UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /29 /#lubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:05] <kosaidpo> hello
[00:05] <benonsoftware> Hello kosaidpo
[00:06] <kosaidpo> can someone please give me the permissions of the folder ~/.config/chromium ??
[00:06] <kosaidpo> benonsoftware: hello can you help please ??
[00:07] <kosaidpo> i guess i messed the permission files so when i launch chromuim my pc lag :[
[00:08] <phillw> kosaidpo: you should have permissions for anythi g in ~home
[00:09] <kosaidpo> phillw: i mean the files and folder in .config/chromuim i guess i shud not have it for temp file im not sure tho cus i have all right but when i launch chromium it lags and i have to reboot
[00:10] <phillw> it is possibly a chmod you need. Have you actually issued sudo for an application?
[00:10] <kosaidpo> phillw: noo
[00:10] <kosaidpo> phillw: i have rwx on all files tho
[00:11] <phillw> kos, but when you do the ls -l do you own the all?
[00:11] <kosaidpo> can you check please for me which file i shud not have that on it maybe
[00:11] <kosaidpo> yesh phillw
[00:12] <kosaidpo> phillw: i own all and i have all permissions on em
[00:12] <kosaidpo> phillw: btw all does even group and others
[00:13] <kosaidpo> phillw: here http://pastie.org/3272913
[00:15] <phillw> kosaidpo: yeah, you have access from that. What is the problem when you launch Chromium?
[00:15] <kosaidpo> phillw: my pc lags and i have to reboot
[00:19] <kosaidpo> phillw: here we go it lags again i dont kno
[00:20] <phillw> kosaidpo: please ensure you have the most up to date version.
[00:21] <kosaidpo> phillw: im on 11.10
[00:24] <kosaidpo> i just reinstalled it and i hop it work its too bad tho to hae this as a solution i dont want to loose my bookmarks and extentions which are not synchro : P
[00:24] <semperor> Hell
[00:24] <semperor> +o
[00:28] <semperor> I have a little question: After installing midori browser, i had the Firefox in the menu. If i try to remove firefox apt-get wants to install epiphany.
[00:28] <semperor> Does anybody know why?
=== zeroseven01831 is now known as zeroseven0183
[05:35] <Lasivian> Is it possible to put a link in lubuntu to a folder on a windows network drive?
[05:35] <Lasivian> tired of having to dig through folders to get to data on the windows server :/
[07:15] <kanliot> what's a good email client that shows new mail in the system tray? I like when my gmail shows in the system tray, not the taskbar
[07:56] <kanliot> I've a question about source code management between the LXDE sources on git.debian.org and the sources on git://lxde.git.sourceforge.net.ok, when we have a bugfix on sourceforge.net, how do i get the git.debian.org to pull it?would I pull it myself, and then email the debian guy to pull from my account on git.debian.org?
[10:38] <Ririshi> Hi
[11:43] <shancial> Hello all
[11:43] <shancial> Is there anyone who could walk me through installing a kernel module?
[11:43] <shancial> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tp_smapi#2nd_Option
[11:44] <shancial> I've been trying to get that thing to work, but I can't complete the install of acpi_call
[11:48] <bioterror> Lubuntu is not same thing as Arch Linux
[11:48] <bioterror> we dont have AUR
[11:49] <shancial> Doesn't the manual install work? It's just a perl script
[11:50] <shancial> There was people on the gentoo forum that got that working.
[11:52] <shancial> I tried installing acpi_call using these instructions:
[11:52] <shancial> http://linux-hybrid-graphics.blogspot.com/2010/07/using-acpicall-module-to-switch-onoff.html
[12:00] <bioterror> shancial, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics
[12:03] <shancial> bioterror: I don't know how that would help me? I need to install acpi_call because it's needed but tpacpi-bat
[12:03] <shancial> by*
[12:11] <bioterror> shancial, do you have nvidia optimus?
[12:12] <shancial> bioterror: No, I have Lenovo x121e, with AMD Fusion E-350. I am trying to install tpacpi-bat, which can set battery charging thresholds
[12:12] <shancial> But acpi_call is required by tpacpi-bat
[12:20] <bioterror> you have acpi_call installed?
[12:20] <shancial> I tried installing it, but modprobe acpi_call fails
[12:20] <bioterror> sudo insmod acpi_call.ko
[12:20] <shancial> Yeah
[12:21] <bioterror> that fials too?
[12:21] <bioterror> fails
[12:21] <shancial> I went by the instructions, downloaded the thing from git, compiled it and then did sud insmod acpi_call.ko
[12:21] <shancial> when I write sudo insmod acpi_call.ko, nothing happend
[12:22] <shancial> It copies the acpi_call.ko file to /lib/modules/kernel folder, which is wrong
[12:22] <shancial> All the module files are in /lib/modules/3.0.0-12-generic
[12:23] <shancial> sudo modprobe acpi_call says Module not found
[12:24] <shancial> I tried copying acpi_call.ko to /lib/modules/3.0.0-12-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi
[12:24] <shancial> Doesn't work either
[12:25] <bioterror> oh well, this laptop is soon going to be run over so I'm going to install acpi_call
[12:25] <shancial> I am out of options. the tpacpi-bat perl script works, but it needs acpi_call
[12:27] <bioterror> arch linux's acpi_call-git is broken :-)
[12:27] <shancial> oh?
[12:27] <shancial> Okay, is there any other way to get it?
[12:28] <shancial> I tried googling acpi_call but found nothing
[12:35] <bioterror> hmmm
[12:35] <bioterror> from the bumblebee repo you can install acpi-call-tools package
[12:36] <bioterror> bumblebee ppa, I mean
[12:39] <shancial> I checked it out, but it only talks about installing the nvidia drivers
[12:39] <bioterror> you dont have to install nvidia drivers
[12:39] <bioterror> you can just take the acpi-call-tools package ;)
[12:39] <bioterror> it should have your kernel module
[12:40] <shancial> Okay, I added the bumblebee repo
[12:41] <shancial> Installing acpi-call-tools
[12:43] <shancial> sudo modprobe acpi_call does nothing now
[12:43] <shancial> Is it a good sign? :)
[12:49] <shancial> The tpacpi-bat script doesn't work
[12:50] <shancial> sudo perl tpacpi-bat.pm -v stopChargeThreshold 0 80
[12:50] <shancial> Call : \_SB.PCI0.LPC.EC.HKEY.BCSS 0x50
[12:50] <shancial> Response: Error: AE_NOT_FOUND
[12:50] <shancial> That comes up
[12:52] <shancial> bioterror: I installed acpi-call-tools, modprobed acpi_call, installed tp-smapi (which the script requires) and then tried that command
[12:56] <bioterror> hmmm
[13:51] <recalcati> good morning
[13:52] <recalcati> I joined lubuntu project, but I don't find where to put the bugs I find
[13:53] <recalcati> In laucnhpad I see bugs, but I can't add them
[13:55] <recalcati> I saw that in 11.10 lubuntu when apt-get installing pavucontrol it is not present the dependency for pulseaudio. I write it here, if it can help.
[14:05] <Myrtti> that was patient
[15:20] <kosaidpo> hello guys
[15:20] <kosaidpo> where can i find logs of chromium i looked in /var/log and found none ;[
[16:38] <iceroot> kosaidpo: i dont think chromium is logging something
[16:39] <kosaidpo> iceroot: thanks i mean when u do sumthin in itas open new tab i just needed it cus last night when i fire chromium it lags an had to reboot
[17:54] <cousteau> gaah, I thought I had already left the mailing list... suddenly I got a bunch of mails from launchpad
[18:05] <kaipreshaw> will lubuntu be ok in a VM i want to see what it will run like
[18:06] <bioterror> yes
[18:06] <bioterror> lots of people run it under virtualbox
[18:07] <kaipreshaw> bioterror, on my windows notebook
[18:07] <kaipreshaw> i forgot whats it called
[18:07] <bioterror> if you have enough resources, why not ;)
[18:08] <kaipreshaw> yea that will be cool
[18:08] <Sentynel> I vbox lubuntu in windows and linux; works great
[18:09] <kaipreshaw> is there a way i can get via torrents
[18:09] <kaipreshaw> get lubuntu via torrent i ment
[18:10] <Sentynel> there's torrent links yeah
[18:12] <kaipreshaw> thanks guys
[22:15] <sjjh> hi, where can I add feature requests for lubuntu?
[22:16] <bioterror> from launchpad
[22:17] <sjjh> as a "bug"?
[22:18] <sjjh> it sounds so negative ;)
[22:18] <bioterror> ;)
[22:19] <sjjh> and I'mmissing the "create" button... (yes, I'm logged in)
[22:22] <sjjh> do I have to be a member of the team to create a bug?
[22:22] <bioterror> nope
[22:23] <sjjh> so I'm blind...
[22:23] <sjjh> that's the right page, is it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop
[22:23] <sjjh> js is activated...
[22:24] <sjjh> bioterror: where is the link/button to create a bug...? I'm feeling a little stupid...
[22:26] <sjjh> well, if I open another bug, than there is a link "report a bug" on the right side... I'll use that. :) But I thought there should one an the bug overview page to...
[22:27] <Sentynel> sjjh: you're on the team page, not the project page
[22:27] <sjjh> I thought I was on the bug tracker page...
[22:28] <sjjh> bug tracker of the project of course.
[22:28] <Sentynel> https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu
[22:28] <sjjh> so, what would have been the right site?
[22:28] <Sentynel> or a more specific package name depending on what exactly you're reporting
[22:28] <sjjh> well, a feature request for an non existing programe
[22:29] <sjjh> I would like to hava a graphical frontend for colord (like "gnome color manager" for gnome)