual box cd, and it works now
[04:11] <Eruadan> gfgfgfgfggfgf, are you setting up a server?
[04:12] <gfsdfgfdg> I dunno what your talking bout
[04:12] <gfsdfgfdg> what is a server
[04:12] <Eruadan> server is the computer that serve internet pages
[04:13] <gfsdfgfdg> I'm not a comp whiz
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
[04:13] <gfsdfgfdg> i'm using a vpn as i know
[04:13] <gfsdfgfdg> i dunno setting up a server for
[04:14] <Eruadan> a vpn?
[04:14] <gfsdfgfdg> i am unknown
[04:15] <gfsdfgfdg> a vpn inside a vpn
[04:15] <gfsdfgfdg> and then I made a vm
[04:15] <Eruadan> wich vpn are you using?
[04:15] <gfsdfgfdg> I cannot tell you as I am anonymous
[04:15] <gfsdfgfdg> and inside the vm I use another vpn.
[04:16] <gfsdfgfdg> lastly i use a tor browser
[04:16] <Eruadan> whatever dude
[04:16] <gfsdfgfdg> however i am not sure i'm anonymous
[04:16] <Eruadan> i have more important things to do
[04:17] <gfsdfgfdg> like?
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine
[04:31] <Eruadan> how can i change screen resolution ?
[04:32] <hartley> menu>prefs>monitor settings
[04:38] <Eruadan> hartley, thanks, why i haave maximum res only 800x 600?
[04:39] <Eruadan> i installed it inside virtual box
[04:39] <Eruadan> using windows vista as host
[04:39] <hartley> i believe you can set your hardware specs in virtual box.
[04:40] <Eruadan> it's funny, cause i installed archlinux the same way, and i din't have such issue
[04:41] <hartley> does it still limit the res when you full screen virtualbox? or is there a setting to start virtualbox fullscreen?
[04:41] <Eruadan> i can't change any settings in virtual box
[04:41] <Eruadan> yes, it does, that is the problem, it is set to full screeen, but it doesn't fill all the screen
[04:42] <Eruadan> with only 800x600
[04:42] <hartley> what im thinking is virtualbox starts in an 800x600, but the graphic settings arent refreshed when the screen changes to fullscreen.
[04:43] <Eruadan> maybe, i'm not expert
[04:43] <Eruadan> i just can say that archlinux doesn't give me that issue
[04:43] <kanliot> on vmware you have to install vmware tools
[04:43] <kanliot> maybe it's somethign similar for vbox
[04:43] <Eruadan> but all derivates of ubuntu does
[04:43] <Eruadan> including xubuntu, lucid server and lubuntu
[04:45] <Eruadan> i see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools
[04:45] <Eruadan> it would be nice, if there was something for vb like that
[04:47] <hartley> yeah, but looked through the vb settings. didnt see anything relating to monitors, or to starting vb in fullscreen.
[04:49] <Eruadan> if the host was ubuntu, then i got the solution
[04:49] <gordon1234> Re VirtualBox .... have you installed Guest Additions & Extension Pack?
[04:49] <Eruadan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBAbcwsKog8
[04:50] <Eruadan> the host is a windows machine
[04:50] <Eruadan> gordon1234, should i install those on the host windows?
[04:52] <gordon1234> Eruaden: Yes, I think so. No expert either though, but it sorted out some resolution problems I was having on a wide screen monitor
[04:53] <gordon1234> Here for main prog and Extension Pack https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
[04:54] <gordon1234> Here for Guest additions http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html
[04:54] <Eruadan> i think i found it http://askubuntu.com/questions/3205/higher-screen-resolution-in-virtualbox
[04:58] <gordon1234> Eruadan, yes, looks like Guest Additions will help you out, but I would do the extension pack too. The info I gave is for the Oracle VirtualBox app. This may be different from the one you are using??
[04:58] <hartley> yep yep. agree. the guest additions should work.
[04:58] <Eruadan> cool
[04:58] <Eruadan> i'm installing it ^^
[04:59] <hartley> should correct things like changing of monitor resolutions (which doesnt happen on real hardware, your max 1024x768 screen will always have that max res)
[04:59] <gordon1234> Extension Pack and Guest Additions are ISOs. The Extension Pack is installed from the Main VirtualBox Host window, the Guest additions are installed once you start the new machine Iif that makes sense!)
[05:00] <Eruadan> sure, the additions i install with apt-get inside the guest
[05:01] <Eruadan> ugh...it's a big package, still installing it
[05:02] <gordon1234> not sure ... I think you may have to mount the ISO on VirtualBox before starting the virtual machine.
[05:06] <Eruadan> yeahhhh
[05:06] <Eruadan> it works
[05:07] <Eruadan> this is the only thing i did http://askubuntu.com/questions/3205/higher-screen-resolution-in-virtualbox
[05:07] <Eruadan> sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 virtualbox-ose-guest-dkms
[05:07] <gordon1234> good news
=== hartley_ is now known as hartley
[06:49] <hartley> anyone know if there is an event viewer type app I could use?
[06:50] <hartley> have the crystal hd driver working with flash for hd support. but i seem to be getting full system freezes. would like to see if its really the system freezing or maybe x
[09:42] <alkisg> Hi, is there a desktop.iso for lubuntu precise?
[09:43] <alkisg> I can't find alpha 2, only the alternate cd, is there a daily build for the desktop iso that works?
[09:43] <alkisg> Hmm or to phrase it more correctly, does http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso work?
[09:47] <alkisg> Saturdays... :D /me uses http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/alpha-2/precise-alternate-i386.iso
[11:53] <milen8204> hello all how can I change my kayboard imput language ?
[13:20] <milen8204> Hello all where I can find a recycle bin in Lubuntu ?
[13:20] <milen8204> how can I have a icon on my desctop ?
[13:24] <smile4ever> milen8204: open PCManFM and you will see the trash :)
[13:24] <smile4ever> at the left. :)
[13:25] <milen8204> smile4ever, how to open that ?
[13:27] <smile4ever> milen8204: the menu with applications => accesoires => file manager
[13:28] <smile4ever> (i have a dutch version, the names can differ :) )
[13:28] <milen8204> ohh sily me :D thanks
[13:28] <smile4ever> you're welcome :D
[13:29] <milen8204> how can I pin it to the desktop
[13:29] <smile4ever> I don't know that by heart :)
[13:29] <smile4ever> i'll look it up :)
[13:30] <milen8204> ok thanks
[13:31] <smile4ever> :)
[13:31] <smile4ever> (is searching)
[13:33] <smile4ever> milen8204: I don't know if it's possible (after looking it up). However, you can place PCManFM on your desktop :)
[13:33] <smile4ever> than your trash is one click away :)
[13:34] <smile4ever> milen8204: i've found it :DD
[13:35] <smile4ever> http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2018 :)
[13:35] <milen8204> smile4ever, ok thanks a lot
[13:35] <smile4ever> You need "Re: Add trash to desktopby maces » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:59 pm"
[13:35] <smile4ever> the trash.desktop one :)
[13:37] <smile4ever> milen8204: does it work? :)
[13:38] <milen8204> I will say
[13:38] <milen8204> I am tring to do that
[13:39] <smile4ever> ok :) you need to paste the text into leafpad and than save it to /home/user/Desktop as trash.desktop :)
[13:40] <milen8204> ooohhh
[13:40] <milen8204> i iam trying to paste in a terminal :D
[13:40] <smile4ever> won't work! ;)
[13:41] <smile4ever> brb, going to the toilet :) just say my name when you need me, i'll be back in a minute :)
[13:42] <milen8204> it works
[13:43] <milen8204> smile4ever, it works thanks a lot
[13:44] <smile4ever> milen8204: great :) you're welcome
[13:45] <milen8204> smile4ever, I just made a file trash.desktop on my desctop and have paste the tekst and save it , and trash bin appears
[13:46] <smile4ever> milen8204: yeah, so cool. :)
[13:52] <milen8204> smile4ever, have a nice day
[13:53] <milen8204> smile4ever, what does it means "Install feh"?
[13:54] <smile4ever> milen8204: it's a program for setting your background :)
[13:54] <smile4ever> where did you read it? :)
[13:54] <milen8204> http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=175&t=59429
[13:54] <smile4ever> in Lubuntu you can right click on the desktop and set a wallpaper (background :) )
[13:55] <smile4ever> so no need to install feh i think :)
[13:55] <milen8204> I want to change my backbraunds for a period of time ?
[13:55] <smile4ever> oh i see. :)
[13:55] <smile4ever> wait a moment please :)
[13:56] <milen8204> I had a script whan have a Ubuntu on this PC, but the script is for gnome not for LXDE
[13:56] <smile4ever> milen8204: http://www.kabatology.com/09/09/wally-rotates-desktop-backgrounds-in-linux-windows-and-macosx/ I would use this :)
[13:57] <smile4ever> and if it's for gnome, in this case it won't work :p
[13:58] <milen8204> yes that why I am serching for another way
[13:58] <milen8204> can`t use my old script
[13:59] <smile4ever> This one should work also (it's with an xml file that is generated for you) You only have to add the pictures and install the application :)
[13:59] <smile4ever> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25549/how-to-create-a-wallpaper-slideshow-in-ubuntu/
[13:59] <smile4ever> I hope it works for lxde too :)
[14:00] <milen8204> smile4ever, I am going to try whit wally
[14:00] <smile4ever> ok good luck :)
[14:00] <milen8204> thanks a lot
[14:03] <kvarley> I have LXDE running on Ubuntu, how can I install the LUbuntu theme for LXDE within Ubuntu?
[14:03] <smile4ever> kvarley: install lubuntu-default-settings & lubuntu-artwork & lubuntu-core :)
[14:04] <kvarley> smile4ever: Thanks =D
[14:04] <smile4ever> kvarley: you're welcome :)
[14:13] <kvarley> Are there any window tiling applications that work in LXDE?
[14:19] <smile4ever> what do you mean? :)
[14:20] <kvarley> smile4ever: Where you can drag a window to the left of the screen and it will snap to the left half of the screen.
[14:21] <smile4ever> kvarley: oh i see. I don't know, sorry.
[14:39] <milen8204> smile4ever, wally does not work for me
[14:41] <smile4ever> milen8204: and the other link? :)
[14:43] <smile4ever> oh, i see :( for gnome :(
[14:43] <milen8204> yes :)
[14:44] <smile4ever> I didn't find a link for LXDE :p
[14:44] <Ray2> Lubuntu-10.10 lxde wm ...How to have numlock start at boot.???
[14:45] <lulz87> hi, how to readd power button, i delete it by mistake from LXPanel
[14:45] <milen8204> no problem
[14:46] <smile4ever> milen8204: you could create a huge gif file xD
[14:46] <milen8204> smile4ever, how to make my Lubutu to check speling and gramar of language that I write
[14:46] <smile4ever> depends on the program :)
[14:46] <milen8204> x-chat ?
[14:47] <smile4ever> search for 'spelling checker xchat' on the internet :)
[14:49] <Ray2> milen8204, x-chat settings perference input box tick spelling check
[14:50] <milen8204> Ray2, I have a tick there mut it does not chek my speling in English
[14:51] <milen8204> may be I have to download a dictionary or something like that
[14:51] <head_victim> My xchat automatically spell checks in the text box (not in the channel scroll though).
[14:51] <milen8204> head_victim, mine don`t
[14:52] <milen8204> It underlines all english words as wrong
[14:55] <head_victim> Yes and if you right click on it it should suggest what the correct word should be.
[14:56] <milen8204> no suggestions on word house
[14:56] <milen8204> for example
[14:57] <head_victim> That's spelt correctly though, if you typed housse and then right clicked on it then it should suggest the word house (in the right click menu item "suggested spelling").
[15:01] <lulz87> where to edit default aplications?
[15:03] <milen8204> head_victim, I type: house and it is underlined whit red line :D and has no suggestions . All words is underlined as wrond although they are correct.
[15:04] <milen8204> are*
[15:10] <smile4ever> lulz87: in your default applications (in preferences menu, part of the main menu)
[15:10] <smile4ever> :)
[15:12] <lulz87> hmm i dont have defaultaplications
[15:15] <lulz87> dont understaind where is that shit :D
[15:15] <Myrtti> ahem, mind your language please...
[15:16] <Myrtti> let's keep it clean
[15:23] <smile4ever> lulz87: menu where your applications are in => preferences/options => preference applications :)
[15:27] <lulz87> you mean preference when i open app?
[15:31] <lulz87> in preference applications is only firefox and mail client
[15:45] <smile> lulz87: which preference do you want to set than? :)
[15:46] <lulz87> i want set vlan for videos
[15:46] <lulz87> i only have firefox and mail client, not multimedia tab on top :(
[15:47] <milen8204> smile, could you look at this please? http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/07/change-wallpaper-automatically-and.html
[15:48] <smile> milen8204: I think it's a good one :)
[15:50] <milen8204> smile thanks
[15:51] <smile> you looked it up :)
[15:51] <lulz87> is that normal smile?
[15:51] <smile> so thank yourself :)
[15:52] <smile> lulz87: yes. other preferred apps you just launch :)
[15:52] <lulz87> ? wo what exactly i must run to change multimedia apps?
[15:52] <lulz87> i dont understaint that preferred apps
[15:58] <smile> lulz87: you just need to install that new app you wish and remove the old one :)
[16:00] <lulz87> i installed new app
[16:01] <lulz87> vlc player, i have also installed gnome player
[16:01] <lulz87> i want vlc player to play videos by default
[16:02] <milen8204> I have no sound on Lununtu what should I do '
[16:04] <lulz87> i removed gnome player and now vlc is player by default :D
[16:04] <lulz87> just one more question, what is the best file archiver alternative, except file roller
[16:12] <smile> xarchiver? :)
[16:12] <smile> @lulz87
[16:12] <smile> i'm leaving, i'm gonna eat :)
[16:41] <milen8204> anyone can help I have no sound ?
[16:49] <milen8204> what can breack my sound ?
[17:03] <kanliot> sound breaks alot. did you install more software, or what did you do/
[18:23] <milen8204> how can I sett the system to run a little bash script every time when it starts ?
[18:26] <smile> milen8204: try to add it to /home/user/.config/autostart
[18:26] <smile> :)
[18:27] <rtdos> on my ubuntu machine (for example), is there a way to create a GUI-less session (no desktop, no mouse enabled, just full screen command line) ? the recovery-console session might work but i only have a 80*25 display (not full screen) and the mouse is still active. is there a way to edit this so that i have a full screen text display without a mouse?
[18:27] <milen8204> I had put it there, the file name is wallpaper.sh, and there is a contens
[18:28] <milen8204> deny@deny-PC:~/.config/autostart$ ls
[18:28] <milen8204> docky.desktop wallpaper.sh
[18:28] <milen8204> deny@deny-PC:~/.config/autostart$
[18:28] <smile> and it's not loading? :p
[18:28] <milen8204> hell ye
[18:28] <milen8204> a
[18:28] <smile> :(
[18:28] <Sentynel> rtdos: ctrl+alt+f{1..6} drop out of the gui; ctrl+alt+f7 brings it back
[18:28] <Sentynel> ...
[18:29] <smile> You can try to put the script into a .desktop-file :)
[18:29] <milen8204> when I start it manualy in a terminal it loads
[18:29] <milen8204> and works fine
[18:29] <gridbag> im looking for more screenshots of lubuntu in action. thx.
[18:30] <milen8204> smile, whit extension .desktop ?
[18:31] <smile> gridbag: try google images :)
[18:32] <milen8204> smile, or you mean to pate containing of wallpaper file in docky.desktop ?
[18:32] <smile> milen8204: you copy a .desktop file from /usr/share/applications and you adapt it to your needs. exec is lxterminal sh wallpaper.sh or sh wallpaper.sh
[18:32] <smile> you have to experiment with the exec-line :)
[18:33] <gridbag> head up looks like a complete disaster.
[18:34] <milen8204> ok, I will try
[18:34] <Sentynel> rtdos: ctrl+alt+f{1..6} drop out of the gui; ctrl+alt+f7 brings it back
[18:35] <Sentynel> rtdos: if necessary you can alter the init files to prevent the gui from being started in the first place
[18:36] <rtdos> Sentynel: how? i don't mind keeping the GUI login screen but everyonce in awhile i need a gui-less desktop (command line only), is this possible to create a blank session to do that?
[18:37] <smile> milen8204: good luck :)
[18:38] <Sentynel> rtdos: from the gui login screen, you can just drop to tty and stop whatever the gui process is
[18:38] <Sentynel> lxdm I think
[18:39] <Sentynel> you can block it from starting automatically when the system starts, but you'd need to manually start it every time you did want it
[18:39] <smile> Sentynel: yes, it's lxdm :)
[18:39] <rtdos> will try that. :)
[18:39] <Sentynel> also, I believe that some of the login screens (kubuntu's, I think) do offer the option to stop the x server, but I don't think lubuntu's does
[18:39] <smile> ~xintrc contains the line to start lxdm i think :)
[18:41] <milen8204> smile, thanks
[18:42] <smile> milen8204: it works? :)
[18:42] <smile> * xinitrc :)
[18:42] <milen8204> smile I think no
[18:42] <smile> milen8204: you tried both?
[18:42] <milen8204> I am going to reboot and try again
[18:43] <smile> ok :)
[18:43] <valdur55> I have problem with sound control
[18:43] <smile> valdur55: what's the problem? :)
[18:44] <valdur55> When i mute it and then click again mute. Icon is still muted
[18:45] <valdur55> Alsamixer handles toggle, but icon doesn't.
[18:45] <smile> valdur55: can you kill the process and than start it again? :)
[18:47] <valdur55> kill volumealsa plugin?
[18:48] <smile> valdur55: no, the icon only? :p
[18:49] <valdur55> oh.. it-s .so file in plugins dir
[18:55] <smile> valdur55: fixed? :)
[18:56] <valdur55> no:(. When i enable gnome-settings-daemon and then remove unneeded plugins then all works nice!
[18:58] <smile> so it's a problem with a plugin :o
[19:00] <valdur55> Nope.. With media key bindings
[19:00] <smile> stupid bindings :s
[19:01] <valdur55> or volumealsa is looking wrong information.
=== iceroot is now known as derbysieger
[21:17] <eggzeck> Man I love lubuntu!
[21:30] <pAt_> me too eggzeck
[21:52] <eggzeck> :-)
[21:54] <Silverlion> eggzeck :p
=== Silverlion_ is now known as Silverlion
[22:47] <G1lbert> Hello There. I've created a lubuntu live-"usb stick"
[22:47] <G1lbert> #it boots but seems to freeze at the moment the desktops starts
[22:48] <G1lbert> just a white screen
[22:48] <G1lbert> icant change to console using shift+ctrl+number
[22:48] <G1lbert> but i can shutdown using strg+alt+del
[22:48] <G1lbert> does anyone have a tip for me ?
[22:55] <valdur55> Ctrl+Alt+F1|F2 ...
[22:55] <valdur55> G1lbert, use Ctrl+Alt+F1 or F2 ... for switching terminals
[22:57] <G1lbert> i've done that, but nothing happens
[22:58] <G1lbert> screen stays white
[22:58] <G1lbert> if i boot without acpi=off the desktop doesnt start at all
[22:58] <valdur55> You can use ESC for disabling plymouth
[22:58] <G1lbert> it directly boot into the console
[22:59] <valdur55> Errors?
[22:59] <G1lbert> ah i forget to mention, i use a eeepc 1101ha netbook
[23:00] <G1lbert> no errors, just a blank white screen
[23:00] <valdur55> busybox?
[23:00] <G1lbert> "busybox?" ?
[23:02] <valdur55> nevermind.
[23:02] <valdur55> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1619999 look this
[23:03] <G1lbert> i'll read. thx so far. i'll come back with feedback later
[23:04] <valdur55> It's about 10.04 but same items might fix your problems
[23:21] <eggzeck> lubuntu runs well on this old IBM ThinkPad T41. Sound issues (but I will be dealing with that soon). I'm going to install it on my girlfriends laptop too, remove Ubuntu. Good stuff.
[23:22] <valdur55> eggzeck, sound issues... Explain it!
[23:26] <eggzeck> valdur55: Everything seems to be working except I can't hear anything.
[23:28] <valdur55> Is mixer unmuted?
[23:28] <eggzeck> valdur55: Yes. There's something else going on, not sure what it is yet at this point but I'll figure it out.
[23:29] <valdur55> eggzeck, Ok. Check alsamixer ...
[23:31] <eggzeck> valdur55: Yeah, everything looks good in alsamixer
[23:33] <valdur55> ok!
[23:36] <eggzeck> got it
[23:39] <eggzeck> it almost seems as if there's two adapters, I had to enter alsamixer and hit f6 to choose the ThinkPad Console Audio Control
[23:41] <eggzeck> Here's the interesting part, at the graphical level my volume "is turned up all the way" yet if I hit "mute" on my laptop's controlls it does not show as "muted" at the volume control
[23:41] <eggzeck> which is what confused me
[23:43] <eggzeck> looks like the volume control on in the GUI controlls the master volume and the "up" and "down" keys on my laptop controll that ThinkPad Controller Console in alsamixer
[23:44] <eggzeck> In any case my sound is working now! YEEEEAHHHHH!
[23:47] <eggzeck> valdur55: Thank you for telling me to look in alsamixer, I don't think I would have figured it out that fast if you hadn't said that.
[23:49] <valdur55> eggzeck, wait.. there is one trick!
[23:51] <valdur55> leafpad ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml and search RaiseVolume
[23:51] <valdur55> :) make your changes and save it.
[23:52] <valdur55> then volume keys are working nicely
[23:58] <eggzeck> nice! Thank you, I did that (except I used vi instead of leafpad which I prefer) and it works nicely now