UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /05 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== soren_ is now known as soren
[00:43] <micahg> jtaylor: there's another thing I'm uploading?
=== bladernr` is now known as bladernr_afk
[04:01] <HFSPLUS> !ops
[04:01] <HFSPLUS> fuck all u fuckwits
[04:01] <HFSPLUS> fucking niggers
[04:01] <HFSPLUS> !staff
[04:01] <HFSPLUS> fuck u
[04:45] <astraljava> What is this? Some bot trigger testing?
[05:03] <lifeless_> no, its someone that thinks it is funny
[05:03] <lifeless_> I don't know why
=== yogi is now known as signbit
[07:24] <micahg> spamapS: are you interested in merging pdns, you touched it last (Bug #876801)?
[07:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 876801 in pdns (Ubuntu) "PowerDNS 2.9.22 package is out of date" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/876801
=== dendroba` is now known as dendro-afk
=== ttx` is now known as ttx
[09:19] <azop> I'm trying to pass a global variable for a schroot build. I have DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=4" in the schroot.conf file, but it isn't passing that to the schroot like I would hope.
[09:19] <azop> Am I missing something?
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
[09:21] <micahg> azop: you want -j4
[09:22] <azop> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="-j4" instead of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=4"?
[09:22] <micahg> yes
[09:23] <azop> k, I change it to: environment-filter=DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="-j4"
[09:24] <azop> dh_auto_build is still using make -j1
[09:25] <micahg> something could be unsetting it
[09:26] <micahg> you can try passing it directly to sbuild, --debbuildopt='-j4'
[09:31] <azop> hrm
[09:32] <azop> in debian/rules?
[09:33] <micahg> which, --debbuildopt goes on the command line to sbuild, something might be overriding in debian/rules of the upstream make files
[09:34] <azop> okay, I'll look into that
[09:34] <azop> thanks
[09:36] <tumbleweed> erm, DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=4" should go through to sbuild just fine
[09:36] <tumbleweed> but its up to the package to do something useful with it
[09:36] <tumbleweed> (e.g. dh --parallel)
[09:37] <micahg> right, that's true, but AIUI, -j is the classic way to do that, sorry, should have been more clear
[09:43] <azop> tumbleweed: that is what I thought. I have dh --parallel $@
=== Sp4rKy_ is now known as Sp4rKy
=== d1b_ is now known as d1b
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
[15:02] <shadeslayer> cjwatson: hi! I was wondering if you could merge the bluez package from debian, it contains a fix for bug 927097
[15:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 927097 in bluez (Ubuntu) "C++ apps will fail to compile with current bluez package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/927097
[15:24] <cjwatson> shadeslayer: sorry, I don't have time and don't really know much about bluez - my last upload was just a drive-by upgrade fix. I'm happy for anyone else to do it
[15:57] <shadeslayer> hmmm
[15:58] <shadeslayer> cjwatson: I'll give it a poke myself then, I've never packaged anything apart from KDE stuff ... so don't know if I'll be able to do it
=== bregma|afk is now known as bregma
[16:06] <bregma> hey folks, anyone know why I always get an error about __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1@GCC_3.5 not found in any library when building any package on an armhf target using pbuilder-dist?
[18:14] <SpamapS> micahg: I was going to do a final sweep for merges such as that this week given upcoming FF. If you want to do pdns, its all yours. :)
[18:16] <jtaylor> SpamapS: numpy and sphinx should be merged
[18:17] <jtaylor> we definetly want numpy -4 for the better dh_*helper
[18:21] <SpamapS> jtaylor: well I'm not doing a full sweep... just merges that I am TIL on the package for.
[18:21] <jtaylor> til?
[18:37] <SpamapS> jtaylor: touched it last
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
[19:31] <DasKreecH> Hello if I was looking for support from Canonical is there a channel I can go to (or nick) to ask questions about the terms?
[19:51] <micahg> spamapS: if you plan on doing it by feature freeze, there's plenty of other things for me to work on
[19:53] <jbicha> DasKreecH: try http://www.ubuntu.com/business/services/overview
[19:53] <SpamapS> micahg: yeah I'll do it by then.
[19:55] <DasKreecH> jbicha: and in the comments I can just specify that I would like Kubuntu as the distro to be supported?
[19:56] <micahg> spamapS: thanks, I was just trying to go through the bugs tagged upgrade-software-version last night to see how many we can get in by feature freeze
[19:59] <jbicha> DasKreecH: I don't work for Canonical, but sure put whatever you want in the contact form
[20:00] <SpamapS> micahg: I'd have done it last week but the PHP suhosin mess and mysql not maintaining their public bug tracker has been eating up a lot of my time. :-/
[20:00] <micahg> heh, not a problem as long as you're on it :)
[20:02] <DasKreecH> jbicha: thanks
=== spm` is now known as spm
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
[23:35] <YokoZar> Can an archive admin comment on the wine-gecko1.4 rejection?
[23:35] <YokoZar> oh nevermind
[23:55] <cargo23_> man proc says that /proc/pid/cmdline will be null separated, but on my 11.10 box it has no nulls. What gives?
[23:59] <tumbleweed> cargo23_: this isn't a support channel. Works for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/830776/