UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /10 /#ubuntu-design.txt
Initial commit
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== pocopina_ is now known as pocopina
[08:08] <dholbach> good morning
=== gord_ is now known as gord
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
[13:55] <etneg_> hey kenvandine
[13:55] <etneg_> morning
[13:55] <etneg_> wow lot of feedback
[13:56] <MrChrisDruif> On what etneg_ ?
[13:56] <etneg_> oh gwibber logo
[13:56] <MrChrisDruif> Ah, that ^_^
[13:58] <kenvandine> etneg_, oh... i just noticed OMG picked it up :)
[13:58] <etneg_> kenvandine: ye
[13:58] <etneg_> lot oftrolling going on there
[13:59] <etneg_> kenvandine: people are beginning to think the "logo" is the icon
[13:59] <etneg_> i didnt do a version for the logo
[13:59] <etneg_> heh
[13:59] <etneg_> oops correction
[13:59] <kenvandine> :)
[13:59] <etneg_> i didnt do a version for the icon
[14:00] <etneg_> as an icon the logo would have to be brought down a bit,some elements removed
[14:02] <etneg_> but thats pretty sweet, lot of feedback
[14:03] <etneg_> kenvandine: based on what's going on now, do you want revisions or new concepts?
[14:05] <kenvandine> etneg_, it would be nice to also include icon versions based on the logo
[14:05] <etneg_> yeh i'll do that now
[14:06] <kenvandine> as for revisions, if you want to update the existing concepts lets make them like 1.1 , 1.2, etc
[14:06] <kenvandine> so they can gather feedback separately from the original
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[14:07] <etneg_> i didnt get you, sorry
[14:07] <etneg_> i label it 1.1 and 1.2 and so on ?
[14:09] <kenvandine> yes
[14:09] <kenvandine> with separate space for feedback
[14:10] <kenvandine> etneg_, you can just post them right on the wiki page
[14:10] <etneg_> ok
[14:10] <kenvandine> so put concept 1.1 under the feedback section of concept 1 and add a heading and empty bullet line for feedback
[14:12] <etneg_> ok
[14:13] <MrChrisDruif> What are the differences between the logo and the icon? =/
[14:15] <etneg_> well sometimes if the logo is "busy" you tone it down for the icon
[14:15] <etneg_> icons are kept simpler
[14:15] <etneg_> you just pull out the key elements that make up the logo for the icon and you're done
[14:15] <etneg_> atleast that's what i usually do
[14:16] <MrChrisDruif> True
[14:17] <MrChrisDruif> But busy logo are wrong in the first place ;-)
[14:18] <MrChrisDruif> However, sometimes/most of the time "logo's" include the name in a certain font
[14:20] <etneg_> wordmark?
[14:20] <etneg_> some use wordmarks and some dont
[14:21] <etneg_> depends on the client's taste really
[14:23] <MrChrisDruif> Wordmarks?
[14:24] <kenvandine> i really prefer not having the name in the logo
[14:24] <MrChrisDruif> I've heard once that the Dutch were experts in the use of fonts etc back in the 1900's
[14:24] <etneg_> kenvandine: really?
[14:24] <kenvandine> personally, i prefer logos that are recognizable without that
[14:24] <MrChrisDruif> Indeed
[14:24] <kenvandine> etneg_, like on the website we would have the name in the header next to or below the logo
[14:25] <etneg_> right
[14:25] <kenvandine> but the logo should represent the spirit of the app, not the name of the app
[14:25] <MrChrisDruif> kenvandine; I agree
[14:25] <etneg_> did you mean no text in the icon ?
[14:25] <MrChrisDruif> Or company!
[14:25] <kenvandine> etneg_, yeah... no text in the icon for sure
[14:25] <kenvandine> but even for the logo
[14:25] <etneg_> oh ok
[14:25] <kenvandine> don't make the name part of the logo
[14:25] <etneg_> for the icon i just toned it up a bit
[14:26] <kenvandine> cool
[14:26] <MrChrisDruif> kenvandine; depends on the situation I'd say
[14:26] <etneg_> no text and the smiley glass faces are not visible there
[14:26] <MrChrisDruif> I should reinstall this PC...or remove all the cruft from things I don't use
[14:26] <kenvandine> etneg_, personally i really love concept 1
[14:26] <MrChrisDruif> It's a bit slow
[14:27] <etneg_> kenvandine: if you want to keep the logo without text, no issues there but just seeing a logo without a name on it is almostlike faceless
[14:27] <etneg_> you know what i mean
[14:27] <etneg_> if im someone who doesnt know nothing about gwibber, and im looking at a gwibber logo on some ref page along with twitter and the rest, it doesnt tell you
[14:27] <kenvandine> that is why in places like the header of a website you would put the name near it, for identity purposes
[14:27] <etneg_> what if someone used the gwibber logo on their page?
[14:28] <etneg_> without a name you cant tell
[14:28] <etneg_> you're talking about using it on the gwibber.com page which is fine
[14:28] <kenvandine> in that case we should probably have a horizontal version with the name next to it
[14:28] <kenvandine> and some branding guidelines
[14:28] <kenvandine> for use
[14:28] <etneg_> oh ye
[14:29] <etneg_> i could remove the text and for those wanting to use it on their page or something, we could have one with the name on it i suppose?
[14:30] <etneg_> have you seen the (RED) logo concepts?if you got the time, take a look at it
[14:30] <etneg_> it's an interesting way to have people use your logo and incorporate their product logo into it wthout killing the aesthetics of the key product logo
[14:32] <MrChrisDruif> etneg_; I'm not catching your drift?
[14:33] <etneg_> http://www.joinred.com/red/#shopred
[14:33] <etneg_> ^^
[14:33] <etneg_> key product logo (RED)
[14:33] <etneg_> on that page other products trying to collaborate with it
[14:34] <etneg_> (CocaCola)^red. Cocacola has kept their logo there and supports red but they key element there is still the red logo because of the curved brackets
[14:35] <etneg_> so if i took " MrChrisDruif " and put it in a red bracket as ( MrChrisDruif )^red, it'll instantly hit me that you're part of the red foundation
[14:36] <MrChrisDruif> Ghehe ^_^
[14:36] <etneg_> nice concept eh?
[14:36] <etneg_> heh
[14:37] <MrChrisDruif> Ah, and IT is for/against AIDS
[14:37] <etneg_> ye
[14:38] <MrChrisDruif> Awesome
[14:39] <etneg_> the logo belongs to U2
[14:40] <etneg_> it's unlikely one of us could get away with that bracket + RED as a logo without someone suing our ass for some sort of trademark infringement
[14:40] <etneg_> i bet he must have paid quite a sum to get by that, just my 2 cents assumption
[14:44] <MrChrisDruif> etneg_; /s/red/blue ;-)
[14:45] <etneg_> heh gl
[14:45] <MrChrisDruif> jk
[14:51] <etneg_> ok just uploaded 1.1 icon version
[15:05] <etneg_> kenvandine: if you have another concept in mind i could do one now
[15:05] <etneg_> something different to concept 1 or 2
[15:07] <kenvandine> etneg_, nothing now... but if you have ideas :)
[15:07] <etneg_> i do, but if you have one, i could work on that first
[15:07] <etneg_> :D
[15:07] <etneg_> but ok
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== s9iper1_ is now known as s9iper1
[21:00] <etneg_> kenvandine: ping
[21:01] <SirLinux`> Hello
[21:02] <kenvandine> etneg_, pong
[21:02] <etneg_> kenvandine: http://i41.tinypic.com/t0rhio.png
[21:02] <etneg_> didnt put it on the wiki yet, but your thoughts
[21:03] <kenvandine> etneg_, sorry, i don't get the concept. a book with a page turned?
[21:04] <etneg_> ye
[21:04] <kenvandine> it's nice looking, but i don't see it as being "social"
[21:04] <etneg_> blogging as in writing down in a diary
[21:05] <etneg_> oh the social part i didnt convey in this
[21:05] <kenvandine> etneg_, sorry... yeah concept is a bit of imho
[21:06] <SirLinux`> what image size we should use for the wallpapers ?
[21:07] <etneg_> kenvandine: ok
[21:07] <SirLinux`> for the Precise Pangolin wallpaper submissions
[21:07] <etneg_> do you want me to modify it to add social element
[21:07] <etneg_> ?
[21:08] <etneg_> or i could work on another concept
[21:08] <kenvandine> etneg_, something else
[21:08] <kenvandine> thx though
[21:08] <etneg_> ok np
[21:08] <kenvandine> etneg_, i still love concept 1 :)
[21:08] <etneg_> okLD
[21:08] <etneg_> do you want to modify concept 1 ?
[21:09] <kenvandine> etneg_, it is up to you, if you want to take some of the feedback and make some revisions
[21:09] <kenvandine> that would be cool
[21:09] <etneg_> well i did a revision for the icon part
[21:09] <etneg_> removed the faces for the icon
[21:09] <etneg_> i'll see what i can come up with
[21:11] <kenvandine> etneg_, thx
[21:12] <etneg_> np
[21:28] <thorwil> SirLinux`: aiming at 2650 x 1600 allows use on any common monitor
[21:30] <thorwil> SirLinux`: you might want to take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Backgrounds#Templates
[21:37] <etneg_> kenvandine: http://i43.tinypic.com/mald1w.png
[21:37] <etneg_> i havent colored it or prettified it, the concept ok?
[22:35] <etneg_> kenvandine: ping
[22:58] <SirLinux`> made it 1920x1080
[22:58] <SirLinux`> http://www.flickr.com/photos/33589237@N00/6853434887/in/pool-1860176@N24/lightbox/
[22:58] <etneg_> what is that?
[22:58] <etneg_> using blender?
[22:59] <SirLinux`> excuse me ?
[23:00] <MrChrisDruif> What did you use to create that SirLinux` is what etneg_ meant
[23:00] <SirLinux`> oh .. i used cinema 4d.
[23:00] <MrChrisDruif> So a reference to the old colouring scheme?
[23:01] <SirLinux`> yeah and a 3d logo :)
[23:02] <MrChrisDruif> Ghehe
[23:03] <etneg_> ah cinema 4d
[23:04] <etneg_> like what 20 mins work i bet
[23:04] <etneg_> if i had to vectorise that sucker, well atleast an hr
[23:06] <MrChrisDruif> etneg_; "sucker" might not be a very friendly word for it, maybe you could try "piece of work" next time? ^_^ Just sayin' ^_^
[23:07] <etneg_> oh right ok
[23:07] <etneg_> :D
[23:07] <MrChrisDruif> ^_^
[23:07] <etneg_> just saying, vectorising that would be so time consuming
[23:07] <SirLinux`> etneg_ well , kinda
[23:07] <etneg_> ive been meaning to go into 3d as well
[23:07] <SirLinux`> 20 - 30 minutes
[23:07] <etneg_> atleast for some tasks
[23:08] <etneg_> havent gotten my new machine yet, once it's here, either cinema4d or blender and the awesome zbrush = total awesomeness
[23:13] <etneg_> ive heard some good stuff aboout cinema4d
[23:14] <SirLinux`> yeah but you need good pc
[23:14] <SirLinux`> this notebook i use for such works, is a i7 cpu with 4 gb ram ( sony vaio ) and is kinda slow while rendering
[23:15] <etneg_> well the machine im building and i just orderered for the parts
[23:16] <etneg_> is an i7 2600k, sli 580s with 3gb, and a nice cooling system, 16gb ram 1800, etc
[23:16] <etneg_> i'll oc that and i should do fine
[23:16] <etneg_> even if i didnt oc it, it'll do fine
[23:17] <etneg_> rendering is tricky
[23:17] <etneg_> gpu or cpu?
[23:17] <etneg_> varries with each
[23:17] <etneg_> i mean solidworks + GTX = poor performances
[23:18] <etneg_> solidworks + quadro = major performance because of the drivers that are customised for solidworks
[23:18] <etneg_> blender and a quadro? forget it, might as well stick with teh GTX
[23:19] <etneg_> you have to understand, 5 yrs ago people did some awesome work in 3d without all this hardware, think about it...
[23:20] <etneg_> so i wouldnt exactly count on a rock solid machine to produce quality work, might need some talent too:P
[23:21] <SirLinux`> hmm
[23:21] <SirLinux`> nice specs there
[23:21] <SirLinux`> rendering : cpu
[23:21] <etneg_> ah k
[23:22] <etneg_> oh a laptop?
[23:22] <etneg_> hehe
[23:22] <etneg_> seriously get a workstation, it'll be less painful
[23:22] <etneg_> or just a desktop
[23:23] <etneg_> i have the new xps but you dont wanna heat those guys up, they'll cry for miles
[23:23] <SirLinux`> i was thinkin to get a imac full speks
[23:23] <SirLinux`> specs *
[23:23] <etneg_> for that price?
[23:23] <etneg_> why bother
[23:24] <etneg_> build it dude
[23:25] <etneg_> alrihg togtta jetfor a bit