UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /05 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== soren_ is now known as soren
[02:27] <happyaron> can any buildd admin have a look at this build? https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/sandbox/+build/3185571
[02:28] <happyaron> there is something wrong with older version of dh, and it's behaving like a fork bomb and not cancelable from web interface.
[02:29] <wgrant> happyaron: I've asked it to die, but it may be a bit too broken for that.
[02:29] <wgrant> Let's see.
[02:30] <happyaron> thanks
[03:29] <happyaron> wgrant: seems still not get canceled
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
[08:32] <s9iper1> how long does the launchpad remains offline
[08:32] <s9iper1> ?
[08:32] <wgrant> s9iper1: That message is a glitch; Launchpad's not going offline.
[08:32] <wgrant> I've just asked a sysadmin to sort it out.
[08:34] <s9iper1> wgrant: yes i am also thinking that if launchpad will go offline than all projects will be stop ubuntu ..linaro.kubuntu and etc
[08:34] <wgrant> s9iper1: That's the temporary maintenance outage warning. I'm not sure why it's triggered now, as nothing is planned.
[08:35] <wgrant> You can ignore it.
[08:35] <s9iper1> ok thanks
[08:39] <benonsoftware> Hello
[08:40] <TiMiDo> hello benonsoftware
[08:40] <benonsoftware> I just got a message on the LP site saying Launchpad will do down very very soon, how long would it be down for?
[08:41] <TiMiDo> wgrant> s9iper1: That message is a glitch; Launchpad's not going offline.
[08:41] <TiMiDo> <wgrant> I've just asked a sysadmin to sort it out
[08:41] <benonsoftware> Good :p
[08:41] <benonsoftware> Thanks TiMiDo
[08:41] <TiMiDo> no problem benonsoftware glad i can be a help
[08:41] <TiMiDo> ;)
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Maintenance message is a glitch; no outage imminent | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
[08:42] * benonsoftware plans to do some heavy translating tonight :p
[08:56] <shadeslayer> wgrant: basically, when you try to link a bug in launchpad to the KDE Bugzilla with a link like : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=231559 it doesn't work, but if I use : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml&id=231559 it works
[08:56] <ubot5> KDE bug 231559 in general "sometimes unable to save comments in launchpad" [Normal,Resolved: upstream]
[08:56] <wgrant> shadeslayer: "doesn't work" in what way?
[08:57] <shadeslayer> wgrant: doesn't allow me to use the first URL, I don't remember the error :(
[08:57] <shadeslayer> I could try and remove the link and add it again
[08:58] <wgrant> Hmmm, very odd.
[08:59] <shadeslayer> O_O
[08:59] <shadeslayer> works now
[08:59] * shadeslayer tries in chrome
[09:01] <shadeslayer> wgrant: seems to work, dunno what happened last night
[09:01] <shadeslayer> very weird
[09:01] <wgrant> :/
[09:01] <wgrant> Thanks for retrying, anyway.
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== epsy is now known as \u03b5
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
[19:11] <ockham> hi, does the status "Needs review" on this translation upload request https://translations.launchpad.net/grecipe-manager/+imports mean that it has to be approved by the projects maintainer?
[19:11] <ockham> or will it get imported automatically with no further human interaction required?
[19:12] <ockham> and can a project have more than one maintainer? or is that done by setting a team to be the maintainer?
[20:10] <alkisg> Hi, I'm using launchpad for my project's translations (https://translations.launchpad.net/epoptes/), is there any way to notify the translators that they need to update their translations for a new planned release?
[20:11] <alkisg> Their emails don't show up in the .po files... I can use "contact this user", but maybe there's a better way?
[20:12] <EvilResistance> alkisg, if i'm not mistaken, the users who can contribute are members of the "Epotes Developers" group?
[20:13] <alkisg> EvilResistance: no, I'm using "open" permissions for the translations
[20:13] <EvilResistance> ah
[20:13] <alkisg> So anyone can contribute
[20:13] <EvilResistance> i see. if they were the "Developers" group that could make it easier, since that group has a mailing list :p
[20:14] <alkisg> Yeah no in that group only us coders are the members :)
[20:14] <alkisg> I couldn't even find a way to have the translators mails inside the .po files... do I need to do that manually with bzr + .po upload?
[20:25] <Jesdisciple> Hi, my friend is trying to push a Bazaar project, but Bazaar tells him it can't authenticate Launchpad via SSH. How can we get Launchpad's public SSH key?
[20:26] <EvilResistance> erm?
[20:26] <EvilResistance> Jesdisciple, did your friend upload an SSH public key?
[20:26] <EvilResistance> if they did not, and didnt add it to their lp account you just found the problem
[20:26] <EvilResistance> and/or *
[20:27] <Jesdisciple> yes, he has
[20:27] <EvilResistance> and what's the error he's getting?
[20:27] <Jesdisciple> just a moment
[20:27] <EvilResistance> becuase "Can't authenticate Launchpad via SSH" isnt a standard ssh error message
[20:28] <Jesdisciple> I was getting it earlier, that was a paraphrase ;)
[20:28] <EvilResistance> paraphrasing an error message?
[20:28] <EvilResistance> not useful, because actual error messages are better
[20:28] <Jesdisciple> bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host
[20:29] <EvilResistance> "Unable to authenticate to SSH host"
[20:29] <EvilResistance> means you didnt authenticate :p
[20:29] <EvilResistance> which means that either the ssh public key is bad
[20:29] <EvilResistance> (that you uploaded)
[20:29] <EvilResistance> or is nonexistent
[20:29] <EvilResistance> and "you" in that statement is a non-specific identifier
[20:29] <EvilResistance> it could mean you, your friend, my friend, etc.
[20:30] <Jesdisciple> >.> I wish I could go back and get the error per my printout... I ended up ignoring it after googling forever.
[20:31] <Jesdisciple> but his SSH implementation isn't allowing that
[20:32] <EvilResistance> how so?
[20:34] <Jesdisciple> hm?
[20:35] <EvilResistance> https://pastebin.com/nG9t0gdS <-- this is a standard session when using a new system (note my SSH public key for that machine is stored on a separate drive, so I can refresh it when i reinstall the OS xP
[20:36] <EvilResistance> and what do you mean by "His SSH Implementaiton isnt allowing that"
[20:36] <EvilResistance> not allowing the PUBKEY to be used?
[20:36] <EvilResistance> you might need to http:// that link insteaad of https... i'm a pastebin pro user so i get ssl
[20:50] <Jesdisciple> I was referring to the "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?"
[20:50] <Jesdisciple> he wasn't given that option
[20:57] <EvilResistance> ah. well that's because i routinely purge my "known_hosts" file, every 6 months or so
[20:57] <EvilResistance> he could try that
[20:57] <EvilResistance> Jesdisciple, ^
[20:57] <EvilResistance> he/she *
[21:04] <Jesdisciple> thanks! I was wondering where that record would be
=== spm` is now known as spm
[22:05] <ockham> what privileges are required to upload a new .pot translations template for a project? project owner? or is project driver enough?
[22:15] <Jesdisciple> I had given up on my search for the bazaar.launchpad.net host key (said yes, used known_hosts, didn't really like doing it), but now that I have known_hosts gone I'm trying again.
[22:15] <Jesdisciple> I can find lots about how it's not posted on any webpage... but where IS it?