UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /24 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
Initial commit
[00:25] <technoviking> can someone send me a PM
[00:31] <cjohnston> no
[07:52] <dholbach> good morning
[08:22] <dpm> morning all
[08:59] <head_victim> Anyone know a good point of reference I can point someone to that are asking about the ethical nature of "selling" ubuntu on ebay?
[09:07] <head_victim> No matter, I just reread http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing and saw it did actually cover that
[11:24] * popey spies someone trying to change the password on the ubuntudevelopers channel on youtube
[11:24] * popey wonders if it's jcastro or jono
[11:29] <dholbach> popey, it was me, nevermind - I was too stupid to read the instructions properly
[11:29] <popey> haha
[11:29] <czajkowski> q
[11:29] <dholbach> for a moment it seemed to me like Google had moved off of "old youtube accounts" to google-accounts only and I felt like my Google account was not connected to the channel
[11:30] <dholbach> then I found the "or youtube username" bit :)
=== duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign
[14:57] <cprofitt> dholbach: ping
[14:57] <dholbach> cprofitt, pong
[14:57] <cjohnston> cprofitt: !
[14:57] <cprofitt> hey cjohnston
[14:57] <cjohnston> o/
[14:57] <cprofitt> dholbach: I added myself to the schedule for the lifecycle presentation... balloons is away right now
[14:58] <cprofitt> let me know if that needs to be moved
[14:58] <dholbach> NICE :-D
[14:58] * dholbach hugs cprofitt
[14:58] <dholbach> you're a hero
[14:58] <dholbach> thanks
[14:58] <cprofitt> thanks for thinking of me
[14:58] * cprofitt hugs dholbach back
[15:17] <dpm> hi mhall119, good morning, do you know someone who'd be able to answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/95956/creating-a-unity-lens-the-name-activation-does-not-exist-in-the-context-of-u
[15:37] <mhall119> dpm: it just so happens I had to find that answer this morning, I'll answer it
[15:37] <dpm> mhall119, excellent :)
[15:37] <mhall119> dpm: developer.u.c has C and Python api docs, why not vala?
[15:40] <dpm> mhall119, we've only got the main languages there, and giraffe, the tool that creates the docs from the gobject-introspection .gir files only supports C and Python for now.
[15:47] <mhall119> vala isn't a main language?
[15:47] <mhall119> It's one the files and application lenses are written in isn't it?
[15:48] <dpm> Yes, but that's for the shell -e.g. we don't have C++ docs, either-. For app developers, we currently recommend Python.
[15:49] <dpm> I agree that it would make sense, but at the time of setting up the docs infrastructure, the priorities were Python and C for Unity API documentation
[15:50] <dpm> and since there hasn't been any update to giraffe since then, there haven't been any new languages to support as an output
[15:52] <mhall119> dpm: answered
[15:53] <dpm> mhall119, thanks!
[16:00] <jcastro> hello
[16:01] <s-fox> Ping dholbach
[16:01] <dholbach> s-fox, heya
[16:01] <dholbach> I got your mail
[16:01] <dholbach> thanks a bunch
[16:01] <s-fox> No worries. I don't know what info you want though dholbach .
[16:02] <jcastro> s-fox: hey so someone volunteered
[16:02] <jcastro> I will send a mail today
[16:02] <s-fox> jcastro, good show. who?
[16:02] <dholbach> s-fox, let me look it up real quick and mail you back
[16:02] <s-fox> Okay, brilliant. Thank you.
[16:02] <dholbach> s-fox, thank YOU
[16:03] <jcastro> Chris Kempson
[16:06] <mhall119> jcastro: where's my bounty money?
[16:07] <s-fox> Email received dholbach . I'll work with the rest of the forum council and hopefully get this to you as soon as possible. When do you need it by?
[16:07] <jcastro> waiting for him to accept the answer
[16:07] <jcastro> mhall119: and it always makes me wait 24 hours anyway
[16:07] * mhall119 is like dog the bounty hunter
[16:08] <dholbach> s-fox, don't kill yourself doing it, but sometime soon would be nice - maybe Mike still can let you know which buttons to press to get it :)
[16:08] <cjohnston> mhall119: just point everyone to askjorge.info
[16:08] <mhall119> cjohnston: it's not longer his job though, where's my askmichael.info ?
[16:08] <cjohnston> according to Jane, it is
[16:08] <s-fox> dholbach, I can probably start on it tomorrow evening. I'd start today but I have to prep for a php dev job I am going for tomorrow.
[16:09] <cjohnston> The way I understood it was thats the job of all the community team ;-)
[16:09] <dholbach> s-fox, cool, maybe somebody else can help with it as well
[16:09] <dholbach> s-fox, thanks a lot
[16:09] <dholbach> mhall119, jcastro, dpm, balloons: awake? team meeting time :)
[16:09] <cjohnston> mhall119: buy your own domain
[16:09] <mhall119> dholbach: awake and caffinated
[16:09] <mhall119> cjohnston: I see how it is
[16:09] <dholbach> #ubuntu-meeting is taken by the server team
[16:09] * cjohnston has the sudden urge to pop a balloon
[16:09] <dholbach> so let's just do it in here
[16:09] <dholbach> #startmeeting
[16:09] <cjohnston> mhall119: i already got him. its not fun to do it again
[16:09] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jan 24 16:09:58 2012 UTC. The chair is dholbach. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.
[16:09] <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
[16:10] <dholbach> #topic roundtables
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: roundtables
[16:10] <mhall119> dholbach: do we have any kind of agenda?
[16:10] <dholbach> I think we'll just do the roundtables to get everybody on the same page, then see what kind of other business it generates
[16:10] <dholbach> and if you have questions, just ask
[16:11] <dholbach> I have my notes in front of me, so I can go first :)
[16:11] <dholbach> #topic update daniel
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: update daniel
[16:11] <dholbach> it's been a while since the last meeting, so here goes:
[16:11] <dholbach> - Patch pilots: added Herton, piloted myself, set up schedule for next month, reminded everyone of getting back to it.
[16:11] <dholbach> - UDW: call for sessions, almost done with the schedule.
[16:11] <dholbach> - Dev Advisory Team: team call, organisation of notes, reached out to both new contributors and folks who might be ready for upload rights, wiki docs up to date, moved some parts to trello.
[16:12] <dholbach> - ARB: discussion with dpm and mvo about further plans, review of ARB queue, catch-up call, call with Michael Nelson about PPA submissions, casted some new ARB members.
[16:12] <dholbach> - Development docs: submitted an article to Linux Magazine, merged Packaging Guide fixes.
[16:12] <dholbach> - Dev News Team: split up responsibilities, wrote dev updates, started interviews with software-center team, Edubuntu team and others.
[16:12] <dholbach> - Harvest: finally got access to the logs, fixed two bugs, asked IS to deploy, hopefully soon up and running again, together with Andrew Starr-Bocchichio deployed Fedora patches data feed. Now just need pgbouncer installed to hopefully resolve the problems we had a while ago.
[16:13] <dholbach> - Talked with Michael Hall about patch piloting in other teams, provided Michael with a couple of scripts to help.
[16:13] <dholbach> - CC: organised IRC Council restaffing, dealt RMB Asia/Oceania quorum issues - mailed general thoughts to RMBs/CC. CC meeting + private call, assisted with German team IRC channels.
[16:13] <dholbach> - Stats: got access to ubuntuwire, investigating Ultimate Debian Database data.
[16:13] <dholbach> - Took remaining holidays + swap days. Platform team rally. Catch up with email. Almost there.
[16:13] <dholbach> - Misc: had a look at a2png+metapixel for generating some graphics.
[16:13] <dholbach> Any questions?
[16:14] * mhall119 feels like he should have written all this out already, to copy/paste
[16:14] <jcastro> hey about the ARB queue
[16:14] <jcastro> any new apps?
[16:14] <jcastro> that made it through I mean
[16:14] <mhall119> jcastro: looks like we had some additiona lenses
[16:14] <mhall119> davidcalle's utility lens I think
[16:14] <dholbach> AFAIK there's 2 lenses which came in, and lots of clean up in the queue
[16:14] <dpm> jcastro, yes, the utilities lens
[16:14] <dpm> and the sshsearch lens
[16:14] <jcastro> NICE!
[16:15] <dpm> \o/
[16:15] <dholbach> sshsearch looks like a typo :)
[16:15] <dpm> ;)
[16:15] <dholbach> ok, who wants to go next? jcastro?
[16:15] <dholbach> #topic update jorge
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: update jorge
[16:15] <jcastro> hi everyone
[16:16] <jcastro> I just came back from all-weekend long SCaLE
[16:16] <jcastro> and got a bit sick but I'm powering through it.
[16:16] <snap-l> jcastro: Con-crud?
[16:16] <mhall119> scale flu
[16:16] <dholbach> :-(
[16:16] <jcastro> - Did 3 events, first was my talk on Unity
[16:16] <balloons> feel better jcastro -- that was alot of travel
[16:16] <snap-l> Hope you feel better
[16:16] <dholbach> jcastro, hope you get well soon again!
[16:16] <jcastro> which I was surprised at how positive it was, I was expecting to be flamed, but it was awesome
[16:16] <jcastro> then we ran a 3 hour long charm school
[16:16] <jcastro> which Clint mostly ran, I gave away shirts, etc.
[16:16] <snap-l> jcastro: I think people are over the "Unity sucks" phase
[16:17] <snap-l> Now we're gearing up for HUD sucks. ;)
[16:17] <jcastro> Mike Basinger started a phpbb charm
[16:17] <jcastro> and finished /and submitted/ a charm for salt
[16:17] <dholbach> nice
[16:17] <jcastro> which is nice, not bad for a guy who learned what a charm was the same weekend
[16:17] <snap-l> sweetness
[16:17] <jcastro> last talk was my general juju talk, which was packed!
[16:17] <jcastro> standing room only in the back
[16:17] <jcastro> Clint really did a great job with the demo
[16:17] <jcastro> and we were swamped with questions
[16:18] <snap-l> jcastro: We're planning a charm school at CHC for the long-edition
[16:18] <jcastro> Found out disney uses ubuntu! and we saw the rasberry pi running XBMC at 1080p.
[16:18] <balloons> jcastro, that's awesome news
[16:18] <jcastro> Met the guy who started jenkins
[16:18] <mhall119> the disney news was pretty cool, I wan't to find out more about that
[16:18] <jcastro> he was happy to hear how we use it, and asked if we could tell the world about (hint hint balloons)
[16:18] <jcastro> other than that
[16:18] <jcastro> this week will be finalizing the plans for charm school at Strata
[16:19] <jcastro> and the million things on my trello board
[16:19] <jcastro> other than that, good to be back!
[16:19] <snap-l> jcastro: Recommend a heavy dose of Iron Maiden's "The Trooper"
[16:19] <dholbach> any more questions for Jorge?
[16:19] <mhall119> so does Ubuntu run on rasberry pi?
[16:19] <mhall119> I didn't think we supported teh ARMv6 it had
[16:20] <dholbach> jcastro, thanks a bunch
[16:20] <balloons> jcastro, hmm.. let me know his details, we'll sync up
[16:20] <dholbach> balloons, do you want to go next?
[16:20] <jcastro> mhall119: I don't know, but it was awesome
[16:20] <dholbach> #topic update nicholas
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: update nicholas
[16:21] <balloons> alright, I liked dholbach's bullet style so we'll do that a fire away
[16:22] <balloons> -setup blog and wrote introduction post to everyone, saying hello world
[16:22] <balloons> -reached out and met lots of cool folks working on "QA" stuff for ubuntu. ubuntu friendly. u+1, ubuntu bugsquad, platform qa, canonical qa team
[16:23] <balloons> -worked with mhall119, jcastro and stefano on caseconductor charm. hoping to get charm running as soon as mozilla folks finish coding case conductor
[16:23] <mhall119> nigelb: ^^
[16:24] * nigelb looks around innocently.
[16:24] <balloons> -met and setup meeting with mozilla folks (thanks nigelb for pointing me to irc.mozilla.org) to discuss requirements and needs for case conductor
[16:24] <balloons> -learned a bit about meetingbot and successfully managed to host a meeting :-)
[16:25] <dpm> good work!
[16:25] <dholbach> wow, congratulations! :)
[16:25] <balloons> I think that's about it..
[16:25] <dholbach> I'm still wondering if the command I just typed was the right one ;-)
[16:25] <dholbach> great work balloons, good to see you're getting to know everyone :)
[16:25] <dholbach> any more questions for balloons?
[16:26] <dholbach> mhall119, want to go next?
[16:26] <mhall119> sure
[16:26] <dholbach> #topic update michael
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: update michael
[16:26] <mhall119> - updated dholbach's bug_stats to include MP stats for unity, nux and compiz
[16:27] <mhall119> - worked with dpm and aquarius to remove couchdb recommendations from the developer portal and ubuntu one developer pages
[16:28] <mhall119> - cleanup/update Unity API documentation on the wiki
[16:28] <mhall119> - met up with the Ubuntu TV team, started the process of providing community contributors an easy way of getting started hacking on UbuntuTV
[16:29] <dholbach> nice :-)
[16:29] <mhall119> dholbach: I'd like to do the intro for Saviq at UDW, btw, to try and prevent his entire session from devolving into a "Why did you make it in secret" flamewar
[16:30] <dholbach> sure
[16:30] <mhall119> - worked with cjohnston and linaro members on planning enhancements for summit
[16:30] <cjohnston> yay
[16:30] <dholbach> (I'll add your name to the schedule, so I remember to add you as a helper/speaker/host/whateveritis)
[16:30] <mhall119> - started lens creation guinelines with johnlea and davidcalle to prevent the proliferation of per-source lenses
[16:31] <mhall119> dholbach: thanks,also I'll take a full hour for my tech overview, that'll make me run up against saviq's session anyway
[16:31] <dholbach> :-)
[16:31] <dholbach> awesome
[16:31] <mhall119> - Got SUMO running on a test instance, began the process of evaluating it for our needs
[16:32] <cjohnston> mhall119 is trying to become a sumo wrestler
[16:32] <mhall119> - Spoke with thumper about implementing a patch pilot and other ways to improve community collaboration and involvement with the DX team
[16:33] <mhall119> - Started the process of moving everybody out of #ayatana and into #ubuntu-unity channels
[16:33] <dholbach> +1 for more patch pilot coverage :)
[16:33] <mhall119> - misc work with the dx team to cleanup and improve the documentation and examples out there for unity
[16:34] <mhall119> that's it for me
[16:34] <dholbach> thanks a bunch mhall119
[16:34] <dholbach> questions for mhall119?
[16:35] <dholbach> dpm, ready?
[16:35] <dholbach> #topic update david
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: update david
[16:35] <dpm> yes!
[16:35] <dpm> - Post Budapest rally catch up
[16:35] <dpm> - Worked with dholbach, the ARB and others to review and clean up the ARB queue
[16:35] <dpm> - Contacted Kazam developers to ask them if they want to submit their app to developer.ubuntu.com - any other suggestions for apps to add to the Software Center are welcome! ;)
[16:36] <dpm> - Re-enabled automatic language pack generation for Precise
[16:36] <dpm> - Translations team meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/2012-01-19
[16:36] <dpm> - Worked with ant from the web design team to provide an internationalization infrastructure to the Ubuntu Online Tour. See it now in Simplified Chinese ;) http://www.ubuntu.com/
[16:36] <dpm> - Postponed a bunch of developer.ubuntu.com work items - there are no web design team resources available for phase 2 this cycle, so we'll be going on maintenance mode this cycle and start phase II on the next
[16:37] <dholbach> I can't read it, but it looks just great :)
[16:37] <dpm> 新春快乐
[16:37] <dpm> so happy new year! :-)
[16:37] <dholbach> dpm, so you picked up a new hobby? :)
[16:38] <dpm> :-)
[16:38] <dpm> enough languages
[16:38] <dpm> I'm still considering learning a new one
[16:38] <dpm> but Chinese would be too hard for me
[16:38] <dpm> perhaps Arabic...
[16:38] <dpm> anyway :)
[16:38] <dpm> - Revived a conversation with the im-config (a package to switch input methods) upstream developer to migrate to im-config in Ubuntu
[16:38] <dpm> - Refined the documentation on how to create localized images: http://askubuntu.com/questions/95190/what-is-an-ubuntu-localized-image-and-how-do-i-create-one
[16:39] <dpm> - Worked on a proposal to help localizing ubuntu-docs images
[16:39] <dholbach> yeah, anything but French - it would get seb128 closer to his plan of making it the official language of Ubuntu :-P
[16:39] <dpm> yeah, he even got as far as getting rickspencer3 to talk French!
[16:40] <dpm> - Started working on a new tutorial with Quickly for developer.ubuntu.com (still WIP, getting back in touch with development and getting to know PyGI)
[16:40] <dpm> and I think these were the main things
[16:40] <dpm> any questions?
[16:40] <dholbach> nice, good work dpm - it was great to work with you on the ARB bits
[16:41] <dpm> same here :)
[16:41] * dpm hugs dholbach
[16:41] * dholbach hugs dpm back
[16:41] <dholbach> with Jono partly on holidays and partly in a meeting with some web team, I guess we can conclude the roundtables section
[16:41] <jono> sorry folks
[16:41] <jono> thanks dholbach for coordinating this
[16:41] <mhall119> he's on holiday-meetings
[16:42] <jono> my call has finished and I am waiting for my next one now
[16:42] <dholbach> ok, let's conclude the roundtables then
[16:42] <dholbach> #topic other business
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: other business
[16:42] <mhall119> jono: your definition of 'holiday' needs some work
[16:42] <nigelb> haha
[16:43] <dholbach> is there anything you want to bring up? discuss? good news? stuck somewhere? anything else?
[16:43] <jono> mhall119, LOL
[16:43] <nigelb> mhall119: Its the day in which he has only 8 hours of meetings.
[16:43] <jono> dholbach, I am pretty good, no topics to raise right now
[16:43] <jono> anyone else?
[16:44] <balloons> nothing here
[16:44] <dholbach> if anyone has some spare speaker for UDW up their sleeve, let me know - if not, I'll go and recruit some for my 4 empty slots now :)
[16:44] <dpm> I'm good too
[16:44] <jono> I have one thing
[16:44] <jono> so what does everything think of the HUD?
[16:44] <cjohnston> looks cool
[16:44] <dholbach> yeah, same here, I can't wait to play around with it
[16:44] <ahayzen> looks very good :)
[16:45] <jono> awesome
[16:45] <jono> I have been playing with it
[16:45] <jono> it is pretty cool
[16:45] <jono> I think it might be in the PPA now
[16:45] <mhall119> HUD looks cool
[16:45] <jono> indicator-appmenu
[16:45] <jono> not sure though
[16:45] <jono> folks can ask tedg in #ubuntu-unity
[16:46] <dholbach> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-install-unitys-hud-feature-in-ubuntu-12-04/
[16:46] <mhall119> I'll be sure to talk about it during UDW
[16:46] <dholbach> nice
[16:46] <balloons> make that 3 slots open.. lol
[16:46] * dholbach hugs mhall119
[16:46] <koolhead17> hi all
[16:46] <dholbach> balloons, mhall119 is already sufficiently involved in UDW ;-)
[16:46] <dholbach> ok, I think that's a wrap :)
[16:46] <dholbach> #endmeeting
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): work items || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"
[16:46] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jan 24 16:46:56 2012 UTC.
[16:46] <meetingology> Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-community-team/2012/ubuntu-community-team.2012-01-24-16.09.moin.txt
[16:47] <mhall119> balloons: yeah, I'm adding to one of my existing 2 sessions
[16:47] <balloons> mhall119, I figured as much.. I had to poke anyway
[16:47] <jcastro> mhall119: we need to chat soonish today
[16:47] <mhall119> balloons: you should hang out in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat next week, so you'll know how to run a session for the next time
[16:48] <mhall119> jcastro: sure thing, let me finish installing HUD ;)
[16:49] <balloons> hud is invoked merely by pressing 'alt', n'est pas?
[16:49] <mhall119> oui
[16:52] <snap-l> Does HUD intercept alt-commands intended for terminals (for things like IRSSI / Weechat?)
[16:54] <dpm> balloons, would you have a few minutes to talk about the "test cases for localized images" work item?
[16:54] <mhall119> snap-l: I think only in the way that the global menu did
[16:54] <mhall119> but i'm still installing it
[16:55] <balloons> dpm, sure..
[16:55] <balloons> let me pull up the blueprint
[16:56] <dpm> cool. balloons, if you've got some time now, we could do a hangout, which I think will be much quicker.
[16:56] <balloons> yes, lets
[16:57] <dpm> ok, let me set it up...
[16:58] <mhall119> snap-l: HUD seems to ignore Alt+<key>
[16:58] <dpm> balloons, ok, invite sent
[16:58] <mhall119> only tapping alt will bring it up
[17:03] <jono> is planet ubuntu having some problems?
[17:04] <s-fox> jono, bit slow but does load
[17:04] <jono> thanks s-fox
[17:05] <s-fox> Of course down for me says it is down. lol http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://planet.ubuntu.com/
[17:05] <jcastro> yeah it's twitchy today
[17:08] <jcastro> ah guys
[17:08] <jcastro> john oxton is the cause of our WI problems
[17:08] <jcastro> he had a bunch and wasnt' aware how to use that
[17:08] <jcastro> so I should have that fixed soon
[17:12] <snap-l> mhall119: Ah, interesting
[17:21] <mhall119> wi problems?
[17:22] <jcastro> http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html
[17:22] <jcastro> we are close
[17:25] <mhall119> jcastro: should any of those be assigned to me?
[17:28] <jcastro> I don't think so, I am not sure though
[17:29] <jcastro> anyway, aha, looks like he figured it out, that's probably how we got back under
[17:33] <balloons> jcastro, mhall119 caseconductor guys say we can do a test deploy of our charm at this point. The app should be able to come up (although it's not usable). I'd like to get something on the calendar this week to do a test deploy to canonistack
[17:33] <jcastro> balloons: ok, can you liaise with stefano?
[17:34] <balloons> i can -- when is he usually around?
[17:35] <jcastro> he's on central europe time
[17:35] <jcastro> but I am unsure how around he is on irc
[17:35] <jcastro> I will mail you his email
[17:35] <balloons> thanks
[17:37] <mhall119> wow, that's an old card/w 36
[17:37] <mhall119> bah
[17:42] <jcastro> I keep getting a call error
[17:50] <dpm> ok, calling it a day, but staying on irc for a while...
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
[17:55] <mhall119> jcastro: when do you want to get together with balloons?
[17:56] <jcastro> whenever
[17:56] <mhall119> right now?
[17:56] <jcastro> I am slammed with a bunch of time sensitive things right now, can we discuss this tomorrow?
[17:56] <jcastro> oh, I thought you meant physicially?
[17:56] <mhall119> I did
[17:56] <mhall119> :)
[17:57] <mhall119> tomorrow is fine
[17:57] <mhall119> oh, and in the second between your list of tasks, can you give some thought to charming summit?
[17:58] <jcastro> Sure
[17:58] <jcastro> "Do it!"
[17:58] <jcastro> :)
[18:02] <dholbach> dinner time - see you all tomorrow
[18:03] <s-fox> Goodbye.
[19:07] <balloons> markshuttleworth.com down? weird
[19:10] <mhall119> overloaded perhaps
[21:22] <jcastro> I think he needs to move to the cloud
[21:27] <mhall119> not enough dragons in the cloud
[21:27] <pleia2> why not? dragons have wings!
[21:27] <scott-work_> cjohnston: i thought that work items were to be tied to launchpad account names?
[21:28] <mhall119> pleia2: yeah, but only charming ones get to the clouds
[21:28] <scott-work_> cjohnston: re: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-p-ubuntustudio-misc-improvements
[21:28] <pleia2> mhall119: oh, I see
[21:28] <cjohnston> they do
[21:28] <jcastro> we have a mediawiki charm
[21:29] <mhall119> jcastro: where's the summit charm?
[21:29] <cjohnston> what you put in wasn't a lp name
[21:29] <jcastro> mhall119: make one?
[21:29] <mhall119> not my job
[21:29] <cjohnston> lol
[21:29] <mhall119> you're the cloud guy, cjohnston is the summit guy
[21:30] <jcastro> so you're saying cjohnston isn't doing his job?
[21:30] * jcastro snickers
[21:30] <mhall119> yeah, he's spending all his time doing nigelb's job
[21:30] <pleia2> cjohnston: btw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2012-January/001878.html
[21:30] <cjohnston> jcastro: get me a few paychecks
[21:30] <pleia2> cjohnston: so people know it exists now, I'll wait until word from Arwen about a dinner plan
[21:31] <cjohnston> pleia2: email me the link please
[21:31] <pleia2> k
[21:31] <scott-work_> cjohnston: hmmm, i thought it was, sorry for the confusion
[21:31] <mhall119> cjohnston: I'll give you all the paychecks you want, just tell me how many zeros to put in front of the decimal
[21:31] * scott-work_ wonders if something changed or he just made a dumb mistake
[21:34] <cjohnston> mhall119: a 1 and then 17 0s
[21:34] <cjohnston> bbl
[21:37] <mhall119> I only said zeros
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