UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /19 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
Initial commit
=== donna is now known as Guest92301
=== Guest92301 is now known as donnasheehan
[01:46] <donna_> hey, I'm new to ubuntu
=== raja is now known as Guest44492
=== Guest44492 is now known as raju
=== Andr---- is now known as AndrewMC
=== AndrewMC is now known as Guest29216
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
=== tawm_ is now known as tawm_afk
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
[10:29] <AJH101> #geirha: you may not remember me but thanks for your help about a week ago with grub/bootloader. I was getting in a real mess so just did a clean install of 11.10 - and replaced Vista with W7 at the same time!
[10:31] <geirha> I don't think that was me :P
[10:31] <AJH101> I do have a question about volume however. I am sure that the volume level was remembered when the system was restarted. But now, even if the sound is completely muted, it is reset when the system is restarted. Any ideas?
[10:31] <AJH101> geirha: perhaps it was Snicksie - thanks both anyway :-)
[10:32] <Snicksie> hm, I was the one with the grub-thing I guess... :p
[10:32] <geirha> Sound settings should be saved on log out. If you log out and back in again, does it remember the sound setting?
[10:33] <AJH101> Snicksie: hello - probably yes
[10:33] <Snicksie> hm, I sometimes have problems with sound too... it doesnt always remember my settings too :p
[10:33] <AJH101> will try just logging out and back in
[10:33] <Snicksie> no solution searched or found yet
[10:33] <AJH101> Snicksie - any workaround?
[10:33] <AJH101> o :-(
[10:34] <Snicksie> nope, I sometimes need to use alsamixer because otherwise my headphone jacket has an awesome light... it has has a save-option, but I sometimes need to restore the save manually...
[10:36] <AJH101> Snicksie: volume does seem to be remembered if i just log out and in - but not with a restart - any ideas? Sorry i just saw your last reply as i was logging out - can you repeat please?
[10:37] <Snicksie> [11:34] <Snicksie> nope, I sometimes need to use alsamixer because otherwise my headphone jacket has an awesome light... it has has a save-option, but I sometimes need to restore the save manually...
[10:37] <Snicksie> not useful im afraid :(
[10:37] <Snicksie> geirha, maybe you know more about this?
[10:38] <geirha> Not really. I restart so rarely that I can't remember if sound settings reset themselves or not.
[10:38] <AJH101> I do not know what happens under the hood when restarting compared to a log out!
[10:39] <AJH101> As I run a dual boot i do restart most days
[10:39] <Snicksie> maybe this thread will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207107
[10:39] <AJH101> thanks
[10:40] <Snicksie> hm, doesnt seem like that person had fixed his problems...
[10:41] <Snicksie> anyhow, I gotta go... i'll let my chatwindow open, maybe someone knows the solution AJH101 :)
[10:42] <AJH101> indeed nio :-(
[10:42] <AJH101> thanks
[10:42] <AJH101> anyone else have any ideas please?
[10:50] <AJH101> What is asla? Am I using it? (I have not added any audio packages (sfaik)
[10:54] <AJH101> How do I add a clock to the top of my screen in 11.10 please?
=== udienz_ is now known as udienz
=== Guest29216 is now known as AndrewMC
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as joseeantonior
=== joseeantonior is now known as JoseeAntonioR
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as list
=== list is now known as JoseeAntonioR
[23:33] <Irmasterlol> just installed ubuntu. What do?
[23:36] <JoseeAntonioR> lrmasterlolo Have you got any problems? If you have, we can try to fix them