UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /21 /#juju.txt
Initial commit
[04:20] <_mup_> Bug #919514 was filed: use a write ahead log for transitions <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/919514 >
=== nijaba_afk is now known as nijaba
[13:11] <nijaba> /msg NickServ identify oakland22
[13:11] <nijaba> great...
[13:53] <mpl> heh
[14:28] <koolhead17> nijaba: :P
[15:20] <SpamapS> nijaba: HA HA
[15:27] <nijaba> never been such a great time to change a password :)
[15:30] <koolhead17> SpamapS: sir
[15:49] <SpamapS> koolhead17: sir
[17:50] <_mup_> Bug #919745 was filed: config-changed should be invoked after upgrade <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/919745 >
=== johnduhart is now known as johnduhart|snow
=== johnduhart|snow is now known as johnduhart
[23:42] <_mup_> juju/trunk r447 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com
[23:42] <_mup_> trivial resolve test config set errors from not taking into account charm defaults