UbuntuIRC / 2012 /01 /19 /#ubuntu-accessibility.txt
Initial commit
[00:01] <Fudge> is it possible to review the notification messages from a file?
[00:06] <AlanBell> Fudge: sadly I don't think it is, part of the design of them is that they should be possible to ignore
[00:07] <AlanBell> but that might be something that can be hacked in somehow, to pipe them to a file
[00:07] <Fudge> sorry i didnt make the meeting
[00:07] <Fudge> not that i really have anything to contribute
[00:07] <Fudge> i did just read it though
[00:07] <Fudge> looks like i can hang a while longer till TheMuso can get the notification stuff submitted
[00:20] <Fudge> anyone noticed the inability in oneirirc to assign keybind to orca
[00:20] <Fudge> or is it just me
[00:21] <paul_h> Fudge: I think that problem is fixed in Orca master
[00:22] <Fudge> ok thanks for that paul_h
[00:36] <TheMuso> Yeah, thats one of the fixes in orca 3.2.2.
[00:36] <TheMuso> Which I need to get into oneiric. I was intending to, but got side tracked.
[03:25] <Fudge> TheMuso GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 668236 Submitted
[03:25] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 668236 in mahara "Feedback is not possible on individual file-based artefacts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/668236
[03:40] <Fudge> huh?
[03:46] <TheMuso> Fudge: It thought you were talking about an Ubuntu bug.
[03:46] <TheMuso> GNOME bug 668236
[03:46] <ubot2> Gnome bug 668236 in Desktop "nautilus frequently crashes with no error Ubuntu Oneiric / Precise using show hidden files / list view with gnome orca 3.2.1 for text to speech" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=668236
[03:46] <TheMuso> hrm
[03:46] <TheMuso> gnome bug 668236
[03:46] <TheMuso> oh yeah I misread. :)
[03:48] <TheMuso> Fudge: As to your bug, it is possible to get a crash report.
[03:48] <TheMuso> Edit /etc/default/apport and enable it, reboot and reproduce the issue.
[03:48] <Fudge> is apport accessible with orca now?
[03:49] <TheMuso> For the most part I believe it is yes.
[03:49] <TheMuso> Granted I haven't tried for a while.
[03:49] <Fudge> where do the reports go
[03:49] <Fudge> its already enabled
[03:49] <TheMuso> You should get a popup saying somethign crashed.
[03:49] <TheMuso> But fi not, check in /var/crash.
[03:51] <Fudge> can i attach it to my bug?
[03:52] <TheMuso> You don't want the whole file.
[03:52] <TheMuso> You want a stack trace.
[03:52] <TheMuso> Fudge: First, copy the file to your home dir.
[03:53] <TheMuso> Fudge: Then, run "apport-cli -c crash-file-name"
[03:53] <TheMuso> Then follow the instructions.
[03:55] <Fudge> TheMuso keep report to attach to the bug?
[03:55] <Fudge> i kind of assumed since its apport-cli that i coudl use it in a console but it did say that on one of the options a browser will be openned
[03:55] <TheMuso> Fudge: No, apport-cli will do what is needed.
[03:55] <TheMuso> Yes thats right, so do it in X.
[03:56] <TheMuso> The crash file is kind of like an archive of several iimportant bits of info.
[03:56] <Fudge> ill do it from gnome terminal
[03:56] <TheMuso> Ok.
[04:09] <Fudge> how do u file a bug against anothe rbug when apport gives a similar error string
[04:13] <Fudge> TheMuso bug 918526
[04:32] <TheMuso> Fudge: What do you mean exactly?
[09:40] <Fudge> anyone have an idea why the content of a website is not visible to me with flat review? ff is maximized i see noscript and toolbars but no content
[10:05] <Fudge> anyone have a contact in google accessibility
[11:31] <Fudge> be great when that gets pushed into precise TheMuso , notifcations :D
[11:31] <Fudge> notifications
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC