UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /29 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
=== fenris is now known as Guest25296
=== Guest25296 is now known as ejat
[20:48] <mhall119> jono: ping
[20:48] <jono> mhall119, one sec, phone
[20:48] <mhall119> sure, was just going to try and help you with your quickly issue
[20:49] <jono> thanks mhall119, I think I am good now - my question was answered
[20:50] <mhall119> ok, cool
[20:50] <mhall119> btw, Singlet is working on Precise now
[20:50] <jono> awesome :-)
[20:51] <jono> btw, did you see my mail about the accomplishments scripts?
[20:51] <mhall119> yeah, haven't looked at the codes yet though
[20:51] <jono> np
[20:51] <mhall119> I wanted to get Singlet to a position where I can write the trophies lens with it
[20:56] <mhall119> jono: did you, daniel and aquarius see my questions at the end of the accomplishments spec?
[20:56] <jono> mhall119, I did, I need to head in and reply to them though
[20:57] <jono> mhall119, could do me a favor and set me up a CanoniStack instance at some point?
[20:57] <jono> I want to build the trophy verification stuff
[20:57] <mhall119> sure
[20:58] <jono> thanks!
[20:58] <mhall119> jono: do you not have canonistack credentials yet?
[20:59] <cjohnston> What's Marco Ceppi's nick?
[21:00] <jono> mhall119, I don't
[21:00] <jono> mhall119, I tried to download the zip and there was no file
[21:00] <mhall119> I guess IS doesn't trust you ;)
[21:00] <jono> of course not
[21:01] <cjohnston> He might put metal on it
[21:01] <jono> I told them explicitly I can't be trusted with a machine
[21:01] <jono> haha
[21:01] <jono> so CanoniStack is perfect
[21:01] <jono> mhall119, I basically I want to set https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Headless on there
[21:01] <mhall119> jono: I'll spin one up and give you sudo access to it
[21:02] <mhall119> jono: do you need a public IP?
[21:02] <jono> I think I can get the client side of the trophies working, and then get them synced to the CanoniStack and then I will write a trophy queue to process them
[21:02] <jono> mhall119, I will do, yep
[21:02] <jono> thanks
[21:02] <jono> I really appreciate it mhall119
[21:02] <jono> brb, going to grab some lunch
[21:02] <mhall119> no problem, will take me about 5 minutes
[21:03] <mhall119> jono: do you want a Lucid instance?
[21:03] <jono> mhall119, any chance it can run Precise?
[21:03] <mhall119> I'll have to see if they have a precise AMI
[21:03] <jono> I think I need to have pretty cutting edge U1 on there
[21:03] <jono> thanks
[21:03] <jono> if not, I will just have the most recent Ubuntu image
[21:03] <mhall119> jono: there's some labeled 'smoser-cloud-images-testing'
[21:04] <jono> cool
[21:04] <mhall119> daily or alpha1
[21:04] <jono> mhall119, can I just leave it up and running? will it persist data?
[21:04] <mhall119> as long as it's running it'll persist
[21:04] <mhall119> it's instance store only, as far as I know
[21:04] <mhall119> no ebs
[21:05] <mhall119> amd64 or i386?
[21:05] <jono> either is fine, so long as it runs U1 headless
[21:06] <jono> I will be just syncing a branch to the machine, so instance store should be fine
[21:06] <jono> but it will have a filesystem I can write to, right?
[21:06] <mhall119> yeah
[21:08] <jono> awesome
[21:08] <jono> brb
[21:15] <mhall119> jono: done
[21:15] <mhall119> cloud == awesome
[21:18] <JanC> http://www.tarsnap.com/bugbounty.html & http://www.tarsnap.com/bounty-winners.html ==> interesting to see how much money some people earned by reporting mostly "minor" bugs...
[21:24] <jcastro> did someone say cloud?
[21:25] <jono> thanks mhall119
[21:25] <cjohnston> no
[21:25] <jcastro> partay!
[21:26] <jcastro> reddit is down, there's nothing to do
[21:27] <JanC> what's "reddit"? ;)
[21:30] <jcastro> this place where you can waste time
[21:31] <cjohnston> jcastro: I have another place for you to waste time.. bzr branch lp:summit
[21:32] * jcastro ninja flips out of the way
[21:32] <cjohnston> too bad its a shotgun blast and still got you
[21:34] <cjohnston> jcastro: look who found an itch and started scratching: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil/summit/more-mobile-summit/+merge/90608
[21:36] <cjohnston> I think we found a new PM ^
[21:36] <cjohnston> and an almost decent cell phone interface
[21:43] <mhall119> one more MP and aquarius is the new owner of summit :)
[21:43] <cjohnston> ssshhhhh.. you arent supposed to let him know that
[21:44] <mhall119> it's ok, he's not in this channel, I checke
[21:44] <mhall119> checked
[21:44] <cjohnston> ya.. but jono will tell him
[22:07] <JanC> http://www.worldipv6launch.org/participants/?q=1 --> where is Canonical/Ubuntu... :-/
[22:47] <jono> mhall119, around?
[22:55] <mhall119> jono: yup
[23:02] <jono> mhall119, its ok, I sorted it
[23:02] <jono> I now have my headless setup working great
[23:02] <jono> thanks!
[23:04] <mhall119> np
[23:30] <jono> any U1 folks here?