UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /10 /#bzr.txt
Initial commit
[00:34] <bdmurray> I've noticed the update-manager branch for lucid-updates is out of date. Is there anything that can be done?
[00:42] <spiv> bdmurray: possibly; at a glance it appears someone may be able to run the missing-chk repair script on that import to get it going again
[00:43] <bdmurray> spiv: someone being?
[00:43] <spiv> Someone with admin access to the package-import.ubuntu.com system; poolie in this timezone, if he's around.
[00:44] <spiv> In general anyone on the ~canonical-bazaar team
[00:45] <spiv> And maybe one or two other folks.
[00:48] <bdmurray> spiv: okay, thanks
[01:00] <lifeless> a good thing to do is to file a bug on udd
[01:12] <poolie> hi spiv
[01:13] <poolie> hi bdmurray, i'll have a look in a bit
[01:13] <bdmurray> poolie: thanks
[04:35] <Jesdisciple> LarstiQ, yeah I finally figured it out... QtCreator is my default editor for bzr, and I was saving and closing the document but not closing the QtCreator window. So that process was blocking the progress of the commit, then I hit Ctrl+C to try again
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[06:55] <poolie> k night all
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[07:30] <LarstiQ> Jesdisciple: aha! Wonder if there is a way to signal QtCreator is done with the document without quiting
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[07:50] <vila> hi all !
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[07:56] <fullermd> ETOOCHEERFUL
[07:57] <AuroraBorealis_> apparently freenode is getting ddosed
[07:57] <vila> fullermd: that's to exorcise my upgrade troubles
[07:58] <fullermd> Oh, did mgz infect you?
[07:59] <vila> hehe, not even ;)
[08:01] <fullermd> Y'know, you wouldn't have these sort of problems if you used a real OS ;p
[08:01] <fullermd> Instead, you'd have totally different problems. But they'd be problems I could solve with a wave of my hand and a condescending half-smile. Which is kinda fun.
[08:01] <vila> hehe, yeah, I appreciate that when I use those kind of OS ;)
[09:35] <kgoetz> hi all. can i bzr add with excludes? 'bzr help add' doesn't mention it, but i thought i'd ask anyhow
[09:38] <kgoetz> just tried, didn't work. ah well
[09:41] <mgz> kgoetz: you mean, more than just `bzr ignore` on files you don't want versioned?
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[09:42] <mgz> you want to only prevent a subset being added, and only right then?
[09:42] <kgoetz> yeah. want to ignore half a dozen files and add 'other'
[09:42] <kgoetz> ignore hten add instead of add then ignore could be a winner, thanks
[11:26] <jml> how can I set submit-branch to local trunk for all branches in my colo?
[11:27] <mgz> how do you do it when not using colo?
[11:33] <mgz> jml: I guess that's a zen way of saying I'm not aware of any way of automatically setting the submit branch across multiple branches, so file a bug.
[11:37] <jml> mgz: I think I can do it by editing my locations.conf
[11:37] <jml> mgz: which is a bit yuck.
[11:41] <mgz> yeah, that would work provided you don't move the repo
[11:43] <jml> it would be nice if there were a single character shortcut for 'file:,branch='
[11:44] <jelmer> jml: there's an open bug about that
[11:44] <jml> I guess it would be better still if it could just be inferred
[11:44] <jelmer> jml: ideally most commands will just take a branch name without anything special (like switch)
[11:44] <jml> jelmer: what does 'file:' mean anyway? cwd? path to the repo?
[11:46] <mgz> it's a relative path
[11:46] <jml> yeah, but relative to what
[11:47] <mgz> ah, er, there was some question about what exactly locations.conf should be doing there
[11:47] <mgz> and I can't remember which is currently the truth :)
[11:48] <jml> oh well, at least my ignorance is in good company :)
[11:49] <jelmer> jml: It's a shorthand for "file://`pwd`/" basically
[11:49] <jml> jelmer: thanks.
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[12:35] <AI-team> [13:26] <AI-team> @anyone how is familiar with bzr on windows[13:26] <AI-team> "Doing on-the-fly conversion from RepositoryFormatKnitPack4() to RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n'). This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for better performance. bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving '<unknown>', '4612@7d95bf1e-0414-0410-9756-b784
[12:35] <AI-team> woops
[12:35] <AI-team> <.<
[12:36] <AI-team> ok so again, is there anyone that is familiar with bzr on windows?
[12:37] <mgz> file a bug and attach the part of .bzr.log (running `bzr version` will tell you where that is) that ends in that error
[12:38] <mgz> after that, what you probably want is to upgrade the source repository to 2a
[12:39] <AI-team> it's not my repository it's just a branch
[12:39] <AI-team> but I will attack the bzr.log
[12:51] <AI-team> voila
[12:51] <AI-team> http://pastebin.com/AqmriiSN
[12:51] <AI-team> you can skip the first part, it's just the lock breacking
[12:54] <mgz> AI-team: run `bzr upgrade C:/Users/Nik/Desktop/tron/0.4` from cmd
[12:54] <mgz> then try `bzr push lp:~ai.tron/armagetronad/0.4-chat_layere` again from cmd as well
[12:56] <AI-team> kk
[13:00] <AI-team> I'm getting exactly the same error again
[13:03] <AI-team> just tried upgrading again and now it worked o.o
[13:09] <AI-team> mgz: alright a different error is appearing now
[13:09] <AI-team> http://pastebin.com/8f83A54v
[13:10] <AI-team> how come it says "~ai.tron/armagetronad/0.4-chat_layere" with an "e" at the end?
[13:21] <wgz> is that not what it should be?
[13:22] <AI-team> no
[13:22] <wgz> did seem a bit odd
[13:22] <AI-team> and it only says "layere" at the end of the file
[13:22] <AI-team> however in the beginning it's without the additional e
[13:23] <AI-team> hmm according to the arguments I said layere
[13:23] <AI-team> which I did not do as you can see at the first line
[13:24] <wgz> if you run `bzr info` in your local branch what does it say?
[13:24] <wgz> you might just want to correct the parent_branch config setting
[13:25] <AI-team> Standalone tree (format: 2a) Location: branch root: . Related branches: push branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ai.tron/armagetronad/0.4-chat_layer/ parent branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/armagetronad/0.4/
[13:26] <wgz> odd, probably just a display bug then.
[13:26] <AI-team> I hope so
[13:26] <AI-team> ok so back to the actual error
[13:26] <AI-team> "has no revision"
[13:26] <wgz> okay, so the current issue is:
[13:26] <wgz> File "bzrlib\vf_repository.pyo", line 2547, in _walk_to_common_revisions
[13:26] <wgz> NoSuchRevision: CHKInventoryRepository('file:///C:/Users/Nik/Desktop/tron/0.4/.bzr/repository/') has no revision picnik2@online.de-20120209231332-zv4rslfrlsel5bmt
[13:27] <AI-team> ofc it has to revision yet
[13:27] <AI-team> as I can't even push to it
[13:28] <wgz> this is basically a sign of your local repo missing some revision your locale branch thinks it has
[13:28] <wgz> as in bug 903906
[13:28] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 903906 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with NoSuchRevision in _walk_to_common_revisions(): CHKInventoryRepository('file:///home/username/code/unity/.bzr/repository/') has no revision <email address hidden>" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/903906
[13:29] <wgz> it's generally related to moving a branch with a stacked or shared repo
[13:30] <AI-team> so I just fetch the files again?
[13:30] <AI-team> (and delete the old ones)
[13:30] <wgz> the easiest way to fix is probably to convert your local branch to use a shared repo
[13:30] <wgz> then branch upstream into that same shared repo
[13:31] <wgz> so, `bzr init-repo C:/Users/Nik/Desktop/tron/`
[13:32] <wgz> `bzr branch lp:<whatever_upstream_is> C:/Users/Nik/Desktop/tron/trunk`
[13:33] <wgz> `bzr reconfigure --use-shared C:/Users/Nik/Desktop/tron/0.4/`
[13:33] <wgz> you follow me?
[13:33] <AI-team> yes
[13:33] <wgz> then your upstream copy and local branch with changes use the same repo, which should contain all the revisions needed after the change
[13:38] <AI-team> ok
[13:38] <AI-team> kk I folled all the steps
[13:38] <AI-team> will try to push it again
[13:39] <wgz> *hope*
[13:45] <AI-team> umm
[13:45] <AI-team> my upstream copy is empty yet, so it even make sense to branch it?
[13:48] <wgz> you want the actual upstream, or the 0.4 series to be specific
[13:49] <wgz> it appears to be lp:armagetronad/0.4 - you want to branch that into your shared repo
[13:50] <AI-team> oh
[13:50] <AI-team> I'm an idiot
[13:50] <AI-team> I branched my empty one
[13:50] <wgz> well, no harm, delete that dir and branch the right one instead
[13:57] <AI-team> bazaar hates me
[13:57] <AI-team> "RemoteRepositoryFormat(_network_name='Bazaar pack repository format 1 with rich root (needs bzr 1.0)\n') to RepositoryFormat2a(). This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for better performance. bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', 'InconsistentDelta', "An inconsistent delta was supplied involving '<unknown>', '4612@7d95bf1e-0414-0410-9756-b78462a59f44
[13:57] <AI-team> I guess upgrade would do the job?
[13:58] <jelmer> AI-team: hmm, that almost looks like there's something problematic in your original branch
[13:58] <jelmer> AI-team: is this an import from svn?
[13:59] <AI-team> not sure
[13:59] <AI-team> might be
[14:01] <wgz> AI-team: it's possible the upstream branch is what really needs fixing
[14:02] <AI-team> is there a way to make sure it's the upstream branch that's causing the error?
[14:05] <wgz> jelmer may have some more ideas
[14:06] <AI-team> ok
[14:06] <AI-team> ):
[14:07] <jelmer> I don't really have any other ideas, other than that the original branch might be broken in some way
[14:07] <jelmer> what's the original branch, perhaps one of us could verify that?
[14:07] <AI-team> https://code.launchpad.net/~armagetronad-dev/armagetronad/0.4-armagetronad-work
[14:26] <AI-team> jelmer so?
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[14:50] <mgz> AI-team: two things you can usefully do
[14:51] <AI-team> yes?
[14:51] <mgz> 1) tell one or both of the project maintainers and launchpad that you can't branch the project
[14:51] <AI-team> yeah that's what I was gonna do asap
[14:52] <mgz> 2) file a bug against bzr with the log extract from the simplest way you can get the error
[14:52] <AI-team> kk
[14:53] <mgz> the ~launchpad-users team mailing list is a reasonable place to start
[14:54] <mgz> if you can do a fresh branch, to a new location, of the upstream 0.4, then upgrade that local copy, then try and branch that into the shared repo,
[14:55] <mgz> that may either work or fail with a more useful error than the ErrorFromSmartServer you got last
[14:55] <AI-team> that's what I'm trying right now
[14:56] <mgz> ace.
[14:57] <mgz> thanks for persisting.
[14:58] <AI-team> ;)
[15:11] <AI-team> mgz I created a new branch on the launchpad website and now it's working o.o
[15:11] <mgz> well, that's fine too
[15:11] <AI-team> thanks for all your help :)
[15:33] <mneptok> /m cr3 meep
[15:33] <mneptok> gah
[15:41] <vindolin> hello, how do I view a file from a specific revision without checking it out first?
[15:45] <vila> vindolin: bzr cat -r<specific revision> file
[15:45] <vindolin> oh.. cat.. thanks :)
[15:47] <djfroofy> so ... i think the git concept of "cherry-pick" is not exactly anolgous to "bzr merge -r <revno> some-other-branch" so far as a i can tell
[15:48] <jelmer> djfroofy: no, that's not a cherrypick - that's merging the changes up to <revno>
[15:48] <jelmer> djfroofy: a cherrypick merge would be 'bzr merge -cX'
[15:48] <djfroofy> jelmer: right, that's what i was noticing
[15:49] <djfroofy> what is X? the rev no?
[15:49] <jelmer> djfroofy: yep
[15:49] <djfroofy> and is there an additional arg after that for the branch?
[15:49] <jelmer> djfroofy: yes
[15:49] <djfroofy> jelmer: awesome. thank you.
[16:20] <crisb> is there any way to get the value passed to --fixes in the pre commit hook?
[16:21] <jelmer> crisb: I think it might be in the commit object, in the revision properties
[16:22] <crisb> thanks jelmer
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[17:00] <djfroofy> back to my cherry-pick question ... what's the correct way to cherry-pick from someone's branch and note the real author's name? (give credit where credit's due etc)
[17:01] <djfroofy> something like [a=whoever] in the commit message?
[17:06] <mgz> --author
[17:07] <djfroofy> mgz: so bzr commimt --author lpusername ...?
[17:07] <djfroofy> s/commimt/commit/
[17:07] <mgz> see `bzr help commit`, format is Real Name <email@example.com>
[17:08] <mgz> same as for `bzr whoami` / committers
[17:08] <djfroofy> ok
[17:08] <djfroofy> no bzr whoarethey?
[17:08] <djfroofy> hehe
[17:08] <mgz> generally if you know the lp username that page will give you the info you need
[17:08] <mgz> and can get that via the lp api
[17:08] <mgz> a whoarethey would be nice though :)
[17:08] <djfroofy> how so?
[17:09] <djfroofy> yeah, like bzr whoarethey djfroofy mgz ...
[17:09] <mgz> what's your lp nick?
[17:09] <djfroofy> mgz: djfroofy
[17:13] <mgz> bah, slowed down by the auth mess
[17:16] <mgz> and sso is borked since last I did this... so much for demonstrating how easy it is
[17:21] <mgz> okay, hoops jumped
[17:21] <djfroofy> hehe no
[17:21] <djfroofy> s/no/np/
[17:23] <mgz> and... a UnicodeDecodeError on the new password handling
[17:24] <mgz> I think I should have just downgraded launchpadlib instead
[17:24] <mgz> I'll try upgrading first in vain hope
[17:27] <djfroofy> so i'm finiding bzr's merging less smooth than git's. or at least i'm having way more merge conflicts that are messy and hard to resolve. placebo effect?
[17:27] <djfroofy> i wish that's something i could help with. good merge algos are above my head.
[17:27] <mgz> it's possibly workflow related?
[17:28] <mgz> if you're used to just copying files around or creating them in multiple branches,
[17:28] <djfroofy> well, i'm trying to cherry-pick certain revisions from old branch (started in 2009), so possibly
[17:28] <mgz> then tracking fileids hurts rather than helps
[17:28] <djfroofy> i should probably take that branch and try to merge trunk into it first or sth
[17:29] <djfroofy> i'm used to git, not copying files around
[17:29] <mgz> okay, I forgot what a massive pain launchpadlib is to do anything with
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[18:03] <mgz> djfroofy: sooo... about how easy that was
[18:03] <mgz> >>> from launchpadlib.uris import LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT
[18:03] <mgz> >>> from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
[18:03] <mgz> >>> #lp = Launchpad.login_with("gz throwaway script", service_root=LPNET_SERVICE_ROOT)
[18:03] <mgz> ...
[18:03] <mgz> >>> djfroofy = lp.people['djfroofy']
[18:04] <mgz> >>> "%s <%s>" % (djfroofy.name, djfroofy.preferred_email_address.email)
[18:04] <mgz> the only fun part is the dance needed for login
[18:20] <djfroofy> mgz: thanks. i think we should expose this as a command to bzr. i'll note this and see if i have time to contribute such a thing: whoarethey or whatever
[18:20] <djfroofy> or i'll just open a ticket noting this
[18:21] <mgz> yeah, file a bug, it's the kind of thing bzr's launchpad plugin could supply a command for, and would be a good thing to try writing if you're interested
[18:21] <djfroofy> mgz: under bzr project?
[18:24] <mgz> yeah
[18:24] <djfroofy> cool: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/930319
[18:24] <ubot5`> Launchpad bug 930319 in Bazaar "Add a "whoarethey" option for lp plugin" [Undecided,New]
[18:25] <djfroofy> ugh .. add a "command" not "option"
[18:26] <mgz> you can edit :)
[18:27] <djfroofy> righto ... did that. thanks :)
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[22:36] <djfroofy> are there ways to link current branch to tickets with the bzr command line or does this need to be done on lp?
[22:39] <jelmer> djfroofy: you can link particular commits to bugs by using "bzr commit --fixes"
[22:40] <jelmer> djfroofy: launchpad will recognize that and create links in the web UI
[23:07] <djfroofy> jelmer: thanks
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