UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /14 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] <unixnad> Hi community! I'm a new one :)
[00:33] <pleia2> unixnad: welcome :) this is our support channel, if you're looking to chat with other team members you can join #ubuntu-beginners-team
[00:34] <unixnad> I'll join there too.. Thnx
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[02:42] <unixnad> Hi I use ubuntu 10.04 x64 . Is it good idea to use applications ubuntu software center to install adobe flash player... ?
[02:43] <unixnad> shall i get x64 support this way?
[02:43] <holstein> unixnad: you can try it.. i usually suggest trying chrome with its installed flash..
[02:43] <holstein> i have 10.04 64bit with the flash from the repos on my production machine
[02:44] <unixnad> defaulty but i use sync settings in mozilla so its my favorite browser
[02:44] <unixnad> i mean i wanna use firefox
[02:44] <holstein> unixnad: sure.. try it and see how it works you you :)
[02:44] <holstein> if you have troubles, try chrome as a troubleshooting step
[02:44] <unixnad> i downloaded file from flash player's site to install and couldn't managed :)
[02:47] <unixnad> I installed from software center but Youtube videos seems starts slowly..
[02:48] <holstein> unixnad: maybe you can install chrome as a troubleshooting step.. or a firefox PPA
[02:50] <unixnad> what is firefox PPA?
[02:50] <holstein> unixnad: to get the updated version of firefox
[02:51] <unixnad> ok
[02:52] <unixnad> do i have to remove firefox then? or http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/14 is this link shows complete process
[02:53] <holstein> unixnad: you update the sources with the PPA, then upgrade FF
[02:54] <unixnad> ok sorry again how do i update sources ?
[02:54] <unixnad> (completely noob at all)
[02:55] <holstein> unixnad: if flash works, i wouldnt bother.. if you say is "starts slow"... flash is just not all that great
[02:55] <unixnad> :)
[02:55] <holstein> unixnad: at this linke http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/14, you can see some commands...
[02:55] <unixnad> ok i will do that then..
[02:55] <holstein> 3 sudo commands.. thos will upgrade FF
[02:56] <unixnad> thnx
[02:56] <holstein> OR, you can try chrome... thats easier for you to "recover" from
[02:56] <Unit193> holstein: That's not needed for natty and newer
[02:56] <holstein> Unit193: 10.04 64bit
[02:56] <holstein> Unit193: you have a 64bit install? i have 2 now
[02:56] <Unit193> ubot2`: info firefox lucid
[02:56] <ubot2`> Unit193: firefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.12+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11069 kB, installed size 29904 kB
[02:57] <Unit193> Wird, I was sure they'd updated it. I do not have any 64bit
[02:59] <Unit193> holstein: Wait, do you have a lucid box you can get the version from?
[02:59] <holstein> Unit193: no running handily :/
[02:59] <Unit193> After checking ubot2` I checked ubottu.
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[08:22] <casb> hello
[08:23] <casb> just to make sure i am on #ubuntu-beginners righ?
[08:23] <ashickur-noor> Yap
[08:23] <ashickur-noor> Just ask Q
[08:23] <casb> thanx
[08:23] <casb> ok here goes
[08:24] <casb> bare with me because i have been using linux for less than a day
[08:24] <casb> i installed 'tiger' package
[08:24] <casb> ist some sort of security analysis thing
[08:25] <casb> (i did it for absolutely no good reason)
[08:25] <casb> so after running it
[08:25] <casb> i uninstalled it with the //purge opt
[08:26] <casb> but i later realized that it came with other packages as well
[08:28] <casb> pe: jack , chkrootkit, e4, procmail, sendmail, sensible, man-db , sensible mda ... and perhaps a few more
[08:28] <Unit193> sudo apt-get autoremove you can also use --purge with that.
[08:29] <casb> now i sort of imagine that i can go to synaptics pm and un click all/most of these
[08:29] <casb> well i didnt know about that
[08:29] <casb> so avtoremova vill also remove al the pckges the app brought allong ?
[08:30] <casb> (sorry for my spelling)
[08:30] <Unit193> Should, yes.
[08:30] <casb> anyhow the thing is as i am pretty sure about jack and shkrotkit i am not sure about sendmail , procmail ..
[08:31] <casb> thanks :) will come in handy nex time i install something :)
[08:31] <geirha> you mean john and chkrootkit :P
[08:31] <casb> ofcourse
[08:32] <casb> :)
[08:32] <casb> (lackofsleep)
[08:32] <casb> what about all this mail connected stuff ?
[08:32] <casb> was it there before ?
[08:33] <casb> i definetively dont think i need it ..?
[08:33] <casb> but is it like some sort of dependencies like in ms ?
[08:34] <casb> or can i just look at the dpkg.log and remove all the pckges installed at that time ?
[08:34] <casb> with tiger ..
[08:35] <geirha> apt-cache depends tiger shows some packages like that, yes.
[08:35] <casb> (after i installed i also read that installation is not required, adleast not for what i used it :S..suits me right)
[08:36] <casb> umm.. dont understand apt-cache , sorrz
[08:36] <casb> y
[08:36] <casb> y*
[08:38] <casb> does the default distro come with snedmail installed ?
[08:38] <casb> sendmail
[08:38] <casb> (!) :)
[08:39] <casb> i really have no idea what to do in this case im pretty sure my computer wount go boom if i just leave it as it is
[08:39] <casb> but i feel i should do something about it ..
[08:41] <casb> i now know what apt/cache depends is ..
[08:42] <casb> :)
[08:45] <casb> but still have no idea if i can remove sendmail, sensible mda, sendmail bin/cf/base , procmail, m4
[08:45] <casb> is there a way to see if thise packages ware installed prior to the tiger install ?
[08:47] <casb> come on geirha give me something to go on here ..i have googled on it
[08:52] <Unit193> Did you try sudo apt-get autoremove ?
[08:53] <casb> can it be done after i allready did it with the other command ?
[08:53] <casb> trzing
[08:53] <casb> trying
[08:55] <casb> :)
[08:55] <casb> thank You muchas
[08:55] <casb> Package tiger is not installed, so not removed
[08:55] <casb> The following packages will be REMOVED:
[08:55] <casb> chkrootkit john john-data sendmail sensible-mda
[08:56] <casb> i did not know it can be done for the past
[08:56] <casb> haha awsome
[08:59] <casb> im sure this all looks wery stupid to all of you but im gratefull
[08:59] <casb> thanks
[08:59] <urfr332g0> nah, enjoy ubuntu. :)
[08:59] <Unit193> !es
[08:59] <ubot2`> En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.
[08:59] <casb> will do
[09:00] <urfr332g0> no habla espanol
[09:00] <casb> dont be mad if i pop around in the next year or two ,)
[09:00] <Unit193> Not sure if you'd feel better with Spanish next time, but either one should be able to help you.
[09:00] <casb> nono im from slovenia
[09:00] <Unit193> (Here or there)
[09:00] <urfr332g0> casb, stop by and sit a spell.
[09:01] <casb> i mislead you with ''muchas
[09:02] <casb> googeling 'sit a spell' :)
[09:02] <urfr332g0> casb, us southern colloquial
[09:02] <casb> duh .. thats too much phrases to google ,p
[09:03] <urfr332g0> relax pull up a chair basically
[09:03] <casb> (and i keep preccing ctrl+c :D)
[09:04] <casb> which apperantly doesnt work on bx
[09:05] <casb> i have to get a more uptodate client for this irc thingy
[09:06] <urfr332g0> casb, what are you using?
[09:06] <casb> lol
[09:06] <casb> bitchX
[09:07] <urfr332g0> casb, some like irrc a cli, I use xchat
[09:07] <casb> jup i was stumbled upon it just earlyer
[09:07] <casb> or maybe ill just try and stick with this thingy
[09:08] <casb> maybe ill get ussed to al the /window channel #****** 1 10
[09:09] <casb> the thing is when i run .. umm quassel ()default it somehow didnt give me the nicknames in the chanel
[09:09] <Unit193> Irssi and weechat are others
[09:10] <urfr332g0> Unit193, thanks I had the name wrong. :)
[09:18] <casb> i think ill go with weechat
[09:18] <casb> 8) ubercool
[09:18] <casb> heh
[09:19] <casb> anyhow my next tackle is to get photoshop on wine since its my bread
[09:20] <casb> and iwe been reading some stuff on it but its all sort of 2008 till 2010 so im guessing its got easyer now
[09:20] <casb> and ill try to manage without u guys
[09:23] <Unit193> !appdb
[09:23] <ubot2`> The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help
[09:24] <casb> :)
[09:25] <casb> hmm
[09:25] <casb> can i ask you one more thing
[09:25] <casb> for example im installing weechat and ofcourse it want some librarys i imagine with it
[09:26] <Unit193> I suppose it may.
[09:26] <casb> so if i later install a bunch off apps that use those same ones and after lets say a zear decide to do the avtoremove ..what happens ?
[09:26] <Unit193> They don't get uninstalled.
[09:26] <casb> one year later*
[09:27] <casb> wow.. this linux is so smart :)
[10:26] <s-fox> Hello.
[11:33] <casb> balance
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[21:00] <lukjad007> Hey guys. I tried up date my system to 11.04 and got the error: error: symbol not found: 'grub_env_export' ubuntu
[21:00] <lukjad007> I figured out it's a grub issue
[21:00] <lukjad007> I'm currently in the Live CD
[21:01] <lukjad007> Would creating a new partition table fix grub?
[21:03] <lukjad007> bodhizazen: ^
[21:03] <bodhizazen> I doubt it lukjad
[21:04] <lukjad007> Hm
[21:04] <lukjad007> Okay
[21:04] <lukjad007> brb
[21:04] <bodhizazen> lukjad007: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1742655
[21:08] <lukjad007> bodhizazen: k, checking
[21:08] <bodhizazen> lukjad007: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10424577&postcount=8
[21:08] <bodhizazen> probably a better set of instructions ^^
[21:10] <lukjad007> mount: you must specify the filesystem type
[21:10] <lukjad007> eerrr