UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /13 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:02] <pangolin> kick me you fools
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[01:38] <guessst> I'm trying to set autologin in lubuntu 12.04 editing /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf ---> autologin=myusername but it doesn't have effect... is this a bug?
[01:38] <urfr332g0> guessst, you can do that from user
[01:39] <guessst> urfr332g0: can you show me how?
[01:39] <urfr332g0> guessst, I'm not in lubuntu to not really, look in the menu I would think.
[01:39] <urfr332g0> to=so
[01:40] * kklimonda is surprised lightdm, or at least unity-greeter, is not being configured by gsettings
[01:40] <guessst> ok... I'll try it
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[03:50] <ritz> hmm, selinux implementation on ubuntu (precise ) aint too great. Do we have an equivalent of setroubleshoot/sealert ( http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/SELinux/SETroubleShoot/UserFAQ ) ?
[04:00] <kklimonda> ritz: not really, we've opted for AppArmor
[04:01] <ritz> kklimonda, hmm, thanks. do we have a document on why so ?
[04:01] <ritz> I believe, SELinux is a far superior implementation
[04:02] <kklimonda> ritz: it's also much harder to implement and maintain properly
[04:03] <kklimonda> I don't really remember a discussion about it in context of Ubuntu though
[04:05] <micahg> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux
[04:06] <micahg> ritz: have you checked out apparmor yet?
[04:08] <kklimonda> micahg: this page is frustratingly short given the complexity of selinux itself ;)
[04:09] <micahg> well, our main focus is on apparmor
[04:11] <ritz_> micahg, do we plan to change this to selinux anytime soon ?
[04:11] <kklimonda> no
[04:11] <ritz_> to target customers with high security requirements ?
[04:11] <kklimonda> ritz_: what does AppArmor lack for your usecase?
[04:11] <micahg> some of the security team works on apparmor
[04:11] <ritz_> hmm, will this akin to additional paid service ?
[04:12] <micahg> if there's something you think is missing in apparmor, I suggest talking to the security team
[04:12] <ritz_> micahg, kklimonda thanks
[04:19] <kklimonda> there is actually so little good documentation about differences between SELinux and AppArmor, and how do they apply to the real world. I'd love to read something good about AppArmor limitations (something more than path-based security is flawed and can never work)
[04:57] <ritz_> kklimonda, I have shot an email regarding this
[04:57] <ritz_> kklimonda, think netlabels , Xace
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[07:03] <alkisg> How can I have mandatory settings with gsettings?
[07:03] <alkisg> I'm reading http://live.gnome.org/dconf/SystemAdministrators but it mentions a lot of system paths that don't exist in precise...
[07:04] <alkisg> E.g. "dconf stores its profiles in text files in "/etc/dconf/profile/""
[07:10] <alkisg> "The remaining lines of the profile describe system databases. These databases are found in /etc/dconf/db/." ==> not found either
[07:12] <alkisg> Also: $ dconf update
[07:12] <alkisg> fatal: Error opening directory '/etc/dconf/db': No such file or directory
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[07:54] <denis_> so, is it currently impossible to get epiphany installed in precise?
[07:54] <denis_> I get circular dependencyissues when trying to install the "gnome" metapackage :
[07:55] <denis_> gnome : Depends: epiphany-extensions (>= 3.0) but it is not going to be installed
[07:55] <denis_> epiphany-extensions : Depends: epiphany-browser (< 3.3) but 3.3.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed
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[08:09] <micahg> epiphany-extensions needs an upgrade
[08:14] <Fai1ure> micahg: ok, so it's a known missing updated package then
[08:14] <micahg> Fai1ure: can you file a bug and I"ll milestone for precise?
[08:14] <Fai1ure> micahg: ok can do
[08:15] <micahg> hmm, checking to see if a rebuild will help
[08:17] <micahg> ah, no, ok
[08:24] <Fai1ure> micahg: 931296
[08:25] <Fai1ure> I'm a bit new to launchpad bugs, please excuse me if I did anything wrong
[08:25] <micahg> bug 931296
[08:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 931296 in epiphany-extensions (Ubuntu) "epiphany-extensions needs updating for epiphany 3.3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/931296
[08:25] <micahg> Fai1ure: looks great, thanks
[08:26] <Fai1ure> ok, thanks for your assistance :)
[10:00] <CT1> astraljava: Thankyou.
[10:42] <Fai1ure> so, possibly after the nss-change last week I am having trouble with getting Unity to work, it only sort of works with Unity 2D, but even then the launcher is nowhere to be found
[10:43] <Fai1ure> it all worked swimmingly earlier last week
[10:43] <Fai1ure> can anyone point me to logs I can check to troubleshoot it?
[11:06] <qw-Russian> hello
[11:06] <qw-Russian> help me please
[11:06] <qw-Russian> i am install kubuntu 10.04 LTS after installation i am upgrade my system from 12.04 but after upgrade system is not started maybe started but i am not see write me system in the monitor
[11:07] <Lekensteyn> 12.04 is not stable yet, stick to 10.04 or 11.10 for now if you are using it on a production machine
[11:08] <qw-Russian> and that to do me?
[11:09] <Fai1ure> qw-Russian: install kubuntu 10.04 again, and don't upgrade to 12.04 :)
[11:10] <qw-Russian> and is it possible how without a refixturing ?
[11:13] <qw-Russian> ^(
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[12:27] <qwm-Russian> i am joinid
[12:40] <guessst> hi, I tried to set autologin in lubuntu 12.04 but without success... could anybody help me to do it?
[12:52] <guessst> ok, I found that for autologin, the correct file to edit is /etc/lightdm/lightdm.con and not /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf
[13:05] <MrChrisDruif> Aloha everyone
[13:13] <MrChrisDruif> Just a small question; the background of LightDM should automatically change to the one the user is using in Pangolin?
[13:14] <carrion> How broken is the alpha ?
[13:14] <MrChrisDruif> I don't know carrion, why do you ask?
[13:15] <carrion> Was thinking of using it
[13:15] <carrion> Just curious how broken it was
[13:15] <MrChrisDruif> Ow, I'm running Pangolin for weeks without much real breakage
[13:15] <carrion> Right...
[13:15] <carrion> Usually updating Ubuntu is enough to break it
[13:16] <MrChrisDruif> I sometimes get the notification that an app didn't boot properly or something but one of the buttons of said message lets me restart it if necessary
[13:16] <carrion> Are they still using unity ?
[13:17] <robin0800> carrion, yes but now you can use gnome classic or gnome shell
[13:17] <MrChrisDruif> Ow, I forgot to mention: I'm running GNOME Shell
[13:18] <carrion> Thank god
[13:18] <carrion> Unity is like the plague.
[13:20] <arand> Hardly, it's the most uncontagious thing ever ;)
[13:21] <carrion> Hardly ? It's disgusting.
[13:22] <MrChrisDruif> Anyhow, seeing carrion isn't having an issue with pangolin because it isn't running it, could we get back to mine? Pretty please? ^_^
[13:23] <carrion> And what is your problem?
[13:26] <MrChrisDruif> My issue is with LightDM and it's background
[13:26] <MrChrisDruif> I heard that LightDM would use the users background in pangolin
[13:40] <rye> MrChrisDruif, yes, it does that for me, what happens on your machine?
[13:42] <MrChrisDruif> When updating from oneiric...it doesn't
[13:43] <carrion> ubuntu breaking on update ... never.
[13:43] <MrChrisDruif> Yes, it's amazing. I did an upgrade from oneiric...I'm still surprised. But anyhow, it's not changing automatically
[13:44] <MrChrisDruif> carrion; I'm not saying Ubuntu (or any other Linux for that matter) can't break from updating/upgrading. I'm just noticing an anomaly in this upgrade.
[13:45] <carrion> ubuntu usually breaks stuff on update
[13:45] <carrion> it's known for it
[13:45] <MrChrisDruif> <_<"
[13:45] <MrChrisDruif> carrion; nobody is forcing you to use Ubuntu. If you don't like it, then switch to another distribution. No need to moan here
[13:46] <carrion> Then don't reply to me, tard
[13:47] <MrChrisDruif> rye; you got my anomaly?
[13:47] <MrChrisDruif> Or is that expected behaviour with an upgrade?
[13:51] <Tm_T> carrion: please show respect toward other users
[13:51] <carrion> suck my balls
[13:52] <Tm_T> "just no" is "just now"? /:
[13:52] <carrion> lol wat fag
[13:53] <carrion> You suckin dick bro ?
[13:53] <Tm_T> carrion: we have certain rules in our channels, and we expect people to follow them: one is respect
[13:53] <carrion> shut up faggot
[13:53] <jokerdino> please initiate the proceedings.
[13:53] <jokerdino> ah, darn.
[13:53] <Lekensteyn> what a joke.
[13:54] <rye> MrChrisDruif, are you using an encrypted folder?
[13:54] <MrChrisDruif> Nope
[13:54] <MrChrisDruif> No real need for that, as I'm the single user on this machine
[13:55] <MrChrisDruif> And if people really want to hack me, then some encryption won't be much of a challenge anyone (I've got nothing to hide)
[13:55] <MrChrisDruif> But is it expected behaviour when upgrading from oneiric?
[13:55] <rye> MrChrisDruif, and you are using gnome-shell, right? Let me check this
[13:56] <MrChrisDruif> Yes, but using GS instead of Unity should not alter LightDM...right?
[13:57] <qw-Russian> help me please
[13:57] <qw-Russian> i would like install Delphi from my Spark (Linux)
[13:57] <MrChrisDruif> What's the issue qw-Russian ?
[13:58] <rye> MrChrisDruif, flashplayer installation
[13:58] <MrChrisDruif> rye; sorry? Is the flashplayer the issue?
[13:58] <qw-Russian> rye, prikin i am install flash auto
[13:59] <qw-Russian> =)
[13:59] <rye> MrChrisDruif, no, qw-Russian tries to, chatting with him in private
[13:59] <MrChrisDruif> Ah
[14:00] <alkisg> If someone speaks to me in IRC, the pidgin panel icon flashes. But in gnome-shell I don't see it, as the icon is hidden. Any way around that problem?
[14:01] <MrChrisDruif> alkisg; don't you get notify-osd messages in the bottom of the screen?
[14:02] <MrChrisDruif> (an other option would be to install a more proper IRC client like xchat, but that is up to you)
[14:02] <alkisg> MrChrisDruif: if I'm looking at the screen at that time, yes, but if I'm away from my computer for 1 minute, I don't see any notifications (i.e. the flashing icon)
[14:02] <alkisg> I think empathy shows a blue icon instead, but wouldn't that be hidden too?
[14:02] <qw-Russian> were main channel from speak other people from other country
[14:02] <MrChrisDruif> You could move your mouse to the bottom right corner to view any missed messages?
[14:02] <qw-Russian> ?
[14:03] <MrChrisDruif> qw-Russian; your looking for the Russian loco support channel?
[14:03] <qw-Russian> no
[14:03] <qw-Russian> other county
[14:03] <rye> MrChrisDruif, installing gnome shell to see whether background drawing key is the same, lightdm peeks into user settings, so it should be able to
[14:03] <alkisg> MrChrisDruif: that's missing the whole point of the panel icons though, which is to display program status without user action... I could just switch to pidgin instead...
[14:04] <alkisg> (and see the blue color in the tab were someone has talked to me)
[14:06] <alkisg> I guess what I'm asking for, is for a way to move some program icons from down+right to the up+right panel which is always visible
[14:07] <qw-Russian> Were Help me from MS Oficce?
[14:09] <MrChrisDruif> alkisg; maybe #8 is what you are looking for? http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/things-to-do-after-installing-linux.html
[14:11] <alkisg> MrChrisDruif: thanks, that looks like it should fix it for at least pidgin... I don't care much for the other icons, so it should be ok.
[14:11] <MrChrisDruif> Use that ppa at your own risk of course alkisg ^_^
[14:11] <alkisg> Yup thanks again
[14:13] <gnomefreak> what PPA?
[14:13] <qw-Russian> i am install Spark by Linux but i have DB from Access Were me Download and install access from Spark ?
[14:13] <MrChrisDruif> gnomefreak; the one in the link I showed alkisg
[14:14] <gnomefreak> MrChrisDruif: thanks looking now
[14:14] <MrChrisDruif> It *should* be okay as it's the webupd8team ppa gnomefreak
[14:16] <gnomefreak> sojmehting bothers me about that whole article
[14:16] <rye> MrChrisDruif, so, gnome and unity are using the same keys for wallpaper
[14:17] <MrChrisDruif> Alright, that is positive I guess
[14:17] <gnomefreak> the PPA contains the word "gnome3" but keeps mentioning "gnome-shell" gnome-shell is not the same as gnome3
[14:17] <MrChrisDruif> So it is a setting in LightDM that doesn't get properly installed with an upgrade cycle?
[14:19] <rye> MrChrisDruif, could you please try looking into /var/log/lightdm/ logs to see whether there are some errors?
[14:20] <MrChrisDruif> Sure rye
[14:20] <MrChrisDruif> The lightdm.log?
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[14:21] <rye> MrChrisDruif, x-0-greeter.log
[14:23] <MrChrisDruif> rye; shall I pastebin it for you so you can check it? I don't know what to look for
[14:23] <rye> MrChrisDruif, yep, try, i am not an expert though
[14:25] <MrChrisDruif> You should have the link rye
[14:32] <gnomefreak> anyone have an account for marlboro.com. i would love to have someone test it see if it opens but you have to sign in first. the login screen is normal once i log in i get a black screen
[14:32] <gnomefreak> it loads as if it has no content at all. but would love another to test
[14:33] <gnomefreak> brb smoke
[14:38] <qw-Russian> help me
[14:38] <qw-Russian> i am install lazarys from Spark
[14:38] <qw-Russian> but i am not search
[14:38] <valdur55> qw-Russian, join in #ubuntu chat.
[14:39] <valdur55> yoin to
[14:40] <qw-Russian> understand
[14:40] <qw-Russian> search
[14:45] <MrChrisDruif> rye; back
[14:45] <MrChrisDruif> rye; You wanted me to just log out or reboot?
[14:47] <rye> MrChrisDruif, log out only
[14:47] <MrChrisDruif> Alright, then it didn't work
[14:47] <rye> MrChrisDruif, after you change the wallpaper
[14:48] <rye> MrChrisDruif, what is current background gsettings value?
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[18:12] <zzecool> it seems that doing an update leaves you without Compiz cause of missing "libcompizconfig0" not yet updated
[18:12] <zzecool> im using the main archive
[18:12] <zzecool> did anyone else has this problem is any other archive up to date ?
[18:24] <zzecool> Actually it looks like there is an epic upload of packages right now
[18:24] <zzecool> in every update something new pops up
[18:24] <jtaylor> feature freeze on thursday :)
[18:25] <zzecool> i think it is wise to wait , after all it is Debian freeze
[18:25] <zzecool> jtaylor: exactly i just noticed
[18:25] <zzecool> I saw new unity plugin package
[18:26] <zzecool> i hope they didnt remove Dodge on active window on this....
[19:33] <FernandoMiguel> evening
[19:34] <qw-Russian> hello
[19:34] <qw-Russian> help me please people
[19:34] <qw-Russian> i am install Lazarus but that there activation not all functions and possibilities
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[20:13] <trism> qw-Russian: did you install it from the ubuntu software center? try: sudo apt-get install lazarus; you may have only installed lazarus-ide by mistake (the names in software center can be confusing)
[20:14] <qw-Russian> yes install
[20:16] <qw-Russian> okey thank you
[20:17] <qw-Russian> i am going sleeping
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[22:17] <jo-erlend> Interesting. I don't have the software center anymore. Is it just me, or has it gone on vacation or something?
[22:21] <Daekdroom> jo-erlend, it's possible you unknowingly let it be removed by updates that broke dependencies.
[22:21] <Daekdroom> I still have it installed
[22:21] <jo-erlend> quite likely. It's being synced I'm told.
[22:21] <Daekdroom> Check if the software-center and ubuntu-desktop packages are installed
[22:39] <jrgifford> Well, here goes - updating my precise install.