UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /01 /#ubuntu-design.txt
Initial commit
[08:10] <dholbach> good morning
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq|afk
[10:42] <dholbach> sladen, who can we turn to to get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/812337 fixed?
[10:42] <cwt-bugs> Launchpad bug 812337 in Ubuntu Website "Ubuntu Wiki: IRC style formatting needs a "word-wrap: break-word"" (affected: 2, heat: 1) [Undecided,New]
[10:43] <dholbach> I hope it'd be an easy fix
[10:43] <dholbach> because it's a bit irritating :)
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
=== Saviq|afk is now known as Saviq
[11:53] <jasox> I am just testing ubuntu 12.04 alpha, lots of improvements. I would be nice if we had when you type alt-F1 emacs of vim key bindings. What do you think ?
[11:53] <jasox> It would be nice and much faster for power users.
=== dholbach__ is now known as dholbach
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== s9iper1__ is now known as s9iper1
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
[14:06] <dholbach> Trevinho, ready? :)
[14:06] <Trevinho> dholbach: ehm.. Not so much :P
[14:06] <Trevinho> eheh
[14:07] <Trevinho> I'm a lot busy with the upstream stuff
[14:07] <dholbach> yeah, I can imagine - it's still some time until the session later ;-)
[14:07] <Trevinho> but I'll focus on that later :)
[14:07] <dholbach> rock and roll
[14:07] <dholbach> thanks a lot
[14:07] <Trevinho> yep
[14:07] <Trevinho> yw
[14:19] <mhall119> hey design team, I'm working on re-vamping unity.ubuntu.com/get-involved, in what ways can the community be involved with the design side?
[14:20] <mhall119> of unity specifically
[14:21] <mhall119> I've got trying the prototypes (which btw, are a great idea), but I don't know what else
[14:44] <iainfarrell> mhall119: hey hey
[14:44] <iainfarrell> not sure who's best to talk to on the Canonical Design team side about Unity
[15:11] <yaili> iainfarrell: o/
[15:18] <iainfarrell> hey yaili!
[15:18] <iainfarrell> how are you?
[15:20] <yaili> iainfarrell: good, thanks :) you?
[15:20] <iainfarrell> not bad thanks yaili :)
=== ckpringle_ is now known as ckpringle
[17:05] <bkerensa> sladen: Is packages.ubuntu.com going to be transitioned to the new branding?
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie