UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /18 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:06] <ScottK> apachelogger: They do still require a copyright license agreement.
[00:06] <apachelogger> as long as it is not as crappy as their CA
[00:21] <Ezim> apachelogger, you know if I am write? I have pastebin CMakeLists to know what should be in debian/control
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[11:20] <Mamarok> why is the search panel in Dolphin disabled?
[11:26] <yofel> IIRC that had something to do with whether nepomuk and strigi are running
[11:26] <Mamarok> well, those are running, it still is greyed out
[11:31] <yofel> Mamarok: if I enable strigi here, restart dolphin and enable the search panel it's activated
[11:32] <Mamarok> hm, maybe I should restart it, let's see...
[11:32] <Mamarok> thaqt worked, thank you :)
[11:32] <Mamarok> it was open since such a long time already I didn't think of that :)
[11:42] <yofel> does someone know by chance how to add a timeout to launchpadlib scripts? If my connection drops while a script is running the script will hang forever until I kill it
[12:00] <Peacce-> no way i can't login via gmail with telepathy.kde
[12:03] <Peacce-> guess it' s this mission-control[5680]: segfault at 2c ip b718892c sp bfe49400 error 4 in
[13:00] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:03] <shadeslayer> hi BluesKaj
[13:04] <BluesKaj> hey shadeslayer
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[13:46] <grmls> hi :)
[13:52] <yofel> hi grmls
[13:55] <grmls> hi yofel
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[16:58] <Daskreech> hi BluesKaj
[17:18] <BluesKaj> hey Daskreech
[17:19] <Daskreech> How
[17:19] <Daskreech> are you?
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[17:23] <yofel> how does one file a source removal request for the archive? (kdeaccessiblity and kdeutils as we got build failure bugs for them)
[17:25] <debfx> yofel: bug #925423 :)
[17:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 925423 in kdeutils (Ubuntu) "Please remove obsolete KDE 4.7 source packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/925423
[17:25] <yofel> good :)
[17:25] <debfx> (file a bug against the package, subscribe ~ubuntu-archive, wait a few months)
[17:26] <yofel> heh
[17:46] <Riddell> debfx: or ping me on a tuesday
[17:52] <debfx> Riddell: why not just regularly process the removal queue? would save time for everyone
[17:55] <Riddell> debfx: in good health I would regularly do all the archive admin tasks on a tuesday, now I work slower and kubuntu needs me so i need to spend less time on them and more on kubuntu
[17:55] <Riddell> but I'll do a bit and especially if pinged
[17:58] <Riddell> I didn't do any archive admin for a while for fear of making a mistake, mistakes can be costly with archive admin :)
[18:06] <debfx> Riddell: yeah I understand. I didn't mean you specifically. none of the archive admins seem to process the queue even though package removal requests shouldn't be that time consuming.
[18:07] <Riddell> everything is time consuming because launchpad is slow, it takes about 25 seconds to run each command so it's very despiriting to do archive admin stuff (I expect the web interface is similar)
[18:07] <Riddell> so it's easy to get bored and do whatever tasks you are personally assigned to instead
[18:08] <Riddell> moan to wgrant to make it faster :)
[18:08] <Ezim> hi. can we for kubuntu 12.04 pick oxygen cold for colour?
[18:08] <Riddell> no, talk to upstream
[18:09] <Ezim> that way libreoffice and other gtk application on toolbar tips look so damn ugly
[18:09] <Ezim> oxygen cold solves that problem easy
[18:10] <Ezim> Riddell, okey. why can not we have oxygen cold?
[18:10] <Riddell> I don't know, I'm not an oxygen artist, ask them, we follow upstream
[18:10] <Riddell> if there's a 1 config line bugfix that works we can do that, find the config option in this oxygen cold and it could well be useful
[18:10] <Ezim> Riddell, my friend this is only for colour. to pick oxygen cold solves a problem.
[18:11] <Riddell> that's a theme, find the single colour that needs changed and we'll do that
[18:11] <Ezim> Riddell, :) I am not expert on that thing. but I know oxygen cold works better then oxygen with colour for gtk application.
[18:12] <Ezim> Riddell, is this maybe the answer? #C0DAFF
[18:12] <Riddell> sure, so that's a clue to a workaround for the bug, but it's too big a change to do so it needs narrowed down
[18:12] <Ezim> oxygen cold uses this for toolbar tips (not sure about the english name)
[18:13] <Riddell> that might be the config value needed, also needs the config name
[18:13] <Riddell> and filename
[18:13] <Riddell> which will be somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config/
[18:14] <Ezim> Riddell, here you have it: http://imgur.com/fz8pQ
[18:16] <Ezim> Riddell, ~/.kde/share/config/ <<--- cannot find anything of value
[18:20] <Riddell> Ezim: it'll be in kdeglobals
[18:20] <Ezim> Riddell, will take look. thx.
[18:22] <Ezim> Riddell, here you have: http://paste.ubuntu.com/847547/
[18:23] <Ezim> hope it can help
[18:34] <Riddell> Ezim: I'm not in a position to do anything, I recommend you file a bug and e-mail the kubuntu-devel list to encourage someone to pick it up
[18:35] <Ezim> Riddell, okey I will do that before 12.04 will release :).
[18:37] <Riddell> Ezim: filing a bug takes no time, it's the easy and quick option to do before you forget
[18:37] <Riddell> following up on it is what takes time
[18:37] <Ezim> Riddell, should I file bug report to launchpad
[18:43] <yofel> Ezim: yes, but I can't think of a right package right now - send a mail to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com
[18:46] <Ezim> yofel, will do, but :) all our developer are here.
[18:46] <Ezim> :P extra work
[18:46] <yofel> except that mails to the ML aren't forgotten as fast as channel talks
[18:46] <yofel> *talk
[18:47] <Ezim> yofel, true.
[18:47] <yofel> bbl
[18:47] <Ezim> I will send.
[18:59] <pvivek> i want to start contributing . i would be glad if someone can guide me to find beginner bug fixes
[19:02] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: hi!
[19:02] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs
[19:02] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: we only want to track packaging bugs in launchpad
[19:03] <shadeslayer_> any bugs in KDE itself are to be forwarded to bugs.kde.org
[19:03] <pvivek> shadeslayer_ : thank you. will start finding
[19:03] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: for eg bug 472744 is outdated
[19:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 472744 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu) "systemsettings crashed with TypeError in show_IPP_Error()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/472744
[19:04] <shadeslayer_> you could ask the reporter if he still faces the crash
[19:04] <shadeslayer_> I think there are a couple of stock responses somewhere on the wiki as well
[19:05] <shadeslayer_> aha
[19:05] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Bugs/Responses
[19:05] <shadeslayer_> get cracking :D
[19:06] <pvivek> shadeslayer_ : thank you. okay :)
[19:07] <shadeslayer_> pvivek: btw #kubuntu-bugs is rarely used, I'm fairly certain no one will mind discussing bugs here
[19:07] <shadeslayer_> and most of the developers don't idle on #kubuntu-bugs anyway
[19:08] <pvivek> shadeslyer_ : Sure. thanks for the info. I'll come and stay here from now on
[19:08] <Daskreech> There is a Kubuntu-bugs ?
[19:08] <shadeslayer_> yeah
[19:08] <shadeslayer_> someone should probably make that channel forward here
[19:09] <shadeslayer_> or at the very least update the topic
[19:41] <Riddell> Tm_T: a guy called Snowhog is msging me asking if kubuntuforums can be added to the !forums for #kubuntu
[19:41] <Riddell> Tm_T: I expect he'll contact you and hopefully it's easy for you to just do that
[19:47] <Daskreech> Riddell: from #kubuntu ?
[19:47] <Daskreech> he can do it himsel
[19:47] <Daskreech> Assuming a him
[19:48] <Riddell> Daskreech: neither he nor I know how so you'd need to tech him
[19:48] <Riddell> he's in #kubuntu now if you think you can
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[21:26] <yofel> could someone explain to me why '-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions' would break a kpart?!?
[21:26] <yofel> the ktimetracker one
[21:30] <yofel> ok, I think I got a somewhat answer from google...
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[21:37] <Ezim> hi ximion
[21:50] <BluesKaj> Hey folks , any progress on the pulseaudio problems ?
[21:51] <BluesKaj> I think it's alsa that actually seems to have a problem
[23:04] <Ezim> yofel, free?
[23:04] <yofel> well, pretty much, yes
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[23:45] <Mamarok> was something changed in the MySQL configuration in Precise? I can't build Amarok anymore, although libmysqld-pic is installed I get a compile error telling -lmysqld-pic is not found
[23:52] <Mamarok> also something is wrong with the address for paste.kde.org in the Pastebin-plasmawidget, it only says kde.org which doesn't work
[23:53] <Mamarok> that should read paste.kde.org, no?