UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /13 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
=== amithkk is now known as nicknametaken
=== nicknametaken is now known as amithkk
=== marnold is now known as Guest47811
[09:43] <\sh> moins
[09:44] <\sh> dear launchpad-devs, I'm trying to setup a daily pkg build recipe for a project. One recipe is working just fine...but the second one not...https://launchpadlibrarian.net/92739547/buildlog.txt.gz and I don't understand why
[10:04] <popey> LP looks a bit ill
[10:04] <popey> http://ubuntuone.com/4aBPgyS3K270YyDdHEoLoL
[10:05] <wgrant> popey: 10:00-10:05 is an outage window.
[10:05] <popey> ah okay ☺
[10:05] <wgrant> We generally go down for 90s somewhere in there once or so a week.
[10:05] <wgrant> For DB updates.
[10:05] <popey> sorry to bother you then ☺
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: czajkowksi | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
=== Guest47811 is now known as marnold
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
[15:36] <Adri2000> to anyone who has extra powers on buildds: I'd appreciate if my opencv sync in ubuntu precise (2.3.1-7) gets built soon (ideally, in the next couple of hours) on armel and powerpc, because I need it to be built everywhere before I can upload a bunch of other packages
[15:37] <Adri2000> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/2.3.1-7/+build/3208579
[15:37] <Adri2000> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/2.3.1-7/+build/3208582
[15:40] <Adri2000> forget about it for armel, it's actually building now - but it'd still be cool for powerpc, as it says "Start in 7 hours" :)
[15:55] * Adri2000 wonders if czajkowski, as help contact, could help me :p
[15:56] <czajkowski> hmm
[15:58] <Adri2000> uh :o the armel build has stopped :|
[15:58] <czajkowski> bigjools: you about?
[15:58] <Adri2000> it's back to needs building status
[16:01] * Adri2000 afk for a moment, on his way back home
[16:01] <czajkowski> Adri2000: if you just keep an eye on in here for a bit and we'll get back to you
[16:07] <micahg> czajkowski: needs a LOSA or a TB member
=== charles_ is now known as charles
[16:07] <micahg> err...s/LOSA/webops/
[16:13] <djfroofy> ohayou everyone.
[16:13] <djfroofy> is it possible to change the email associated with my lp account?
[16:13] <djfroofy> bounced around in settings and couldn't find anything for this.
[16:14] <mgz> you hit the yellow warning symbol next to your current email address
[16:14] <djfroofy> mgz: thanks
[16:14] <mgz> takes you to /~djfroofy/+editemails
[16:15] <djfroofy> awesome! i'm there now. thanks
[16:18] <djfroofy> wow. pretty powerful how you can have multiple email addresses and subscribe to different groups with different addresses. i like.
[16:18] <czajkowski> micahg: thanks
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis
[17:15] <zooko> lifeless, et al.: see this ticket? https://bugs.launchpad.net/pycryptopp/+bug/931542
[17:15] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 931542 in gcc "using the gcc-4.7.0 prerelease as packaged by Fedora Rawhide, there is a segfault in the program that results from compiling sha512-hash.c" [Medium,New]
[17:15] <zooko> It is about a bug that involves at least Fedora, GCC, pycryptopp, and djb's "nacl" crypto library.
[17:15] <zooko> I'd like to link that lp ticket to this redhat bugzilla ticket about Fedora Rawhide: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=790114
[17:15] <ubot5`> bugzilla.redhat.com bug 790114 in gcc "segfault in program that results from compiling sha512-hash.c" [High,New]
[17:15] <zooko> How do I do that?
[17:16] <zooko> I tried adding "this affects project" and searching for Fedora, and I tried adding "this affects distribution" and searching for Fedora, and neither one had a match.
[17:16] <czajkowski> hmm
[17:17] <micahg> also affects distribution should have Fedora and does for me
[17:17] * zooko looks for the third time
[17:18] <zooko> Yup, there it is right in front of my eyes.
[17:18] <zooko> Thanks, micahg.
[17:18] <zooko> Send me a new pair of eyes.
[17:18] <czajkowski> zooko: did you find it
[17:18] <czajkowski> or I can change it here for you to effects Fedora also ?
[17:19] <zooko> I did it, thanks.
[17:26] <czajkowski> ko
[17:27] <czajkowski> ok
[17:37] <lifeless> zooko: also you can usually just comment with the url and it gets picked up when there is an external tracker registered for the url
[17:38] <zooko> lifeless, ah, neat! :-)
[17:42] <Adri2000> czajkowski: I'm back. it says 4 hours before building; any chance something can be done before that?
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
[17:50] <czajkowski> Adri2000: let me ask and see
[17:51] <czajkowski> Adri2000: is there any particular reason why you need it done sooner?
[17:57] <Adri2000> I need it before uploading other packages that should get in before FF. then it's just it'd be better if I could do that tonight, because otherwise I'm not sure of how much free time I'll have for this before Thursday...
[17:57] <Adri2000> not sure if it's a valid reason :)
[17:58] <lifeless> Adri2000: you can just upload the other packages
[17:59] <lifeless> Adri2000: they will go into missing-dep state and wait for this one to build
[17:59] <Adri2000> the other packages don't strictly depend on that version
[18:00] <lifeless> Adri2000: if they won't build correctly without it, that sounds like a dep failure.
[18:00] <Adri2000> they will build correctly, but with an older lib
[18:01] <lifeless> Adri2000: and... if that matters, you have a versioned dependency
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[18:02] <lifeless> Adri2000: (curious) whats the package - can you link to the upload ?
[18:03] <Adri2000> opencv : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/2.3.1-7
[18:05] <Adri2000> tests done there: https://launchpad.net/~adri2000/+archive/opencv2.3-transition/+packages
[18:05] <lifeless> thanks
[18:05] <Adri2000> most of the packages just need a rebuild, so I don't think it'd be a good idea to add the strict dependency change, just for a buildd timing issue
[18:06] <lifeless> gotchya
[18:06] <infinity> Adri2000: PPC build bumped.
[18:07] <infinity> Adri2000: I suspect your bottleneck will be armel anyway, it's not the fastest hardware around.
[18:07] <Adri2000> thanks!
[18:07] <Adri2000> eh, ok :)
[18:12] <zooko> Oh hey that reminds me, I recently got autobuilds working for my pycryptopp project. Very good!
[18:12] <zooko> But now I want ARM builds too. There's no accomodation for this on the lp UI.
[18:12] <zooko> Can you hook me up?
[18:12] <lifeless> ah
[18:13] <infinity> zooko: We don't (currently) allow arm builds for non-trusted (ie: most public) PPAs.
[18:13] <lifeless> so last I heard the ARM builds are not virtualised
[18:13] <infinity> zooko: There's work in progress on a virtualised solution that will allow this.
[18:13] <lifeless> so we can't trust arbitrary builds on them
[18:13] <infinity> And I don't mean "forward-thinking, Q32015" WIP, I mean, it's going to happen "soonish", for some hand-wavy definition of "soon".
[18:14] <lifeless> when davidm gets his black hole generator running ? :)
[18:15] <zooko> Ah.
[18:15] <infinity> lifeless: Heh. This one's all Spads, and I imagine the virtual ARM PPAs will be fuelled by nothing but baldness and sarcasm.
[18:15] <zooko> So you're using the virtualization as a security barrier.
[18:16] <zooko> Although maybe it is more of barrier against people accidentally screwing stuff up for other people.
[18:16] <lifeless> bit from column A, bit from column B
[18:16] * zooko nods
[18:16] <infinity> zooko: Yeah, all the x86 PPAs are in disposable Xen instances. We scrub them clean after every build.
[18:16] <zooko> Okay, thanks!
[18:16] <lifeless> we assume that without resetting to a known-good-state, anything running on bare metal could seed a compromise for the next build
[18:17] <lifeless> while we would, in principle, have a complete audit trail, it seems unwise to take the risk
[18:18] <lifeless> zooko: FWIW, if you need this, our commercial users get put into that trusted bucket
[18:18] <lifeless> zooko: or you can wait a $few months or so while the ARM virtualisation thingy is brought live
[18:19] <zooko> There's no money in this, yet, for me.
[18:20] <zooko> I was just wondering how much you rely on the virtualization to resist subversion.
[18:20] <zooko> My security expert pals tell me that virtualization is widely perceived as being stronger for that purpose than it actually is.
[18:20] <zooko> I.e., the rootkit could perhaps install itself into the host OS even though you ran it in the guest OS.
[18:20] <lifeless> you can certainly examine stuff outside the virtual environment quite reliably
[18:21] <lifeless> writing to it is AFAWK -much- harder
[18:21] * zooko nods
[18:21] <lifeless> chroots are worthless
[18:21] <zooko> That's my intuition too.
[18:21] <zooko> I think it ought to help.
[18:21] <lifeless> we audit builds on separate machines
[18:21] <zooko> But, as far as I know, nobody really claims or supports or backs-up their claim that it will help, other than the Qubes project.
[18:21] <lifeless> the buildds are firewalled from -everything- except the Ubuntu archive (and PPA archives)
[18:21] * zooko nods.
[18:21] <zooko> That ought to help too!
[18:21] <lifeless> including from other buildds
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
[18:22] <lifeless> only the build master can talk to the buildd guest; and a separate system doesn't the wipe-clean process
[18:22] <infinity> zooko: Your security expert pals are probably talking about KVM, FWIW.
[18:23] <infinity> zooko: Not that I want to get into THAT discussion, but I don't know of any current Xen exploits in the wild. (Not that it's not concievably possible)
[18:23] <lifeless> so we know what bits were shipped to the buildd disk, and we keep those bits for a while even if someone clicks 'delete the package' -> so that we can tell what was up
[18:26] <zooko> lifeless: nice! I'm pretty interested in auditing as a complement to prevention.
[18:26] <lifeless> all the code is in (or referenced by - subordinate projects) lp:launchpad, if you're interested
[18:27] <lifeless> well, I say all, the xen scripts aren't, they are an abstraction layer though so not really relevant
[18:27] <zooko> Thanks.
[18:33] <balloons> is this the place to ask questions about using the launchpad api? I'm trying to use the python bindings..
[18:36] <lifeless> yes
[18:41] <zooko> Phewf.
[18:42] <zooko> Do I get a prize for opening six issue tickets against launchpad itself this morning?
[18:42] <zooko> https://bugs.launchpad.net/~zooko/+reportedbugs?orderby=-id&start=0
[18:42] <zooko> I know, I know.
[18:42] <zooko> You're going to say I get the prize if I attach a patch to each one that fixes it.
[18:46] <lifeless> zooko: bingo!
[18:46] <zooko> Heh heh heh.
[18:52] <balloons> ok, I'm looking at the launchpadlib docs, and I can't figure out how to get grab all the bugs for a specific project or package
[18:53] <balloons> what I want to do is grab all of the bugs with a specific tag on them, and the do some data gathering on them.. But I want to limit the bugs I'm looking at to specific package(s)
=== SamB_ is now known as SamB
[19:15] <Ampelbein> balloons: You mean like lp.distributions["ubuntu"].getSourcePackage(name="seahorse").searchTasks(tags="apport-bug")
[19:15] <Ampelbein> ?
[19:15] <balloons> Ampelbein, that reads like what I am attempting to do yes
[19:15] <balloons> I'll try it, thank you
[19:17] <balloons> hmm AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'searchTasks'
[19:17] <Ampelbein> balloons: The sourcepackage name you are using is wrong.
[19:18] <balloons> :-) that did the trick
[19:18] <balloons> saw the typo
[19:18] <balloons> thanks
[20:03] <MTecknology> is it possible to 'undelete' a ppa?
[20:03] <EvilResistance> MTecknology, what did you do now :P
[20:04] <MTecknology> I found out that one that I thought had nobody using it apparently had a whole lot of people using it.
[20:04] <EvilResistance> >.>
[20:04] <MTecknology> EvilResistance: the ppa:nginx/php5 one
[20:05] <EvilResistance> ohhhhhhh
[20:05] <EvilResistance> THAT one
[20:05] <EvilResistance> you realize i was also using that?
[20:05] <MTecknology> ya... a lot of people apparently were
[20:05] <EvilResistance> i just havent booted into ubuntu lately xD
[20:06] <EvilResistance> MTecknology, i'm not sure it can be "undeleted" but i'll let an admin of LP answer that
[20:07] <MTecknology> You know it also had a version of php that had a security vulnerablity in it? I never bothered to update since it's been turning into a pain and someone else was going to take it
[20:07] <EvilResistance> heh
[20:07] <MTecknology> turns out the person that took it was going after getting money by having people donate to him for his ppa and it doesn't work for lucid
[20:08] <MTecknology> wgrant: you happen to be awake?
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
[20:09] <EvilResistance> heh
[20:10] <MTecknology> ah... i guess the code makes it possible, but they've decided not to let it happen
[20:10] <MTecknology> I'll just have to make a php5.3 instead of php5
[20:26] <lamalex> can i make an launchpadlib object out of a link returned from the api easily?
[20:30] <Ampelbein> lamalex: lp.load()?
[20:31] <lamalex> nice. thanks Ampelbein
=== till__ is now known as till_
[20:40] <cody-somerville> If you're subscribed to a vcs import, will you get e-mails on new commits if you configure the subscription as such?
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[22:13] <andi3_> hi
[22:14] <andi3_> i'm looking for help with packaging cmake application
[22:15] <andi3_> not really launchpad topic, but not sure where to go...
[23:55] <abentley> sinzui: I think there are probably some branches on Launchpad that contain user data such as passwords.
[23:55] <sinzui> fab