UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /20 /#ubuntu-co-meeting.txt
Initial commit
[20:17] <andresmujica> ubuntulog help
[20:44] <AlanBell> hi
[20:44] <andresmujica> hi AlanBell
[20:49] <christel> just passing through, give me 2sec
[20:50] <andresmujica> thks
[20:50] <AlanBell> yay
[20:50] <andresmujica> :D
[20:50] <christel> go ahead and register etc
[20:50] <christel> :)
[20:50] <niko> rah, toolate
[20:50] <niko> :)
[20:50] <AlanBell> thank niko
[20:52] <andresmujica> that's great!
[20:54] <AlanBell> andresmujica: you should be able to do "/msg chanserv op andresmujica"
[20:55] <andresmujica> ok let me test
[20:55] <andresmujica> there's a little lag in here..
[20:55] <AlanBell> actually not quite that
[20:56] <AlanBell> it would be "/msg chanserv op #ubuntu-co-meeting andresmujica"
[20:56] <andresmujica> yeap
[20:56] <AlanBell> yay
[20:56] <andresmujica> the lag was betwwen keyboard and chair
[20:56] <AlanBell> ok, I think you are all set now
[20:56] <andresmujica> yes sir
[20:56] <andresmujica> thank you so much!
[20:56] <AlanBell> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Meeting/Guidelines
[20:57] <AlanBell> have a flick through that, and if you want a meeting bot in here I can do that too
[20:58] <AlanBell> feel free to come and find me or the others in -irc, bye for now o/
=== andresmujica changed the topic of #ubuntu-co-meeting to: testing
=== andresmujica changed the topic of #ubuntu-co-meeting to: Bienvenido al canal IRC para reuniones de Ubuntu Colombia www.ubuntu-co.com - No olvidar respetar el CoC - http://www.ubuntu-ve.org/?q=codigodeconducta - Soporte en #ubuntu-co - http://doc.ubuntu-es.org/Pautas_de_conducta_en_los_canales_IRC_de_Ubuntu