UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /25 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:37] <Riddell> oneiric packages still need to compile away and probably need retries in kubuntu-ninjas
[00:37] <Riddell> then testing
[00:37] <Riddell> then copy over
[00:37] <Riddell> and upload to precise
[00:37] <Riddell> then release
[00:37] <Riddell> upstream will release about midday so I guess we won't be quite on time but not too far off
[00:52] <ScottK> Way better than we've been doing.
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[08:41] <apachepanda> ScottK: maybe it is time to switch to pyside :P
[09:49] <Riddell> apachepanda: just when Nokia is going to stop development of it?
[09:50] <apachepanda> oh, we do? good stuff
[09:50] <apachepanda> let's drop python altogehter and use js then
[09:50] <Tm_T> I thought we were moving to perl
[09:51] <apachepanda> no perl is getting the boot
[09:51] <apachepanda> cdwise
[09:51] <apachepanda> do we even use cds?
[10:04] <apachepanda> Riddell: do you happen to know what the particular compatibility problem with suse's bzip2 is?
[10:12] <Riddell> apachepanda: yes it's a patch they sadd
[10:12] <Riddell> ..add
[10:12] <Riddell> don't remember what but we have a bug about it somewhere
[10:13] <Riddell> probably on prictine-source
[10:14] <apachepanda> well, I see a patch about compressing with a 20 bit huffman, whereas upstream bz2 uses 17 bits
[10:14] <apachepanda> however!
[10:15] <apachepanda> upstream bz2 decodes up to 20 bits (for compatibility reasons), so I don't imagine that would be the cause
[10:23] <apachepanda> ah
[10:23] <apachepanda> Riddell: the problem is that we cannot recreate the tars?
[10:23] <apachepanda> bit compatible
[10:23] <Riddell> apachepanda: yes
[10:24] <Riddell> which screws up UDD
[10:24] <apachepanda> well, we don't do UDD :P
[10:24] <Riddell> which is fine as long as UDD still has issues but one day it may be the grand solution we all want
[10:24] <debfx> there is a new version of pristine-tar in debian that claims to fix this
[10:24] <apachepanda> to be perfectly honest, I think the issue is with the pristine stuff though
[10:25] <apachepanda> before bz2 1.0.3 upstream was using 20 bit huffman too
[10:25] <Riddell> bug 845625
[10:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 845625 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "UDD importer fails on KDE 4.7.1 tars" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/845625
[10:25] <apachepanda> so essentially the pristine thing did not support tars prior to 1.0.3
[10:25] <apachepanda> which is a bug in itself
[10:25] <apachepanda> IMHO
[10:25] <Riddell> debian bug 641019
[10:25] <ubottu> Debian bug 641019 in pristine-tar "pristine-tar does not work with tar files made by openSUSE" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/641019
[10:25] <Riddell> debfx: that's very promising then
[10:33] <apachepanda> I love how one cannot close rekonq by doing ctrlw with one tab
[11:05] <Riddell> all right, all compiled, time to test
[11:05] <Riddell> ** KDE SC 4.8 testing needed, message me to find out how
[11:05] <Riddell> except you all know :)
[11:06] <Tm_T> refresh my memory?
[11:27] <Tm_T> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-dataengines-addons_4%3a4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-engine-kdeobservatory.desktop', which is also in package plasma-widget-kdeobservatory 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1
[11:28] <Riddell> Tm_T: mm, that's just why we need it tested
[11:29] <Tm_T> I know, and that's why I'm testing it (:
[11:30] <Tm_T> especially as I tend to install quite a lot, sometimes a bit weird collection of packages
[11:32] <Daviey> ah, try now (please)
[11:34] <Riddell> Daviey: pardon?
[11:47] <Daviey> Gah, sorry - wrong window Riddell
[11:47] <mikecb> least it wasn't a password
[11:48] <Tm_T> (:
[11:48] <mikecb> kwallet has caused me to do that twice
[11:48] <Riddell> maybe it is, let me try launchpad login >:)
[11:48] <Riddell> mikecb: really? because the password window loses focus?
[11:49] <mikecb> kwallet is up, and then quassel opens right before I type it in
[11:49] <mikecb> I suppose it's more the auto-launch previous session thing lol
[11:49] <Riddell> mm session restore
[11:49] <mikecb> so useful, yet so dangerous
[11:49] <Riddell> well it would make sense for kwin to have a way for windows that are certain to always retain focus and for kwallet to use it
[11:50] <Riddell> maybe kwin already does, I suspect gnome password thing uses it
[11:50] <mikecb> like the windows secure desktop...that would be nice
[11:56] <Tm_T> one can create such rule trivially I believe
[11:56] <Riddell> mikecb: I'm never going to have time to look into this but if you want to it takes asking kwin guys what kwin offers and filing bugs to make it happen if it doesn't, then talking to kwallet/secret sevice/kdesudo coders to implement using it
[11:57] <mikecb> seems so...I contemplated making a quassel plugin to parse inputs and ask "This looks like a password, do you really want to send it?"
[11:57] <mikecb> Riddell: that sounds like a good project
[11:58] <Tm_T> Riddell: mikecb: kwin rules offers required functionality, I can create the rule and share it if need be
[11:58] <Riddell> that's never going to work reliably, it depends on people using what is expected to be passwords when good practice encourages passphrases which won't be recognisable by a programme
[11:58] <mikecb> yeah I know, that was more joke than reality ;)
[11:59] <Riddell> Tm_T: it doesn't need a config rule, it needs the programmes that have password dialogues to set them to the right kwin rules on creating the dialog
[11:59] <mikecb> how does kde prefer to be contacted? mailinglist or individual devs?
[11:59] <Riddell> well maybe a config rule could work as a distro workaround
[12:00] <Tm_Tr> hmmm, you mean all password dialogues?
[12:00] <Riddell> mikecb: depends on the project, kwin is mgraessin who is on irc sometimes, the probably also have their own mailing list
[12:00] <Riddell> Tm_T: sure
[12:01] <Tm_Tr> hmmm, I wonder if in general, password request windows have some combinative factor
[12:01] <Tm_Tr> ...or what's the correct word
[12:01] <mikecb> okay, I'll take that on
[12:01] <Riddell> mikecb: let us know how you get on
[12:01] <Tm_Tr> Tm_T: you're not answering to ping
[12:02] <mikecb> k
[12:10] <Riddell> I think my dist-upgrade is taking ages because of libreoffice not the 4.8 I want to test
[12:12] <Riddell> I'm going to put networkmanager rc 4 along with the KDE SC packages for oneiric since the maintainer is pointing out that he's getting too many old bug reports
[12:12] <Riddell> Tm_T: have you tested the upgraded networkmanager
[12:12] <Riddell> ?
[12:19] <Riddell> "KDE Telepathy 0.3 "Ninja" Released - First Beta!" who's out telepathy ninja?
[12:20] <Riddell> "KDE Telepathy 0.3 "Ninja" Released - First Beta!" who's our telepathy ninja?
[12:34] <Riddell> Tm_T: are you able to test kontact?
[12:35] <Riddell> I /think/ it's working but I'm not sure
[12:36] <Riddell> oh good new mail arrived, seems to be working then
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[12:37] <Riddell> sending works too, I declaire akonadi good enough
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[13:12] <Riddell> ok I want to move SC 4.8 to kubuntu-ppa backports now
[13:12] <Riddell> but it might run out of space
[13:12] <Riddell> should I remove lucid packages or natty or both?
[13:27] <Tm_T> Riddell: we have currently network issues (ISP has broken connection) so I cannot download stuff properly
[13:30] <Tm_T> including I have no access to google (:
[13:31] <ts2> no google!? how are you surviving?
[13:35] <Riddell> Tm_T: but you did get most of 4.8 installed and tested?
[13:38] <Tm_T> Riddell: uh, not yet tested, as the network issue employed me (:
[13:40] <Tm_T> dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-dataengines-addons_4%3a4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-engine-kdeobservatory.desktop', which is also in package plasma-widget-kdeobservatory 4:4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1
[13:40] <Tm_T> now both packages are 4.8.0 but the same conflict
[13:41] <Tm_T> we got the network back (:
[13:41] <Tm_T> https://fortn.net/ficixstats/#/page?name=_FICIX1_FICIX1Telekarelia_InterfaceStatistics
[13:41] <Riddell> ok so I need to wait for you or someone to test before relasing
[13:41] <Riddell> since I never trust my own testing alone
[13:41] <Tm_T> Riddell: ye, what's with that conflict? should be fixed before release?
[13:41] <Riddell> that plasma-addons issue I fixed, you'll need to use --force-overwrite
[13:42] <Riddell> will be fixed in the kubuntu-ppa/backports version
[13:43] <Tm_T> roger (:
[13:44] <Riddell> Tm_T: let me know when you get it installed and you've tested a few programmes for sanity
[13:44] <Riddell> plasma still has the annoying issue of freezing for 20 seconds on bootup for me
[13:48] <Tm_T> Riddell: as soon as I get rebooted, I can tell if networkmanager and Kontact works (:
[13:49] <Tm_T> akonadi-backend-mysql : Depends: mysql-server-core-5.5 but it is not installable
[13:49] <Tm_T> Depends: mysql-client-core-5.5 but it is not installable
[13:49] <Tm_T> Riddell: ^
[13:49] <Riddell> aah
[13:49] <Riddell> why didn't I come across that?
[13:49] <Tm_T> this is 11.10 btw
[13:50] <Riddell> me too, it was held back for me
[13:50] <Riddell> ok this is why we test
[13:51] <Riddell> it's also why upstream shouldn't make test tars available the evening before release
[13:52] <Tm_T> there should be full 24 hours for testing
[13:54] <Riddell> exactly
[13:55] <Tm_T> Riddell: will the private ppa have the fix for this, or should I ignore it for now?
[13:56] <Riddell> Tm_T: yes I'll upload in a sec
[13:56] <Tm_T> great (:
[13:57] <Riddell> Tm_T: ok look out for 1.7.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1 being available from kubuntu-ninjas then carry on installing and testing
[14:00] <Riddell> hmm no
[14:02] <Riddell> akonadi_1.7.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa2
[14:02] <Riddell> not ~ppa1
[14:04] * Riddell uploads kde4libs to precise and starts preparing the other ones
[14:07] <Tm_T> it's still not offering ~ppa2
[14:08] <Tm_T> hmmmmmh
[14:08] <Riddell> it's still waiting to compile "Start in 1 minute "
[14:08] <Tm_T> ah, right
[14:08] <Tm_T> on which builder it is in line?
[14:09] <Tm_T> or how this did work anyway (:
[14:11] <Riddell> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/3120610 has details but I doubt you have access
[14:11] <Riddell> can give you access if wanted
[14:11] <Riddell> or maybe that's not secret
[14:12] <Tm_T> ye, I have no access
[14:12] <Riddell> give me your lp name if you want it
[14:12] <Tm_T> https://launchpad.net/~tmt
[14:15] <Riddell> Tm_T: try now
[14:16] <Tm_T> thanks (:
[14:16] <Tm_T> it could be I have to jump to bus in a moment, which means I will try do the same upgrade at home, but that would mean more than one hour from now until I could get to it
[14:17] <Tm_T> but that would mean 2 systems tested then, so not entirely bad (;
[14:18] <Riddell> Tm_T: thanks
[14:19] <Riddell> did we ever get that irc bot testers call added?
[14:19] <Tm_T> ubottu or kubotu?
[14:19] <ubottu> Tm_T: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)
[14:19] <Riddell> any
[14:20] <Riddell> we were discussing it the other day
[14:20] <Riddell> like !ninjas to ping people but for testing
[14:20] <Tm_T> ah, couldn't find it from ubottu's brains, so prolly not added yet
[14:21] <Tm_T> ...I wan't my ibook back to work so I could use it for testing too
[14:21] <Riddell> Tm_T: if you want you can add it and ask (here and mailing list) for people willing to be added
[14:21] <Tm_T> rogery
[14:29] <Riddell> Quintasan_: you're the kde telepathy ninja? up for packaging 0.3 and getting it in the archive?
[14:30] <Tm_T> yay, built
[14:31] <Tm_T> Riddell: installed without further issues, restarting
[14:37] <Tm_T> Riddell: all looks ok except display settings didn't come over
[14:37] <Tm_T> 23" widescreen is now using 1280x1024 apparently
[14:44] <Riddell> Tm_T: but you can change it manually again?
[14:44] <Riddell> that sounds like an X issue
[14:44] <Riddell> from your reboot
[14:47] <Tm_T> yeh
[14:47] <Tm_T> other than that, all seemed to be ok
[14:47] <Tm_T> on a bus now, so can test more in 45 mins
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[14:49] <yofel> feel free to add me to !testers btw.
[14:49] * yofel will test 4.8-O when he's home (~1h)
[14:49] <Tm_T> Riddell: I had manually set display settings, so it should have come over
[14:50] <Tm_T> set & saved, it doesn't change them automatically when I add or remove displays
[14:50] <Tm_T> so hummm
[14:50] <Tm_T> two displays btw
[14:51] <Riddell> just what KDE has always been not very good at
[14:51] <Tm_T> Riddell: heh, just interesting it fails at upgrade when it's been just fine when I
[14:52] <yofel> well, I was at least able to attach a beamer 2 days ago to my netbook, which didn't work at all like 3 releases ago. So there's some progress
[14:52] <Tm_T> 've been plugging screens in and out
[14:53] <Tm_T> yofel: ye, have had zero issues lately
[14:53] <Tm_T> zero or nearly
[14:56] <Riddell> I've always been able to use my projector without problems, there's loads of improvements that should be made but never a case of it doesn't work for years
[14:59] <ScottK> For Hardy (KDE3) mine would lock up X and completely freeze.
[15:00] <ScottK> For KDE 4.1 - 4.3 I had to set things up very carefully.
[15:00] <ScottK> Since 4.4 it's ~just worked for me.
[15:19] <Riddell> how do I make sed apply to only the first line of a file?
[15:22] <Tm_T> Riddell: at what time the kde sc upstream release is planned?
[15:23] <apachepanda> Riddell: first line or first occurance?
[15:23] <Riddell> Tm_T: three hours ago
[15:24] <Riddell> apachepanda: first line
[15:24] <apachepanda> that might be tricky with in-place
[15:24] <apachepanda> something like sed q ...
[15:24] <Tm_T> Riddell: oh so it's late, nice (:
[15:24] <Riddell> 15:20 < pitti> Riddell: sed '1 s/foo/bar/'
[15:24] <Riddell> apachepanda: pitti got it
[15:24] <apachepanda> that is first occurance IIRC
[15:26] <Tm_T> take the first line to stdout, do sed, direct it back to its place?
[15:27] <Tm_T> if nothing else works (:
[15:27] <apachepanda> yeah
[15:27] * apachepanda would head it
[15:28] <Tm_T> apachepanda: for example, yes
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[15:40] <ScottK> Riddell: It's released.
[15:40] <ScottK> 18 minutes ago
[15:41] <Riddell> ScottK: "it" being KDE SC?
[15:42] <Riddell> not on kde.org yet
[15:42] <Riddell> that's how I judge it
[15:42] <Riddell> well normally I judge it by sebas talking about doing it but I don't see that today
[15:44] <ScottK> Riddell: Yes, based on what Dirk sent to packagers.
[15:44] <Tm_T> same problem, haven't seen release messages of any kind
[15:45] <Riddell> ScottK: oh he means it's syncing to mirrors, some hours after that is time for announcements usually
[15:46] <ScottK> Right, but I think it's safe to put out our packages.
[15:46] <Tm_T> upgrading at home
[15:46] <Tm_T> will have results in 15 mins perhaps
[15:46] <Riddell> ScottK: kde4libs uploaded, waiting on tm_t to test oneiric to move that over
[15:46] <ScottK> OK.
[15:46] <Riddell> BluesKaj said he's test precise
[15:47] <ScottK> Did you see the kde-baseapps mail on packagers?
[15:47] <ScottK> Sounds like something we ought to patch.
[15:47] <Riddell> ScottK: I did that yesterday I think
[15:47] <ScottK> OK. Cool.
[15:47] <Riddell> I know I added that patch
[15:52] <Tm_T> uh, right http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2012-January/005476.html
[15:52] <Tm_T> so it really was last-minute release (:
[15:52] <Tm_T> Riddell: looks like downloading takes good time, so more than 15 minutes (;
[15:57] <BluesKaj> Riddell, all looks fine so far , just running thru the apps looking for anomolies
[15:57] <Riddell> BluesKaj: excellent
[15:58] <Riddell> BluesKaj: check kontact and whatever else you want
[15:58] <Riddell> anyone going to fosdem? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Fosdem/2012
[15:58] <Riddell> (as well as KDE wiki pages)
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[16:13] <Riddell> Tm_T: where has your testing got to?
[16:14] <Tm_T> Riddell: installing
[16:15] <Tm_T> only 462 packages to install
[16:23] <BluesKaj> Riddell, unfortunately I don't use kmail/kontact since My email provider contracted my email server out to hotmail , which i find ridiculous so I just switched to web email services like gmail and my bell ISP email.
[16:24] <Riddell> BluesKaj: ok but test kontact for calendaring for example
[16:24] <Riddell> question is "is akonadi working"
[16:24] <BluesKaj> ok will try
[16:26] <BluesKaj> errr ...don't use akonadi either, it's disabled :) ...but everything else works so far
[16:26] <Riddell> BluesKaj: how is it disabled?
[16:27] <ScottK> Non-working Akonadi or Kontact isn't a release blocker anyway. SC 4.7 clearly established that.
[16:27] <yofel> you can barely use anything in *pim these days without akonadi
[16:27] <BluesKaj> guess , i'm not gonna be much help
[16:27] <ScottK> Riddell: It doesn't start until something uses it, so if nothing is using it, it won't come on.
[16:27] * yofel updates
[16:28] * Riddell uploading bits to precise
[16:28] <Tm_T> I'll have test results soon if I'm reading install log correctly
[16:30] <BluesKaj> Riddell, I have it as anon starter in startup & shutdown>session management >"applications to be excluded from sessions", I have akonadi listed along with nepomuk and timidity
[16:31] <Riddell> BluesKaj: but you can still use it, it'll start when kontact starts
[16:33] * BluesKaj has to reinstall kontact/kmail
[16:35] <BluesKaj> the kmail wizard can't find my ISP's email server and hasb't been able to since it was contracted to hotmail , pophm and smtphm are the incoming and outgoing settings which work on thunderbird but not kmail
[16:37] <Tm_T> I thought you can use hotmail with imap too
[16:37] <Tm_T> relogin ->
[16:38] <BluesKaj> Tm_T, yes i tried the imap settings as well
[16:40] <BluesKaj> brb , reboot
[16:42] <Tm_T> Kopete (akonadi) works
[16:43] <Riddell> Tm_T: great
[16:43] <Tm_T> testing kontact (kmail)
[16:44] <Tm_T> blargh, one moment
[16:44] <Tm_T> forgot I'm at home and on my own account (;
[16:48] <Riddell> Tm_T: so you say it's ok so I can copy to oneiric I guess
[16:55] <Tm_T> Riddell: currently testing on a non-gitbuild environment (my home account is that instead of kubuntu packages, my bad)
[16:55] <Tm_T> Riddell: akonadi doesn't run
[16:56] <Riddell> Tm_T: so kontact doesn't work?
[16:56] <Tm_T> ye
[16:56] <Tm_T> I'll try make sure it's not old cruft messing things
[16:56] <Riddell> I'll test too
[16:58] <Tm_T> yeah, some old cruft on an account who has never used akonadi on anything ends up having non-functioning akonadi
[16:58] <Tm_T> ~/.local/share/akonadi (re)moved, and things works
[16:59] <shadeslayer> \o/
[17:00] <Tm_T> after that, akonadi stops and starts just fine
[17:00] <yofel> shadeslayer: how did it go?
[17:00] <Riddell> working nicely for me after install akonadi 1.7 and reboot
[17:00] <soee> Riddell, hi
[17:01] <shadeslayer> yofel: Better than expected
[17:01] <soee> is it ok to upgrade from ninja ppa ?
[17:01] <shadeslayer> :D
[17:01] <yofel> :)
[17:01] <Riddell> hi soee, no, but what are you trying to achieve?
[17:01] <Riddell> Tm_T: so are you able to add a testers ping to a bot?
[17:01] <Tm_T> ye
[17:01] <soee> Riddell, on my list i have ninja ppa with 4.8.0 i guess
[17:02] <Riddell> Tm_T: can you add !kubuntu-test as "Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, tm_t, shadeslayer, BluesKaj" ?
[17:02] <Tm_T> ubottu: testers-#kubuntu is Tm_T yofel and other testers, ping pong ding dong we have tests to do! Report to Riddell immediately!
[17:02] <ubottu> I'll remember that, Tm_T
[17:02] <Tm_T> whops, I was too quick (;
[17:03] <Riddell> oh whatever is better
[17:03] <Riddell> soee: ok can you wait
[17:03] <shadeslayer> need testers?
[17:03] <Riddell> soee: it's being copied to a real ppa and I'd like it tested there
[17:03] <soee> Riddell, crap already started :/
[17:03] <Riddell> soee: ok carry on then
[17:04] <Tm_T> ubottu: testers-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj
[17:04] <ubottu> I'll remember that, Tm_T
[17:04] <shadeslayer> And what about precise?
[17:04] <Riddell> shadeslayer: maybe, what are you running?
[17:04] <shadeslayer> Riddell: precise
[17:04] <Tm_T> I first added to wrong channel too (:
[17:04] <yofel> !testers
[17:04] <ubottu> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj
[17:04] <yofel> :D
[17:04] <shadeslayer> Tm_T: <3
[17:04] <Riddell> Tm_T: well we want it on #kubuntu as well
[17:05] <Tm_T> ubottu: no, testers-#kubuntu is <alias> testers-#kubuntu-devel
[17:05] <ubottu> I'll remember that Tm_T
[17:05] <Riddell> shadeslayer: then watch out for it appearing in archive and install it and test when it does
[17:05] <Tm_T> now it should be the same on both channels
[17:05] <shadeslayer> lets see
[17:05] <yofel> meh, still downloading :/
[17:05] <soee> ;]
[17:06] <Riddell> yofel: what are you testing to and on what distro?
[17:06] <yofel> 4.8 on oneiric
[17:06] <Riddell> !testers
[17:06] <ubottu> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj
[17:06] <Tm_T> Riddell: hmmm, I cannot get newly set imap account retrieve mails, interesting
[17:06] <Riddell> Tm_T: nice thanks :)
[17:06] <Riddell> ok who wants to be on the testing ping?
[17:09] <shadeslayer> Riddell: upgrading on precise
[17:09] <shadeslayer> ~20 minutes
[17:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: from a PPA?
[17:09] <BluesKaj> Riddell, I'm just setting up akonadi here and trying to configure kmail and kontact , so I'll report back in less then 30 mins
[17:10] <Tm_T> Riddell: ah, imap issue seemed to be my mistake
[17:10] <Tm_T> so yeh, it alls seems to work just fine
[17:11] <Tm_T> silly Kontact bugging
[17:13] <Tm_T> ye, all is ok
[17:13] <soee> ok, reboot now
[17:17] <James147> Riddell: I can test the upgrade in my vm if you want
[17:17] <shadeslayer> Riddell: from archives
[17:20] <soee> back
[17:22] <soee> all works fine, i just had to remove and connect again my mouse because i couldnt move cursor :)
[17:22] <Riddell> Tm_T: great
[17:22] <Riddell> shadeslayer: what did you test again?
[17:22] <Riddell> soee: not shadeslayer
[17:22] <shadeslayer> :P
[17:22] <soee> Riddell, upgrade to 4.8 oneiric
[17:23] <Riddell> soee: from what source, on what distro version..
[17:24] <soee> Riddell, ninja ppa, Kubuntu 11.10, kde 4.8 RC2 -> 4.8.0
[17:24] <Riddell> great thanks soee
[17:24] <soee> no problems during download or updates
[17:24] <Riddell> soee: tested kontact?
[17:25] <Riddell> James147: now we need the kubuntu-ppa/backports copy tested for oneiric, are you able?
[17:25] <soee> Riddell, well im using Thunderbird but have also contact, looks liek works fine
[17:25] <soee> *kontact
[17:26] <James147> sure
[17:26] <James147> Riddell: ^^
[17:27] <Riddell> soee: great thanks
[17:31] <Riddell> James147: great, that's the last step before we announce so let me know when it's done
[17:31] <James147> Riddell: what do you need me to do?
[17:32] <Riddell> James147: get a vm with oneiric kubuntu running, add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports, dist-upgrade and install kde-full, reboot and check the programmes work
[17:33] <James147> kk
[17:36] <shadeslayer> Riddell: Who is our in house PPC expert?
[17:37] <shadeslayer> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop/4:4.2.81-0ubuntu1/+build/3105726
[17:37] <yofel> hm, kwin compositing got disabled after reboot on my eeePC
[17:38] <ScottK> shadeslayer: There was an error on powerpc in the last cycle, I can't remember which package, maybe kdeutils that looked similar.
[17:38] <yofel> akonadi still talks nonsense about failing to fetch a resource collection
[17:38] <ScottK> You might hunt it up and see if the solution to it helps.
[17:39] <shadeslayer> looking
[17:39] <shadeslayer> ScottK: I don't quite understand why it doesn't find that particular reference to the function
[17:40] <ScottK> The code is generated at build time and something is missed.
[17:40] <shadeslayer> oh
[17:41] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I don't know but PPC isn't supported so ignore it
[17:42] <shadeslayer> okay
[17:42] <micahg> umm, it's community supported :P
[17:42] <Riddell> well right
[17:43] <shadeslayer> nothing in kdeutils
[17:44] <micahg> shadeslayer: try kdesdk
[17:44] <ScottK> Yeah, that's it.
[17:50] <yofel> Riddell: my kdepim summary: works fine if you use a fresh setup. If you have kde bug 259355 kmail (and kontact) doesn't work at all and ktimetracker still doesn't work standalone
[17:50] <ubottu> KDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection "" [Critical,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259355
[17:50] <Riddell> "Start in 21 hours" not looking good for new akonadi in kubuntu-ppa/updates
[17:51] <Riddell> yofel: ok we can mention that on our website release page I guess
[17:51] <Riddell> wgrant: can you pimp a PPA build?
[17:51] <yofel> well, that's nothing new
[17:51] <yofel> broken since 4.6
[17:53] <Riddell> right
[17:56] <James147> Riddell: has some problems with a previous failed upgrade :S but everything seems to be upgrading now
=== seajey_ is now known as SeaJey
[18:01] <BluesKaj> Riddell, no luck with kmail setup , ISP email account not recognized due akonadi not responding quickly enough and the email server request times out ...tried different approaches but it's no use to me any . direct access with a web browser works for me . akonadi is defintely the encumberance there in my situation , and that terrible kwalletmanager contantly intereferes because my settings there won't stick. All else is working , checked all
[18:02] <BluesKaj> apps and kde 4.8 seems stable here.
[18:02] <koolhead17> hi all
[18:03] <Riddell> BluesKaj: ok thanks for helping, I think we have enough testers of akonadi so that's fine
[18:03] <koolhead17> hey Riddell
[18:03] <Riddell> all: koolhead17 here is offering to package owncloud but hasn't packaged before so needs guidance
[18:04] <Riddell> koolhead17: I'm busy with KDE just now so no time for me, you might have to wait until it's convenient for someone to help you
[18:04] <Riddell> koolhead17: but the first step is of course just to get the programme working as you normally would
[18:04] <koolhead17> Riddell: sounds perfect!!
[18:04] <shadeslayer> Riddell: Everything looks good on precise
[18:04] <Riddell> shadeslayer: from kubuntu-ninjas?
[18:05] <shadeslayer> from archive ...
[18:05] <Riddell> shadeslayer: oh ok, there must be lots of it still to compile so keep upgrading
[18:06] <BluesKaj> Riddell, good , iknow akonadi is important for some who require secure and flexible email , but being retired and merely a home user , fancy email and kontact etc isn't needed on my setup ,...any other problems will be reported
[18:06] <Riddell> shadeslayer: and looking out for things to click retry on would be good too
[18:06] <shadeslayer> Riddell: we have a handy script for that iirc
[18:06] <Riddell> shadeslayer: which one?
[18:06] <shadeslayer> lemme see, one sec
[18:07] <shadeslayer> Riddell: kde-sc-build-status
[18:07] <yofel> that's totally outdated
[18:07] <shadeslayer> but ... it works?
[18:08] <yofel> its package list I mean
[18:08] <shadeslayer> oh
[18:08] <shadeslayer> I'll update it then
[18:09] <Riddell> thanks shadeslayer
[18:21] <Riddell> ok akonadi compiled in kubuntu-ppa/backports, waiting for it to be published then I think I'll announce
[18:21] <Riddell> James147: where is your testing at?
[18:23] <James147> installing kubuntu-desktop/kde-full
[18:33] <Riddell> akonadi-backend-mysql is updated, we can publish!
[18:34] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yofel could either of you run this : http://paste.kde.org/192770 : I'm on a very slow connection
[18:35] <yofel> just run it from my server?
[18:35] <shadeslayer> yofel: needs authentatication from launchpad
[18:36] <yofel> -.-
[18:36] <shadeslayer> I'mtrying to figure out why though
[18:36] <shadeslayer> launchpad = Launchpad.login_with('kubuntu-dev-tools KDE SC build watch', 'production', cachedir)
[18:39] <Riddell> shadeslayer: ask me to set up an ec2 for you?
[18:39] <Riddell> how's this? kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8
[18:39] <shadeslayer> Riddell: doesn't need a EC2 machine to run that :P
[18:41] <shadeslayer> Would probably be a epic waste of CPU Cycles
[18:42] <Riddell> well yeah but that's the nice thing about ec2, it's ok to do that on it, you just shut it down when you're done
[18:42] <Riddell> shadeslayer: anyway running
[18:42] <shadeslayer> Riddell: yofel kubuntu-developers is the team that has upload rights to the archive right?
[18:42] <Riddell> shadeslayer: kubuntu-dev
[18:43] <shadeslayer> and where does one define the packageset to be associated with kubuntu-dev ?
[18:43] <Riddell> that I've no idea, it's cjwatsons speciality
[18:44] <shadeslayer> okay, I'll ask him, because if I can extract that list, I can just query the list from launchpad for kde-sc-build-status
[18:44] <Riddell> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.0 published
[18:44] <Riddell> shadeslayer: hmm it's not just kde-sc the package set includes
[18:45] <Riddell> better to get the list off ftp.kde.org
[18:45] <shadeslayer> hmm .. rename the script then?
[18:45] <shadeslayer> kubuntu-dev-packageset-build-status
[18:47] <yofel> there's some script to get that list on the kubuntu-dev wiki page
[18:47] <yofel> (bottom)
[18:48] <shadeslayer> Kubuntu Dev wiki page?
[18:49] <yofel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/KubuntuDevelopers
[18:49] <debfx> shadeslayer: there is already http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/#kubuntu
[18:50] <debfx> and http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/kubuntu-buildstatus.htm
[18:51] <shadeslayer> debfx: did you hand generate that list?
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 4.8! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.0 | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs!
[18:51] <Riddell> James147: if you find problems do shout loudly because I've announced it now
[18:52] <debfx> shadeslayer: yes
[18:52] <James147> Riddell: sorry it took so long,
[18:52] <shadeslayer> debfx: ah, I wanted a way to just query launchpad for a list of packages under the kubuntu-dev team
[18:53] <James147> Inital boot and login seem fine
[18:54] <shadeslayer> yofel: meh, my list is shorter and better than the one that script returns
[18:54] <debfx> shadeslayer: well qa.ubuntuwrie.org lists all packages from the kubuntu packageset that ftbfs
[18:54] <yofel> well yeah, also that script doesn't catch the part in universe
[18:54] <yofel> *parts
[18:54] <shadeslayer> hmm .. good point ... should we remove kde-sc-build-status then?
[18:54] <shadeslayer> or should I just update it, and let it be
[18:55] <yofel> let it be, it has it's rare use cases
[18:55] <yofel> *its
[18:55] <shadeslayer> and update it with the new list?
[18:55] <yofel> yeah
[18:55] <shadeslayer> okay
[18:56] <yofel> ah, also don't forget to update the architectures, iirc it's missing armhf so it always drops one build
[18:57] <shadeslayer> fixored
[19:01] <CIA-114> [kubuntu-dev-tools] Rohan Garg * 134 * bin/kde-sc-build-status Update with new package set and new architecture armhf
[19:04] <James147> Riddell: cant see any problems here
[19:04] <soee> how does 12.04 works at current developement stage ?
[19:05] <Riddell> James147: awesome thanks so much
[19:06] <Riddell> James147: the whole packaging and testing an SC release is a slow process for sure
[19:06] <Riddell> soee: in general? I've no idea not tried it
[19:06] <soee> :)
[19:07] <yofel> precise works fine on my T510 - there's no telling if it'll do that tomorrow too though
[19:07] <yofel> typical alpha
[19:07] <Riddell> afiestas tried a daily build yesterday and liked it
[19:07] <Riddell> soee: more daily build testers would be good so we know what's needed for alpha 2
[19:08] <Riddell> shadeslayer: where can I get your script?
[19:08] <BluesKaj> anyone testing HUD ?
[19:08] <shadeslayer> Riddell: huh? kde-sc-build-status?
[19:08] <Riddell> BluesKaj: with KDE Software?
[19:08] <Riddell> shadeslayer: but where
[19:08] <shadeslayer> its in kubuntu-dev-tools/bin
[19:08] <Riddell> ok thanks
[19:08] <Riddell> I knew that
[19:08] <BluesKaj> apparently it's Qt compatible
[19:09] <shadeslayer> Then I don't understand the question :P
[19:09] <Riddell> yes thank agateau_ for that, testers would be interesting
[19:09] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I mean I needed reminded, you have to be patient with my poor concust brain :)
[19:10] <shadeslayer> Riddell: ah, still healing? what do the doctors say
[19:10] <Riddell> shadeslayer: doctors can't do anything, it's just a long slow recovery I need, I feel I'm 95% there on the brain
[19:12] <shadeslayer> Riddell: so another 3 - 4 months?
[19:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: totally impossible to say, it's an unpredictable thing, doctors said "give it 6 months" two months ago
[19:13] <Riddell> shadeslayer: I've been taking homeopathic tablets because the placaebo effect will help me as much as anything :)
[19:14] <shadeslayer> :D
[19:14] <shadeslayer> Because placaebo's are much better than real medicine :P
[19:14] <micahg> homeopathy is more than placebo, but I guess that's getting way offtopic :)
[19:14] <Riddell> micahg: that'll give us a topic to discuss over beer at UDS :)
[19:15] <micahg> heh, sounds good to me :)
[19:17] <yofel> thanks X, get yourself killed when running out of mem even though there's 3G of swap left...
[19:17] * micahg wonders if they added a trigger for when it gets to a certain amuont
[19:17] <micahg> *amouont
[19:17] <micahg> *amount :P
[19:18] <yofel> *shrug* (Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting)
[19:18] <shadeslayer> Conspiracy theorists unite!
[19:19] <Riddell> my computer did spontaniously reboot today, I wonder if it was the thing yofel has
[19:19] <yofel> and ofc apport didn't catch a thing - interetingly useless piece of software lately
[19:20] <micahg> yofel: do you have xdiagnose installeD?
[19:20] <yofel> yes
[19:22] <yofel> hm, I'm starting to like that unity-style task manager. If only the transparency effect wouldn't suck...
[19:23] <shadeslayer> uh oh, yofel's going over to the dark side
[19:24] <yofel> blame jussi :P
[19:24] <Riddell> shadeslayer: got a working HUD?
[19:24] <shadeslayer> Riddell: haven't had the time to try it out
[19:24] <shadeslayer> I'm behind on my RSS feeds and videos
[19:24] * shadeslayer looks
[19:26] <Riddell> brave move at UI change, I'm curious if it's a) any good and b) works well with KDE apps
[19:26] <Riddell> a) will be an opinion only of course :)
[19:26] * Riddell out
[19:27] * yofel back to reading gtk3 docs
[19:27] <jussi> yofel: :D
[19:27] <yofel> s/reading/trying to read/
[19:28] <jussi> I love the icon only task manager - not only is it nice to use, it makes the desktop look better also
[19:28] <shadeslayer> yofel: don't trust them, they break shit ever so often : http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/glib/gmacros.h?id=3fe710c0b59b881c7b4090601f8c1a33876af78d
[19:28] <Riddell> l10n uploading to backports PPA
[19:28] <jussi> shadeslayer: and we dont?
[19:28] <shadeslayer> jussi: just not as often as them
[19:28] <jussi> hehe
[19:29] <yofel> shadeslayer: me is working/trying to work on oxygen-gtk3. works fine, but finding out the supported ways to use it is a PITA
[19:29] <yofel> setting oxygen-gtk in ~/$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gtk-3.0/settings.ini isn't very kde-only
[19:30] <yofel> s/~\// /
[19:32] <shadeslayer> yay, using dragon and playing a m4v makes X crash
[19:32] <shadeslayer> reproducable
[19:32] <m4v> I always do that.
[19:32] <shadeslayer> also, VLC crashes while trying to play as well
[19:33] <shadeslayer> gi._glib.GError: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file '/usr/share/xdiagnose/icons/microscope.svg'
[19:33] <shadeslayer> yay
[19:37] <shadeslayer> okay, I'm off to sleep, nighters
[19:37] <yofel> gn
[19:42] <jussi> yofel: so apart fromthe transparency thing that I dont understand what it is, are there any other bugs youve come across?
[19:43] <jussi> Riddell: did you see my suggestion about icon only task manager by default?
[19:48] <apachepanda> jussi: is the icon only task manager not a fail of UX yet?
[19:48] <apachepanda> sheytan: you once pingged me
[19:48] <jussi> apachepanda: how was it a fail previously?
[19:48] <apachepanda> also I think I needed something from you at some point
[19:48] <sheytan> apachepanda: true, what was that thing to put on phonon site again?
[19:48] <apachepanda> jussi: it was a ripoff of windows' which is fail
[19:49] <apachepanda> sheytan: versions with links to download
[19:49] <apachepanda> like a box that like
[19:49] <apachepanda> phonon 4.6.0
[19:49] <apachepanda> phonon-gstreamer 4.5.blubb
[19:49] <sheytan> ok, got the idea :)
[19:49] <apachepanda> phonon-vlc zomg.0
[19:56] <jussi> apachepanda: I havent used windows for ages, so I dunno. I dont caare if its a ripoff if it works excellently
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
[19:58] * sheytan has birthday today :)
[20:00] <apachepanda> jussi: it is about sanity of usage paradigms and the windows icon thing does not provide that, consequentially a direct ripoff also doesn't
[20:00] <apachepanda> and where is the bot
[20:01] <apachepanda> bot!
[20:01] <apachepanda> botty botty!
[20:01] <jussi> wot bot?
[20:01] <apachepanda> ah
[20:01] <apachepanda> kubotu: hi
[20:02] <apachepanda> sleepy bot went to bed early today, now I woke him up again
[20:02] <apachepanda> eval(me)
[20:02] <kubotu> hola apachepanda!
[20:02] <apachepanda> kubotu: u so nice
[20:02] <apachepanda> kubotu: order birthday package for sheytan
[20:02] * kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.
[20:02] * kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to sheytan and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.
[20:02] <kubotu> Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday sheytan, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!
[20:02] <kubotu> Happy Birthday sheytan :D
[20:02] <kubotu> To your health!
[20:02] <apachepanda> score!
[20:03] <sheytan> Thank you very much :D
[20:03] <sheytan> apachepanda: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5710/base2g.png
[20:03] * apachepanda has unbirthday today
[20:03] <sheytan> smthng like this?
[20:03] <sheytan> but you get a present too :D
[20:06] <sheytan> wait, got another idea, will show you soon
[20:07] <apachepanda> \o/ prn
[20:07] <apachepanda> kubotu: order unbirthday package
[20:07] * kubotu is running to the corner shop to get an unbirthday present.
[20:07] * kubotu slides an unbirthday cake and a present down the bar to apachepanda and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.
[20:07] <kubotu> Happy unbirthday to you, happy unbirthday to you, happy unbirthday apachepanda, happy unbirthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!
[20:07] <kubotu> Happy Unbirthday apachepanda :D
[20:07] <kubotu> To your unhealth!
[20:07] <apachepanda> win
[20:14] <yofel> happy birthday sheytan :)
[20:14] <sheytan> yofel thank you :)
[20:14] <yofel> and I actually *like* the win7 task manager
[20:15] <sheytan> who doesn't? ;d
[20:15] <yofel> even if the rest of the OS behaves wrong ^^
[20:16] <sheytan> means? ; d
[20:16] <yofel> has no bash, no xclipboard, ships IE, isn't buggy, ...
[20:19] <apachepanda> yofel: what is wrong with IE? :O
[20:20] <yofel> junk software, or did it get better lately?
[20:20] <yofel> not that I have access to a windows installation that actually has it installed
[20:21] <apachepanda> you can uninstall IE? :O
[20:21] <apachepanda> u wicked
[20:44] <debfx> Riddell: I think kdepim 4.8.0 is still missing in the archive
[20:48] <debfx> is this a BIC change? http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=marble.git&a=commitdiff&h=47e416ef6c98683af9e27d80d9ea547459d908a6
[20:50] <sheytan> hey
[20:50] <sheytan> just upgraded to 4.8
[20:50] <sheytan> taskbar is still the old one
[20:51] <sheytan> stuff behaves wired
[20:51] <sheytan> cant open folder view from panel ;/
[20:59] <BluesKaj> folderview also hides folders below the screenedge and behind the panel without a scroller to access
[21:01] <sheytan> confirmed
[21:04] <yofel> hm
[21:04] <sheytan> and fix deps issues please
[21:04] <yofel> with the kdm background now being grey-ish, should be make our plymouth theme a bit lighter?
[21:05] <sheytan> i had to uninstall icontasks to upgrade
[21:05] <yofel> sheytan: that's not a package provided by us, what's the package name?
[21:05] <sheytan> i know, but it wasn't the only deps problem ;)
[21:06] * yofel does another test upgrade
[21:08] <sheytan> thank you
[21:08] <sheytan> can i hide other arch pkgs than mine?
[21:08] <yofel> where?
[21:09] <sheytan> apper lists all which makes it unreadable ;/
[21:09] <yofel> no idea about apper
[21:13] <sheytan> yofel did you build icon tasks?
[21:13] <sheytan> or someone else
[21:13] <sheytan> i'm looking for it, should be a part of kde workspace
[21:13] <yofel> we never made a package for it
[21:13] <yofel> it's now part of kde
[21:13] <sheytan> yep
[21:13] <sheytan> can someone make it?
[21:14] <sheytan> i thought it will replace the default taskmeneger in 4.8 ;/
[21:14] <sheytan> crap ;(
[21:14] <yofel> sheytan: if you tell me what the other package name is I can add a conflict
[21:14] <yofel> but I can't do that without knowing how the other package is called
[21:15] <sheytan> the old package was build by myself, i can maybe send it to you?
[21:15] <yofel> well, we can't do anything about locally built stuff
[21:16] <yofel> I know that someone had a popular package in a PPA
[21:16] <sheytan> i build it couse no one had it before. didnt know about ppa with it
[21:16] <yofel> sheytan: ah wait, you can't find it in 4.8? It's in plasma-widgets-addons
[21:17] <sheytan> installing now :)
[21:17] <sheytan> #kde helped
[21:19] <yofel> sheytan: hm, can't see any obvious dep issues in backports, got logs?
[21:20] <apachepanda> sheytan, yofel: I actually have a revised boot color stuffs here
[21:20] <apachepanda> also slow interwebs access for some reason
[21:20] <yofel> ah, nice
[21:21] <sheytan> yofel, not mine but same issue http://paste.ubuntu.com/816984/
[21:21] <apachepanda> debfx: what change would be bic there?
[21:29] <apachepanda> http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/20120110_002.mp4
[21:29] <apachepanda> this one I think
[21:29] <apachepanda> though it might be prn
[21:31] <yofel> fine with me
[21:32] <apachepanda> plz be telling me if it is the right movie
[21:36] <yofel> looks right ^^
[21:37] <yofel> (seriously)
[21:48] <sheytan> apachepanda: me loves that plymouth, nice dell, ued to use one ;D
[22:00] <Blizzz> oh hay irc long time no see
[22:02] <Blizzz> tried to upgrade to kde 4.8 on oneiric, but there is a conflict with kdepim-kresources / kdepim-groupware. is it known already?
[22:28] <debfx> apachepanda: removed virtual methods I guess
[22:33] <apachepanda> I dont see where that happened?
[22:33] <apachepanda> private methods you mean?
[22:37] <apachepanda> debfx:
[22:46] <Blizzz> looks like removing kdepim-groupware kdepim-wizards kdepim-kresources make it upgradable
[23:04] <Riddell> evening
[23:04] <Riddell> jussi: no what is icon only task manager?
[23:04] <Riddell> windows 7 style?
[23:09] <yofel> Riddell: unity style (plasma applet icontasks)
[23:09] <Riddell> what's the advantage?
[23:10] <yofel> dunno, behaves like unity
[23:11] <yofel> feels very much like sweet tasks or how that was called actually
[23:11] <Riddell> mm well I don't see an advantage I like having text to see what the button represents
[23:12] <Riddell> and icon, best of both worlds
[23:12] <Riddell> Blizzz: what's up?
[23:13] <Riddell> debfx: kdepim 4.8 uploaded to precise thanks
[23:13] * yofel has that panel vertically and has icons only anyway
[23:13] <yofel> which makes it feel even more like unity
[23:13] <Blizzz> Riddell: i have had kdepim-groupware kdepim-wizards kdepim-kresources installed which blocked a clean upgrade to KDE 4.8. Obviosuly they are not needed any longer, since e.g. groupware calendars in korganizer work
[23:14] <Riddell> Blizzz: yes those are old, I wouldn't expect the upgrade to be blocked by it, how did you upgrade
[23:14] <Blizzz> Riddell: i removed them manually
[23:15] <Blizzz> there was an dependency issue with some libs
[23:15] <yofel> I think people are using 'upgrade' instead of 'dist-upgrade'
[23:15] <Blizzz> libkdepim4 (= 4:4.7.4+git111222-0ubuntu0.1)
[23:16] <Blizzz> yofel: i did dist-upgrade ;)
[23:16] <yofel> hm, shouldn't block then
[23:16] <Riddell> yofel: hmm I guess the only answer to that is improve https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu
[23:16] <Blizzz> that was what was shown: kdepim-groupware: Depends: libkdepim4 (= 4:4.7.4+git111222-0ubuntu0.1) but 4:4.8.0a-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1 is to be installed.
[23:16] <Riddell> which does need improving a lot
[23:16] <yofel> but then again, apt is weird
[23:17] <Riddell> maybe we need a replaces kdepim-groupware on something to tell apt it's not important any more
[23:19] * yofel is off to bed - good night
[23:19] <Blizzz> gn8 yofel
[23:20] <Blizzz> Riddell: isn't it a case that happens from time to time? that dependencies or packages goes obsolete?
[23:21] <Riddell> Blizzz: yes, but I'm not sure of the exact behaviour of apt in such a case
[23:21] <Riddell> and our testing didn't come across this
[23:24] <Blizzz> k. so at least we can document it somewhere? i guess it's possible that such constellations can appear again
[23:25] <Riddell> we can just put it on the web page
[23:29] <Riddell> Blizzz: how's this? kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.0
[23:31] <Blizzz> Riddell: good, maybe add "Possibly you need to remove them by hand." to make it more clear?
[23:32] <Riddell> hmm did oyu explicitly install one of the packages at some point maybe?
[23:32] <Riddell> that might explain why apt was reluctant to remove it
[23:34] <wgrant> Riddell: Which build?
[23:35] <Blizzz> Riddell: i do not remember that i did it
[23:35] <Blizzz> though my memory is not so well sometimes ;)
[23:36] <Riddell> wgrant: thanks but bigjools sorted it first :)
[23:36] <wgrant> Ah, k