UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /28 /#ubuntu-au.txt
Initial commit
[02:13] <benonsoftware> sagaci: Hi, I am wondering what the Australia localised CD image is about?
[02:18] <sagaci> I'll be back later, benonsoftware
[02:18] <sagaci> moving house, so can't really type too much
[02:19] <benonsoftware> Sorry
[02:19] <benonsoftware> Have fun :P
[09:41] <sagaci> benonsoftware: the idea behind the localised ISO is to have an ISO that has the en_AU locale/language packs preinstalled, customised bookmarks/wallpapers/internet radio, along with a few core packages that aren't available in the normal ubuntu install... ie. wvdial, usbmodeset, build-essential... packages that would take hours/days to download on a dial-up/constricted connection or those who...
[09:41] <sagaci> ...simply don't have the quota to spare
[09:42] <benonsoftware> Cool
[09:42] <sagaci> some people can download drivers or bits of software they have to compile to run properly so I've included build-essential, otherwise that would be a pain to have to install on a bad connection
[09:43] <benonsoftware> Ok
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=== fenris is now known as Guest60220
=== fenris_ is now known as Guest303
=== Guest303 is now known as ejat
=== ejat is now known as fenris
=== fenris is now known as Guest33989
=== Guest33989 is now known as ejat