UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /22 /#ubuntu-au.txt
Initial commit
[01:00] <Fudge> anyone want to help with very basic patches
[01:01] <sagaci> Fudge: what package
[01:01] <sagaci> or bug report
[01:02] <Fudge> no a patch to change /etc/default/grub setting remove comment for grub beep 2nd last line
[01:02] <sagaci> yeah, what about it?
[01:03] <Fudge> I am trying to learn ways to patch files such as that
[01:03] <Fudge> to pacakge
[01:03] <Fudge> been told about quilt also
[01:03] <sagaci> are you using bzr
[01:05] <Fudge> no
[01:05] <Fudge> plan to though but this is my first delv into packaging
[01:05] <Fudge> so just grabbed a package that themuso made for vinux that needs updating
[01:05] <sagaci> where did you get the grub package
[01:05] <Fudge> very basic things in it
[01:05] <sagaci> ah ok
[01:05] <Fudge> all the grub script is at the moment is adding a beep to 03-beep into grub.d and updating grub
[01:06] <Fudge> previously though in our build scripts
[01:06] <Fudge> we would sed /etc/default/gurb to uncomment
[01:06] <Fudge> of course a patch is reliable where sed is not
[01:06] <Fudge> so thought process is to figure out how to write a patch
[01:06] <Fudge> sagaci hope that gives you a picture of what i am trying to explain :D
[01:07] <Fudge> oh gosh
[01:07] <Fudge> quilt seems extensive
[01:12] <Fudge> sagaci you used quilt?
[01:17] <sagaci> sorry, I've just been out
[01:18] <Fudge> np mate
[01:18] <Fudge> baby steps i need if u don t mind
[01:18] <sagaci> cousin needs to fix his vista install
[01:19] <Fudge> ah yep i founda howto
[01:19] <Fudge> install ubuntu lol
[01:19] <sagaci> also check out the new debian maintainer's guide, if you haven't already
[01:22] <Fudge> yeah this howto i am on seems to be missing stuff
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
[13:50] <ikt> anyone here?
[14:12] <sagaci> ikt: maybe
[14:30] <ikt> haha
[14:31] <ikt> i'm wondering about the possible electiricty savings that could be made by having 1 server running spice and all 4 computers in the house connecting to it
[14:42] <sagaci> wouldn't have a clue
[17:37] <airtonix> spice?
[17:39] <airtonix> oh it's like libvirtd
[17:40] <airtonix> ikt: what are the compelling reasons to use spice over libvirtd ( & archipel) ?
[18:03] <ikt> http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showpost.php?p=12967270&postcount=5
[18:04] <ikt> hard to explain as I'm just dipping my toes in the virtulisation pool
[18:04] <ikt> but I gather SPICE is like 3d compared to RDP/VNC which is 2d, but more of a throughput deal
[18:05] <ikt> if i understand it properly spice should sit on top of kvm
[18:07] <ikt> archipel looks very awesome
[20:44] <head_victim> ikt: when I looked into energy savings I decided to look at what I actually NEEDED 24/7 and figured out I could whack it all on a server (mine was file related and IRC was nice) and only have the desktops turn on when required.
[20:45] <head_victim> I'm still in the process of moving it all to the server (as I happen to be in the middle of a study reorganise as well to remove a full size rack) but that's how I came up with the best power saving here.
[21:00] <head_victim> On a side note, George Carlin rocks.
=== gorilla is now known as Guest69514