UbuntuIRC / 2012 /02 /01 /#edubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
[15:46] <highvoltage> I like how Edubuntu is on the top of the QA tracker :)
[15:46] <highvoltage> (I realise it's just alphabetical, but still)
[15:47] <stgraber> :)
[15:56] * ogra_ ponders creating abuntu just to surpass it :P
[15:57] <highvoltage> is that the distribution to excercise your abs? the one that you run with a wii-fit? :p
[15:58] <ogra_> abuntu - sixpacks for human beings ?
[17:20] <highvoltage> heh
[17:23] <bencrisford> highvoltage: when and where can one find the edubuntu meetings these days? :)
[17:27] <highvoltage> bencrisford: last wednesday of every month
[17:28] <highvoltage> (at least it's a short month so you don't have to wait *that* long :p)
[17:28] <highvoltage> bencrisford: nice to see you around again!
[17:29] <bencrisford> highvoltage: it seems my timings out by a week :p but yeah, it'll be nice to get reaquainted with the project, nice be around again! havent been running ubuntu for quite a while, its a breath of fresh air