UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /29 /#ubuntu-desktop.txt
Initial commit
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
[02:12] <micahg> jbicha: did you not see my comments on the bug for the gparted merge?
[02:12] <micahg> s/merge/sync
[02:16] <micahg> I don't even see a bug for the request
[03:20] <jbicha> micahg: no, which bug were you looking at? I was using bug 837213
[03:20] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 837213 in gparted "[Sync Request] Fix NTFS resizing, please update Gparted from Debian" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/837213
[03:20] <micahg> bug 922654
[03:20] <ubot2`> Launchpad bug 922654 in gparted "please sync gparted 0.11.0-1 from debian unstable" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/922654
[03:21] <micahg> it didn't seem worthwhile to sync a new untested version for alpha2
[03:22] <micahg> especially being in the live env
[03:52] <micahg> jbicha: the stuff that's not on any images we have more leeway with, but the stuff on images, it's important to weight he decision to update a week before a release (alpha2 is next Thursday and we're frozen for stuff on images Mon at 21:00 UTC)
=== fenris is now known as Guest25296
=== Guest25296 is now known as ejat
=== s9iper1_ is now known as s9iper1
[12:47] <ockham> hi, what's keeping this from being merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~jconti/indicator-applet/gnome3/+merge/80877
[12:48] <ockham> would be great to have it in precise...
=== s9iper1 is now known as bil21al
=== bil21al is now known as s9iper1
=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse
[22:39] <TheMuso> jasoncwarner_: You around?
[23:16] <jasoncwarner_> TheMuso: yup
[23:20] <ian__> Quick question - does anybody know where on the filesystem the list of startup applications is maintained?
[23:24] <AfC> ian__: you might be looking for /etc/xdg/autostart
[23:24] <dobey> in /etc/xdg/autostart and ~/.config/autostart, by default, for the stuff that's not hardcoded in gnome-session at least.
[23:24] <AfC> but that's on a GNOME system.
[23:24] <dobey> well autostart dir is used by KDE and XFCE too
[23:24] <dobey> blackbox maybe not
[23:25] <dobey> but this also isn't #kubuntu-desktop :)
[23:25] <dobey> so i presume he means in the default ubuntu
[23:27] <AfC> dobey: sure. I qualified it because I have no idea (or concern) for what Canonical's Unity is or isn't doing.
[23:27] <dobey> unity uses gnome-session and is a compiz plug-in
[23:28] <ian__> Here's my problem
[23:28] <ian__> I have one user on 11.10 for whom the vino-server isn't running when that user logs in
[23:28] <ian__> All the other users, vino-server is running
[23:29] <ian__> Vino-server doesn't appear under the list of startup applications
[23:29] <dobey> perhaps that user disabled it then
[23:29] <dobey> check that user's ~/.config/autostart directory
[23:29] <ian__> But there was a patch documented in the change-log that shows it was patched to HIDE it from startup applications
[23:30] <ian__> OK -- I have a clean VM of Ubuntu here - and my user doesn't have an autostart directory in .config
[23:30] <dobey> right
[23:30] <dobey> disable something in startup applications, and you will, though
[23:30] <ian__> So I need to know how is vino-server started?
[23:31] <dobey> it is started via the autostart config
[23:31] <ian__> And where's that?
[23:31] <dobey> so that user which doesn't have it, probably disabled it before the patch was applied to hide it from the GUI
[23:32] <ian__> I have a fresh install VM in front of me - not the computer that exhibits the problem
[23:32] <dobey> so look in that user's ~/.config/autostart directory
[23:32] <dobey> and remove the vino-server.desktop from that directory, and it will start again when that user logs in
[23:32] <ian__> There isn't one on this machine
[23:33] <ian__> And it's a clean 11.10 x64 install
[23:33] <dobey> of course there isn't
[23:33] <dobey> it's a clean install
[23:33] <dobey> that user doesn't exist there
[23:33] <dobey> you just said "this isn't the machine that exhibits the problem"
[23:34] <ian__> That's right - I'm looking on the VM to find out where vino-server is started from for a user that doesn't exhibit the problem
[23:34] <ian__> When I've found that out, I'll fix the faulty machine
[23:34] <ian__> Sorry if I didn't make myself clear
[23:34] <dobey> as i already told you, it's started by the xdg autostart configuration system
[23:35] <dobey> by default, the file that causes it to be started on log-in is in /etc/xdg/autostart
[23:36] <ian__> Ahh! I see - there's a file /etc/xdg/autostart/vino-server.desktop
[23:37] <ian__> But isn't that file system level? i.e. Doesn't that file execute regardless of the user that logs on?
[23:37] <dobey> yes
[23:37] <dobey> unless, as i said, the user has diabled it previously, in which case a similar file will be in the user's ~/.config/autostart directory which disables it
[23:38] <ian__> So if that's the case, how comes that on the faulty machine, I have ONE user login, after which once the login takes place, there's no vino-server process running?
[23:38] <ian__> For all others, the vino-server process is visible?
[23:39] <dobey> because that user disabled it at some point
[23:39] <ian__> i.e. I have 3 users - 1 of which I can't control the desktop?
[23:39] <ian__> All three have identical settings for remote desktop
[23:40] <dobey> did you do what i said to do 10 minutes ago, yet?
[23:41] <ian__> Hold on - I didn't understand - reading it again, you're telling me that the FAULTY user will have an autostart directory in .config
[23:41] <ian__> Now I understand
[23:42] <ian__> I have to go onto the faulty machine, log on as the faulty user and remove the file from the autostart folder created in .config
[23:43] <dobey> yes
[23:43] <ian__> Thanks - I'll check that out