UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /01 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as albrigha
[01:19] <bkerensa> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/924609
[01:19] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 924609 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Network Manager adds (null) values for Wireless Connections (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]
[01:31] <xaitec> i would like to help in bug triage
[02:27] <iceroot> can someone mark this bug as high/crtitical? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/914305?
[02:27] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 914305 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "[12.04] WARNING: gnome-keyring:: no socket to connect to (affects: 11) (heat: 50)" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[03:32] <Mxx> Still looking for help to get bug 909996 looked at and ultimately fixed.
[03:32] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 909996 in b43-fwcutter (Ubuntu) "firmware-b43legacy-installer errors "17: missing" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/909996
[08:00] <bullgard4> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs: "The method of reporting bugs in Ubuntu is by using the tool "ubuntu-bug", otherwise known as Apport." I tried '~$ ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' and obtained: "*** Development is completed for the 'oneiric' version of Ubuntu, so you should probably use technical support channels unless you know for certain it should be reported...
[08:00] <bullgard4> ...Kanns there?". I am surprised that Ubuntu does not wish an error report about Ubuntu Oneiric via ubuntu-bug command. It is the first time that I read this message. (I have sent many Oneiric bug reports to Launchpad in the past.) Can you guide me what this message means?
[09:16] <lifeless> bullgard4: it means what it says: oneiric is released, no further changes are being made directly to it
[09:18] <bullgard4> lifeless: You did not answer if Ubuntu will or will not consider my bug reports about Oneiric. Can you answer this question?
[09:20] <iceroot> bullgard4: if they are critical they will be fixed also if it are very small changes
[09:20] <iceroot> bullgard4: but normally they will be fixed in 12.04 only
[09:21] <iceroot> bullgard4: but its depending on the bug and the affort/changes to fix it
[09:21] <bullgard4> iceroot: Understood. Thank you very much for explaining.
[12:24] <circlingthesun> Good day
[12:24] <circlingthesun> I have a slight issue
[12:24] <circlingthesun> hope someone can help me
[12:25] <circlingthesun> I'm running ubuntu 11.10 on an asus ul20ft laptop with intel gma hd graphics
[12:26] <circlingthesun> When my laptop woke up from suspension it froze with nothing but my wonderful wallpaper showing
[12:26] <circlingthesun> Upon reboot grub gave me the usual options
[12:27] <circlingthesun> I hit enter for ubuntu
[12:27] <circlingthesun> and then this: http://i.imgur.com/Pisfh.jpg
[12:27] <circlingthesun> It's all scrambled
[12:27] <circlingthesun> Its not isolated to the splash screen
[12:28] <circlingthesun> When I restart and boot into win7 there are no issues
[12:28] <circlingthesun> so I'm guessing is a driver issue
[12:29] <circlingthesun> Could have been an update that took effect after the restart
[12:29] <circlingthesun> I have no idea
[12:30] <circlingthesun> any suggestions?
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
[12:45] <berdario> s9iper1, I updated the info on the bug I opened yesterday
[12:45] <s9iper1> bug number
[12:45] <s9iper1> ?
[12:45] <berdario> 924468 and
[12:46] <berdario> 924473
[12:48] <s9iper1> berdario:the second one i have also seen
[12:48] <s9iper1> and i have discussed it with developer
[12:49] <s9iper1> the problem was that when we are entering the secong account than another dup of thataccount produces by it elf and if we close the windowand openit again than its notpresent
[12:50] <berdario> good, thank you
[12:50] <berdario> uhm, was that a question?
[12:51] <s9iper1> see this
[12:51] <s9iper1> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/919377
[12:51] <ubot4> Launchpad bug 919377 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "accounts window showing a contact two times (affects: 1) (heat: 84)" [Low,Triaged]
[12:54] <berdario> Ok, then mine is probably a dupe
[12:56] <berdario> s9iper1, about 924468, do you need some more information?
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[13:00] <s9iper1> berdario: hey i am able to reproduce it wait for my comment
[13:01] <berdario> good
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[13:11] <s9iper1> berdario:i have done the whole process thanks
[13:12] <s9iper1> and subscribe to that bug
[13:17] <berdario> ok
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
[14:50] <dholbach> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek day 2 starting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom
[14:54] <dholbach> jibel, balloons: I had a chat with Rick earlier today - do you think it would make sense to raise some awareness to ISO testing via blogs and the like?
[15:05] <balloons> yes dholbach i don't see that as a bad idea
[15:05] <dholbach> also the guys who talk about running the dev release today
[15:05] <dholbach> they could mention it as well
[15:05] <dholbach> is it the /Testing wiki page we point to?
[15:09] <balloons> ohh, mention the iso testing today in udw
[15:09] <balloons> umm theres an iso testing subpage on the wiki
[15:10] <balloons> does a nice job explaining things
[15:14] <jibel> dholbach, that's a good idea.
[15:14] <jibel> dholbach, /testing and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures for iso testing
[15:14] <jibel> but lot of content is obsolete and promoting the idea to update the testing wiki is also a good idea
[15:15] <dholbach> so are you guys going to blog about it? I'll make sure I'll mention it in tomorrow's dev update again
[15:15] <dholbach> and see if I can reach Effenberg0x0 and Cariboo907 before their session
[15:27] <dholbach> jibel, balloons: ok, I mailed the two :)
[15:29] <balloons> jibel, yes I was hoping to help update it as I went thru the process for the first time this week
[15:29] <jibel> balloons, can you blog about iso testing ?
[15:30] <balloons> yes, it's going on until when?
[15:30] <balloons> i realize it's on-going, but ...
[15:31] <balloons> alpha 2 drops tomorrow.. ahh check.. I keep thinking it's friday
[15:32] <balloons> sorry that's what i was trying to ask
[15:35] <jibel> balloons, a2 will be released tomorrow, still 24 hours or so of testing to go
[15:54] <s9iper1> berdario: ping
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as albrigha