UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /09 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
[02:14] <kc4zvw> Not ever receiving e-mail to validate Openpgp key
[04:02] <wedtm> How would I got about adding this repo to my 10.04 system?
[04:02] <wedtm> https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable/+packages
[04:09] <EvilResistance> wedtm, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable
[04:09] <wedtm> Oh man, that's what I was missing.
[04:09] <wedtm> Okay, thanks!
[04:09] <EvilResistance> yep
[04:09] <EvilResistance> wedtm, also, #nginx :P
[04:10] <wedtm> I know nginx fairly well, I just wanted to use a ppa in one of my scripts.
[04:10] <wedtm> Is there a prefered PHP one?
[04:23] <EvilResistance> the version of PHP in the repositories should be sufficient, i can try and see if there's a backport anywhere though
[04:25] <wedtm> Oh, I'm looking for one that's at least 5.3.3
[04:25] <wedtm> one that has PHP-FPM built in.
[04:41] <EvilResistance> wedtm, what version of php is installed on your system?
[04:41] <EvilResistance> or available i should say
[04:42] * EvilResistance isnt using lucid anymore
[04:42] <wedtm> EvilResistance: I was mistaken, I'm on 11.10 now, and the version in aptitude is just fine :)
[04:42] <wedtm> I appreciate your help greatly though!
[04:42] <EvilResistance> yeah thats what i thought, 10.04 is pretty old :P
[04:42] <EvilResistance> yeah 11.10 has a more recent php :P
[04:43] <wedtm> Yeah, I like to stick with LTS's though.
[04:46] <EvilResistance> meh, for my servers i agree. for my other systems...
[04:46] <EvilResistance> m:P
[04:46] <EvilResistance> :P *
[09:40] <mpt> Ohhh, nice
[09:40] <mpt> Clicking "Next" at the bottom of a bug listing scrolls you back up exactly to the top of the next batch
[09:40] <mpt> Well done to whoever implemented that :-)
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[10:11] <tsdgeos> hi there
[10:11] <tsdgeos> since this morning i'm experiencing and issue with launchpad
[10:12] <tsdgeos> that when doing a Merge Request
[10:12] <tsdgeos> it actually does not redirect me to the URL of the new Merge Request
[10:13] <tsdgeos> and stays at something like a request-merge or something
[10:13] <tsdgeos> don't have the exact url at hand now
[10:13] <tsdgeos> did you guys update the launchpad version today?
[10:13] <wgrant> tsdgeos: Can you file a bug at https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug, with your browser version?
[10:13] <tsdgeos> sure
[10:13] <wgrant> We release a new Launchpad version about once a day :)
[10:14] <tsdgeos> nice
[10:17] <tsdgeos> wgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/929422
[10:17] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 929422 in Launchpad itself "Fails to refresh the URL when making a merge request" [Undecided,New]
[10:19] <wgrant> tsdgeos: Thanks.
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== epsy is now known as \u03b5
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
[13:12] <kai> hi folks
[13:12] <kai> I'm trying to copy packages from natty to oneric for a ppa, but launchpad keeps running into timeouts. is this a known issue?
[13:13] <rick_h> kai: you shold get an oops link, can you post it please I can take a peek
=== rick_h changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: rick_h | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[13:14] <kai> OOPS-3e494204aa925c4a5b346226b81f77ea is the latest
[13:14] <ubot5> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=3e494204aa925c4a5b346226b81f77ea
[13:14] <bigjools> kai: copy fewer at once, it's a known issue
[13:14] <rick_h> thanks bigjools
[13:14] <kai> bigjools: ok, fair enough :)
[13:14] <bigjools> we're replacing the synchronous copying with an async backend at some point
[13:18] <kai> if I had more time to purse this, I'd do nicer packages that had a chance of getting into debian, but getting packages into debian is a bit more time-intensive than I can afford
[13:23] <kai> bigjools, rick_h: thanks a lot for the quick help :)
[13:23] <bigjools> kai: my pleasure
[13:37] <edakiri> Does someone have NoScript XSS settings for LaunchPad handy and wish to share?
[15:29] <zooko> Folks: I'm struggling to make a builder recipe. Here's what I have now, along with the error message that I get when I run "bzr dailydeb" on it:http://codepad.org/Qblm8QCC
[15:29] <zooko> http://codepad.org/Qblm8QCC
[15:30] <jelmer> zooko: does lp:pycryptopp have a debian/changelog file?
[15:38] <zooko> jelmer: no: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tahoe-lafs/pycryptopp/master/files
[15:38] <zooko> But the docs say that it is the *final* version of the tree, i.e. after the nest merge is applied, that it uses, right?
[15:38] <jelmer> zooko: that's an error - where does it say that?
[15:39] <zooko> "Replaced by the upstream portion of the version number taken from debian/changelog in the final tree."
[15:39] <zooko> https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes
[15:40] <jelmer> zooko: that's debupstream (and is only true for 0.3 of recipes)
[15:40] <jelmer> zooko: you probably want {debversion:packaging}
[15:45] <zooko> jelmer: thanks! but now it says: bzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-0.5.29
[15:45] <zooko>
[15:45] <zooko> That's with # bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debversion:packaging}+{revno}+{revno:packaging}+{git-commit}
[15:45] <zooko>
[15:47] <zooko> brb
[15:48] <jelmer> zooko: build with --allow-fallback-to-native
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[16:31] <zooko> I'm back.
[16:37] <lifeless> dah dah dah daaaaah
[16:37] <zooko> :-)
[16:40] <zooko> Sigh. http://codepad.org/V8DPftTJ
=== rick_h changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[16:42] <zooko> Folks: can anyone tell me what is wrong with this dailydeb recipe?
[16:47] <zooko> Can I ask bzr or python to tell me the version number of the bzr builder plugin?
[16:52] <jelmer> zooko: 'bzr plugins -v'
[16:53] <jelmer> zooko: you're building a non-native package, but there is no .tar.gz file
[16:53] <jelmer> zooko: you probably want to change it to a 3.0-native source format
[16:54] <zooko> jelmer: thanks--I'll try that.
[16:55] <zooko> It doesn't give a version number for "builder".
[16:56] <jelmer> zooko: you're running a fairly old version of bzr-builder in that case, pre 0.7.1 I think
[16:56] <jelmer> zooko: if you've installed it from a package, you can find the version in the output of 'dpkg -l'
[16:58] <deryck> oh, rick_h sorry man. You could have pinged. Completely missed that it was my time for IRC.
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[17:02] <rick_h> deryck: np, just was heading afk for a sec
[17:12] <dpb_> Hi -- I'm getting an error uploading a python package to a PPA: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/835445/. When I try this build locally (dpkg-buildpackage), it works just fine, I get debian packages, when installed, the packages go into the dist-packages directory (which should be site-packages). I'm mainly wondering why the error is not reproducable locally?
[17:16] <jelmer> dpb_: are you running the same ubuntu version?
[17:17] <dpb_> jelmer: sorry, critical piece of info. precise build, precise on my local workstation
[17:18] <Ampelbein> dpb_: That check is done by pkgbinarymangler, most likely you don't have it install locally.
[17:18] <Ampelbein> dpb_: (pkgbinarymangler performs additional tasks like stripping changelogs and general sanity checks)
[17:19] <dpb_> Ampelbein: trying again now with that installed.
[17:20] <dpb_> Ampelbein: excellent, same error now on my workstation. thanks.
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
[17:23] <zooko> jelmer: the format is stored in this file in the debian repo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/sid/pycryptopp/sid/view/head:/debian/source/format
[17:23] <zooko> Should I override that file in my fork and change it from quilt to native? Here's my branch so far:
[17:23] <jelmer> zooko: yes
[17:23] <zooko> https://code.launchpad.net/~zooko/pycryptopp/debian
[17:23] <zooko> Well... how come it successfully built and was included in oneiric then?
[17:24] <jelmer> zooko: because there the .orig.tar.gz was included
[17:25] <jelmer> zooko: you should either set a tag for the matching upstream version ('upstream-$VERSION') or change the package so it is native, and doesn't require an upstream tarball
[17:26] <zooko> Okay, I'll change it to "native". I want it to build current trunk nightly.
[17:26] <zooko> (daily, whateveR)
[17:27] <zooko> jelmer: any other changes I should make besides s/quilt/native/?
[17:30] <alexsimon877> hi i uploaded my ssh key to the launchpad but when I attempt to check out a package it says "Permission denied (publickey)."
[17:39] <alexsimon877> deryck, I am trying to setup my bzr client to allow me to connect to the ubuntu servers so I can checkout source code. It is not letting me though and it gives me the error (Permission denied (publickey).) i already created an ssh key and I imported it into launchpad. I don't know what to do though to get this to work...
[17:40] <alexsimon877> if someone else knows anything since deryck i guess is at lunch, any help is appreciated
[17:41] <zooko> jelmer: hm, now it says: bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the upstream source. Import it as tag upstream-0.5.29 or build with --allow-fallback-to-native.
[17:41] <zooko>
[17:41] <zooko> Why did it think... /me greps for "0.5.29"...
[17:41] <zooko> Hm, I don't get it.
[17:42] <zooko> How do I tell it --allow-fallback-to-native?
[17:42] <jelmer> zooko: launchpad always builds with --allow-fallback-to-native
[17:42] <jelmer> zooko: it gives that error because you have a version number that suggests you have a non-native package
[17:42] <zooko> jelmer: I do?
[17:42] <zooko> jelmer: sorry, I'm pretty confused by all this. :-(
[17:43] <zooko> I understand that the debian/ directory that I started with was designed to use a release tarball (.orig.tar),
[17:43] <zooko> and I want to change it to use current revision control version.
[17:43] <zooko> But I don't know what things I would have to change to make it do that.
[17:45] <jelmer> zooko: change the source format to '3.0 (native)' and make sure the version string doesn't contain any dashes
[17:46] <zooko> Okay, thanks.
[17:47] <zooko> Hm, but I've already done that. At least, there are no dashes in this template: # bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debversion:packaging}+{revno}+{revno:packaging}+{git-commit}
[17:47] <zooko>
[17:47] <zooko> Maybe one of the things that it expands into has a dash?
[17:47] <jelmer> zooko: debversion contains a dash, probably
[17:47] <zooko> I guess I'll start by setting the version to "99".
[17:48] <zooko> And see if that builds.
[17:48] <zooko> Oh, I have to run. thanks for your help! bbiab.
[17:53] <alexsimon877> zooko or jelmer, can you help me out please?
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
[18:24] <zooko> jelmer: it worked! with version=99.
[18:25] <zooko> jelmer (and anyone) -- can you recommend a version template for my recipe that will contain as much meaningful information as it can without any dashes? Oh, I'll bet {debupstream:packaging} is what I want...
[18:26] * zooko tries that.
[18:53] <zooko> Yay, it works!
[18:54] <zooko> jelmer: thanks!
[18:54] <zooko> https://code.launchpad.net/~tahoe-lafs/+recipe/pycryptopp-daily
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[18:59] <abentley> deryck: I relieve you.
[19:01] <deryck> abentley, thanks!
[19:08] <l1ckr_> I need some help
[19:12] <deryck> !ask | l1ckr_
[19:12] <ubot5> l1ckr_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience
[19:12] <l1ckr_> !ask
[19:13] <l1ckr_> I recieve this error when I do a sudo apt-get update Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu/dists/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found
[19:13] <l1ckr_> W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found
[19:13] <l1ckr_> How do I fix that?
[19:13] <l1ckr_> !patience
[19:13] <ubot5> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/
[19:16] <deryck> l1ckr_, what version of Ubuntu are you running?
[19:17] <l1ckr_> I'm runing Ubuntu 11.10
[19:17] <dobey> anyone know how i can figure out why a couple builds are "cancelled" in a PPA? there's no build log or anything useful to me that i can see
[19:17] <dobey> nevermind
[19:19] <deryck> l1ckr_, you behind a proxy maybe? I don't recall what causes that off the top of my head, but remember seeing it.
[19:19] <jelmer> that URL doesn't actually seem to exist
[19:20] <l1ckr_> that was the first thing that I checked and I'm a bit of a ubuntu newbie that I don't know which files to go edit to remove those sources
[19:21] <l1ckr_> No, am not behind a proxy that I know of
[19:21] <l1ckr_> I'm connected via wirless but the router i don't think is set up to be a proxy
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[19:27] <zooko> huh, except the build failed with "AttributeError: 'cStringIO.StringI' object has no attribute 'split'"
[19:27] <zooko> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/92437184/buildlog.txt.gz
[19:28] <zooko> Looks a bit like a bug in bzr from the stack trace.
[19:29] <l1ckr_> !rules
[19:29] <ubot5> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines
[20:03] <jelmer> zooko: that's a known bug in Launchpad, caused by the fact its builders are still running an old version of the python-debian package
[20:19] <zooko> jelmer: is there a workaround for this bzr bug that I'm hitting on the launchpad autobuilder?
[20:24] <jelmer> zooko: use recipe version 0.3
[20:27] <zooko> jelmer: thanks.
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[21:11] <zooko> jelmer: does v0.3 not support {debupstream:packaging}? It told me that it did in my local experiments, but: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/92446576/buildlog.txt.gz
[21:11] <zooko> That says that it doesn't.
[21:14] <jelmer> zooko: no, you have to use {debupstream} in that case
[21:15] <zooko> jelmer: thanks.
[21:27] <zooko> jelmer: it works for real this time! Thanks!
[21:29] <jelmer> zooko: great :)
[21:47] <thumper> hi people
[21:47] <thumper> I have an annoying recipe ppa question
[21:47] <thumper> we had a fubar with a branch
[21:47] <thumper> that changed the history
[21:47] <dobey> hey thumper
[21:47] <thumper> which has since been changed back
[21:47] <jelmer> hello o thumper
[21:48] <thumper> but a recipe build kicked off with r300x
[21:48] <thumper> and now trunk is back at r299x
[21:48] <thumper> so build failed to upload
[21:48] <thumper> how can we fix this?
[21:48] <thumper> hi dobey, jelmer
[21:48] <dobey> commit two things to trunk
[21:48] <dobey> :)
[21:48] <thumper> dobey: not entirely helpful
[21:48] <thumper> not my project
[21:48] <thumper> well, kinda
[21:48] <dobey> oh
[21:49] <jelmer> thumper: wait for trunk to go past the problematic revision, indeed
[21:49] <thumper> I'm responsible, but not coding
[21:49] <maxb> or change the recipe expression to r3009really{revno} until it does
[21:49] <jelmer> thumper: alternatively, you can add an epoch to the package versioning.. but you'd have to live with that epoch forever
[21:49] <jelmer> or what maxb says
[21:49] <thumper> is the revision number string compare?
[21:50] <thumper> I'm happy to change the recipe express
[21:50] <jelmer> thumper: how do you mean?
[21:50] <thumper> jelmer: r30092994 < r3010 ?
[21:51] <jelmer> thumper: it uses the debian version comparison rules; r30092994 > r3010 AFAIK
[21:51] <thumper> what about r3009really{revno} ?
[21:51] <thumper> or r3009.{revno} ?
[21:52] <maxb> Using "really" is a semi-standard convention when versions in Ubuntu need to be made to go backwards
[21:52] <elmo> james@ornery:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 3009really2994 \<\< 3010 && echo true
[21:52] <elmo> true
[21:52] <thumper> thanks
[21:54] * thumper updated recipe
[21:54] <dobey> yeah don't do an epoch. you will be hated, and hate doing it :)
[21:56] <maxb> Aside from a few interesting special cases, Debian versions are easy to compare mentally - just know that consecutive strings of digits compare as a single numeric quantity
[22:13] <marnold> Hello, I keep getting stale request errors when attempting to login
[22:13] <marnold> browser is firefox 9
[22:13] <marnold> username mattarnold5
[22:14] <marnold> i did a full wipe of the data
[22:14] <marnold> in firefox
[22:14] <marnold> and it still didn't work
[22:14] <marnold> doesn't*
[22:15] <wgrant> marnold: What's the URL that gives the error, and what's the full text of the error message?
[22:16] <marnold> Your page was stale.
[22:16] <marnold> Apologies, the page you came from was a little old. Perhaps you navigated here from a browser window other than the one you used to login. If so, try using the other browser window. Or, try your action again, starting from our home page.
[22:16] <marnold> Go to our home page
[22:17] <marnold> https://login.launchpad.net/5jHgwKhPfdNWB2qH/+login
[22:17] <wgrant> That sounds like it's on login.launchpad.net?
[22:17] <wgrant> Do you have any plugins that might be blocking form tokens or cookies? I just logged in fine.
[22:17] <wgrant> With Firefox 10
[22:19] <marnold> only google opt out stuff
[22:20] <marnold> other then that just nosquint
[22:20] <marnold> and unmht
[22:20] <marnold> foxyproxy
[22:21] <marnold> and noscript which i've already disabled
[22:26] <marnold> wgrant, i tried with all extentions dissabled
[22:26] <marnold> didn't work
[22:27] <wgrant> marnold: You'll find a support link at the bottom of that page. Can you file a request there?
[22:28] <marnold> Contact SSO Support << that it
[22:28] <marnold> forgive me with nosquint dissabled i can't actually see
[22:29] <marnold> well just not very well
[22:35] <marnold> i got it thanks
[22:48] <iceroot> is there a bug on launchpad the last days not sending mails for bug-comments and so on?
[22:50] <wgrant> iceroot: It is sending them.
[22:50] <iceroot> hm as it seems its just "i dont send you mails, even if you put comments on the bugs, mark it as affected for you and so on"
[22:51] <iceroot> i dont get why its not default to send mails if someone is commenting on a bug and marking it as affected
[22:51] <wgrant> iceroot: You need to subscribe to the bug.
[22:51] <wgrant> You'll see a link on the right to configure notifications.
[22:51] <iceroot> yes
[22:51] <wgrant> People get very annoyed when you send them mail that they didn't explicitly ask for :)
[22:51] <iceroot> this should be the default (imo)
[22:51] <wgrant> Yeah, I would tend to agree.
[22:51] <iceroot> if something is affecting me i WANT status updates via mail
[22:52] <wgrant> But we have lots of reasonably uneducated users who don't :)
[22:52] <iceroot> do we have some personal settings for that?
[22:52] <iceroot> so if i mark a bug as affected i will get mails automaticly?
[22:53] <wgrant> There's not. You need to click on the link on the right.
[22:53] <iceroot> :(
[22:53] <iceroot> wgrant: thank you for then info
[22:53] <wgrant> We've tried several things to make this easier, but anything we do just results in the more clueless users subscribing to all of Ubuntu's bugs and then complaining they get lots of mail :/
[22:54] <wgrant> Even if it says "YOU WILL GET LOTS OF MAIL", they still do it :/
[22:54] <iceroot> i have 89 bugs mehre, i have to check every bug if i get status updates by mail...
[22:54] <iceroot> yes i know that i was adding a mailing-list to a bug
[22:54] <iceroot> 10 people added "unsubscribe" on the bug...
[22:55] <iceroot> because the mailinglist-mail told them to write a mail with unsubscribe :)
[22:58] <iceroot> ah good, most of the bugs i am the owner/creator and get all mails by default, so its just the "affected" and some other cases where i have to edit the bugmail-settings
[23:06] <wgrant> iceroot: Yeah, you're automatically subscribed to bugs that you file.
[23:06] <iceroot> i just need "send me mails for bugs i set a comment"
[23:06] <iceroot> imo its useless when i comment a bug and i dont get info about another comment
[23:07] <iceroot> i asked someone if he can test something, after 2 weeks i was luckily looking at that bug and saw that he posted the infos
[23:14] <jono> hey all
[23:14] <jono> quick q about launchpadlib
[23:15] <jono> I am trying to get a list of the number of bugs that a given user has filed
[23:15] <jono> I think this works for a valid email address (e.g. jono@ubuntu.com) but an email address that isn't registered in LP it seems to give bad data
[23:15] <jono> e.g:
[23:16] <jono> >>> from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
[23:16] <jono> >>> l=Launchpad.login_anonymously('ubuntu-community accomplishments','production')
[23:16] <jono> >>> me=l.people.getByEmail(email='severedfifth@gmail.com')
[23:16] <jono> >>> ubuntu=l.projects['ubuntu']
[23:17] <jono> >>> bugs_reported = ubuntu.searchTasks(bug_reporter=me,status=['New', 'Incomplete', 'Invalid', 'Confirmed', 'Triaged','In Progress', 'Fix Committed', 'Fix Released', 'Opinion', "Won't Fix"])
[23:17] <jono> >>> len(bugs_reported)
[23:17] <jono> result is: 392161
[23:17] <james_w> jono, >>> print(me)
[23:17] <jono> that email address is not registered in LP
[23:17] <wgrant> me is probably None
[23:18] <jono> ahhh
[23:18] <jono> me is None
[23:18] <jono> what am I doing wrong here?
[23:18] <wgrant> You need to check that the user exists before you try to query using it.
[23:18] <wgrant> getByEmail will return None of the user doesn't exist.
[23:18] <jono> right
[23:19] <jono> how do I check if the user exists?
[23:19] <wgrant> Check if getByEmail returns None
[23:19] <james_w> only do the second part "if me is not None:"
[23:19] <jono> gotcha
[23:19] <jono> makes sense
[23:19] <jono> thanks, folks