UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /17 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <uskerine> hi
[00:35] <uskerine> is it possible to make LUBUNTU look like windows xp (in classic mode)?
[00:39] <phillw> uskerine: there are many skins available
[00:41] <phillw> uskerine: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/174396-make-linux-look-like-windows-95-98-a.html will give you a start, in these cases... google is your best friend :)
[00:49] <uskerine> can you use UBUNTU themes in LUBUNTU?
[00:52] <Unit193> Ubuntu on Lubuntu? It generally needs GTK2/3, and Openbox elements.
[00:53] <uskerine> lubuntu
[00:54] <uskerine> i want to use lubuntu, ubuntu is too heavy
[00:55] <uskerine> so lubuntu uses openbox as window manager
[00:55] <Unit193> Openbox+LXDE.
[00:56] <uskerine> Does Openbox implement the desktop icons?
[00:57] <Unit193> That's the LXDE component PCManFM
[00:57] <uskerine> PcMANFM is the filemanager
[00:57] <Unit193> Yes, it is that as well.
[00:58] <uskerine> i tried icewm+idesk
[00:58] <uskerine> idesk was the one that implemented the desktop icons
[00:58] <Unit193> As an example, you can killall pcmanfm from terminal and watch all the icons go away, should logout and back in after though.
[00:59] <uskerine> interesting
[00:59] <uskerine> ok
[01:00] <uskerine> and if i would like to make a similar taskbar like in windows xp (in classic mode)
[01:00] <uskerine> is that possible?
[01:00] <Unit193> Well, it's just lxpanel you'd have to look at.
[01:02] <uskerine> what about the icons, which icon set could i use?
[01:02] <uskerine> i would like to install a server to provide access to 20 users
[01:02] <uskerine> and it would be great if the system could look like windows xp
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[01:14] <phillw> user
[01:17] <phillw> uskerine: and then Bill Gates sues us for looking like his system? There are various skins and walk throughs for making linux look like Windows and Mac, that is my best suggestion to you.
[01:20] <phillw> uskerine: if you'd like to chat further about this, please join #lubuntu-offtopic
[01:21] <uskerine> thanks
[01:21] <Unit193> phillw: He was asking a support question on themeing though...
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[12:54] <uskerine> hi
[12:54] <uskerine> i have just installed lubuntu
[12:55] <uskerine> when I type "top", in a 1Gb RAM system it shows that only 115Mb are free
[12:55] <uskerine> is that normal?
[13:03] <pAt__> Uskerine. Depends on if it includes the cache already or not. What does the command free tells you?
[13:04] <pAt__> Without the cache, Lubuntu needs about 160Mb memory
[13:04] <pAt__> On my laptop
[13:04] <pAt__> Using dropbox
[13:07] <uskerine> LXLauncher
[13:07] <uskerine> total used free shared buffers cached
[13:07] <uskerine> Mem: 977808 843476 134332 0 10928 234132
[13:07] <uskerine> free
[13:07] <uskerine> i have done a clean standard installation
[13:08] <uskerine> and i am not bloated with many programs, just few windows in chrome
[13:08] <pAt__> Strange. What do you get directly after loggin in?
[13:09] <Sentynel> the +/- buffers/cache line in free's output is the important one
[13:10] <uskerine> -/+ buffers/cache: 600360 377448
[13:10] <uskerine> Swap: 1002492 56552 945940
[13:10] <Sentynel> hm, 600MB usage is still higher than I'd expect
[13:10] <Sentynel> but you do have about 400MB available, so it's not critical
[13:11] <uskerine> total used free shared buffers cached
[13:11] <uskerine> Mem: 977808 383032 594776 0 13968 176900
[13:11] <uskerine> -/+ buffers/cache: 192164 785644
[13:11] <uskerine> Swap: 1002492 38872 963620
[13:11] <uskerine> this is closing chrome and all windows except terminal and this xchat window
[13:11] <pAt__> Just look into the task manager which programs are consumting the most memory and how much.
[13:11] <uskerine> it is critical sentynel, because I would like to have a system with up to 20 concurrent users (with more than 1Gb of course)
[13:12] <uskerine> task manager reports 192Mb of 954Mb used
[13:13] <pAt__> That looks more realistic
[13:13] <uskerine> so what the hell is reporting "free" or "top"?
[13:13] <Sentynel> er
[13:13] <Sentynel> the newer free output you pasted
[13:13] <Sentynel> agrees with task manager
[13:14] <uskerine> free says 383Mb against 190Mb
[13:14] <uskerine> for use dmemory, right?
[13:14] <uskerine> i see
[13:14] <Sentynel> the free output you pasted here says 192MB used, 785 free, which agrees with task manager
[13:14] <uskerine> i see
[13:14] <uskerine> but why does it says "383Mb" as used in the first line?
[13:14] <Sentynel> as I say the +/- buffers/cache line in free is the important one
[13:14] <uskerine> what does it mean?
[13:14] <uskerine> ok ok
[13:14] <uskerine> thanks
[13:15] <uskerine> but what is the meaning of the first line
[13:15] <uskerine> ?
[13:15] <Sentynel> because in the first line it counts buffers and cache, because it isn't empty memory
[13:15] <Sentynel> but anything used for those can just be booted out of memory if it's actually needed by a program
[13:15] <Sentynel> it's just using spare space to speed things up#
[13:15] <uskerine> without starting to make disk swaap?
[13:16] <Sentynel> it's used to speed up disk access for files and so on
[13:16] <uskerine> i am concerned because i will have to set up a server for up to 10 or 20 concurrent users
[13:17] <uskerine> no mather how much memory i put if each user starts to use large amounts of RAM it won't work
[13:17] <uskerine> is there an actual memory and CPU saving in LUBUNTU against UBUNTU?
[13:17] <uskerine> because UBUNTU desktop is by far much more fancy
[13:18] <pAt__> Unity needs much more.memory. More the double
[13:18] <uskerine> ok
[13:18] <Sentynel> ubuntu requires over 512MB of memory for a single user
[13:18] <Sentynel> as you can see lubuntu is running at under 200 with a couple of pieces of software open
[13:19] <Sentynel> (I swapped my father's office machine off ubuntu to lubuntu after the unity switch, because it started swapping like mad, on a system with 512MB of RAM)
[13:19] <pAt__> I rarly need more then 1 gb with lubuntu
[13:21] <Sentynel> I've never had memory problems on the 1GB netbook I run it on, and that's with running some KDE software
[13:22] <uskerine> ok
[13:22] <uskerine> yes but i plan to put around 15 users through xdmcp against same server
[13:22] <uskerine> so i guess i will need something around 16Gb, right?
[13:23] <Sentynel> I'd think you could get away with 8GB
[13:23] <pAt__> If they all use it at the same time, it would be a good idea.
[13:23] <Sentynel> as I say, my father's office machine has 512MB and copes fine
[13:24] <Sentynel> are you expecting 15 concurrent users with heavy use? if they've all just got a web browser or two open 512MB will be fine
[13:25] <uskerine> ok
[13:25] <uskerine> well, i guess the best thing is to get as much memory as you can
[13:26] <uskerine> at the end, i guess 8Gb is not so expensive
[13:26] <pAt__> In case you also have swap
[13:27] <uskerine> i was thinking in distributing them among different servers, but i would like they could share the same /home file tree
[13:27] <uskerine> is there something i could use as separate NFS server for /home that would allow concurrent access from 4 servers?
[13:41] <uskerine> http://box-look.org/content/show.php/A+New+Reality?content=147914
[13:41] <uskerine> could someone help me to understand how openbox and lubuntu -in general- can be customized?
[14:30] <uskerine> how can i manually setup a GTK+ color scheme file? (I assume LXDE / LUBUNTU uses GTK+)
[14:41] * Broam waves
[14:41] <Broam> hi folks. Heard something about you needing lubuntu/ppc testers?
[14:56] <uskerine> hi, pcmanfm does not respond to font and color changes done with lxappareance (in LUBUNTU)
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[16:38] <pip__> lubuntu-desktop & lubuntu-core have no installation candidates (along with a whole bunch of other stuff) apparently. I'm working from 12.04 mini iso am I doing something wrong for this message to appear?
[16:39] <Unit193> sudo apt-get update ?
[16:40] <pip__> twas the first thing I did. I'll try it again to be sure though
[16:40] <Unit193> Can you check your sources.list?
[16:41] <pip__> hang on I've got some hash sum mismatches in the update
[16:41] <stlsaint> pip__: yep thats a problem
[16:42] <pip__> okay, any ideas for a fix?
[16:42] <stlsaint> pip__: try changing sources list
[16:42] <pip__> sorry to be a n00b what's the path?
[16:42] <stlsaint> your server
[16:43] <Unit193> /etc/apt/sources.list
[16:43] <stlsaint> pip__: first your main server
[16:43] <pip__> cool I'm in
[16:44] <stlsaint> in your srouces update
[16:44] <Unit193> Change them to the default, and if that's no help, that may mean you don't have the key and should just fetch it.
[16:44] <pip__> This is a just done install, so I've not altered the list
[16:45] <stlsaint> pip__: just change the sources server to something else and reload
[16:45] <pip__> ah mo sorry just in the sources list at the mo
[16:52] <pip__> clearly I'm too stupid to have tried this, & possibly to own a computer :-D
[16:53] <stlsaint> pip__: did changing the server work?
[16:54] <pip__> I'm unsure what to change it to TBH
[16:55] <stlsaint> did you open the sources menu
[16:55] <stlsaint> not the sources.list conf but the graphical sources menu
[16:56] <pip__> I have no GUI
[16:56] <stlsaint> huh?
[16:57] <Unit193> stlsaint: lubuntu-desktop failed.
[16:57] <stlsaint> ah crap
[16:57] <pip__> lol. I've done a minimal install (12.04) & when I've tried to install lubuntu-desktop I get the initial error I mentioned - no installation candidate
[16:57] <Unit193> pip__: What does the first deb yatata yatta bleh say?
[16:57] <stlsaint> yatata yatta bleh?? awesome
[16:58] <pip__> http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted
[16:58] <pip__> lol
[16:58] <Unit193> Make it closer to `deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted`
[16:59] <stlsaint> so desktop failed and youve been dropped into a prompt...hrm strange one there, never had that on lubuntu
[16:59] <Unit193> gb. may be weird.
[16:59] <pip__> oh sorry it's got the deb at the start, they all have
[16:59] <stlsaint> happens on Ubuntu all the time though smh
[16:59] <pip__> I was gonna try uk instead of gb
[16:59] <Unit193> pip__: Yeah, drop the "gb."
[16:59] <stlsaint> Unit193: gb is just their server in his home ocuntry
[16:59] <stlsaint> country
[16:59] <pip__> ok, that makes sense
[16:59] <Unit193> stlsaint: Yeah, that can be messed up.
[17:00] <stlsaint> touche
[17:00] <Unit193> stlsaint: REALLY messed up my Oneiric upgrade, fixed that and it fixed a few issues.
[17:02] <pip__> okay I'm gonna give it another shot
[17:02] <pip__> h'mmm, now it's unable to locate the package...
[17:03] <Unit193> Gotta update if you haven't already.
[17:03] <pip__> oops update
[17:04] <pip__> yeah, I just realised
[17:05] <pip__> sweet, no error messages
[17:06] <Unit193> See? I almost know what I'm doing sometimes...
[17:06] <Unit193> ;)
[17:06] <pip__> lol, thank goodness somebody does
[17:07] <stlsaint> Unit193: oh just take all the credit huh?? :P
[17:08] <Unit193> Oh, stlsaint did most of it, I just sat back and made comments (peanut crowd)
[17:08] <stlsaint> lol
[17:08] <pip__> teamwork gentlemen, teamwork...& patience with n00bs
[17:09] <stlsaint> pip__: so now whats your next step? O_o
[17:10] <pip__> install the desktop, which is happening now & then see what happens
[17:10] <stlsaint> cool, just making sure ;)
[17:10] <pip__> I'm experimenting with a beaten up old laptop
[17:11] <pip__> & I mean BEATEN, it's got no screen so I use an external
[17:12] <pip__> the HDDs on its way out & it's got 256 MB RAM so I though it'd make a "good" test box
[17:13] <stlsaint> yep and lubuntu would be a good choice to test on
[17:13] <stlsaint> later folks
[17:13] <stlsaint> bbiab
[17:13] <pip__> thanks very much ttfn
[17:45] <genmail> hi all :) I'd like to increase the volume of capture of my laptop internal microphone, but I can't manage very well to have a decent capture sound...any advice please?
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[17:52] <Broam> genmail: there's always alsamixer in a terminal. it's not LXDE-specific, but it works
[17:53] <genmail> Broam: can you please tell me which volume raise up to make it work at its best?
[17:53] <Broam> genmail: depends on your sound card
[17:53] <Broam> genmail: you may want to see if there's a Microphone Amplifier setting
[17:54] <Broam> genmail: also called "Mic Boost" sometimes
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[18:02] <genmail> Broam: how can I check my soundcard from terminal?
[21:20] <Reptillian> I understand that linux is generally much more secure than windows though it usually comes down to the user using the OS, but I am interested into using CAVL from comodo inside lubuntu. any feedback with regards to this?
[21:21] <Reptillian> I'm testing lubuntu under virtual machine right now
[21:22] <Unit193> Basically: Why?
[21:23] <Unit193> !antivirus
[21:23] <ubottu> Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus
[21:23] <Unit193> It'd make sense for a email/file server though, but not as much desktop.
[21:24] <Reptillian> so I should get a firewall instead. ok
[21:24] <Unit193> There is iptables, UFW, and I don't remember what the "standard" GUI is.
[21:25] <Unit193> There should be clamAV if you really want to have one, or you can add other antivirus if it's really what you want. One GUI for firewalls is `gufw`
[21:26] <Reptillian> alright then, thanks
[23:14] <uskerine> hi
[23:14] <uskerine> i have discovered that LXDM does not support XDMCP
[23:15] <uskerine> which is the easiest way to configure LUBUNTU as server for multiple concurrent thin client users?