UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /13 /#ubuntu-design.txt
Initial commit
=== s9iper1 is now known as bil21al
=== bil21al is now known as s9iper1
[07:46] <dholbach> good morning
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq|bbiab
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== yaili__ is now known as yaili
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
=== yaili__ is now known as yaili
=== yaili__ is now known as yaili
=== Saviq|bbiab is now known as Saviq
[19:26] <etneg_> kenvandine: ping
[19:26] <kenvandine> etneg_, pong
[19:27] <etneg_> kenvandine: hey, got my mail?
[19:27] <etneg_> i didnt post it to the wiki, thought i'd see what you thought before i did
[19:28] <etneg_> also in the ombgbuntu articlecomments section few people asked where to post concepts, i had given them a link to the wiki
[19:30] <etneg_> thought i'd ask you first but you werent around then and figured you could use more concepts
[19:31] <kenvandine> ah, sorry thought i had replied to that
[19:31] <etneg_> in the mail, there's one with a metallic G look logo i did, it doesnt obey any of the rules you mentioned but i thought you could still take a peek
[19:31] <etneg_> na i didnt get any mail from you
[19:32] <kenvandine> etneg_, my reply window is still open :)
[19:32] <etneg_> heh
[19:32] <kenvandine> i kind of like gwibber8.png
[19:32] <kenvandine> even though it doesn't really have anything social about it :)
[19:33] <etneg_> ye that one i tried ot keep quite simple and to the point
[19:33] <kenvandine> just feels kind of fun
[19:33] <etneg_> oh the social part was the letters throw about in colors
[19:33] <kenvandine> the quotes around it
[19:33] <etneg_> i think colors define socialism?
[19:33] <etneg_> the colors are still kinda ubuntu-centric
[19:33] <kenvandine> i didn't really get that feel from it, but i did really like it
[19:34] <etneg_> the quotes + _ was just something i thought clearly tells its something like a twitter app
[19:34] <kenvandine> yeah
[19:34] <etneg_> i asked a bunch of people about it
[19:34] <etneg_> without telling them what this logo was for
[19:34] <kenvandine> it does
[19:34] <etneg_> and all of them replied it was a logof or a twitter like app
[19:34] <etneg_> so i thought it came out ok
[19:34] <kenvandine> you should post that one on the wiki see what people say
[19:34] <etneg_> ok
[19:34] <etneg_> what aobut the rest?
[19:34] <kenvandine> not sure what you would do for an icon with it though
[19:34] <etneg_> for the icon i can simplify it
[19:35] <etneg_> its got the two Gs making a face
[19:35] <kenvandine> the others really didn't catch my eye
[19:35] <etneg_> i could use that for the icon or something
[19:35] <kenvandine> oh, i didn't even notice that :)
[19:35] <etneg_> heh
[19:35] <etneg_> thats another social part i added
[19:35] <kenvandine> cool, yeah so that one really caught my attention
[19:35] <kenvandine> even though it wasn't really what i thought i wanted
[19:35] <kenvandine> thanks for that :)
[19:36] <etneg_> :D
[19:36] <etneg_> you want the scattered letters in 3d?
[19:36] <etneg_> i was tring to keep it simple
[19:36] <kenvandine> simple is better
[19:36] <etneg_> ok
[19:36] <kenvandine> 3d might over do it
[19:36] <etneg_> right
[19:36] <etneg_> want some gloss on the two Gs?
[19:36] <etneg_> like a bit of shine
[19:36] <kenvandine> maybe
[19:37] <etneg_> k
[19:37] <kenvandine> that might be nice
[19:37] <etneg_> ok
[19:37] <etneg_> as for -wibber i would keep it in black unless you wanna change it
[19:37] <etneg_> the black gives it a sort of typing text feel to it
[19:39] <etneg_> kenvandine: btw what about the pen concept?
[19:42] <kenvandine> i didn't really like the computer image
[19:42] <kenvandine> so many different form factors now, laptops, tablet, phone, etc...
[19:46] <etneg_> right
[19:47] <etneg_> the computer image was a rough
[19:47] <etneg_> a quick hack
[19:47] <etneg_> i'll see what i can do, let me modify gwibber8
[19:47] <kenvandine> thx
[19:48] <etneg_> np
[20:52] <etneg_> kenvandine: updated the wiki with gwibber8
[20:52] <kenvandine> etneg_, thx
[20:53] <etneg_> i added a bit of shine to the Gg
[20:53] <etneg_> let me know if that looks fine
[20:54] <etneg_> there re no blurs or any of that in them so, would be safe to shrink it down for an icon size too, just the two Gg's and the bracket for the lip
[20:55] <etneg_> or even just have one G as the icon