[00:09] <cjohnston> pleia2: how many ubuntu-ca people are in the SFO/Redwood city area |
[00:46] <bkerensa> jcastro: Are you about? |
[02:04] <pangolin> where would someone ask questions about UDS sponsorship? |
[02:04] <Pendulum> pangolin: generally here is the best place |
[02:04] <pangolin> thank you |
[02:05] <pangolin> incoming |
[02:06] <pangolin> JoseeAntonioR: ask in here about the sponsorship and someone will answer sooner or later :) |
[02:06] <JoseeAntonioR> Hello! I would like to know something. I am under 18, and I would like to apply for the UDS sponsorship. Does my legal accompaniant is also sponsored, in the case I get it? |
[02:11] <pleia2> cjohnston: like a billion |
[02:13] <cjohnston> pleia2: i know some of us will be out there soon... maybe do a dinner or something |
[02:13] <cjohnston> JoseeAntonioR: i dont believe so |
[02:14] <pleia2> cjohnston: before UDS? yeah, just let us know and we'll make something happen |
[02:14] <JoseeAntonioR> cjohnston well, thanks |
[02:14] <cjohnston> pleia2: like 2 weeks |
[02:15] <pleia2> oh, that's soon :) |
[02:16] <cjohnston> pleia2: the linaro connect is jn redwood city |
[02:16] <pleia2> ah |
[02:16] <pleia2> link? |
[02:16] <cjohnston> connect.linaro.org summit.ubuntu.com/lcq1-12 |
[02:18] <pleia2> do you know which evenings you're busy? |
[02:19] <cjohnston> if you look on socialize it describes.. me personally atleast monday and friday. I havent been told of my involvement with anything else |
[02:20] <cjohnston> maybe something sunday night and we can send a mail to the ml |
[02:20] <pleia2> I was thinking wednesday :) |
[02:20] <cjohnston> I have some things id like to see while im out there |
[02:21] <cjohnston> wed is the computer museum thing |
[02:21] <cjohnston> akgraner: ping |
[02:21] <pleia2> all I see on social is "Social events will be announced soon." |
[02:21] <cjohnston> hm |
[02:23] <cjohnston> pleia2: email.. I cant paste in here from my phone |
[02:23] <pleia2> k |
[02:24] <cjohnston> I believe I read somewhere that friday there is a uds style party |
[02:24] <pleia2> oh I see, I was on the wrong site |
[02:24] <pleia2> hehe |
[02:25] <pleia2> sunday is good |
[02:26] <cjohnston> I dont know what other peoples thoughts are. |
[02:26] <pleia2> I'll talk to my people and you talk to your people and we can figure something out |
[02:26] <cjohnston> or their avail |
[02:26] <cjohnston> ok |
[02:26] <pleia2> I'll drop a note to the california list later to just make people aware that there will be people around that week |
[02:26] <cjohnston> cool |
[02:27] <pleia2> some people might be interested in attending too actually (lots of android hardware and software dev overlap with our loco) |
[02:29] <cjohnston> cool |
[02:29] <pleia2> the drives of this airplane are late |
[02:29] <pleia2> drivers |
[02:29] <pleia2> fliers |
[02:29] <nigelb> pilots :P |
[02:29] <pleia2> no fun :) |
[02:30] <pleia2> yay, finally boarding! |
[02:30] * nigelb is very excited today! |
[02:30] <nigelb> pleia2: yay |
[03:53] <bkerensa> is UDS sponsorship even open for application yet? |
[03:53] * Martyn is going to Linaro Connect instead |
[03:54] <bkerensa> We are not currently accepting sponsorship applications for uds-q in Oakland, California, USA. Please check back again later! |
[03:54] <bkerensa> Martyn: Instead of UDS? |
[03:54] <Martyn> Yes. I'd rather not go to Oakland |
[03:55] <bkerensa> they did make a poor choice in city |
[03:55] <bkerensa> :) |
[03:55] <Martyn> and Linaro Connect is -literally- just a couple miles from my house in the Bay Area |
[03:55] <bkerensa> but maybe a bunch of Ubuntu Users can brighten it up |
[03:56] <bkerensa> Well I'm not big on ARM so I think Linaro Connect is out for me :P |
[03:59] <Martyn> ARM is pretty much my life, and I've started a company making ARM motherboards for PC's and servers, so I better be there :) |
[04:04] <nigelb> Martyn: Wait, you started the company? |
[04:09] <Martyn> yes |
[04:10] <Martyn> Left Calxeda in November, and got sufficient funding to get started |
[04:10] <nigelb> \o/ |
[04:10] <Martyn> we just finished our first major project (ARM cortex M3 based control boards for motion control, sorting systems, etc) |
[04:10] <nigelb> Also, I originally thought you meant Calexda. Now you just surprised me further :) |
[04:11] <Martyn> and are well into the second project ( an ARM based ATX motherboard replacement ) |
[04:11] <nigelb> epic! |
[04:11] <Martyn> Main launch for the company, and ribbon-cutting/opening party will be May 20th in Austin |
[04:11] <nigelb> ah |
[04:11] <Martyn> With at least two products ready to roll |
[04:11] <Martyn> (PC and server board) |
[04:12] <nigelb> \m/ |
[04:12] <Martyn> Yeah .. I thnk I've Found My Place(tm) in the world |
[04:13] <Martyn> Now if Calxeda gets off their butts and gets those EnergyCore chips in production, I'll be ready to integrate them too |
[04:13] <nigelb> It is a fun place to be. |
[04:13] <Martyn> for now, we're looking at nVidia, TI, and ST Micro chips .. ST Micro and nVidia have a slight lead, because they have real PCIe |
[04:13] <nigelb> I don't speak ARM :) |
[04:13] <Martyn> I'm tired of 'weird' ARM boards... the whole world uses ATX boards, and so should ARM |
[04:14] <nigelb> Martyn: Did we talk to each other in Budapest? |
[04:15] <nigelb> I think we didn't and I'm sad. |
[04:15] <Martyn> Well we'll get a chance in the fall :) |
[04:15] <Martyn> Like I said, I'm -so- not going to Oakland |
[04:15] <Pendulum> nigelb: I thought we'd figured out that you had |
[04:15] <nigelb> I'm not so sure. |
[04:15] <nigelb> So. Many. People. |
[04:15] <Martyn> Nigel, here -- this is a nice cartoon caricature of what I look like: |
[04:16] <nigelb> Martyn: I've seen your picture and you do look familiar. I'm just not sure if we shook hands and chatted :) |
[04:16] <Martyn> www.igotu.com/Martin.jpg |
[04:16] <Pendulum> considering you both hang out with some of the same people, I would expect you to have run into each other at least once... |
[04:17] <nigelb> haha, epic cartoon |
[04:17] <Martyn> *bow* |
[04:17] <Martyn> Epic cartoonist too .. |
[04:17] <Pendulum> nigelb: if you and I make it to UDS in the fall, I will introduce you to Martyn |
[04:17] <Martyn> Though it's not signed, it's someone you'd recognize from newspapers :) |
[04:18] <nigelb> :) |
[04:18] <Martyn> Okay, --if-- Pendulum makes it to UDS, I -might- haul my ass to Oakland .. |
[04:18] <nigelb> Big *if* for me. |
[04:18] <nigelb> I'm not sure I have enough time to commit moar time. |
[04:19] <Pendulum> Martyn: if I make it to UDS and you are in SF around then, I will haul my ass into SF during an evening (and if nigel is around, drag him with me) so you don't have to come to Oakland |
[04:19] <nigelb> If I make it to UDS, I'm definitely, tryng to get to SF *and* MV |
[04:20] <Martyn> Yeah, I'll be mostly MV if I have a choice |
[04:20] <Martyn> Pendulum: DEAL |
[04:20] <Pendulum> Martyn: I've read the reviews for the hotel's restaurant and if I'm going to go as far as decent food in Oakland, it'll be just as easy to make it to BART and go into SF |
[04:20] <Martyn> and Bart is accessible, although the station near the hotel is N A S T Y |
[04:20] <Pendulum> I'm really hoping to somehow have new powerchair batteries by then so I can bring my own powered wheels |
[04:21] <nigelb> I need to catch a nap. Been missing sleep all week |
[04:21] <Pendulum> nigelb: you have no sleep cycle, I thought we'd determined this years ago |
[04:23] <nigelb> Pendulum: I fixed that bug recently. |
[04:23] <nigelb> Been sleeping from 10 to 11 and waking up from 5 to 6 :) |
[04:23] <Pendulum> hah. I'll believe it when you go more than a week without missing sleep :P |
[04:23] <nigelb> I did go this entire week. |
[04:23] <nigelb> well, 5 days. |
[04:24] <Pendulum> make it 7 and I'll consider revising my opinion :) |
[04:24] <nigelb> In fact, I got up before my alarm today :) |
[04:24] <nigelb> waking up for a run stragely motivates me to wake up on time and go to bed early. |
[04:26] <Pendulum> nigelb: my best sleep cycle ever was 9PM to 5:30 AM |
[04:26] <Martyn> speaking of someone with no sleep cycle, has anyone heard from Persia lately? |
[04:26] <nigelb> Nope |
[04:26] <Martyn> he was dealing with a REALLY nasty kidney issue... |
[04:26] <nigelb> Oh :( |
[04:26] <Martyn> and I haven't seen him in ages |
[04:27] <nigelb> He hasn't been online since Budapest |
[04:27] <nigelb> I would email except he usually is swimming in email when he hasn't been around. |
[04:27] <Martyn> he's -on-, but not actually on it seems |
[04:27] <Pendulum> Martyn: I know someone got in contact with him in October, but I don't know who |
[04:27] <Martyn> I'm going to Japan in six weeks, for six days |
[04:28] <Martyn> when I get there, I'm going to see if I can coax him into letting me see him |
[04:28] <nigelb> Please do. |
[04:31] <Pendulum> Martyn: you missed at the Friday night party at the last UDS someone dressed up as him |
[04:33] <Martyn> Pendulum : *heh* I just couldn't stay.. I had to make it to the other Conference in CA |
[04:34] <Pendulum> Martyn: I know. I understand :) |
[04:34] <Pendulum> just thought you would appreciate that someone did it :) |
[04:34] <Martyn> He's certainly got a certain style |
[04:34] * Pendulum will have to miss the Friday night if she goes to the next UDS |
[04:35] <nigelb> So, I asked around in Budapest on Sunday if anyone had seen persia. |
[04:35] <nigelb> So everyone told me - "look for guy dressed in a suit and a turtleneck sweater". Every. Single. Person. :) |
[04:45] <Pendulum> nigelb: did it work? |
[04:47] <nigelb> Pendulum: Yep. |
[04:47] <nigelb> Saw him at lunch on the first day. |
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin |
[08:14] <dpm> morning all |
[08:51] <czajkowski> aloha |
[08:51] <bkerensa> hallo |
[10:37] <nigelb> http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/oonrg/iama_member_of_the_mozilla_webdev_team_ama |
[15:01] <s-fox> Hello. |
[15:01] <s-fox> jcastro, Thank you for posting on your blog about the openid |
[15:16] <AlanBell> any EMEA membership board members in da house? |
[15:23] <head_victim> Awww only a lonely AO here |
[15:25] <cjohnston> pleia2: /20 |
[15:25] <cjohnston> uggh.. sorry pleia2 |
[15:59] <daker> hello |
[16:00] <cjohnston> hey daker |
[16:02] <doctormon> Morning |
[16:03] <daker> sorry mhall119 cjohnston for not beging able to help with LTP, my machine doesn't help me :/ |
[16:03] <cjohnston> its understood daker :-) |
[16:06] <daker> as i said before, if anyone want to donate a machine i'll be very happy ツ |
[16:06] <jussi> I wonder if jcastro figured out the money side of that |
[16:06] <mhall119> as *I* said before, you should have taken dholbach's when you had the chance |
[16:08] <daker> mhall119, to do what ? |
[16:08] <mhall119> to have a working machine |
[16:08] <daker> NO!! |
[16:09] * jussi sends daker and arm board which runs ubuntu :P |
[16:10] <daker> mhall119, donating YES but buying NO! |
[16:11] * daker hugs jussi |
[16:27] * mhall119 loves checking things off his todo list |
[16:41] <dpm> mhall119, I'm not sure if I've asked you that already or if it's come up in a conversation already, but are you thinking of integrating singlet into quickly? e.g. creating a quickly template for lenses |
[16:42] <czajkowski> AlanBell: need someone still |
[16:47] <AlanBell> hi czajkowski |
[16:47] <AlanBell> can you renew jarlen please |
[16:47] <AlanBell> https://launchpad.net/~jesper-jarlskov |
[16:48] <AlanBell> he expired in october and didn't see the emails |
[16:49] <czajkowski> and it's january till he noticed :) |
[16:49] <AlanBell> well, it is me processing cloak removals :) |
[16:49] <czajkowski> ahhh |
[16:49] <czajkowski> ok |
[16:51] <daker> ah AlanBell i just remember, what happened when the membership expires ? |
[16:51] <popey> you get an email |
[16:51] <popey> and you click a button to renew |
[16:52] <AlanBell> yup, self renewal |
[16:52] <czajkowski> AlanBell: done I think |
[16:52] <AlanBell> thanks czajkowski |
[16:52] <daker> AlanBell, popey thanks ツ |
[16:53] <AlanBell> I am just dealing with a few exceptions like someone who let their MOTU membership lapse, but wants to keep ubuntu membership |
[17:00] <mhall119> w 61 |
[17:02] <popey> J 38 |
[17:07] <mhall119> I have too many irssi windows |
[17:21] <cprofitt> hello all |
[17:22] <scott-work> hello everyone :) |
[17:26] <cprofitt> hey scott-work |
[17:26] <scott-work> how's the arm cprofitt ? |
[18:11] <bkerensa> jcastro: What version of vbulletin is forums migrating to? |
[18:13] <bkerensa> http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=120923 |
[18:28] <popey> bkerensa: jcastro is at SCALE so I suspect he may not be online on IRC much |
[18:29] <cprofitt> man... I need to get to some East Coast linux events this year |
[18:31] <cprofitt> ooh... just caught Jorge's picture from Budapest on G+ |
=== daker_ is now known as daker |