UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /22 /#kubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
[11:21] <tim> hi, i'm running the 4.8 rc from the ppa ... on my machine the virtuoso-t process takes about 200% of the cpu ...
[11:22] <tim> the interesting point: i've disabled the 'Nepomuk File Indexer'
[11:22] <tim> any idea?
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[13:48] <jussi> hrm, found a tiny bug in muon - click the check box for system updates also deselects/selects application updates, but it is on the same branch of the tree.
=== Alcine is now known as JackyAlcine
[21:15] <ScottK> jussi: I'm mail john the taco as he doesn't seem to IRC much these days.
[22:12] <freinhard> hi!
[22:16] <freinhard> did someone package a newer plasma-widget-network-management recently? reported a bug earlier to day and Lamarque asked me to poke kubuntu devs to ship some newer 0.9 rc version than from last september
[22:18] <SteveRiley> mine just updated in the last day or two... 0.9.0~rc4-0ubuntu1 0
[22:18] <SteveRiley> from the precise repo
[22:19] <yofel> got uploaded today
[22:19] <freinhard> and in oneiric?
[22:22] <freinhard> should get updated, 11.10 shipped some release candidate and the list of fixed bugs since last september really is long (besides there's no release yet)
[22:22] <yofel> it can go into backports, probably together with KDE 4.8