UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /22 /#ubuntu+1.txt
Initial commit
[00:29] <penguin42> I seem to remember someone saying ~1 week ago that a new X server was imminent - how imminent is it?
[00:29] <jtaylor> its in staging
[00:31] <penguin42> what version is it? I ask because I've got a bug that I'm told is fixed in upstream (although I'm not sure which upstream that actually is)
[00:31] <jtaylor> 1.11 + input stack from 1.12
[00:31] <jtaylor> (no idea what that means, its just what I read in the mail)
[00:32] <jtaylor> you can test now here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging
[00:33] <penguin42> ah, that's a pity - it's got the same version of the one I was interested in - the -qxl driver
[00:38] <penguin42> hmm I wonder why Serge hasn't made a build of that; he's attached a debdiff to the bug and sent the patch up to debian
[01:22] <edgy> hi
[01:22] <edgy> $ mkdir test && cd test && touch a && du . a
[01:22] <edgy> 12 .
[01:22] <edgy> why I am not getting the usage of a?
[08:08] <frimind> hi, is there anyone
[08:08] <frimind> ?
[08:09] <frimind> nope :D
[08:48] <Fudge> lost here is this right .bashrc export DEBEMAIL="email@host" and DEBFULLNAME="my name"
[09:06] <sagaci> Fudge that's right, as long as it's the same as your gpg key detials
[09:06] <sagaci> details*
[09:21] <Fudge> is precise going to be 'arm' supported arch
[09:22] <Fudge> sagaci thanks
[09:22] <Fudge> had to use -k though to make debuild recognise me
[09:47] <snadge> canonical are just copying microsoft and apple
[09:47] <snadge> j/k
[09:48] <snadge> im upgrading my 6th ubuntu system to +1 :P
[09:48] <snadge> whilst consuming beer
[09:48] <snadge> all ubuntu upgrades require alcohol
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[12:20] * penguin42 waits for the python update to install so he can listen to some music
[12:22] <penguin42> right, that's better!
[12:40] <Fudge> lol
[12:40] <Fudge> anyone here ever made a package where a script copies into /usr/local/bin on launchpad?
[12:41] <Fudge> well not at launchpad but the chroot syustems on launchpad
[12:42] <penguin42> why would you want to?
[12:47] <testi> I remember that in lucid (and maybe also in natty) heavily moving windows used about 2-3% (shared among Xorg and compiz) of the cpu, now I get 30-40% (shared among Xorg and compiz)
[12:47] <testi> it's an old intel centrino laptop.
[12:49] <Fudge> penguin42 was that why, to me?
[12:49] <penguin42> Fudge: Yes
[12:49] <Fudge> oh ok its a little script that the package is supposed to copy into /usr/local/bin
[12:50] <Fudge> but kept failing, i guess that in launchpads chroot that directory doesn
[12:50] <jtaylor> packages should not use /usr/local
[12:50] <Fudge> exist
[12:50] <Fudge> jtaylor could you tell me why?
[12:51] <jtaylor> /usr/local is the space that is guaranteed not to be touched by package managers
[12:51] <jtaylor> so administrators can put stuff in there without fearing being overwritten by updates
[12:51] <Fudge> ah right, hesne local, for users to do local mods
[12:51] <Fudge> yep i get ya
[12:51] <Fudge> so i shoudl have put it in /usr/bin probably
[12:51] <jtaylor> yes
[12:52] <em> jtaylor: when you say administrators do you mean the owners of the computer?
[12:52] <jtaylor> depends
[12:52] <jtaylor> owner != administrator in some cases
[12:52] <em> Oh I think I know what you mean though.
[12:53] <Fudge> cool
[12:53] <em> I have not updated my ubuntu since Maverick.
[12:53] <em> What am I missing out on?
[12:54] <jtaylor> newer software versions, gnome3, unity etc
[12:54] <Fudge> maverick was pretty good
[12:55] <em> I'm happy with Maverick. So many people have warned me against Unity.
[12:55] <jtaylor> I like it, though I'm pretty much happy when I have a working terminel ;)
[12:56] <jtaylor> note that maverick goes end of life in 3 month
[12:57] <em> that's a shame.
[12:57] <em> That means no more updates?
[12:57] <jtaylor> yes
[12:57] <em> well after such a long time shouldn't it be updated about as much as possible?
[12:57] <jtaylor> lucid til has one year of support though
[12:57] <jtaylor> the issue are security updates
[12:57] <em> Said another way, if something is so old then most of the bugs are worked out already?
[12:58] <jtaylor> those are needed constantantly
[12:58] <em> Why does it work that way? When i think of security updates I imagine someone found some breach that needs to be filled.
[12:58] <em> Why is it not the case that the longer people have been looking for breeches the less likely a new one will be found?
[12:59] <Fudge> u can backport to natty though
[12:59] <Fudge> make it sing if u like, install unity somewhere else see if u like it
[12:59] <jtaylor> there are security issues everywhere even in very old code
[12:59] <jtaylor> they are only discovered with time
[12:59] <jtaylor> and then affect even very old software
[13:00] <em> do the number of new updates move asymptotically to zero though?
[13:00] <em> If there were a release which never end of lifed, would they eventually finally fix it?
[13:00] <jtaylor> no its even more likely to increase with time
[13:00] <jtaylor> as more and more focus is put on security research nowadays
[13:01] <em> It's confusing because software is made out of a programming language which is basically mathematics running on top of physics. It seems like it should be possible to make something that works the same way forever.
[13:01] <jtaylor> thats very hard to do
[13:01] <Fudge> thanks very much for the local packaging advice guys
[13:01] <jtaylor> proving that a program works correctly in every situation is practically impossible
[13:06] <jtaylor> an example would be the recently discovered bsd telnet flaw
[13:07] <jtaylor> telnet is very old stuff, but only a month ago a serious issue was found with it
[13:07] <jtaylor> luckily not many use telnet anymore
[13:23] <penguin42> yes, that was a fun one - an odd bug for the 21st century :-)
[13:40] <mydogsnameisrudy> looking to install kubuntu-desktop is that an option ?
[13:41] <penguin42> mydogsnameisrudy: Sure
[13:42] <mydogsnameisrudy> ok sudo apt-get intall kubuntu-desktop?
[13:43] <mydogsnameisrudy> but at the login screen i see no option to switch
[13:44] <penguin42> odd
[13:44] <mydogsnameisrudy> just ubuntu and i think it ubuntu2 maybe
[13:45] <penguin42> are you sure that apt-get installed OK? I'm surprised it was so quick
[13:45] <mydogsnameisrudy> no it took time to install i did it last nite
[13:46] <penguin42> haha ok
[13:46] <mydogsnameisrudy> maybe check to see if it installed then
[13:47] <ts2> check what's in /usr/share/xsessions/, if you see something like "kde-plasma.desktop", then you probably just need to restart the display manager to make it pick up the new file
[13:47] <ts2> otherwise, if you don't see it, then something went wrong with the install...
[13:47] <mydogsnameisrudy> ok thx ill take a look
[13:53] <mydogsnameisrudy> ok it didnt install will reinstall and see thx
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[15:32] * penguin42 wonders why virtuoso-t is taking 39% cpu
[15:47] <BluesKaj> Howdy folks
[15:54] <penguin42> Hey BK
[16:20] <FernandoMiguel> oi
[16:25] <gnomefreak> is bzr-notify crashing for anyone else? if not can you post the version you have?
[17:00] <thechef> I have the feeling that CPU stepping isnt as sensitive as before making the UI slower.
[17:03] <FernandoMiguel> any linux app to test my LCD?
[17:07] <penguin42> test?
[17:12] <BluesKaj> FernandoMiguel, LCD TV or monitor?
[17:12] <FernandoMiguel> laptop
[17:12] <FernandoMiguel> I think I have a dead pixel
[17:12] <penguin42> FernandoMiguel: Show a full white screen - I just use a full screen xterm
[17:18] <bjsnider> take a screenshot and post it to a picpost site like imgur
[17:18] <bjsnider> if the issue isn't in the screenshot, it's hardware
[17:18] <bjsnider> if you touch the monitor where the dead pixel is, it might clear up
[17:20] <penguin42> and if it moves, check if it has legs :-)
[17:24] <FernandoMiguel> :)
[17:24] <FernandoMiguel> ever since I dropped this laptop ....
[17:25] <FernandoMiguel> I've seen color flutations
[17:25] <FernandoMiguel> stupid me
[17:25] <penguin42> hmm what do you mean fluctuations - in one area or the whole screen ?
[17:25] <FernandoMiguel> color temp
[17:25] <FernandoMiguel> white isn't white... is warmer
[17:26] <penguin42> oh hmm, a subtle problem
[17:26] <FernandoMiguel> a serious one
[17:26] <penguin42> how much warmer?
[17:26] <penguin42> do you mean it's actually pink ?
[17:29] <penguin42> FernandoMiguel: ok, 3 thoughts 1) A backlight fault (sucks) 2) Missing one of red/green/blue 3) There is a colour temp adjust somewhere ....
[17:29] <FernandoMiguel> penguin42: going to yellowish
[17:30] <FernandoMiguel> penguin42: color is fine... most of the times
[17:30] <penguin42> FernandoMiguel: I'd try and display a full screen pure red, then a pure green, then a pure blue and see if any of them look very wrong
[17:30] <FernandoMiguel> but times it jumps
[17:30] <bjsnider> if there's no visible physical damage, you can call and have the warranty queue replace the laptop. but DO NOT tell them that you dropped it. say that it developed on its own
[17:30] <FernandoMiguel> but since I dropped it, no RMA for it
[17:30] <FernandoMiguel> bjsnider: its visible
[17:30] <bjsnider> how bad is it?
[17:30] <FernandoMiguel> the corner is put in
[17:30] <bjsnider> ok, forget it
[17:31] <penguin42> FernandoMiguel: Try xterm -bg red and full screen it
[17:31] <bjsnider> don't drop equipment
[17:31] <FernandoMiguel> AH
[17:31] <penguin42> bjsnider: Submit a bug report against gravity
[17:32] <bjsnider> it's been poorly coded because it can't be shut off
[17:33] <FernandoMiguel> sure it can
[17:33] <FernandoMiguel> just get away from any other corpse
[17:59] <akharris> can i upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, i dont have a usb or dvd
[18:00] <ikonia> akharris: what did I just tell you in #ubuntu ?
[18:01] <ikonia> "check the topic"
[18:01] <akharris> i did....
[18:01] <ikonia> akharris: however if you are not confident with how to upgrade, upgrading to unstable software releases seems a bad idea
[18:46] <penguin42> can someone else running Unity on +1 tell me what happens when they resize a window?
[18:47] <Daekdroom> penguin42, nothing other than a window gets resized
[18:48] <penguin42> Daekdroom: OK, can I ask some more detail - does the window resize interactively - for me I get an orange overlay on the window and the overlay resizes as I stretch it, the window only resizes on release
[18:49] <Daekdroom> penguin42, It only resizes on release for me
[18:50] <penguin42> Daekdroom: OK, it's a shame - I liked getting windows the 'right' width when some windows showed the size information -e.g. a terminal showing you when you had got to 80x24
[19:29] <imnichol> Anyone else seeing an issue where the breadcrumb trail in nautilus is colored strangely?
[19:30] <Daekdroom> I am
[19:47] <imnichol> Do you know if there's a bug open?
[19:51] <Daekdroom> I don't
[20:04] <FernandoMiguel> VO: [xv] 4096x2304 => 4096x2304 Planar YV12
[20:04] <FernandoMiguel> Source image dimensions are too high: 4096x2304 (maximum is 2048x2048)
[20:04] <FernandoMiguel> my love for mplayer is lost !
[20:09] <jtaylor> thats a large video :O
[20:09] <Ian_Corne> :D
[20:09] <Ian_Corne> 2048 is just silly :p
[20:10] <Ian_Corne> 2560x1600 would be something
[20:10] <Daekdroom> Another output method could work.
[20:10] <penguin42> what res are cinemas these days?
[20:10] <Daekdroom> (instead of xv)
[20:12] <FernandoMiguel> jtaylor: 4k
[20:12] <FernandoMiguel> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-GYrbecb88
[20:13] <Daekdroom> For a moment I forgot movies are now shot using HD cameras
[20:14] <jtaylor> how many people ahve the hardware to even view that movie in its full scale
[20:15] <penguin42> jtaylor: Well, you'll just have to get some otherwise you won't be able to fix that bug!